!AWAKEN TO LOVE! "Love Fest Meditation" by Sananda !ONLY LOVE IS REAL! ...in English, French, Portuguese, Dutch, Italian and Chinese
by Lord Sananda
To Begin TODAY for the NEXT SEVEN DAYS, at least 15 minutes per day
channeled by Janisel -- janisel((at))sanandaseagles.com
Greetings, my beautiful LIGHTWORKERS, I AM Sananda, overjoyed to be with you again! And you know, of course, that that means we’re going to have another Love Fest! For I am a Master of Love, and there is no more joyous Energy to work with. So I invite you to join me in your next meditation and let us share and work with this sublime Energy together. And we are going to share this feeling of Love, of Bliss, with others, yes?
First, don't forget to do your Protocal: 1) Ground and Center, and 2) Intend to send your energies of this meditation to those in Project: Eagle Triad.
The first grid you are asked to work with this week is your solar grid. You see, there is still a turbulence of energies filtering to you through your sun and, quite naturally, it is causing a bit of chaos. So you are asked to ease this a bit by sending the Energy of Love to your sun.
The next grid you are asked to focus on is your Earth grid, and you are to send the Energy of Love to your Mother Gaia, to her Heart. And let this Energy of Love circulate and come back to you, filling your heart with her returned Love for you. THEN…and there is a second part to this…you are to send this Love you are receiving from the planet, out to the hearts of all humans on Earth. For most do not realize the great love the planet has for them.
The last grid you are being asked to work with is, again, the mass-consciousness grid of planet Earth. So for the next five minutes you are asked, as a Group, to send the Energy of Love into the mass-consciousness grid, visualizing this Love flowing through this grid and lighting it up a bit, yes? And, please, dear brothers and sisters state your intent to disconnect from this grid when you are finished with your meditation.
It is my privilege to share in this Love Fest with you! I AM Sananda, always walking by your side. Shalom!
We of Sananda's Eagles and Project: Eagle Triad **LOVE YOUR LIGHT** and want YOU to join our family, to co-create your Mission today. Join our loving eagle nest by contacting: janisel((at))sanandaseagles.com
Seigneur Sananda
Pour commencer dès aujourd'hui pour les sept prochains jours, au moins 15 minutes par jour
canalisé par Janisel - janisel ((à)) sanandaseagles.com
JE SUIS Sananda et je salue mes beaux LIGHTWORKERS ; je suis particulièrement joyeux d'être de nouveau parmi vous ! Vous savez tous, bien entendu, que ceci signifie que nous nous apprêtons à entreprendre une autre célébration d'amour !
Rappelez vous : je suis un maître d'amour et il n'existe pas d'énergie plus joyeuse avec laquelle travailler. Je vous invite en conséquence à me rejoindre lors de votre nouvelle méditation pour travailler la main dans la main au niveau de cette énergie merveilleuse. Êtes-vous maintenant prêts à partager ce sentiment d'amour et de bonheur avec les autres ?
La première grille avec laquelle il vous est demandé de travailler est votre grille solaire. Il existe toujours, voyez-vous, un déséquilibre énergétique qui vous parvient en provenance de votre étoile et qui provoque - assez logiquement - certains troubles. Il vous est demandé en conséquence de faciliter ceci en expédiant l'énergie d'amour vers votre soleil.
Il vous est ensuite demandé de vous concentrer sur votre grille terrestre : vous devrez transmettre l'énergie d'amour en direction de votre mère Gaïa, plus précisément en direction de son cœur. Vous devrez laisser cette énergie d'amour circuler puis revenir dans votre direction accompagnée de l'amour qu'elle vous retourne.
PUIS, dans un deuxième temps, vous devrez retransmettre cet amour que vous recevez de votre planète, vers la totalité des coeurs de tous les humains présents sur la terre car la plupart de ces derniers n'a aucune idée de la quantité d'amour que la planète leur réserve.
La dernière grille avec laquelle il vous est demandé de vous concentrer est - de nouveau - la grille de conscience collective de la planète terre. Il vous est donc demandé de transmettre, en tant que groupe, l'énergie d'amour vers la grille de conscience collective ; vous visualiserez cet amour s'épanouissant à travers ce treillis et l'illuminant fortement, comprenez-vous ?
Je vous prie, chers frères et soeurs, d'émettre l'intention de vous déconnecter de cette grille quand vous aurez achevé votre méditation.
Je suis vraiment enchanté de partager cette fête d'amour avec vous ! JE SUIS Sananda et je me tiendrai toujours à vos côtés. Shalom !
We of Sananda's Eagles and Project: Eagle Triad **LOVE YOUR LIGHT** and want YOU to join our family, to co-create your Mission today. Join our loving eagle nest by contacting: janisel((at))sanandaseagles.com
Senhor Sananda
Para começar hoje para os próximos sete dias, pelo menos 15 minutos por dia
canalizada por Janisel - janisel ((at)) sanandaseagles.com
Saudações, meus Águias maravilhosos, SOU EU Sananda, muito alegre por estar novamente com vocês! E vocês sabem, é claro, que isto significa que vamos ter outra Festa de Amor, já que eu sou um Mestre do Amor, e não há Energia mais alegre de se trabalhar.
Assim, os convido a se juntarem a mim em sua próxima meditação a fim de, juntos, compartilhar e trabalhar com essa sublime Energia. E nós vamos compartilhar esse sentimento de Amor e Felicidade com outras pessoas, certo?
A primeira malha que se pede para vocês trabalharem nesta semana é a sua malha solar. Vejam, ainda há uma turbulência de energias sendo filtradas até vocês pelo seu sol e, muito naturalmente, isso está causando um pouco de caos. Assim, pede-se para vocês aliviarem um pouco isso, enviando Energia de Amor ao seu sol.
A próxima malha que se pede para vocês se focarem é a sua malha Terra, e vocês devem enviar Energia de Amor à sua Mãe Gaia, ao seu Coração. Deixem então essa Energia de Amor circular e voltar até vocês, preenchendo seus corações com o Amor que ela lhes retorna. ENTÃO... pois há uma segunda parte nisto... vocês devem enviar esse Amor que recebem do planeta aos corações de todos os seres humanos da Terra. De fato, a maioria das pessoas não percebe o grande amor que o planeta tem por elas.
A última malha que se pede para vocês trabalharem é, de novo, a malha consciência-de-massa do planeta Terra. Assim, durante os próximos cinco minutos, pede-se para vocês, enquanto um Grupo, enviarem Energia de Amor à malha consciência-de-massa, visualizando esse Amor fluindo por essa malha e iluminando-a um pouco, certo? E, por favor, queridos irmãos e irmãs, decretem a intenção de se desconectarem dessa malha quando tiverem terminado sua meditação.
É meu privilégio compartilhar com vocês nesta Festa de Amor! EU SOU Sananda, sempre andando ao seu lado. Shalom!
We of Sananda's Eagles and Project: Eagle Triad **LOVE YOUR LIGHT** and want YOU to join our family, to co-create your Mission today. Join our loving eagle nest by contacting: janisel((at))sanandaseagles.com
Lord Sananda
Te beginnen vandaag voor de komende zeven dagen, ten minste 15 minuten per dag
gekanaliseerd door Janisel - janisel ((at)) sanandaseagles.com
Gegroet, mijn prachtige LIGHTWORKERS, IK BEN Sananda, dolblij om weer met jullie te zijn! En jullie weten, natuurlijk, dat dit betekent dat we nog een Feest van Liefde zullen hebben!
Want ik ben een Meester van Liefde, en er is geen andere heerlijkere Energie om mee te werken. Ik nodig jullie dus uit om met mij mee te doen in jullie volgende meditatie en laten wij deze sublieme Energie samen met elkaar delen en er samen mee werken. En wij zullen dit gevoel van Liefde, van gelukzaligheid, delen met anderen, OK?
Het eerste netwerk waarmee jullie gevraagd worden om mee te werken is jullie zonne-netwerk. Want zie je, er is nog steeds enige turbulentie van energieën die naar jullie toe gefilterd worden door jullie zon en het veroorzaakt vanzelfsprekend een beetje chaos. Jullie worden dus gevraagd om dit enigszins te doen afnemen door de Energie van Liefde te sturen naar jullie zon.
Het volgend netwerk waarop jullie gevraagd worden te focussen is jullie netwerk van de Aarde, en jullie moeten de Energie van Liefde sturen naar jullie Moeder Aarde, naar haar Hart. En laat deze Energie van Liefde circuleren en naar jullie terugkomen, en jullie hart vullen met de Liefde die zij naar jullie terugstuurt. DAN ... en er is een tweede deel erbij ... moeten jullie deze Liefde, die jullie van de planeet ontvangen, uitzenden naar de harten van alle mensen op Aarde. Want de meesten realiseren zich niet welke liefde de planeet voor hen heeft.
Het laatste netwerk waarop jullie gevraagd worden om mee te werken is, nogmaals, het netwerk van het massabewustzijn van de planeet Aarde. Voor de volgende vijf minuten worden jullie dus gevraagd om, als een Groep, de Energie van Liefde te sturen in het netwerk van het massabewustzijn, en visualiseren hoe deze Liefde door dit netwerk stroomt en het een beetje opheldert, OK?
En, alsjeblieft, lieve broeders en zusters, spreek jullie intentie uit om jullie te ontkoppelen van dit netwerk wanneer jullie klaar zijn met jullie meditatie.
Het is een voorrecht voor mij om dit Feest van Liefde met jullie te delen!
IK BEN Sananda, en ik loop altijd aan jullie zijde. Sjalom!
We of Sananda's Eagles and Project: Eagle Triad **LOVE YOUR LIGHT** and want YOU to join our family, to co-create your Mission today. Join our loving eagle nest by contacting: janisel((at))sanandaseagles.com
Signore Sananda
Per cominciare oggi per i prossimi sette giorni, almeno 15 minuti al giorno
canalizzato da Janisel - janisel ((at)) sanandaseagles.com
Saluti , mie belle LIGHTWORKERS , IO SONO Sananda , felicissimo di essere con voi! E si sa, naturalmente, che significa che stiamo andando ad avere un altro amore Fest ! Perché io sono un Maestro d'Amore , e non c'è energia più gioioso con cui lavorare. Quindi vi invito a unirvi a me nella prossima meditazione e farci condividere e lavorare con questo sublime Energy insieme . E ci accingiamo a condividere questo sentimento di amore , di Bliss , con gli altri , sì ?
La prima griglia viene chiesto di lavorare con questa settimana è la griglia solare. Vedete , c'è ancora una turbolenza di energie filtraggio a voi attraverso il vostro sole e , naturalmente , sta causando un po ' di caos . Quindi viene richiesto di facilitare questo un po ' inviando l'energia dell'amore al sole.
La griglia successiva vi viene chiesto di concentrarsi su è la griglia della Terra , e si è di inviare l'energia dell'amore di tua Madre Gaia , al suo Cuore . E lasciate che questa energia d'amore circolare e tornare a voi , riempire il vostro cuore con il suo amore restituiti per voi .
THEN ... e c'è una seconda parte a questo ... si sta per inviare questo amore si ricevono dal pianeta , verso i cuori di tutti gli esseri umani sulla Terra . Per la maggior parte non si rendono conto del grande amore che il pianeta ha per loro.
L' ultima griglia vi viene chiesto di lavorare è , ancora una volta , la griglia coscienza di massa del pianeta Terra . Così, per i prossimi cinque minuti ti viene chiesto , come Gruppo , per inviare l'energia dell'amore nella rete coscienza di massa , visualizzando questo Amore che fluisce attraverso questa griglia e l'illuminazione è un po ' , sì ?
E, per favore , cari fratelli e sorelle dichiarano l'intenzione di disconnettere da questa griglia quando si è finito con la meditazione .
E ' per me un privilegio di condividere questa Fest amore con te ! IO SONO Sananda , camminando sempre al tuo fianco . Shalom !
We of Sananda's Eagles and Project: Eagle Triad **LOVE YOUR LIGHT** and want YOU to join our family, to co-create your Mission today. Join our loving eagle nest by contacting: janisel((at))sanandaseagles.com
通过Janisel渠道- janisel((在))sanandaseagles.com
Greetings, my beautiful LIGHTWORKERS, I AM Sananda, overjoyed to be with you again! And you know, of course, that that means we鈥檙e going to have another Love Fest! For I am a Master of Love, and there is no more joyous Energy to work with. So I invite you to join me in your next meditation and let us share and work with this sublime Energy together. And we are going to share this feeling of Love, of Bliss, with others, yes? 闂€欎綘浠紝鎴戠編涓界殑楣颁滑锛屾垜鏄拻鍗楄揪锛屽緢楂樺叴鍐嶆涓庝綘浠湪涓€璧凤紒浣犱滑褰撶劧鐭ラ亾杩欐剰鍛崇潃鎴戜滑灏嗚繋鏉ュ彟澶栦竴涓埍鐨勭洓瀹达紒鍥犱负鎴戞槸涓€涓埍鐨勫ぇ甯堬紝娌℃湁鏇村鎰夊揩鐨勮兘閲忓幓宸ヤ綔锛屽洜姝わ紝鎴戦個璇蜂綘浠湪涓嬩竴涓啣鎯冲姞鍏ユ垜锛岃鎴戜滑鍒嗕韩锛屼笌杩欎釜宕囬珮鐨勮兘閲忎竴璧峰伐浣溿€傛垜浠皢涓庡叾浠栦汉涓€璧峰垎浜繖涓埍鍜屾鍠滅殑鎰熻銆�
The first grid you are asked to work with this week is your solar grid. You see, there is still a turbulence of energies filtering to you through your sun and, quite naturally, it is causing a bit of chaos. So you are asked to ease this a bit by sending the Energy of Love to your sun. 杩欏懆浣犱滑闇€瑕佸伐浣滅殑绗竴涓綉缁滄槸澶槼缃戠粶銆備粛鐒舵湁涓€鑲¤兘閲忛€氳繃浣犱滑鐨勫お闃宠繃婊ゅ埌浣犱滑锛屽畠鑷劧鍦伴€犳垚浜嗕竴浜涙贩涔便€傚洜姝よ閫氳繃鍙戦€佺埍鐨勮兘閲忕粰浣犱滑鐨勫お闃虫潵鍑忚交瀹冦€�
The next grid you are asked to focus on is your Earth grid, and you are to send the Energy of Love to your Mother Gaia, to her Heart. And let this Energy of Love circulate and come back to you, filling your heart with her returned Love for you. THEN鈥nd there is a second part to this鈥ou are to send this Love you are receiving from the planet, out to the hearts of all humans on Earth. For most do not realize the great love the planet has for them. 涓嬩竴涓綘浠渶瑕侀泦涓殑缃戠粶鏄湴鐞冪綉缁滐紝璇峰彂閫佺埍鐨勮兘閲忕粰浣犱滑鍦扮悆姣嶄翰鐩栧▍鐨勫績鑴忋€傝杩欎釜鐖辩殑鑳介噺寰幆骞跺洖鍒颁綘浠韩涓婏紝璁╁ス鍥為鐨勭埍鍏呮弧浣犱滑銆傛帴涓嬫潵锛岀浜岄儴鍒嗘槸鍙戦€佷綘浠粠鍦扮悆鎺ユ敹鐨勭埍缁欏湴鐞冧笂鎵€鏈変汉绫荤殑蹇冭剰锛屼粬浠ぇ澶氭暟浜烘病鏈夋剰璇嗗埌鍦扮悆瀵逛粬浠紵澶х殑鐖便€�
The last grid you are being asked to work with is, again, the mass-consciousness grid of planet Earth. So for the next five minutes you are asked, as a Group, to send the Energy of Love into the mass-consciousness grid, visualizing this Love flowing through this grid and lighting it up a bit, yes? And, please, dear brothers and sisters state your intent to disconnect from this grid when you are finished with your meditation. 浣犱滑闇€瑕佸伐浣滅殑鏈€鍚庣殑缃戠粶鏄湴鐞冪殑澶т紬鎰忚瘑缃戠粶銆傚洜姝わ紝涓嬩竴涓�5鍒嗛挓璇峰彂閫佺埍鐨勮兘閲忕粰澶т紬鎰忚瘑缃戠粶锛岃鎯崇埍娴佹穼杩囪繖涓綉缁滃苟鐐逛寒瀹冦€備翰鐖辩殑鍏勫紵濮愬浠紝璇峰湪浣犱滑缁撴潫杩欎釜鍐ユ兂鏃堕檲杩颁綘浠殑鎰忔効浠庤繖涓綉缁滈殧寮€銆�
It is my privilege to share in this Love Fest with you! I AM Sananda, always walking by your side. Shalom! 鎴戝緢鑽e垢涓庝綘浠垎浜繖涓埍鐨勭洓瀹达紒鎴戞槸鎾掑崡杈撅紝涓€鐩磋蛋鍦ㄤ綘浠殑韬竟銆傚啀瑙侊紒
Dear J' Tariah En Ra El,
Thanks for this meditation....
I love it and like it to be with my triad and Janisel also...
This gives very good energies...!!
What is needed is our Purity of The Heart and the Clarity of Mind...!!
Love for our Masters makes easy to get good results...!!
This is the SECOND LOVE FEST Meditation. The first was on Valentines. <B