August 2023 Energy Update By Matt Kahn
I am sending out prayers, love, blessings, and vital resources to everyone affected by the fires in Lahaina, Hawaii and in all other areas currently facing wildfires or are preparing for the landfall of a tropical storm/hurricane.
These are transformative times when the power of community, and our connection to Source become even more important.
With love from my heart to yours, I offer a new Energy Update video (below) to help us all make sense of some of the energies we may be experiencing and are processing—to allow us entry points into a new reality.
Please join me for this transmission of healing energy as we explore the emotional and energetic themes of this month.
I will also answer some of your deepest questions to help you heal during this time of global expansion.
Let us come together, feel together, and heal together.
All for Love,
Video - August 2023 Energy Update By Matt Kahn
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