This part five  of my 2017 prediction series focuses on the two most powerful leaders of planet Earth: Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump. Both are air element Sun signs, and both are advocates of the John F. Kennedy financial approach of low taxes and small government .


Regardless of your political stance, both Putin and Trump are endorsing a financial approach that threatens the concept of a world government because it theoretically pushes for more capital transfer to the working individual and less capital transfer into government. This leads to less government control over the individual and his life, and yes, more freedom.

Vladimir Putin


     Putin starts out with the 1st half of 2017 with a Neptune Trine Venus transit and a very close Jupiter Conjunction Mercury transit (with transiting Uranus forming an opposition to this conjunction). This may define important and secretive talks concerning "secret enemies at home" with Jupiter transiting the 12th House and deceptive Neptune transiting the 4th House of " the community and real estate." This could define concerns about possible terrorist activities in Russia (i.e. retaliation of ISIS), or secret enemy elements from adversaries in Europe (i.e. Ukraine).

     The 1st half of 2017 also features Saturn Trine Pluto and Saturn Conjunction Mars, and this transit pair will be hard from February to May of 2017. Saturn and Mars are old enemies of the zodiac, and this may be a frustrating time for Putin. But this can also be a time for great revelation for Putin's insight into his sense of power. This may be a time whereby Putin may be in conflict over the concept of giving more power to his people (which I think he wants) versus assigning more power to the government. And Putin assigning more power to government is very possible if terrorist actions take place. It is also important to note that terrorist actions may be a part of a pre-planned false-flag act designed to force Putin into a public relations scam that may feature him as a central-power dictator (due to needed measures taken against terrorism) as opposed to a small government advocate. I don't like to play conspiracy theory with Putin, but he did ruin high-level plans involving a takeover of Syria by the same terrorist third parties who took over Libya. And he may also prevent a similar action from taking place with terrorist groups taking over Ukraine. And Putins' adversaries play very dirty.

     Pluto Opposition Uranus and Pluto Square Saturn takes place in the summer of 2017, along with Uranus Trine Mars and Jupiter Conjunction Sun. This may define very important talks regarding terrorism, enemies of Russia, and military matters. May through July looks prominent for Putin to be talking with important allies over these mentioned items, since Jupiter retrogrades out of the 12th House and forms a very hard conjunction with the Sun in the 11th House of allies, neighbors, and local governments.

     Jupiter enters the 1st House in late November of 2017 and Saturn enters the 3rd house in late December of 2017. My perception of this is that 2017 will close out with Putin focusing more on "business and government communications" (Saturn in the 3rd House) and "health improvement and needed expansions in the environment" (Jupiter in the 1st House). 

     Overall, 2017 may be a trying time for Putin. This is especially true regarding his focus for more desired freedom for his people, as I think this will be challenged by outside forces (and these forces may include terrorism and / or problems with European allies or neighbors). If Putin can maintain his gradual introduction of freedom for his people while dealing successfully with potential internal problems at home, Putin will survive 2017.

Donald Trump


     Trump has 2017 opening up with a bang with 5th House ("speculation") transiting Pluto Square natal Jupiter and then transiting Pluto Quincunx natal 10th House Uranus ("shocking aspects of one's reputation"). This indicates that Trump will make significant inroads from January through March in terms of speculative actions that will inhibit (and possibly eliminate) certain elitist activities deemed threatening to the American people, especially concerning powers in Washington D.C.  (both elected and non-elected).

    HOWEVER, there will also be significant tension generated from these early 2017 actions that may affect the Washington elite and high-level elite (i.e. Pluto Quincunx Uranus), and this is especially true if there are successful implementations of Trump's concept of smaller government (and note that Putin may also run into this issue as well). 

     The next phase for Trump of March through June of 2017 may indicate significant tension and the probability of a "significant argument or conflict" (Uranus Square Saturn), along with a potential for "a very mean act" and "murder" (REMEMBER MY LETTER TO TRUMP LAST SEPTEMBER??? The two transits discussed return again for a final pass over Trump's Ascendant. These include the hypothetical Uranian planet Admetos ("death, separation") and the midpoint Uranus / Hades ("murder, a very mean act")). There is the possibility of a significant and nasty surprise planned for Donald Trump in this time-frame, and if he or his associates are reading this:


     The good news for Trump is that he gets his Jupiter return in April and July (along with Jupiter Trine Uranus), and this may help mitigate some of the negativity associated with the named transits for spring of 2017.

     The bad news for Trump concerns Saturn's August 2017 station of 21 degrees Sagittarius 11 minutes; this will be right smack on top of Trump's natal Moon position in the 4th House. This indicates a possible intense separation from the family in some way. I doubt that this indicates divorce, but there is a real possibility that important connections between Donald Trump and his family will be separated in a very intense manner at this timeframe, and this is especially true regarding Trump's real estate law business (which seems to be well-represented by the 4th House Moon placement in Sagittarius).

     This Saturn = Moon station is followed by Saturn Opposition Sun and a Jupiter Square Venus transit in September, and this time-frame may be a mixed time for Trump trying to get his message across as an executive with his natal Sun in the 10th House. This is despite the lucky Jupiter return transit in July, as Trump will also have to deal with a Jupiter Square Saturn transit in August as well (and this Jupiter Square Saturn transit classically represents "a hard choice" and "limits to freedom or luck"). This will be a time for very difficult negotiations for Trump, with much stress.

     October through December of 2017 improves for Trump. Jupiter enters Trump's 3rd House of communications in August and Saturn enters Trump's 5th house of speculation in December. Things improve for Trump as 2017 closes out, and we may see Trump reveal some real changes in his message. Trump is a businessman who may have to learn all about the incredibly disgusting art (and criminal activity) of politics, and we may see Trump's revelation of being exposed to this activity as 2017 closes out. It will truly be a "baptism by fire."

Thanks for reading.

Love to all,


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  • aww

  • Yes of course I am dreaming, life is a dream, the whole thing is a multidemsional, anthropomorphic dream, so row your boat gently down the stream, you know what I mean!

  • Sorry to disturb you during your sleep Andromedan, we can talk later when you are ready, when you are awake.

  • Malcolm, I never once stated that Trump is a pedophile and sure there is no credible proof of Trump having sex with under age girls, but at the time of the election, those allegations came to light and all I ever did was bring them to the table. If those cases were thrown out of court, then so be it. However, Trump does know the Clintons personally, and as you know, Hillary Clinton herself is accused of being involved in a global child sex traffic ring, and the Clinton Foundation is at the epicentre of that initiative. I personally believe that is the truth and the fact that Trump knows them all personally only casts another dark shaddow on his own personality. Of course people are going to wonder what kind of company he keeps, especially if he likes to party with the likes of exposed pedophile Jeffery Epstein. All I am saying is that Trump "knows" these people personally, these so called pedophiles, his name (and 14 members of his family) even appear in Epsteins old address book, which of course contains the names and numbers of plenty of other very dodgy people.

    “I’ve known Jeff for 15 years,” Trump said. “Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

    I'm not sure why you keep pushing me agains't the wall on these issue's when the only thing I'm doing is showing you what has already been introduced into the public discourse.Trump is also on record as saying he would like to date his own daughter, Ivanka. In the case of Ivanka, again, all I am doing is showing you what's already widely known, which you can't deny or claim no credible proof of, because it happened.

    • Andromedan, people who are already asleep don't need any help sleeping but they do need help waking up, unless they're in a coma!

  • Be careful Daniel. I've been wrong before; I watched my first astrology instructor go down in flames after predicting George Dukakis to beat George H.W. Bush based on sunspot cycles, and not on planetary synastry and taking cues from the mainstream media. Nevertheless, I am convinced that Putin and Trump are part of a double edge sword that is taking shots at the New World Order, regardless of how they feel about Israel or who's on first.

    Trump isn't perfect, but unlike the rest of these pedophiles who are DEFINITELY part of the Rockefeller - Rothschild cabal, at least he doesn't want WWIII

    And sorry Luke, all three cases involving underage girls who claimed to be raped by Trump (AND WHO WON'T GIVE OUT THEIR REAL NAMES) have all been tossed out of court due to lack of probable cause and lack of proof from police of the Dade County district. I guess they must have been on Trump's payroll, because Trump looks and sounds like a pedophile. He feels like one too.


  • The Rothshields and their Creation "the establishment" is desperate to recount the votes.

    Average joe , with some common sense understand that the establishment don´t want Trump into office , because he is searching friendship with Russia and wants to work for the people - not the NWO folks.

    BEWARE - this can lead to World Peace.

    Now give Trump at least a chance in office Before you judge , because if not - you are allies with the "establishment"

    • WORLD PEACE????? Oh, this can't simply be. Trump has to be with the NWO, as such will take place after they show him the Zapruder film. Trump is with the NWO, and is not a Russian operative as the CIA claim. It's all based on hearsay and half-truths (so it must be true).

      • Yeah Malcolm IT MUST BE TRUE :-)

        Common sense , common sense .....

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