Avoiding deceit in your search for truth

Namaste Crew Members,

As we navigate the sea of information of the world-wide-web, we often cross paths with untruths in the form of cunning deceptions, scams and lies.  These untruths can range from benign, to down right dangerous and enslaving.  As a fellow truth seeker, I strive to share what wisdom my path has distilled upon me in hopes that I may be both of service to others, and corrected when in error.  If what I share bellow resonates with you, please take it upon yourself to learn it for yourself.  If you don't find value in what I have to say, follow your own truth and continue on your path. 

To iterate the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson, "The only thing sacred after all is the integrity of ones own mind."  No belief, organization, leader or idea should be so sacred as to not merit careful investigation and scrutiny.  Any and all information you come across should first be verified through careful analysis of the supporting evidence before being accepted as true or worthy of adaptation.  If something is true, it will be substantiated by verifiable evidence, logic, and reason.  As Buddha himself once said, "Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who has said it, noteven if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense".

One potential problem with much of the New Age genre of information is that it is not always substantiated with hard evidence, leaving us to more or less act on faith in place of logic.  Fortunately we can use the tools of logic, reason, the scientific method and some basic psychology to help us avoid deception.

If something is true, such as the force of gravity, it will be mostly consistent, verifiable, and not require belief in order for it to be true.  It just is.  One thing we have to watch out for is our personal biases.  Is something true because it is self evident and verifiable, or does it only seem true because you believe it is?  Our minds have the capacity to create illusions of truth, where little to none exists.  Just as an example, one might believe they are cursed and made to suffer due to a mishap in a past life.  This person would then look for things in their life that affirms this belief.  Their focus on the bad things that happen to them, while ignoring or rationalizing the good things  enhances this potentially false reality.  However, if they were to perform a less biased review of their life, or even get the opinion of another, they would likely see that they are just average and have the same good/bad experiences as anyone else.  This phenomenon is known as "Confirmation Bias": "It is the peculiar and perpetual errorof the human understanding to be more moved and excited by affirmatives than by
negatives" - Francis Bacon.  For this reason, feelings alone should not be trusted to confirm whether something is true or not.  Feelings and intuition can give us hunches in the right direction, but they should be corroborated with both the physical evidence and the application of logic and reason.

Another psychological phenomenon that can either deter or lead us closer to the truth is cognitive dissonance.  This is the uncomfortable feeling that we may feel when we are presented with new information that contradicts our current beliefs or paradigms.  If we allow this discomfort and anxiety to scare us away from further investigation, we could potentially forgo the opportunity to arrive closer to the truth.  However, if we investigate with the attitude that knowing the truth is more important than remaining comfortable, we can then hope to find out if this new information is closer to the truth than our current paradigm.

One thing that can complicate things is that there are different types of truths as well as differing definitions and adaptations there of.  Laws of nature (physics, mathematics etc) could be considered one type of truth, while metaphysics, spirituality, and psychology would fall under other types.  Some truths are based on facts (2+2=4), while others are more subjective (philosophy, spirituality etc).  If someone is attempting to take advantage of perceived truths, there are some warning signs worth noting to hopefully avoid being deceived:
  • Unreasonable cost for services (is it all about the money?)
  • Devotion, loyalty or worship to the leader
  • Abandonment of family, friends or non-believers
  • Superstitious or magical thinking required (goes against logic, reason or science)
  • Contradicts verifiable evidence or witnesses
  • Questioning or further investigation is discouraged (faith only etc)
  • Contradicts intuition or gut feelings (follow your hunches through to further investigation)
One last item worth mentioning is the potency and subtlety of mind control/thought reform.  Without knowing the patterns and methods of mind control, we can potentially be converted into dangerous cults, false religions, or into false thinking.  This Wiki will provide a good introduction of Mind Control.

The above represents tidbits of what I have personally experienced and crossed paths with.  Your mileage may very.  You may take it or leave it. 

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  • Good post =)
  • Sounds like psychology. Sounds like you have had some bad experiences on your search for truth. You haven't experienced crazy yet, the outer bounds of this reality. I am talking of actual experience. Can you imagine being in a place that makes Alice in Wonderland a safe, predictable and fun place to be, where illusions are constantly changing without your permission and finding a point to anchor on is darn near impossible. We have earth as a solution to our psychosis. Everything seems to be solid and things don't disappear without your permission. Locations, objects, people and other things are stable and don't move around too much.

    Let's get back to Earth reality. I am amused at our existence on many levels. Unreasonable cost for services? What isn't about money on Earth? A house cost on average $400,000 of which we pay a mortgage for most of our lives. A diamond ring costs more than $1,000 just to seal the deal in marriage (not including the wedding costs). A car costs $40,000 just so we can get around not including the cost of insurance. We don't dare get sick due to the cost of healthcare. Cost of life sustaining drugs are high. If you don't have a health or dental plan you are screwed. The main expenses I have listed are just the primary costs practically every individual has to put out moneywise. Jobs are scarce in some parts of the country and food prices are high. All these expenses are geared to just the "care of the body". Although you need a body and many other attachments to exist on earth what about other things...mental health, spiritual freedom, happiness, certainty, being self-determined?

    If I found an organization, church, cult or whatever that I could get rid of my physical disabilities, diseases, neurosis, psychosis permanently, offered spiritual freedom, I would definitely pay whatever it cost. Why? I will let you work that out for yourself. I have already worked that one out for myself.

    I have taken only the first point up but the rest I will leave alone.

    Autumn Rose
    • Oh yeah, how true how true. I have met those people and been to their sites. You said it like it is, I have been I think to the site you mentioned about being verbally threatened if I did not donate, so of course they got nodda....I also took myself off of their mailing list immediately. I also had a bru-ha with Nancy Lederman at Zeta talk because I told her quite graphically but in a polite way what I thought of the garbage she was trying to fill everyone's minds with about the Zeta and got a correspondence back from her (most likely a handler) stating that if I made public comments that they would have the Zetas deal with me so I should shut up and back off. Told them I had already had dealings with the Zetas and that threat would not work on me....and then kiddingly added that I would sic my Zetas on Their Zetas and sit back and watch the fight, haha. Guess they gave up on me cause I never got any more emails......Zeta talk is a load of crap. If anyone buys into it then my apologies in advance for offending your beliefs.
      • lol! what a hoot! Marique, you ROCK! people & their flimsy fear tactics! ha! YOU win ~props!~ ;0)
    • very good point AR. but, are you sure you'd join that church ~whatever the cost? sounds like a familiar story... the weight of the world in gold, for only the tiny cost of ~your soul~ egads! :0/
    • Yes, this does delve into psychology, because our minds are powerful enough to create illusions of things being real that don't actually exist. Many of these groups, which you don't seem to have any hesitation of joining, use subtle techniques that actually rob you of your free will as they every so carefully program you to think the way they want you to think. It's known as thought reform or mind control. Having been raised and lived in such an organization for 30 years, I can tell you from personal experience just how powerful those mind created illusions can be. The CIA did their own experimentation with mind control under project MK Ultra. Though somewhat on the silly side, this video actually provides a good summary of many of the patterns to watch out for in a mind controlling cult.

      • I LOVED this video Lord M. I was on a forum who used some of these techniques to get members to believe everything that is said and to make sure no one stated or shared an opinion contrary to the ideas that the management wanted everyone to believe (and believe me some of the info is WAY out there....). Out of respect for it's members I will refrain from finger pointing. I tried to post this video on that forum recently and it was up for all of three minutes until the moderators saw it and immediately yanked it and I got a harsh criticism for trying to poison the members minds, lol. To me that just validated my opinion of the management of that site. Others there will figure it out on their own. Hope they are here watching this video. I like the silliness of this vid and yet says it all so well.
        • Yes, you can find these manipulative tactics everywhere. I used to see cult type recruiters here on Ashtar but I don't monitor it enough now so I don't know if they still come around. Anytime anyone tries to get you to sell all of your belongings and move to their ranch, or pay exorbitant amounts of money for weekend workshops (thousands vs hundreds etc), red flags should be going up.
      • Jamestown was a perfect example of an MK Ultra mind-behaviour control project. Jim Jones was a CIA plant all the way! now, that's some crazy, swept-under-the-carpet , lost archive, worth digging up ish! (evidence of revision/jamestown)
      • Hello Everyone,
        This video is a great summary of mind control. Some so called teachers use long hours of Meditation or Meditation Techniques to create an environement of SELF-Hypnosis, the students become more receptive and then they program anything they want into the students mind, the student then creates it with his/her mind and physically manifest it in their bodies and lifes and think or is made believed that it is their own KARMA comming back to them, wow..............be carefull.
        My personal realization through meditation is:
        the Radiant One, God, Great Spirit or whatever you want to name the source of creation is within you and all creation in various degrees of vibrations/frequencies. For instant a dog is god in a dog costume, the energy behind the Costume/Form/Dog is the same in various degrees/levels of vibration/frequency.That is how I explain it to my 6 Yr.old G-Son when he askes me what is god and where is god. I also discovered a great childrens book: "What is God" by Etan Boritzer, Firefly Book, it has simple but great information for Children and Adults. Very cosmic information.
        Yogananda's favorite saying is: I am thee and you are me, blessed spirit I am thee. This needs to be experienced by us from within ourselfs, to become believable.
        Out of my own experience, Meditation raises one's vibration and when we raise our vibration we have access to that level of vibration, knowledge, wisdom and are able to hear, see and experience that life on that level of vibration/frequency ourselfs.
        For instant I have seen angels all my life and more, but until you as a individual have the same vision or experience you could think that I am crazy. So here we go back to raising our vibration/frequency of the body so we can have these experiences ourselfs.
        Blessings, Peace, Love and Light
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