"Well, Greetings, Beloved Family, it is I, Ashtar, and this is indeed a most momentous day for all of us, below, on and above Planet Earth, because it is a day of change!!! Irreversible is the course of Planet Earth. That has been assured already, before this day. There are those who can’t quite believe it yet.
"We want to assure you that the changes that you are looking for are going to be happening, like so many lightning strikes. We’re up here, too, with these 30,000 [spy drones] or so, and you know, one of the interesting things about it is that those who put them up there think that they are impervious, invincible; that they are immune because they are flying in the airspace of the United States of America. But that is a false security because your security is far more important than theirs. And why is that? Because you are on the Path of Light. It’s because you’ve spoken again and again - you’ve said, 'Yes, we want to do it this time, we want to go Home, we want to make our Ascensions!'
"With all Love and Compassion we have the technology to safely, that is, without any fallout, remove these birds of surveillance from your skies, and we assure you that this is being done. We’re going to tell you something that is really, really important so everybody be listening here - you need to know this, you need to know this in the totality of your Divine Beings: We have told you before, the most powerful energy on the planet is that of Love!!! If you beam Love, if you are an absolute LoveBeam, you automatically put a kind of a shell of imperviousness around the totality of your energy fields. You see, what happens is, you are up in a Higher Dimensional level!
"You may look out and see 3D Earth, you may see one of these little surveillance creations, but you can say, 'Count me out, I don’t volunteer to be surveiled. I’m not going to be spied upon, I am not going to have my sacred space invaded!' If you believe it, and you live it, they won’t see you. They can not look any higher than 3D. All they can do is survey a 3D World. It’s like Avalon. You know that in order to get to Avalon the priestess had to get to stand in the boat and part the mist.
"If you are walking and one of these is flying thousands of feet above you and it is going to be spying upon the entire location that you are in, it’s just going to see a little mist or nothing at all because you are in a Higher Dimensionality! Practice the Higher Dimensional Lifestyle! Be Love! That’s all you really need to do, and let your Love speak for you to empower you in all ways. We are talking about safety and security because the thought that there is something up there that can see you, it’s like those machines they have at the airports, you know - how much are you going to let them see?
"Are you going to say, 'Hey, come on in?' Or are you going to say, 'I call forth the White Light of the Christ, I am Divine, I am a Higher Dimensional Being - flash whatever you want - I am walking through safe and secure. Those beams are not going to radiate me and there is going to be nothing that is going to be seen about me that would create any kind of a disturbance to me!!!'
"You see what we are saying? This is it! Everybody, this is it. It’s show time! Well that sounds a little dramatic - I’m not here by myself you know - I have some very good helpers with me, including Sekhmet herself, and she will be speaking when I am finished.* But we do appreciate the contributions of all of the loving thoughts and energies that are coming for me to transmit to you though this Voice, because that is the single most important concept, energy, intention, and Lifestyle - in other words, that’s the total picture!
"We are here together, and yes, we are hearing some things that the dark hats -we like to call them the 'naughties' it kind of deflates the whole term ‘Illuminati’, doesn’t it? They gave themselves that name, they gave it to the World and the Universe beyond. So I, Ashtar am simply excerpting that part of their name which is a more true picture of who they really are. So we call them the naughties. We are removing them from the stage!
"Beloved ones, you have nothing to fear, except as that great statesman said, 'You have nothing to fear except fear itself.' If you get caught up in that, that’s the opposite of Love. If you get caught up in that, you’re going to just go right on down like one of those planes being shot out of the air, spiraling down and down and down, and then you need to remind yourself to spiral back up. Now, the good news, or shall we say the silver lining in that cloud, is that you are going to feel it real fast!
"You’ve all changed. You’ve volunteered to be here and you volunteered to be here for the eclipse. It doesn’t matter if you saw it or not, the energies of that eclipse came to all of you. You gave permission for those energies to come to you by the fact of your being here! This is all in the sequential flow of events. These energies are energies of change. Turning inside out? Excellent concept -changing black into white, putting the Light where there has only been darkness, and yes even some of the naughties let down their walls just long enough to let a ray come in, a beam!
"They’re changing too, and it’s not just because we are taking them off the stage, putting them into cells, or removing them from the Planet. They are finally getting it that their day is over!!! We have such superior technology, even to their space stuff. And that is not that we are being boastful, it is simply the fact. We know where all the gold is, and it’s all safe and secure. The minute one of them says, 'Aha, I’m going to go over here and steal some of the gold' – we’re on to it. We can follow them and just when they think they’ve got it in their hands, we just cause it to leave their hands!
"It’s just that simple. Superior technology. Why? Because, remember, we are made from the same source as you. Mother/Father God created us out of Love too. Yes, there are some civilizations that have advanced so far, or have not advanced as far, so that they are either more technically oriented and are not in conscious knowing and recognition of the components of Love, such as Compassion. Nevertheless, they know the power of Love; and then of course there are those like the naughties who, you know, unconditional Love is just so foreign to them because they have been on this treadmill, so to speak.
"You know those wheels that guinea pigs, or mice, get on in their cages? Those little wheels that they get on and run and run, and their little legs are going so fast and all the wheel does is just keep turning in the same place? There is no start, there is no end, there is just a wheel to run on. That is exactly what these ones have been doing. So let’s love them. And let’s say, "Hey, we’ll help you off the wheel. All you need is Love!!! And that is Truth!
"Meanwhile, because so many of you have given us permission, we have gone to the Galactic Council, and beyond, and we have received the absolute, complete green light to get everything done in, what you might call, the blink of an eye! We know, you’ve been waiting lifetimes for this. And in this lifetime indeed, it seems as though you are at the very moment of, you know, the dates, 12-12 and 12-21 – awesome dates! And there’s going to be a lot happening. There’s also a lot happening right in this moment. So be not in despair, just fill up with Love, Love, Love, and more Love! Get high! You don’t need anything artificial, you just need Love!!!
"Get into the Love vibrations and be there with us who come to meet you there. Call us forth. And if you need a little help picking up, you are in charge - every one of you is Commander!!! So what does that say? It says it is up to you to decide what direction you want to go in. What direction you intend, you choose, and you command. Don’t be shy, don’t be concerned about false ideas of protocol, just remember that you are One with us! You have every right to state your intention and to invite us to come close, right into your energy fields to support and assist you in achieving whatever it is that you have for your intention and your desire.
"Let’s get some joy into this! We’ve been hearing about some fairly heavy topics. But did you hear that the number one newscaster in the United States of America is, what you call, a comedian!** Yes, laugh! He may be getting some news that doesn’t sound so great - you may be hearing some 'mission accomplished' news about one of the naughties - and we are not going to say that the missions are not heavy that they are doing, because they are desperate and they are really trying awfully hard.
"We are simply saying that you can lighten up and free yourselves from the heaviness with laughter! It’s a wonderful, wonderful, what you call, fast track, to Joy. Joy is created out of Love. You will not find somebody who is locked in fear to be expressing high vibrations of joy, because the two are direct opposites of each other. What you will find is that anyone who is bringing in the Love energies and beaming them out, they’re the ones who are enjoying absolute Joy!!!
"There are some things which are in the works. We know there are those of you who have waited for the packages of the kind that our Beloved Tara** was speaking of. Those are special programs. They are ready for delivery but there are still some elements of security which need to be addressed. We understand that those of you who understand that you are receiving these special packages for the humanitarian purposes, for the World, are a bit anxious and wondering if they are going to come in what you would call, 'in time,' and the answer is, Yes!
"We understand that those of you who heard that St. Germain has bank accounts backed by gold to give you, you’re wondering if that’s going to come before the big dates, you know, so you have an opportunity to enjoy it before money becomes a no-thing, and the answer is, Yes! And it is that there is overlap, there are many different levels of each Dimension, main levels and sublevels and so on and so on. And so it is that even in 3D you can take yourself up to the highest levels of 3D, so that when you receive your abundance you can use it to create Joy!!!
"You have heard many tales of people who have come into sudden abundance - you call them lottery winners - and then within a year they are down in the dumpies and they have lost it all. Let’s put it this way: When you receive your abundance you will be safe and secure with it! It’s not that you need to go blabbing. You know what people do, you see your neighbor out in the street and you say, 'Hi, how much did you get from St Germain today?' 'Well I just got….' You know, that’s not the point. That’s not what we are talking about when we say security. We are talking about how you can be assured that nobody is going to steal it away from you. You can be assured that you will be able to make your decisions yourself.
"We have a lot to do. There are what you call advertisements that need to go away. There is a lot of programming that is subliminal - although there’s less and less these days - a lot of false values still being paraded and a tremendous amount of hypocrisy. All of that is going away!!! The more you live in Higher Dimensionality, the more you free yourselves from it, even in this moment.
"Always remember we are talking about Love, and talking about living the Lifestyle of Love. With that comes Joy, laughter, creative expression, manifestation of whatever it is that you choose - whether it’s to suddenly become and artist, or to create a new hairdo for yourself without having anyone do it for you, or to simply go out into your yard and hear what the flowers and the trees and the birds are saying to you! It’s to be in Joy so that you can enjoy the loving Lifestyle. That is what is important!!!
"Now, we mentioned in our last email message to you the importance, the significance of the election, or we should say, reelection, of President Obama. Is there anybody in this audience who is not aware of the importance of Obama’s mission? And his family, his Beloved twin flame Michelle and his two daughters, who are very much in the crystalline creation. Well, if you listened to his speech, and I did mention this in my message, he mentioned Love first. He had an agenda, a priorities list, and Love was number one!!!
"Now, you know that Obama is from someplace else, Sirius, to be exact, and he is very serious about restoring Love to the Planet, because when there is Love everywhere there cannot be war, there can be Peace only!!! Where there is Love everywhere, there is abundance for everyone; where there is Love everywhere there is healing of all kinds, whether it is the little bird that crashes and breaks its wing, whether it is the very ground that you are walking upon or the air that you are breathing, or the waters you are nurturing yourself with, or whether it is you in your bodies, Beloved Ones, Love heals!!!
"There are many things that you can do to empower healing methods, if you wish to use any, whether they are what you call the conventional, or the not conventional. Being in Love is a grand healer and it will only amplify exponentially, whatever else you do. So remember to share the Love You Are with everything that you see, with the air you breathe, and so on, with all the elements of nature! Mother Gaia is cleansing and you can help with that too. Bless everything that you put in or on to your sacred bodies, and if you prepare something for someone else add the Love ingredient! Number one, whether you are making a new pair of shoes for someone, or preparing food, or sharing some water, whatever it is.
"We have not done a mission like this for some time - and you can do this or not as you choose, and nothing is going to blow up if you don’t choose to do it - it is to spend, let us say, the next 24 hours expressing Love in everything you do, in every way you possibly can imagine. If you would put that intent out and ask your Guides, your Angels - I, Ashtar am readily available - anybody, anyone, any sentient being in the whole Universe, to be constantly reminding you to express Love in all you do.
"You may already have felt the changes, the Love that came on 11-11. Oh yes, that was a big Love wave, and now we have the change day, the day of change.*** Changing to what? Changing to love. You’ve got it all, it’s all available to each and every one of you! So, let us see how this works for you. Is there any grading or judgment of this? No. Absolutely not. It is to be a joyful Exercise for you. Is anybody going to be able to do 100%, 24 hours in a row, simply expressing only Love? Mmmm, well, if you are an Ascended Being, yes. And we know you’ve all come up in your levels, so it’s theoretically possible. Is it necessary? No. It is not necessary, mandatory or a command in any way. It is simply an Exercise that you can do if you choose to.
"What is important to get from this Exercise? The difference. We’re talking feelings here - the difference between when you are expressing Love and when you are not. This is to acquaint you even more with you, and to assist you along your Paths of Ascension, and there is no right or wrong way to do it. There is no minimum or maximum amount of time for its success. We’re simply asking you - in fact, pick a day between now and 11-22. How does that sound? Pick one day. Put a big heart on your calendar and let that be your day of Love, and you can carry it to the next day if you started in the morning. Start when you waken in the morning and then the last thing you do at night before you go to sleep is to keep that Love flowing.
"You might make a note of how you feel the next day, and by all means send it in to Ashtar on the Road, we would love to hear from you, and feel with you your wondrous experiences in expressing Love because that is what we are here to do. That is Mission Number One!!! And who is the most important being for you to express Love to? Let’s get right down to it, we’re almost at zero point hour so you better be expressing it to yourselves, Beloved Ones. So just go for it! Let us know how it works for you and what you do and how you feel at the end of your 24 hours of Love expressions!
"Well, Sekhmet is anxious to join with us! We have a most powerful Exercise to do and on this particular day - how momentous an occasion this is! So I, Ashtar, and the Ashtar Command thank you for being here in 3D, well, high 3D and higher, as well as for being with us on the ships. We thank you for your attention and your intentions, and we say to you once more, we love you all beyond words!!! You’re all on track, you’re all on Ascension Paths, the High Road, and we rejoice at being here with you. Thank you Beloved Ones, and Salut!"
* Sekhmet's transcript will be published in our next email.
*** The day of the Solar Eclipse