Gerry Rafferty - Light of Love
Welcome to another beautiful day At the Table. We are lingering with some tea and muffins and enjoying the conversation we are sharing today.
Much is focused on LOVE today, and the energy pouring forward, assists us in the opening of our hearts completely.
Each morning here, At the Table, we celebrate our morning together with a short meditation of opening our heart centers and connecting to our 3d eye and bringing the focus of LOVE into our Beings.
We recommend a daily spiritual routine to ground and BALANCE your centers.
Then celebrate the LOVE that YOU are and open your heart space, filling yourself up with the LOVE that you are, and bring that awareness, that TRUTH into your Third eye, and allow this energy to meld, into the knowing of ALL that you are.
This energy is brilliantly felt within your structure, within your heart, and soul. You radiate this Light energy throughout your energy centers and out into your world. Remember, you attract in what you give out.
This day is a new opportunity to grow. You can feel your strength, your power, your LOVE that you are in these stillness moments.
After you complete this spiritual stillness time with yourself, give LOVE and gratitude for all that assisted you today. Give Love and gratitude to your Creator/Source. Then give gratitude and LOVE to yourself for giving yourself this precious time to BE WITH YOURSELF.
The energy here this morning is charged with LOVE and Compassion, and the simple awareness of BE-ing When you take just a few moments to share with yourself some “tuning in” time, the rewards are plentiful.
You are firmly grounded for what Life will throw at you today. You are centered within your strength, that you can consciously observe each challenge and opportunity with Love and acceptance.
The simple act of stillness BEFORE moving within your day, brings focus and intuition forward into your vision and with each step you are powerfully creating a positive outcome, no matter what comes your way.
At the gym each day, I stretch my muscles and give my body air and expansion for blood flow BEFORE I start working out.
This “prepares” my body and the system itself to accept the work-out that it will participate in. The same goes for your spiritual stillness time.
If you can prepare yourself at your soul level, your energetic “self” BEFORE participating in life, you will see how the “flow” of your day becomes centered, balanced, and you then observe your actions in positive motion.
If I do not stretch my body and muscles BEFORE I work out, my body REACTS to the stimulation in a negative manner. The same is true for your spiritual self. Stretching your spiritual self is “stillness” and this allows for EXPANSION.
At the Table, it feels so wonderful to be in this energy of grounded, balanced Beings.
We encourage you to begin a routine for your spiritual stillness time. You will know when that is best for you, and how long you wish to devote to yourself, but STARTING is the most important step.
Then loving yourself, and the journey you are creating, enough to commit to this routine daily.
This is a beautiful time to spend with yourself. It can be 10 minutes or it can be an hour.
You will find, if you start this practice and stay with it daily, before long, you will be giving yourself more time WITH yourself each day. It truly is a glorious experience. Do not make it as a chore, celebrate this time each day.
Welcome yourself into this world this day. Whatever gets your LOVE flowing, will just bring Joy which then brings the desire to participate.. Dare to allow yourself to be INSPIRED?
At the Table, we gently remind you, that YOU are the only one that can DO THIS FOR YOURSELF. There is not one person that can LOVE you this much. Believe that..and remember, if YOU LOVE YOURSELF THIS MUCH, imagine the LOVE you will attract from others…And the beat goes on..
Thank you for joining us At the Table today, we are so grateful to share this journey with all of you.
We serve comfort food for the soul, and wish to inspire you to create a most spectacular adventure within your world today? And as always, we are so honored to share, what is On my Plate. Namaste’