The following message, channeled through Susan Leland, was copied & pasted from:




ASHTAR - JULY 12, 2001



"Well, good evening everyone! We are so happy - yes!!! Now, we have a serious focus for tonight, one that the world is calling for, especially when you hear the news of what’s going on in the world. Well, it is a time for the World to come together in loving Oneness and to show its Compassion.

"We have told you already some time ago, as you measure time, that those who have been supporting the ones who have been creating the boxes, and so on and so on, are really looking in another direction. Not all of them, of course, but a great many of them. They have been in assistance and support of these ones who have taken the world so much into the darkness. And they themselves are saying, ‘Now wait a minute, I have a Light that is starting to flicker within myself, I did not know that I, too, have that wondrous Light of creation in me. It’s time for me to be who I really am and cast off all of this false identity as the being of the dark, or wearing the dark hat!’

"And as these ones start to come out of that shadow, they have fear - after all, living all of these lifetimes in the dark, that is living in fear, is it not? And so it is to say to them, 'We recognize that you are Light, that you are Love, even as We Are. Come home, come home to that place from which you started, to that place which you have not known for eons of time. Come home and be One with us. Let us bring our Lights together and let us shine even brighter for you, coming and being with us. And, oh yes, absolutely, Forgiveness on all levels, and we only ask that you practice and be in Forgiveness of yourselves.'

" 'We have Gratitude to you because you have shown us that we choose a different path, and now we welcome you to join us on this path with Love, only Love. There is no judgment for you, save that which you place upon yourselves. And even if there is an appearance that you must make, tell what it is that will set you free for all time from any guilt or sadness or judgment of yourself because we forgive, which means we have not judgment of you. You are One with us, We Are All One.

" 'Mother/Father made all of us so that we would be of the Light and carry that Light of our creation. Even though you’ve done a great job of hiding it from yourselves and the World, we can see it! And we now say, come and let us be together!!!' And we shall have a most powerful Exercise and it shall be done by all of us together, but we want to discuss a bit more this whole topic of duality.

"You know, the ones who created the boxes, who thought it would be just grand if everybody spoke different languages, forgetting of course, when the veil was lowered, that one universal language, the Language of Light, which is Love. They thought it would be just wonderful to take the teachings of the great masters who came to teach and, well they did more than tweak them, but you know what we mean, so that they would have different religions and philosophies that were contrary to each other. So they set this all up. Now we know the very term 'holy war' is really contradictory, it’s what you call an oxymoron - they thought we were all morons, that we would believe it. Yes, there is no such thing.

"War is sacrilege, whether it is a war that you make upon yourself, your sacred being, when you allow yourself to live in fear with stress and guilt and all of those other kinds of fear-based emotions as your guide. And there is really only the Peace, the Peace that Love brings, unconditional Love, compassionate Love, forgiving Love, and yes, grateful Love. Because anytime that you rise up and out of a situation of fear, anytime that you say, 'I call upon my entire being to come into unison, Oneness, with the all of the Universe,' you take yourself up and out of fear!!!

"You already know, Beloved Family, that when you are flying high with Joy and with laughter, in sacred ceremony in our Exercises that we do together, and in your own meditations and communions with your guides, and with the totality of Who You Are, you already know there’s no room for being down in the dumpies. It’s all Joy! It’s all high vibe, there’s not pain of the physical or in any of your bodies. The past is over. The present is what you are creating in the now moment, and you are in that now and it’s bliss.

"Okay now, that’s a preview of how it’s going to be all the time when we get this Ascension process finalized, but in the meantime we want to tell you with great Joy and happiness that you can create this anytime that you choose! Now we’ll be doing that. If I’m a little exuberant, I’m not by myself, you know - we have a whole group with us. Humans - Lights upon the Planet, Love, and Joy, wondrous ones,* and they brought all of their buddies from the higher dimensions - their angels, their guides, the ones who speak through them, whether it be in creating beautiful visions, whether it be with voice or music, communications, or being devoted to beaming Love, it’s all wondrous, it’s all joyful and it all works!!!

"Let me tell you about the power of Oneness. When you leave the boxes of duality which have been created, and you can go ahead and name others if you want to but we’re really not focusing there, so let’s talk about Oneness, shall we? It’s Joy, it’s loving and it’s knowing how loved you are. Not knowing Love is the great separator - that’s all about the veil, is it not? Very simple.

"Allowing your ego, which has done a fabulous job - and we’ve talked about this before, wow!  It’s kept you from stepping in the fire when you were two years old, it’s kept you from moving though a stop sign when somebody was coming that you didn’t see.  Your ego has done a fabulous job, but where we’re going and where we are right now you don’t need the ego on the job.  Have you ever thought about the possibility of ego exhaustion?  It’s so tired that it can’t create new programs so it keeps running the same stuff over and over and over again! It’s exhausting, Beloved Ones!

"So let’s get serious about your ego and let us just say, now is the moment to tell your ego in any way that you choose, but we always like to give examples, ‘Hello ego! I just want to tell you you’ve done a great job and I want to tell you that I have no judgment for the times when you really steered me into a place of fear that didn’t feel so good.  I know you were loving it, but frankly, I wasn’t so happy. Now, we have a mission and nobody is going to throw you off the ship, you’re coming with me but you’ve got to just cool it.  Take a timeout for as long as you want, eternity will be fine.  Just take a timeout, come on up into my heart space, there’s a nice little bed there for you, or couch, or whatever - take it easy! You’ve been working so hard to keep me running on the path of fear, to keep me alert to it, but Love is where we are headed, endless Love - Paradise, if you want to call it that - the Kingdom of Bliss, Heaven, the Christ Consciousness dimension. So come on up, get up into my heart, and by the way, my inner child hugs you and welcomes you.  Just relax because I’m in the driver’s seat and we’re on this path -road, really, and it’s the road of Light, it’s the road of Love, and it’s the road of coming home to Who We Really Are.  We invented you, ego, we created you, we needed you through all of the dark days of the veil but we’re moving into the Light, and we invite you to transform, even as we transform and become the Light Beings that We Really Are!

"We’re going to be refining our bodies - it’s already started.  Some of you may have heard The Voice tell about straightening her spine. Other miracles, if you want to call them that, are happening because you are calling them forth, Beloved Ones, because you are saying, 'Hello, I deserve all the Love the Universe has for me.  I deserve to love myself infinitely and evermore.  And if I start feeling a drop in my vibration I’m going to notice it immediately and I’m going to raise my vibration.'  Because the more you do that Exercise for yourselves, Beloved Ones, the more you live in your Ascension status.  The easier it is to call forth whatever it is that you desire for yourself.

"Talk to somebody who has recently, let’s say, had somebody knock on their door and give them a pot of gold, or more importantly, found that treasure within themselves; found the means to do whatever it is that they have passion to do; found the means to greet the marketplace with a smile and to beam that Love and feel it coming into their being and coming out again.  It is joyful to receive that great Love, that Light.  And it is super joyful to beam it out and share it with others!

"Have you ever looked into the eyes of a child who is restless?  Perhaps you are waiting in what you call the ‘check-out line’ and there is a restless child and you look into that child’s eyes and you say, 'Hello old soul, I know you, I see you, I join my heart with yours!'  Smile at that child and that child gets the message instantly because the children of today are getting these messages.  Send that Love to that child, and then let that child not only smile at you but smile at the one who is with the child, the parent or the siblings, or the grandparent, and let that child be that radiant Lovebeam that child came here to be.

"And we tell you this, Beloved Ones, as difficult as it is to imagine, children come without hatred, they come without such a big ego. and they know Love even though they might be living in the most horrendous of circumstances someplace in the world where the bombs are dropping or where the food is scarce or where the water is not pure.  They still know that Love, they still communicate that Love, and they send it out to those who are wanting to receive it.

"Now, they’ve got a whole generation, the Crystal Children, the Rainbows, and the older ones, the Indigos, are even starting to perk up a bit and start getting on track so to speak - even the early ones, like The Voice's son is starting to beam openly, where he used to think he had to hide it.  And this is the Joy to the World! There is no age limit to beaming.  You can be a beamer at any age - we are only pointing out that if you want to find some beamers and you are not sure you are finding them in the marketplace, seek out the children and know again that Love -unconditional, non-judgmental, compassionate and fun!!!

"One of the greatest remedies for the dumpies is laughter.  And think about this, Beloved Family, have you not all heard of one or more stories where people who were told by the MD’s - oh yes, disclaimer, go see the MD if you need to do so -but they have been told, 'Get your things in order - you’re not going to be in your body much longer.'  And yes, that’s shattering at first but some of these ones find a strength, and some of them find it in humor.  They watch funny DVD’s where they can laugh and raise their vibrations through laughter.

"Some of them find it through music that they play, some of them start to make music or create in some manner what they have passion for creating, and this frees them from this 3D-dumpies - terminal sentence box. And they raise their vibrations and guess what happens to the terminal thing?  The MD’s can’t find it anymore.  Well, they figure they must have done something right and that’s okay -let them, because they need to lighten up themselves.  They need to join in reverence for what really works, and guess what really works?  It’s called Love!

"But there are some ancient traditions coming forth now.  Many of them are coming forth in this Lemurian land, and of course, Lemuria extends over a good part of the Planet.  Many of them have been carried forth from generation to generation so that the wise ones of the tribe, the medicine men or women, the priests and the priestesses, know the secrets - it’s all about energy and it’s all about high vibrational energy!  It’s about light and sound, color, and ancient sacredness coming forward and being practiced and expressed, sometimes in new ways, such as the ho’oponopono - we’ve often recommended that book.  It’s told in a manner that is light, has some humor and is easy to understand.  Try practicing for a day and let yourselves lift into it and then check in with yourself, because it’s really about cleansing and clearing and bringing yourself into the Light of nonjudgmental Gratitude and Love.

"You’ve got to love yourselves, Beloved Ones!  We love you, we tell you that all the time!  And you’ve got a whole group with you of wondrous guides and angels, and those of us on the ships bring our energies to where you are.  We ask that you give intention to meet with us whenever it pleases you to do so.  And yes, we can tell you what is going on in the world - Tara and Rama** are Masters at that. they know - they get a lot of inside information, as you know.

"But what we are here to tell you about is that the World is coming to Love. You have a president in the United States of America who actually speaks of Love, he says the 'L' word!  How refreshing is that?  Of course, you all know he’s an ambassador from elsewhere, but he brings Love.  You see, that is the catalyst for everything, that’s what’s going to end the wars.  Put your hearts together, beam that Love and know that you are helping the world to prepare as One, because this separation and duality is what you call 'over, rover!'  It’s done because you have decreed it so.

"You know, there are people, they are scientists, and we will not talk about how they do it, but they are making wondrous discoveries and they have these machines out that measure the consciousness.  And the consciousness of the planet is rising because Love is way, way more exponentially powerful than hate and fear-based emotions.  Think of what you can do as one, and we ask that you do this all the time, of course.  Not in a demanding way, but just as a reminder to you that it is your mission to be Love and to express Love and to beam Love out. Put it on autopilot when you wake up and have a fabulously wondrous happy day! But when we come together as Family, when any two or more wondrous beings come together with Light and Love to share, it is exponentially way, way, way more powerful than any hate could possibly be!!!

"And what is happening, and what is being discovered and validated and confirmed by the scientists, and by the messengers such as I, Ashtar - and other messengers that are now speaking of what we have now told you - that even those who have been following the path of the dark, shall we say stumbling along because remember, there is no Light there, are now receiving, they are actually receiving the telepathic messaging that has been going on for some time and they are starting to say, 'Woah! I like the Light, I like the brightness, I’m feeling it - tell me more!'

"And those who have been sound asleep, not because they have been on the path of the dark, just because they’ve been too busy in their 3D lives jumping from box to box - you know that game hippity-hoppity?***  Yes, they’re starting to say, 'Wait a minute, I gotta stop here, I gotta pause, I gotta start finding out more about this Light.  It is coming together as One, it is leaving the boxes behind, it is soaring together as Family, as holders and beamers of the Light of Love.  The changes are happening.  We, Beloved Ones, are changing the world, helping it, helping Mother Gaia on the Ascension path, and you can start celebrating even in this moment, because it is happening!!!  If you haven’t already, we’re going to celebrate!

"Now I, Ashtar will be calling upon, actually two, who are joining together for this Exercise of Oneness that we shall be co-creating together, every one of us.  But I am reminded of a story.  I shall say the name once because this is not judgment -this is revelation. This is the story.  We have told it before, but not in a long time. It is very appropriate to bring it forward as we do the Exercise and greet those who are coming to the Light and ending their dance of duality.  And this is the story of Shrub Jr., also known as Bush.

"Now, Shrub Jr. was walking down the street one day, contemplating what mischief he could do next - and we’ll call it mischief because we want to keep this Light, and after all he was only doing what he had been programmed to do all of this lifetime and many others.  He saw a telephone booth.  He was dressed as the President with his tie and his suit, you know, his navy blue suit they told him was going to make him appear trustworthy, and his red tie which meant, 'I am an authority, pay attention to me.'  Things were getting a little itchy and tight and he was getting a little uncomfortable and he saw a phone booth and he said, 'Ah ha! Freedom for me to be even more that which I am!'

"So he darted into the phone booth and he looked around, and nobody was looking.  He loosened his tie and threw it off, and he took off his coat and his trousers, and he unbuttoned his shirt and as he did - oops - brown scales, real lizard-like, reptilian, you know.  And he started feeling better because now he was seeing himself as he really thought he was.  But wait a minute!  He felt this interesting sensation on the top of his head and his program said, 'Don’t touch that, don’t touch that, don’t go there!'  But he just had to see what this was.  It was a zipper, a big industrial zipper!  And he pulled on it and pulled it down, and as he did, out came this Light from his heart!  He was really revealed, and try as he could, try as he would, he couldn’t close that zipper because there was Light coming out.

"Now, of course this story has what you call a moral, and the moral is that everybody was created in the beginning from the Light of Mother/Father God/Goddess.  He/She didn’t leave anybody out, but there were those who just volunteered to really cover it up completely for many lifetimes.  So let’s welcome all who have given that support, let’s welcome all who have lived in the duality and let’s bring the light to all on, below, and above Planet Earth, Mother Gaia and all of her Kingdoms.  And let’s invite everybody to climb up and out of that box of duality and let’s welcome home those who have been there and those who have been the strongest creators of duality.  Why? Because it’s time, as you measure it!

"And so I, Ashtar thank you, Family, for being here in this gathering.  We love you beyond words and we share our Love with you - call upon us at any time.  We’re here with you because We Are One With You.  And so it is! Salut."

*  We had some very special guests with us during the call.


***The game of Hopscotch

Transcription by Brian Coe.

Given through Susan Leland, July 12, 2011.© Ashtar on the Road Publications 2011.All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.

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  • The following channeled message, given through Susan Leland  (, was transcribed verbatim: 
    "Greetings, Beloved Family!  We are preparing to do a most Empowering Exercise with you when next we gather, one which will assist you in removing that greatest and most universal of blockages, which is that known as fear !!!  We have come forth to you for the most ambitious of purposes, namely that of assisting you in making the great Ascension shift.  This transition is the biggest of all time ever on Planet Earth, and we are well aware of the challenges you have encountered along the way.  And, we know that you are well aware that it is fear in all of its expressions which has empowered these challenges.
    "Fear is a low vibrational, tummy-scrunching energy.  It literally drives you down into the dumpies, and because it is self-perpetuating, it can indeed wreak havoc throughout your entire being while you are thus down.  Now, even though we speak thusly, it has fulfilled a grand mission on Planet Earth, for without fear you would not know what there is to change.  Without fear, you would not know how wondrously different it is to be in the high vibrations of Love and Joy, so you would not have had glimpses thus far of the bliss of the Ascension lifestyle.
    "In order to be in that lifestyle as a permanent resident, so to speak, you will need to be a full-time participant in Love which is 100% unconditional, compassionate, forgiving and grateful!!!  We are here to assist you in moving upward in your vibrations and anchoring yourselves in the higher dimensions of Love, so that you can 'pay it forward' and assist others to do the same.  Yes, Beloveds, the primary mission of the Ashtar Command is to lead the way, and it is indeed time, as you measure it, to step fully into your leadership roles, which is why you are here on Planet Earth at this time.
    "The Kingdom of the Humans is more awake than ever, and this means that the people of the Planet are more sensitive to the vibrations around them.  For some, it is most unpleasant to feel the shiftings toward the Light, believe it or not, because they are so used to the low vibrational atmosphere in which they live.  Thus, they are in some resistance to the very mission we are discussing.  Indeed, you all have your moments of dropping down into the experience of lower vibrations, where fear is the dominant emotion, but you have all had your glorious times of high Joy and even Bliss.  That is why you are so qualified to do this mission, Beloved Ones!!!!  You do know the difference, and you will be most effective in facilitating the disempowerment of fear for all of Planet Earth!!!!
    "We are joyful beyond words as we see the powerful results of this mission of service !!!!  Be assured that all of Mother Gaia's Kingdoms will be joining us as we gather to empower the Light of Love to transmute the darkness of fear, in all of its expressions, worldwide!  Just feel the Love We Are, even in this now moment, and bring yourselves to our gathering in full expression of the loving One We Are!  Feel the strength of our Oneness, and know that you will indeed rise up and out of whatever fear you might have within your own beings, anywhere.  I, Ashtar, see the empowerment that we have as One With You to do this for you, Beloved Family, and for the World beyond!  Salut!"


    Given through Susan Leland, July 24, 2011.

    © Ashtar on the Road Publications 2011. All Rights Reserved.

  • Oneness, Ash., if there is Any Truth up there, of course it's still my honor to let You receive a relevant message, my own that 'just' forces me to 're-testify' to being happy to exist as etc., so I can find out & so on, money is apparently, what it doesn't seem to be, 'true <-> happiness,' one that I, however, don't give into, never allow myself any idea, whatsoever that I count on to exist as any 'relevant' part of, whatever future, ours, exists beyond us all, greetings, 'J.A.,' Ifounditt etc., note: You need me, Ash., the same to myself, maybe it's best for You a.s.a.p., despite why to take a trip down to me, Santiago, Chile, before my labor situation begins to bore me too much, I promise you that You DO depend on me, so I can find out & so on.
  • To benifits from channelings we have to se what it says, and read betveen the lines. I suggest that CIA would not spread a good channeling with a positive tone, like the text above has. I also believe that Ashtar make channelings. He is free to do so on private basic, even if Ashtar Galactic Command dont do it..  
  • Our Earth is A Relatively Good Planet to live on, however, our best news is an issue that I still se no idea that I can meanwhile & 'still' fail to 'testify' to being happy to see as any 'relevant' denial case, any labor suggestiona, please? Greetings, 'J.A.,'
  • Because of the fact, Ash.,that God can exist as no truer <-> happiness than Its 'Famous' Money News, it's best for me right away to let You All receive yet another & relevant message that what future exists ahead of Us, beyond Us All, of  course requires Us All to exist as Self Determined Galaxians, (You already understand why), so I can find out & so on, Your Own Life of course hangs by a 'sought' thread, like mine, one that The Corrupt partly adore, partly give me no idea, whatsoever that I can explain, let alone to myself, greetings, Ifoundittout etc., there to be continued.

  • Ashtar Sheran does not channel messages to anyone....

    This is again a "Channeling"

    The information coming through was not of the Ashtar Command - for they

    do not meddle with "personal" issues nor do they go around and disclose lifetimes nor make future predictions nor any other messages that beings state are channeled. This communication is obtained from this individual's subconscious or via contact with either the astral realm or his Higher Self.

    What you could receive from Ashtar Command are from them but no Channeling

    This message may be pleasant to read but it is not from Ashtar Command

    • I´m glad to see that you are clear-sighted Ravinder.

      I believe that the "channeler" is controlled by the CIA.

      They have technology to do this , and they does with many of the "channeler" on this community.



  • Thank you for sharing this  message from Ashtar.
  • thanks you for share :)  love you all
  • Just as I was reading this, I was also watching Bladerunner, and the replicant said "Quite an experience to live in fear isn't it?  That's what it's like to be a slave".

    This message is extremely powerful ~ thanks for posting it.

    I've been feeling some heavy emotional energies, judging myself, thinking about what I could have done better.  Thinking about what I could do, and how I should have helped people more.

    We should be better to each other, and better to ourselves.  Be less harsh on a deeper level.

    But seeing and feeling that is what's important, and a part of our transformation process.  

    It's what really makes us who we are on the inside. <3 
This reply was deleted.

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