Australia and New Zealand governments illegitimate
....What I am about to disclose should have far reaching internationalconsequences for the Australian, New Zealand and Canadian Governments inparticular. Not only are these governments illegitimate, but theirentire Judicial Systems and Constitutions are totally unlawful, theirgovernments fraudulent and their legislation invalid!
The information I'm about to disclose should also have consequences forthe British government, which for 92 years has played a pea and shellpolitical game that's about to be exposed as a huge fraud!
Many international treaties may well be NULL AND VOID! That’sright, under international law, the governments of Australia, NewZealand and Canada don't have any legitimate authority to govern theinhabitants of those countries and their parliaments hold no lawfulrights to represent Independent Sovereign Nations.
The questions for you are: What are their representatives doing inthe Solomon Islands and what authority do they have to be here?
It seems fantasy is not confined to the pages of fairy tales. Anessential component of all fiction is that the story is essentiallyfalse - a lie as it were - but depicted in such a way as to capture theimagination of the audience, sweeping them into a world of make believeas they observe, spellbound by the complexities of the storyline.
It’s about time your blindfolds were removed to allow you to see thetruth and after reading this article, anyone that continues to allowthis massive fraud and deception becomes a guilty party to it!
At this point, you will want me to prove these claims and ask if Ihave any proof. The answer is YES I DO and the proof is easilyaccessible to you all. The following information will relatepredominantly to Australia, but what has to be remembered, is that NewZealand and Canada are also in the exact same position.
Estimatesvary, but when World War I ended on the 11th of November, 1918, about37 million were casualties: at least 16 million dead and 21 millionwounded. The Allies had lost about 5.7 million soldiers and Germany,Hungary, Turkey and Bulgaria about 4 million. Approximately 21 millionfrom all sides were wounded. Almost 7 million citizens were dead.Ninety-two years ago the world had experienced nothing like it. Tothis day they are still digging up WWI armaments in French fields!
During the latter stages of the Great War – The War to End All Wars –American President, Woodrow Wilson proposed the establishment of whatbecame the League of Nations. Travelling to Paris in 1919 he shaped theTreaty of Versailles and effectively created the League – for which hewas awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. He collapsed in Colorado whilsttouring America in 1919 as a result of his tireless efforts to changepublic opinion and have America join the League of Nations. He died in1924. America never joined the League.
In a cynically brilliant but coldly calculated political manoeuvrethe British government granted their former colonies freedom,independence and sovereignty, knowing full well that with cultural andeconomic ties as well as possessing the strongest navy, their formercolonies would vote with Mother Britain – thereby enabling Britain todominate the new League of Nations – which she did.
Almost a century ago in 1919 therecognised Australian population was less than 5.5 million living on ahuge island at the arse-end of the globe and surrounded by Asia. Withall their cultural, racial and strong family ties to Britain ('the homecountry') the government in this lonely European outpost, for practicalreasons, decided to carry on as if nothing had happened. The New Zealandgovernment did likewise.Nobody noticed when on Wednesday the September 10, in that year,London born Australian Prime Minister, Billy Hughes stated in theFederal Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, “…By thisrecognition Australia became a nation, and entered into a family ofnations on a footing of equality. We had earned that, or, rather, oursoldiers had earned it for us. In the achievement of victory they hadplayed their part and no nation has a better right to be representedthan Australia…”
When in 1921 Sir Joseph Cook, former Prime Minister to Australiatook up the position of Australian High Commissioner in London, KingGeorge V welcomed “the representative of our ex-colony, the newlyindependent nation of Australia” - again no one noticed!
Now theproblem was Article X of the Covenant of the League of Nations, whichstates: “The Members of the League undertake to respect and preserve asagainst external aggression the territorial integrity and existingpolitical independence of all Members of the League...”Sir Geoffrey Butler KBE, MA and Fellow, Librarian and Lecturer inInternational Law and Diplomacy of Corpus Christi College in CambridgeUniversity stated, “It is arguable that this article is the Covenant'smost significant single measure. By it the British Dominions, namely NewZealand, Australia, South Africa and Canada, have their independentnationhood established for the first time...the Dominions will alwayslook to the League of Nations Covenant as their Declaration ofIndependence.”
This became even worse in 1945 when Australia, New Zealand andCanada were all founding members of the United Nations (the body whichsuperseded the original League of Nations). Article 2, paragraphs 1 and 4of the United Nations Charter states, “The Organization is based on theprinciple of the sovereign equality of all its Members,” and “AllMembers shall refrain in their international relations from the threator use of force against the territorial integrity or politicalindependence of any state...” A number of other UN Resolutions existreiterating the importance of sovereignty and political independence.
Despite all this the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act,1900 (UK) defines the Commonwealth of Australia as “a self-governingcolony” (see Clause 8). Clause 2 of that British Act categoricallystates, “The provisions of the Act referring to the Queen shall extendto Her Majesty's heirs and successors in the sovereignty of the UnitedKingdom,” a United Kingdom defined as “Great Britain and Ireland” (see:the Preamble). And by the way, the United Kingdom of Great Britain andIreland hasn't existed since the signing of the Anglo-Irish Treaty in1921 (ratified in 1922) and was formally relegated to history by theRoyal and Parliamentary Titles Act, 1927 (UK) so there is no sovereignwho can legitimately make Australian vice-regal appointments – includingGovernors-General or Governors. There goes all Australian legislationfrom at least 1927!
As a free, independent and sovereign nation the parliaments ofAustralia can't pass laws unless and until a State Governor orCommonwealth Governor-General, themselves appointed by a distant, oldand emotionally crippled Queen Elizabeth II, provides a vice-regalsignature! Added to this the fact that the monarchs of Britain areconstitutional monarchies, themselves appointed by the WestminsterParliament and the whole situation is a farce! It'd be like theAmerican Congress and Senate having to obtain the signature of aPresident appointed by the Emperor of Japan but with the blessing of theNational Diet (parliament) of Japan! This same situation exists in NewZealand and Canada! The rest of the world is catching on and using theinformation to their advantage!
The International Scene – Some Examples
Whilstthe Japanese government is fully aware that the Australian governmentcan't prove the Commonwealth of Australia is a nation it knows it hasnothing to fear from that government's threat to take its anti-whalingcase to the International Court of Justice. This year Australia'sAntarctic waters will run blood-red again! The American government hasscientists searching for natural resources on the Antarctic territoriesof Australia and New Zealand because those territories were given by theUnited Nations and neither country can prove it has the nationalstanding (locus standi) to enforce its territorial rights!Meanwhile, low calibre, spineless Australian politicians like Dr.Bob Brown, Parliamentary Leader of the Australian Greens would rathermaintain the illusion of Australia's sovereignty, obtain his salary andprotect his superannuation than do anything realistic to stop Japanesewhaling in 'Australian' Antarctic waters. Likewise all of Australia'sposturing, self-centred parliamentarians, before they can take theirparliamentary seats, must take an oath or affirmation to a foreignmonarch appointed by a foreign parliament half a world away inWestminster! This is mandatory and specified in 'their' constitution(see: section 42 Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act, 1900).
But it gets worse – a whole lot worse. On the 11th of August, 2003the 24th Governor-General to Australia, Major General Philip MichaelJeffery AC, CVO, MC was appointed to his position by a forgedinstrument. We know this because we were told by Baron Falconer, who atthe time was British Lord Chancellor. Apparently an out of date RoyalSeal was used and the public record clearly shows that Queen ElizabethII wasn't anywhere near the place of signing as specified on the face ofJeffery's Appointment document! See: the Forgery and CounterfeitingAct, 1981 (UK).
Further to the subject of Governor Generals – as there have been nolegitimate appointments in that regard, did Australian Governor-GeneralKerr have any authority to sack the Whitlam Government in February 1975?- He ‘allegedly’ received his first pay-off of $US200, 000.00 creditedto his account number 767748 at the Singapore branch of the Nugan HandBank In December 1974, to do just that!
If the root is poisoned the fruit is poisoned! Perhaps this explainswhy the Chinese, Japanese and other governments have shown suchinterest in the documentation which appears at http://www.basicfraud.comand why you should as well! The Chinese government was so impressedthey copied the entire contents several times.
All Legislative Acts of theAustralian, New Zealand or Canadian governments have absolutely noauthority and are therefore imposed domestically by force upon theinhabitants of those lands and as a consequence of this revelation,those inhabitants are not bound by such laws. Imagine that! In theinternational sphere other governments are waking up. If you get intotrouble in China and you're travelling under a New Zealand or Australianpassport you'll know what Stern Hu or Matthew Ng have alreadyexperienced.Just on that point, the Chinese know that none of their people whoswear allegiance to Australia can actually be Australian citizensbecause to be a citizen you must be able to swear allegiance to anation. The highest legislation in Australia is the Commonwealth ofAustralia Constitution Act, 1900 and it's a British Act – never reallyvoted on by the majority of people living in Australia – and thatconstitution Act defines the Commonwealth of Australia as “aself-governing colony” (see clause 8)! This would be akin to Japangranting Solomon Island citizenship! How can British law grant any othercitizenship than British citizenship?
In other words, for almost a century the governments of Australia,New Zealand and Canada - aided and abetted by the polished reticence ofthe British parliament and a conniving establishment - have committedfraud and deception on a massive scale! The former colonies of Britainexist in a political No-Man's-Land.
The United Nations
The General Assembly of theUnited Nations – if that very expensive body is worthy of any respectwhatsoever – should stop imposing sanctions on and belittling weakcountries and for the first time rectify the gross, glaringly obvioushuman rights abuses of some of its most respected, 'democratic' MemberStates by:- Establishing an International Tribunal to investigate, with a view to the confirmation of the allegations contained in this article and as aresult have all Australian (New Zealand and Canadian) governments atall levels declared invalid under plain and long establishedinternational law.
- To establish within those countries International Criminal Tribunals to prosecute individuals who have aided and abetted the continuingbreach of international law through the application of United Kingdomlaw within the territories of these sovereign and independent nationstates.
- To implement such other procedures as are seen as necessary to uphold the Charter of the United Nations.
- To initiate and maintain procedures necessary to ensure the security of people residing (both individually and collectively) within theterritories of those countries up to and until the successfulimplementation of constitutions agreed upon by way of plebiscitesconducted amongst ALL mature peoples of those countries.
- And to declare the representatives of Australia, New Zealand and Canada in the United Nations General Assembly to be persona non gratauntil such time as representatives are nominated by the governments ofAustralia, New Zealand and Canada which validly represent thesovereignty of their peoples.
The Solomon Islands
All passports issued toAustralians and used in the Solomon Islands and throughout the world area fraud – so in effect these passports are just pieces of printed paperuntil a legitimate Government is in place within Australia - Ditto NewZealand and Canada.The interference of the Australian Government in the fall of theSogavare Government and the deportation of former Attorney GeneralJulian Moti can now be seen for what these always were - criminal actscarried out on behalf of thugs with absolutely no authority whatsoever!
Australian and New Zealand Police and Military personnel of RAMSIhave no lawful right of impersonation and are all guilty of committingcriminal offences. None of them should be here! What is their authorityabove brute force? After the public disclosure of this information,none can claim to be ignorant – after all, does it not go something like“ignorance of the law is no excuse”?
Yet here they all are, assuming to be able to tell the SolomonIslands and other Pacific Island Nations how to run their affairs, andhave continued to implement their fraudulent, null and void 'laws' andto make those 'laws' part of the governing system in other countries –talk about in your face!
All judges purporting to hold authority conferred by the IndependentSovereign Nations of Australia or New Zealand are in effect committingfraud and the crime of impersonation. This should come as no surprise astheir careers, income and superannuation depend upon maintaining thesystem – no matter how corrupt it is! Any person prosecuted by and/orconvicted of a crime by any of those so-called prosecutors or judgeshave been victims of criminal acts perpetrated against them.Compensation is surely due.
The Australian, New Zealand and CanadianGovernments are illegitimate and the inhabitants of those lands have theright to ignore, disregard and lawfully rebel against ALL 'laws' passedby those parliaments to ensure that criminal acts do not continue to beperpetrated against them, by those that have absolutely no authority. In this they will need help because just like the mafia, thesegovernments have guns. Now do you see why there is such a push to disarmthe population?Could this be why the New Zealand Parliament are at this very timemeeting behind closed doors to discuss just how they will try andlegitimise themselves by creating their own constitution? I am sure bynow they will realise the game is up.
This could also be why no rights and freedoms of the people areenshrined in any of the constitutions of Australia or New Zealand –being colonial constitutions the people these Acts applied to werecovered by British human rights legislation - But not anymore! That isbecause they simply do not give a toss about protecting anyone that theyhave no authority to protect, yet they believe they have the authorityto persecute, oppress, tax and continue to hold their serfs in bondage.
As an aside, New Zealand is in the unique position of having twopolitical hot footballs called the Declaration of Independence 1835 andTe Tiriti O Waitangi 1940 (both recognised under international law) –you see in New Zealand (or the land commonly referred) the trueSovereign Nation is in fact the Maori Nation if you want to take it froma “legal” standpoint.
Another political minefield for the fraudulent New ZealandGovernment, is that it seems the only legitimate Defence or SecurityForce that exists in New Zealand (and given authority and recognition bythe Maori Government of Aotearoa - who incidentally was given Authorityin Waitangi by Te Whakaminenga O Aotearoa according to lore), is infact, the New Zealand Armed Intervention Force and remains true to thisvery day! I bet that will upset them!
So what will the Solomon Islands and the world do now? Continue toallow this fraud to take place, or for the good of all people, dosomething about it?
Article 10 The Covenant of the League of Nations:
Charter of the United Nations:
Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act, 1900 (UK)
The Royal and Parliamentary Titles Act, 1927 (UK)
The Forgery and Counterfeiting Act, 1981 (UK)
Stern Hu and Matthew Ng
Google either of their names or check
By Kelvyn Alp...
Illegitimate ?
how about every country, government doing the same all around world. Americas, Europe, Poland which ( I am particularly upset about, after entire revolution of Solidarity in early 80's, gave away their ideals for world government/union ). Aussies, and the rest got raw deal in governing their land. Well, in all reality peoples of our lands willingly voted for this false governing body.
Time to wake up !