Hi - After thirteen years of detention, Burmese pro democracy hero and Nobel Peace laureate Aung San Suu Kyi has just been condemned to another year and a half on trumped up charges.I just signed an urgent petition urging the United Nations Security Council to take action to end the Burmese tyranny and hold the regime to account not just for this cruelty, but for all the vicious crimes that they have committed against monks, children and thousands of ethnic minorities. I thought that you would want to join me by calling for a UN Commission of Inquiry and together we can bring justice to Burma!Click the link to sign the petition and for more information read the email below:http://www.avaaz.org/en/jail_the_generals/98.php?CLICK_TF_TRACKThanks!!------------Dear friends,Today, the ailing Nobel laureate and democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi was sentenced to another year and a half in detention by a Burmese kangaroo court.Suu Kyi's treatment is just the tip of the iceberg of the brutality of the Burmese regime -- spanning 40 years of murder, torture, mass rape, and slave labour.It's time for the world to put the Burmese generals on trial. Avaaz is launching a call for the UN Security Council to investigate the regime for crimes against humanity -- a judgment of guilt could lead to prosecution of top generals by the International Criminal Court. Click below to join the call and see a mock up of a banner that we plan to drop in front of the UN calling for action:http://www.avaaz.org/en/jail_the_generals/98.php?CLICK_TF_TRACKOver the next two months the UK and the US hold the powerful Presidency of the United Nations Security Council - both President Obama and Prime Minister Brown have spoken passionately about Burma, so now is our best chance in years to get the Security Council to act.But the US, UK and other Council members are still dragging their feet -- concerned about challenging China, a key sponsor of the Burmese regime. If a global outcry demands it, they will try harder to get China to agree, as happened when the Council decided to allow prosecution of another China-sponsored regime in the case of Darfur, Sudan. Already dozens of US and British legislators have joined the call for an inquiry. Let's join them in the demand for an international investigation and prosecution:http://www.avaaz.org/en/jail_the_generals/98.php?CLICK_TF_TRACKPressure is building on Obama and Brown as the evidence mounts. A recent Harvard University report by top global jurists reveals that the UN has already quietly documented the forced recruitment of tens of thousands of child soldiers, more than one million refugees and internally displaced persons, numerous cases of killings and torture, mass rape and the forced displacement of 3,000 ethnic minority villages -- as many as reported in Darfur.The Avaaz community has stood with and supported the Burmese people through cyclone Nargis, through the massive repression of democracy activists in 2007, and this year over 400,000 of us have called for the release of political prisoners. Today, if enough of us act together, we have a chance to call upon the highest body under international law to finally end the tyranny. Sign the petition and send this on to friends and family to send a clear message to the UN Security Council that the world expects them to lead:With hope,Alice, Ricken, Brett, Graziela, Paula, Paul, Pascal and the whole Avaaz team.Sources:For the politics behind the guilty verdict visit: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/8177328.stmRead the Harvard report here: http://www.law.harvard.edu/programs/hrp/newsid=59.htmlFor a United Nations Official's appeal to the Security Council visit: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/05/28/opinion/28iht-edpineiro.htmlSee the Sudan Commission of Inquiry process here: http://www.unausa.org/Document.Doc?id=253For the UK MPs call for Commission of Inquiry visit: http://edmi.parliament.uk/EDMi/EDMDetails.aspx?EDMID=38487&SESSION=899For the US Senators call for a Commission of Inquiry see the attached file below

Obama UNSC COI Final 6-15-2009.pdf

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  • i signed in too...spread the word to your friends!!!

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"I wanted to thank you for your message. I have been in, so I thought, I must be doing something wrong vibe. This puts me at ease and I thank so much for it!"
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