Avatar - the movie

Ok, let's hear it from other starseeds: how was your experience of the movie "Avatar"?First of all, the moral message is clear: respect nature, and become aquainted with her intelligence. But the references to extra-planetary life - do you feel any kind of recognition, or any hints that evoke memories of otherworldly living?And what are your thoughts on the relation between evolution, technology and nature?The movie had the simple, moral point, that an advanced kind of nature in cooperation with an advanced state of intelligence in the humanoid seemed to be more applicable, than the usual thinking that "technology" sort of always is the next solution.I am no myself negative, when it comes to technology, and I do not believe in dystopias, predicting machines to become wiser than humans. I know how complex an information processer the whole of the bodymind is in itself, and how far from this any kind of machine actually is. Organic nature is much more intelligent than our creations. However, I do think, that technology will be an aid in both ascension of the mind (as for instance through the internet and webpages like this one), and also in re-inventing materiality - the further we reach into ascension, the purer our minds, hearts and longings - and then, technology becomes an excellent tool in changing the material realm into a more etheric, and spiritual realm.What, however, are your opinions on this subject? And what did you get out of the movie Avatar, besides from it being a "pedagogical" lesson for those, who still do not take serious the power of nature and subtle intelligence in all things - including ourselves?

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  • I am a researcher, and connected strongly to the new energies, thus also the new paradigms. I have my struggles of course, since the new paradigms are not yet established, and as many of us in this forum knows, much of our inner truth is being ridiculed by the current systems of belief & social systems.

    But what you write above, I know lots about - I write about and research these areas,

    Sure consciousness i primary - and sure we are on our way to understand this,
    no doubt,

    but this does not leave out the materiality of our experience, while we are here,

    we are to work with matter on behalf of consciousness ourselves - as humans,***
  • Thank you for your comment. It was very interesting to read. I am glad that you are sharing.

    What I see is, that there are - of course - different time perspectives in which to envision the role of technology. There is now, and perhaps the near future - and there is the more distant future, where many more humans have ascended.

    For now, and the development to come in the near future, I find that technology has a lot to offer, when handled right - and I have it as part of my life mission to make people aware of this.

    In the long run I follow your words much - and I see the clear relation between what the use of technology teaches us today, and our natural capacities in the future. For even us as Starseeds have our abilities partially closed, because we are inhabiting a 2-3D society. Once the energies around us are balanced so much, that high frequencies are part of the everyday societies around the world, our capacity will be so much clearer. And here we will definitely discover abilities that overrule some of the technologies known today.

    There is a looped, living interaction here - I think.

    Avatar shows a picture of technology could be - in the worst case - when led by undeveloped consciousness. However, the mating of ascended people and technology will be very promising.

    I so enjoy all your answers, and this debate - for many reasons, Avatar is of importance.

    Do any of you, however, have revelations about your stellar or planetary backgrounds in connection to seeing the movie?
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  • Love this movie, beautiful....
  • Awesome movie - invoked a lot of emotion in me for what was happening. The movie's main underlying political message was pretty clear for all to see, but were heaps of other subtle spiritual messages in there as well - all mentioned here already. +1
    • I want to see AVATAR,

      but in 3D, and we have only 2D here...
  • It was kind of technology against nature, but at the end they turned him into one of them by natural means . Organic nature seems to be more inteligent. I do realize we are all one with nature but it seems the brain gets in the way and always tends to make things dificult. I have had moments i was in total conection with plants or animals but for short periods of time, and it always happened spontaniously and not calculated by me(at least not consciously). I have always believed that while we humans do replicate a lot from nature, like flying and diving, we also replicate most of the stuff we are supossed to be able to do without technology. Like the phone instead of telephaty, computers instead of using the total capacity of the brain, etc etc. Also we need to understand that if we do not have it within us we will never see it outside of us. The plants ,birds and others in the movie were nothing new, they were known to us in image. If they would put something unknown in the movie we would not be able to see it, like they explained in the book the secret with the shaman that saw Colombus only after a while concentrating on it. Annyways i am getting way passed what i wanted to say. The 3-d effects blew me away, loved it.
    • But do you honestly believe, that we could have a global, well-functioning society run by telepathy, where we threw away our computers? Can we, us who are starseeds, connect directly now outside the internet - solely - without training from the net, and communicate equally clear, create, be, and make things function at the pragmatic level?

      Actually, indigenous people were operating in much smaller environments - not across geographical distances like in a global society - they might have used telepathy - there are many indications of that - however, at what level? What was the nature of their sign exchange?

      I do respect the qualities of indigenous societies, but I do also think, that we are becoming too romantic about it also. With all do respect, I do not envision a future, where we "retreat" into the states of indigenous people, and I hardly think that what happened was absolutely outside the "Master Plan" - and due solely to the worst and most evil race of all: the white Westeners.

      To be honest, I find, that both rhetorics are naive and regressive - and I do believe in evolution. Neither indians, nor aboriginees had insights and abilities like such thought of in societies of Lemuria and Atlantis, for instance. And what I overall mean is, that humans had to evolve into having structures that could both be material, and carry high levels of light information inside themselves...this has been a gradual development, and failure along the way is just as "real" and unavoidable as success - since none exists without the other.

      People have not been, and are not ready to function concretely by telepathy, and to "fly" without airplanes, to calculate without computers, etc - and these abilities are hardly mere "evil" - since, as I pointed out - the insights on building technology have been given to humans by Masters and non-human intelligences - and even by consciousness that some of us carry from planets elsewhere, where other kinds of technology has been tried out,

      So in this sense, I think the movie was very simple, with very simple argumentation - but I guess, this is not the main thing - the purpose is to educate mainstream consciousness into realising the forces and actuality of nature, and our symbiotic relations to her - as someone in this debate mentioned, there are still many who have not felt the energies of higher intelligence, the possibility of telepathy, clairsentience, inner knowledge and vision, and love as a grand, natural force, that seems to really manifest itself on earth these days,
  • I laughed when I read this news article.... and then I went and saw the movie...

    I've been home 6 hours since the end of the movie and I still don't feel right. I still feel like I'm on a holiday that has gone on too long and I'm tired and bored and want to go home. I've had this sensation happen before but not to this extent.

    I really hate admitting that a fictional movie moved me in such a way. I'm logical, and skeptical, and I never expected to be effected like this. It's quite embarrassing.

    There is a small part of me (tiny, tiny part) that wishes I hadn't seen it.
  • Halderon - indeed I was thinking the same as you imply in your words: the avatar thing is the other way around - I am immersed in earth space to "live among them", "learn about their life-styles", and...the other way around: help to raise awareness...gently,...in love....contribute with all higher knowledge that I can bring to this earth...

    to be honest, this is how I really feel

    I didn't get homesick - I have come over that feeling, which was, however, persistent for a very long time,

    But I myself was feeling "blue" a long time before this movie - that is - I feel, that in my etheric, Andromeda home - I was actually tall and blue (but not a cat),

    Anyone else getting recollections?

    By the way - I love this thread, and all of your answers,

    what a great place to raise this debate,
    • I basically agree with whats been posted here, I loved the film and it confirmed my yearning to be 'home'.... I in particular connected with the dragons/riders. I have been dreaming and thinking about dragons and the faintest of memories of having ridden one in eaons past.....:).. ...What a strange thought....:)... I think (advanced) technology should be serving the people and not a select few..It should help us clean up the mess..and keep it clean... I believe that technology already exists...
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