Calling all Lightworkers, Crystals, Indigos, Shamans, Walk-Ins, Braid-Ins, Healers, Psychics, and Earth Angels!
If you are ready, and SERIOUS, about 'walking the talk' and
working your Mission -- by being of service to our Creator, the Earth, and mankind -- and would like to participate in Project: Eagle Triad, please email janisel(@)
from Janisel and RevDeb of Sananda's Eagles
All of us, as ONE can say this honestly and soulfully: "I came into this world with a very specific purpose. I came to fulfill a Mission. I came to love life and realize the truth about me. I came to contribute to the salvation of this world." |
The Purpose and Mission of Ashtar's Trinity, as is explained to us by Sananda, is to unite two 'camps'… those on the Ascension path with those connected to the Space Brotherhood. They are related and cannot be separated anymore than 'Heaven' can be separated from 'the Heavenly Hosts'. They are not only one and the same, but neither would exist without the other. The Space Brotherhood, under the direction of the Ashtar Command, ARE, by and large, the 'Heavenly Hosts' referred to in all sacred scripture. Our job, therefore, is to show -- and assist -- the Oneness of these two Realities.
Another of our prime purposes is to bring in higher frequencies of energy and clearer information through our channelings and Services that we offer. Both of us have extended our Contracts on Earth to accomplish this task and are both here to be of service to all. We have worked diligently with Ashtar and the Ashtar Command on preparing ourselves for our Mission and for this work, being committed to the principles of Unconditional Love, Universal Brotherhood and Ascension for the people on this planet and the planet herself. Within the pages of this website, as you read the words, you will feel the energies come upon you. This is by Ashtar's design to assist each person who reads these words and to assist them in their spiritual growth.
One of our first tasks under Ashtar's direction was to inlay new grids in Sedona, and all over the earth. This has been accomplished. These are for the purpose of escalating the Ascension processes on Earth. These 5th dimensional grids, as well as others, will assist in ushering in the needed cleansing of Mother Earth and the mass consciousness of this planet. It is through this cleansing process that Mother Earth will begin her Ascension into the 5th dimension or beyond, and those who are ready shall follow. To help facilitate this, we have been directed by Ashtar to not only coordinate a Light Grid project for the transmutation of mass consciousness negativity, but to become involved in the global wide meditation group Ashtar's Trinity.
This is a most critical time for this planet, as we are moving higher in vibrational frequency and moving into a new Reality. It is important to remember that the time has come for each and every one of us to begin to 'Walk the Talk'. There is no more time to simply straddle the fence. It is time to make a choice and begin our Missions. Each person who commits to this process has a profound affect on the planet and all those who live upon her.
Both of us have walked our spiritual paths for many, many years, and have prepared ourselves for this moment in time. Ashtar, Sananda, Archangel Michael, Buddha, Quan Yin, Metatron, El Morya and Melchizedek have all had a hand in bringing us together for this monumental undertaking. We have committed ourselves to our Mission of working together to assist the peoples of Mother Earth and the Earth herself in this process of Ascension. We are grateful for the opportunity to serve our Creator in this way.
Love and Blessings, in Oneness,
Janisel and RevDeb of Sananda's Eagles and Co-Creators of Project Eagle Triad (Ashtar's Trinity)
Thanks for the inspiration. :)