Ashtar Requests Action

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[TheLightCircleEzine] Ashtar Requests Action

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"I am Ashtar, Supreme Commander of the Galactic Federationfleet.  We have millions of ships from all over the galaxy, and we areunited under the banner of love.  We are angels and masters of thelight,coming to you in peace and indescribable joy!
"Our current mission is to assist Mother Gaia, including youand all of her kingdoms, to shift into the fifth dimension and thelong-awaitedGolden Age. We are working with Sananda, St. Germaine, and the entirecompany ofAscended Masters from your planet.  And, most importantly, there aremanyamong us who have chosen to serve in human embodiment.  We have put out a'wake-up' call to them  . . . you may well be a member of the AshtarCommand.
Ashtar Requests Action
Received by Susan Leland
Ashtar addressing the Conference Call, March23, 2010:
Well good evening! It appears we had a little miscommunication, or something was not quite together with our length oftime[referring to a gap between the meditation and Ashtar's entrance].  Youknow, time is a no-thing where we are; we just simply don't have it, sosometimes we get off in the ethers and that is what happens.  But we aresodelighted to be here with all of you, in this joyful, joyful occasion ofourfamily gathering and it is in grand celebration, is it not?  Hmm, didyouthink it was ever going to happen that at least some of those electedrepresentatives of yours would get their act together long enough to dosomething for the people?  Now, of course there were some compromisesandit is not perfect, but at least it's done.  Well, the first step isdone.  And so there are those who are really not happy about it, amongthose who did the voting, and of course they voted 'no.'  Wellthat was more than just a vote about healthcare, you all know thatanyway. This was momentous!  This is a turning point.  It iswhat you call 'power to the people' and it's time, is it not?  Becauseunless the people are empowered, things would just go on and on as theyhavebeen going on and on all of these centuries on planet Earth.  And thatisover!  And you have seen it, and you have read about it, and you'veheardthe words.
Now there are those who have been behaving with integrityand honor throughout.  There are those who have fulfilled roles in allofthis and whether they are wearing a dark hat at this moment or the lighthat -the white hat - there're all to be honored and thanked for what theyhave donebecause the ones in the dark hats have shown the people, have they not,thatthese big insurance companies and drug companies are all about greed andallabout taking as much as they can from the people and giving as little aspossible. And so it is that this must cease.
Now, we've told you that we've already done someroundups.  We've told you that there are holographic representationssitting in those chairs of the Congress that you see when you turn onyourtelevision set and look at them.  Nevertheless, the programs are stillrunning to a certain extent.  That is short lived.  But in themeantime, it is up to each and every citizen of planet Earth below, onandabove, because we are one with you, to utilize these wondrous energieswhich arecoming into the planet which are indeed the energies of change. 'Change' -what a wondrous word, it implies so much.  And there are meanings tothisthat you have not even thought of yet, Beloved Ones!  But that's allrightbecause it's all going to unfold before your very eyes.  And it doesinvolve you, and guess where your place is in the parade of change? It'sout in front!  Because you're light holders and you'resharersof light.  You can call yourself a lightworker, how aboutjust simply being the Joy and lighting up the planet?  And as you dothat,you light up the whole universe beyond, and it is so wondrouslybeautiful -millions of candles in the darkness of the night that outshine even thestars,and that is who you are, Beloved Ones, and that is what you came here todo.  So rejoice that the changes arehappening.  There will be stories, unveilings of truththatwill come in front of you.  Some of the most heinous acts that have everbeen perpetrated upon mankind and womankind and childrenkind are beingrevealedeven now.  And there will be more.
So hold on to yourselves, Beloved Family.  Rememberthat you are here to shine the Lovelight on all.  Take a time out if youneed to when it gets to be too much, a vacation as it were, from thetruthfulunraveling and simply hang out with yourself.  That's where yourgreatesttruth is anyway, isn't it - the Love you are and the Love that youexperiencewhen you access your own heart and all of the loving energies you are? Andthat is the best advice we can give you because the times are changing. And we shall be discussing even more in our next gathering andcelebrationtogether because in as little as what you call two weeks as you measuretimeupon your calendars there will be momentous changes, that you will befeelingblessed by.  No, we're not giving a date for NESARA, everybody sitdown!  It's okay!  No dates.  We're not saying it will beannounced, we're not saying it won't.  We're saying 'no dates.'
But we are telling you that huge changes arecoming.  More and more, those who still persist inexecutingthe programs of the dark will make themselves known.  And they will beveryblatant.  They have been running these programs and living theseprogramsfor so long that they don't understand that not everybody wants theseprogramsto continue.  Or rather, it isn't a matter of whether they care aboutwhatyou want, it is simply that they feel that they still have the powerbecause theprogram tells them they can do whatever they want to do.  They cankill.  They can rob.  They can do horrible things, well, we won't say'to their fellow humans' because their fellow humans who are havingthese thingsperpetrated are starseeds in human bodies.  And they have allowed thisupto this point because it's part of the veil situation.  But guess what,theveil is so thin now it's hardly ever there, and you all know how to getbeyondthe veil because you do that on a regular basis.  The veil has verylittleleft and it's only real to those people who don't know any different.
But even they are going to be experiencing these changesand they're going to be feeling these energies - they already are.  Haveyou talked to anyone recently who is uncomfortable because they knowthatchanges are coming and they know that change is literally in the airNOW? They don't know exactly what the changes are and they don't know exactlywhat todo about it.  Well, this is how it is for some people, but you know whatthe changes are and you know that they are long overdue.  So rejoice inthat, thank the players as their switches are turned off and just be inJoy thatall of this is coming forth in this NOW moment.  Because time is stillavailable on planet Earth.  And it will be less and less, as itcollapsesand so on, there'll be less and less working within the constrictions oftime.  We had a good example here a few moments ago in thisgathering.  And it will be more and more, everything flowingsequentially.And most of you already have a sense of sequential flowing of events.
We know sometimes it feels as though you're going thewrong way on the rushing river and you're paddling up stream.  BelovedOnes, this is the time for the end to all of your traumas and dramas. Thisis the time for you, as we said, to access these beautiful hearts ofyours andrejoice that the changes are finally here. Andto resolve or settle whatever there might be that has come up andsplatted youin the face recently.  That's it, that's all you have to do! Unless youoptin for another round or two, it's all you have to do.  The distance fromwhere you are to where everything is resolved and you are well elevateduponyour path to ascension is so small, Beloved Ones, so small it might bejust amatter of a slight tweaking of your attitude, a few more'ho'oponopono's,blessings to all, a great conversation with someone you thought was nolonger apart of your life and you'd been missing them, or whatever it is, whenyou seesomething to do, when it starts with a big capital 'R' for Resolution,don'thold back, plunge right in and go forward and get it done!
Things are going to mellow as a result of the announcements which are coming and you know what they are, as a resultof thechanges, the upliftment that everybody is going to get, just think!  Andweask that you do this a lot.  Just envision yourselves, take yourselvesoutof the 3D box and lift yourselves up higher, higher, higher!  You don'thave any bills to pay, you don't have a J-O-B Job that you dislike,you're onyour way away from that now.
You have a time to be in Joy about whatever your situationand circumstances are because in the next, hmmm, very short time onplanet Earthall of these things will be past, behind, no more - unless you want themtocontinue.  So instead of your tummy scrunching up because you're notsurehow these changes are all going to roll out and you're not sure youreally wantchange and you just want to be absolutely in charge of everything -relax, breathe and be in a state of joy - andthatmore than anything will get you through to the next part of your missionandyour lives, and ooh, have you got some fun and joy waiting for you!  Wecannot tell you enough times that it's all done anyway.  You can changeyour course, and we're kind of promoting change here anyway.  You canchange your course if you want to and stay down in the dumpies as longas youwant, you don't have to ascend either, and you can be in dire straits,as theysay, if you want to stay that way.  But we don't see that any of you do,solet's just not be there, shall we?  We want to be high, we want to be inJoy and we want to be enjoying the Peace that passes allunderstanding.
Now as you know, there are some institutions, somelocations, and so on upon planet Earth, that really haven't gotten inthe flowof change yet.  They're what you might call holding out, they'reresisting.  Why?  Because as we've just said, these programs are stillrunning.  Even in holograms they can still run.  And there are thosewho have not been, shall we say, transmuted just yet, and you canbelieve thatthey are really trying to hang on to the position they have beenin.
There are movies from a bygone era, your 1930's, your1940's, even your 1950's.  You know the beautiful people, the women wereall decked out in diamonds and fur and silk gowns, and the men all woretheirtuxedos - they changed for dinner, if you can believe that.  Now this isinthe halls and palaces and in what they used to call the swankiest ofrestaurants- Ha! How do you like that one?  I pulled that one out, that's an oldiebutgoodie, is it not?  Ha, ha, ha!  We love your language!  Alright,see these movies, the ballroom - everyone is dancing, the music isplaying, thedrinks are flowing, the champagne is bubbling and everybody is havingsuch alovely time. (In a swanky voice) 'Darling, did you hear the latest newsaboutMatilda?'  And so on.  You saw that a lot in the movies, but guesswhat folks?  That was made up.  There were very few who were livingthat life compared to the millions of people and not just where thesemoviesoriginated from, you know - Hollywood.  They were around the world andtheywere living in poverty, and then there was this middle class, the kindofvanishing class, the one that's almost vanished - you know?  And theywouldgo to these movies and they would say 'oh, that's wonderful' and theywere toldwell 'you can do this too, you can live this life, just work hard - workharder.'  There was no truth there at all, was there?  Because whatyou know is those who made the movies were taking all the money anyway. That is, those who put the money up to make the movies.  And they hadsomereal programees who were only too happy to spread that kind of animage.
Now what's the real image?  You've seen that too.  The other side of the coin, the other side of the pendulum or thescale, or whatever you want to call it: poverty, unhappiness, sufferingof allkinds.  So guess where the pendulum's going?  You might think it'sgoing back to the middle, mmm, not really.  It's gonna have to swing alittle bit more over toward the abundance side in order to get thingsreallyevened out - it's called reparations - it'scalledgiving back what is rightfully yours.  Oh, you can say it's atonement ifyou want to, but it's where the world is going, all that has beenstolen, notjust in this lifetime, not just in your 1930's and so on, but for eonsoftime.  Ever since the Annunaki got this great idea that humans could dotheir work for them and be their slaves and they might as well come ondown andsteal whatever they could from Mother Earth, and so on and so on.  Andyouall know that story too.  It's been going on - telling you one thing sothat you can believe it, oh yes, it's called propaganda, while the truthisbeing hidden and being covered up.  That is even going on today!  Mostof your news media is not really telling you what is going on. But ofcourse aswe all know you can listen to Rachel [Maddow], and Keith [Olbermann] andEd[Shultz] and all of those wondrous people who do tell the truth and whosay thishas to stop; whatever it is they are talking about, because in theirmindseverything has to change, pretty much, and there is truth in that, isthere not?
So it is that these changes are coming, and people such asthese wondrous tellers of news are finally able to start telling sometruth.  And there is more to come, and as we have said when it getsheavytake some time out for yourself but keep on shining your light.  If onedayyou say, 'Well, I know I should, I know I am asked to love these darkhats but Ijust heard something they did and I really can't,' well then stayneutral andlove yourself, Beloved Ones, and then start loving your neighbors andbefore youknow it, you'll get around to it.  Love the white hats, the whiteknightsthat are out there doing such courageous things to help these changescomeabout.  Pretty soon you'll get around to where you can be loving thedarkhats for the contribution they made because they more than anyone,actually, byhiding the truth are helping more and more people to go looking for itand tofind it and they are helping the tellers of truth to tell you.
So, we did what you might call a sneak preview lastnight.  The Maui Five watched a movie that we would ask youtoall watch.  It's the latest from Michael Moore.  Andsome of it, well he has a sense of humor, some of it's pretty serious, alittlebit of it is humorous.  And there is an awful lot of 'Oh, I didn't knowabout that!' for instance, the Bill of Rights that the one you call FDRwasgoing to publish, so naturally, he had to be put out of the picture. Well,Michael Moore is a great researcher and a great humanitarian and he hasfoundinformation that he has put into this movie.  So we are going to ask youall to watch it.  The name if it is an interesting one, it's called,'Capitalism: A Love Story.' If you haven'tquiteconnected with the propaganda that I was just telling you about, watchthe movieand it will become very clear.  Now after you have seen the movie wehavean exercise of the 3D type to propose to you. And we shall ask FabulousFran forthe details of how this will all work, at some point during thiswondrousgathering.
For now, we want to tell you what this exercise is, and weask each of you to go down into your own heart spaces and ask yourselfwhetheryou could do this.  It's going to take a little bit of courage, but notreally.  These Congress people and these Senators are hearing from theirconstituents around the clock.  The waiting lines to get on the phonewiththem or to give a message over the phone is very long.  Sometimes theyclose up their e-mails because their in-boxes are full.  So we're goingtosuggest something a little different, it's called 'snail mail.'  Ah yes,welove the kingdom of the snails, and they can get the job done justfine. We're going to ask you to send the DVD, get anew one,you can get it on the Amazon, to your particular Representative, or ifyouchoose, to your Senator, with a letter - youcan writeyour own letter or Fabulous Fran will post some ideas for you toinclude.
It is the message of sending it that is important. If they don't watch the DVD, that's okay because they all know what's initanyway.  Trust me, as we trust you to do this, this is important,BelovedOnes.  This is involving a little bit of money out-of-pocket - for thoseofyou who can get connected with each other, some of you are - see whatyou can doto send these DVD's along with a letter that simply says you've watchedit andyou know what's been going on, and it's time for change NOW because 'wethepeople' are calling for it in this exact moment.  Now, it's ademonstration.  You can't all go to demonstrate at the steps of theCapitalin that city called Washington D.C.  We understand that.  So we'reasking you to send your energies in this letter along with this DVD. Letthem know you mean business.  If you just simply say in a letter 'youshould watch this,' they don't think you mean business.  Let them knowyoumean business.  And tell them that if they've already seen it you'dappreciate them sharing it with their staff.  Perhaps they could have amovie night. If you really feel up for it you could send them a littlepopcornor something.  But the point of it is that it's a demonstration just assurely as if you were standing there on the Capitol steps with a signthatsays 'Change is Now.'
Now if you want to say something about the 'N' word that'sup to you, like 'N-N' [Nesara Now], you know what wearesaying.  That's up to you, we're not asking you to do that, we're justsimply asking you to identify yourselves as a constituent of thatbeing. If you feel you can do it, send one to your Senators and yourRepresentative.  Fabulous Fran will get the 'we the people for peace' [ ] website up andrunning, and when you send it, email her [ ] to let her know whoyou've sent it to, the name and the state, and she will post it there sothat wecan hopefully avoid duplications.
Let's try to get this done before our next Familygathering, shall we?  That seems like ideal timing.  Now if you needto get the DVD from the Amazon they're pretty fast with the mail. Andyou canget it, and you can watch it, or you can rent it to watch and order itin themeantime, or however you want to do it.  It would probably be nice ifyousent it on, if you have watched it and the package was open just tape itshut orwhatever, and just put a short little note in there because thisisa demonstration to let these people know that you know,and notonly you, but everybody you know, knows.  And your whole e-mail listknows.  Let them know.
We promise you that a few hundred DVD's showing up withinthe same period of time is going to be way more effective than thousandsofe-mails that you might send in.  We have asked the Maui Five to sendthisto Obama along with a letter thanking Obamafor doingwhat he is doing and letting him know that this is highly recommendedand thatif he has already seen it perhaps he would give it to Biden, or someoneelse whois more, hmmm let us see, we're scanning a little bit here, we're takinga quicklook, yep he's still wearing a dark hat. You see what we're saying? Thisis to let them know that we know, this is to let them know that thetruth is coming out, this is to let them know that it'stime forchange and as we want to make this absolutely clear we're going to saythisagain, whether or not you mention the 'N' word is up to you - they willnotrespond to that.
"Those of you who are not familiar with all of the in'sand out's of NESARA you can find it on your internet at [  ]. Don't go to[nesara].comyou'll get misinformation and that's really a nasty siteand wedon't want to send anybody there.  [ At the above link] you can read uponit, but we're going to tell you right now that if any of these belovedones,even the authors of it, who are beloved Dennis Kucinich and beloved RonPaul,among others, who put this together, and it did pass and it was signedinto law,more than once, and it was to have been announced on that day we call9-11, andsince then it was to have been announced several times.  And it is veryclose.  But in the meantime, anyone who acknowledges that in public, anyone among the politicians or the Supreme Court judges or anyone inpublic lifewho acknowledges that, according to the way the non-disclosure iswritten, theyhave just committed treason and forfeited their lives.  Now you can justimagine who made that contribution, but never-theless it stands.  Youcanmention it because you are not a public figure but they cannotacknowledge it inany way.
So it might be wise just to use the information that youhave and perhaps some of the information which is in this wondrous DVDaboutcapitalism, acknowledge who started it, and you know why.  And if youhavea story to tell such as, you are about to lose your home or you havejust lostit, you can include that.  And if the Representative votedforthe healthcare bill you can congratulate them for that andtellthem that it took too long and it's not enough and get busy and fix itand go onfrom there, or whatever you want to say.  That's up to you Beloveds. But without a letter, the DVD is not quite as vivid a demonstration andwithoutthe DVD the letter will not have the impact.
So we're asking you to send a demonstration to WashingtonD.C. in your names.  And we shall post as you send us an e-mail and youcansend it to   andFabulous Fran will give you some other addresses when she addresses you.Justlet us know; we want to get these postings up*** and going within thenextcouple of days.  This is huge.  If you want to know the truth, we havealready seen the impact it would make.  We would not ask you to do thisotherwise.  So let's move forward together and let us do something in3D,or of a 3D nature, to address those who are holding things up.  Andlet'sget on with it!
Now, we have a very special presentation for you tonight,and we shall ask Fran to speak to you at the end of that presentation. Butwe are going to have a special guest come.  We have another in theseriesof Peace Exercises, and as we have already told you, we are going to bepinpointing our focus with laser-like precision all around the world atthebanks and the other corporate institutions, because their day is done. Wehave done other exercises.** But stop and think about it, it's thecorporationswhich have created the wars, rather we should say it's those running thecorporations who have created the wars, who have raped, plundered andpillagedMother Gaia, and let's add pollution to that too.  It is those at thetopof the corporations who have made so much money.  And where has themoneycome from?  It's come from all of you, Beloved Ones. And it's time toeither close the doors or bring them under new management.  Ha! How'sthatfor a picture?  We like it.
Alrighty, thank you so much, Beloved Ones, for listeningand for being with us.  I, Ashtar am about to leave the stage and bringinour special guest speaker who will lead the exercise sending Peace tothe banksand the corporations of planet Earth whose day for change is now. And soitis!  Salut.
I'm Susan Leland, and I have the honor of servingas a voice for Ashtar and others from the Lighted Realms.  I've hadseveralcareers, beginning in a family-owned retail business, then as a wife,mother andcommunity volunteer.  In 1985 I became a real estate agent and wasblessedwith many clients who came to my community to attend an ancient wisdomschool.  Through my association with them, I "woke up" and started uponmyown spiritual quest.
I learned from these wonderful students and fromother teachers, and I connected with my own guides in 1996.  Then cameanintensive period of attending healing classes and workshops and almostdailypractice, while quitting real estate along the way in 1999.  I haveearned6 Reiki degrees along with other certifications in energy healing andspiritualministry.
Today my "work" is joyfully fulfilling as afacilitator for the loving messages of Ashtar and those who accompanyhim at ourAshtar on the Road gatherings.  Thank you for taking this time to getacquainted with me and with my mission as a voice for Ashtar!
© Susan Leland (c)2010.  All rights reserved;however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely oncondition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part isaltered.  *  

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  • I don't think this is Ashtar, nor do I feel so. The sentances are said as if I were listening to the local gossip trying to undermean and predict your actions, as well as make you feel slightly pathetic. This is probably not from a lightfull source, Susan Leland needs to train and master channeling before doing this. ~*
  • Ashtar does NOT use Susan Leland as a channel!
  • I dont trust this message also.....
    basically, i dont trust any message which talks about the "N" word, either its coming from the old site, the new site, the left site, the right site, the up site, the down site, or whatever site... its all B/S to me... the "N" word does not exist in my dictionary...
  • Man i have read thits and re read this and i still feel positive i brought to you a good message, i do not know what you all being negative about it.......i am appauled at the attitudes on this site lately where is your positive train of thoughts, you are all here to keep bringing in the knowledge that all will start to make a bigger picture here one bit at a time, but then again i thought you were suppose to have known that already, you can't get there by guessy guessing.
  • I also have a strange feeling while I was reading this. I can't trust it, my inner self don't want to accept it.
    I'm sorry, maybe I'm wrong?


  • 1 : Susan Leland works for CIA:s council of "not so light"

    2: This is not Ashtar

    3: Obama is not the savior

    4: Dont´t waste your dvd`s on this bs - lol
  • WHY do they always get in contact with the so called government and then get surprised nothing works???????????????????? It would off taken less energy to contact 6 billion people than 1 government employee. This means for me....that i am still whaiting for the real inteligent ones to show up. Sorry but ....
    • LMAO! that is a priceless statement Cedric: "It would have taken less energy (& time!!) to contact 6 billion people than one government employee." you said it brother! ~ha!~ that's going in the quote journal! LOL!
This reply was deleted.

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