During my awakening process, I have been labeled as "mental illness."

 Everything on Ashtar Command (videos, discussions etc,) is what I have been experiencing as a more than just one person for myself. I realize now, that we are all connected as one.

Not only that but, I have been going through an intertwining (process, if you will) to connect the dots and complete my whole self as a "being" connected to the universe, God.

We are all apart of God (universe.) As I was going through my ascension/awakening process a lot of things were happening to me all at once. My relationships were falling apart, my life was falling apart, I needed to give up my old self to build new life so that my life can be apart of Mother Earth and everyone else. Life is precious and being in the present moment is what's important, now. Thank you.

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  • Hi Hellen, this event all started to happen in 2008 for me and it is still going on to this day. However, a lot of the progress is slowing down and giving me a break. Healing is definitely not an easy process. This started for me in adult hood. Also, I did not use or abuse drugs or alcohol. Never done drugs in my entire life. I had two traumatic incidents happen to me in my late twenties and early thirties. It's crazy, you know? Thank you for your comment, I appreciate the feedback! 

  • they will label it a mental illness because we don't usually deal with spiritual stuff in the western world. my friend is writing a paper on going crazy and kundalini awakening. when you start to go through this everything is brought to the surface and you are channeling a whole hell of a lot of energy. i have gone through the cosmic washer and dryer and the best thing to do is to care for yourself as best as possible. to exercise if you can walk or whatever....l recommend yoga, get outside, take epsom salt or sea salt baths and nurture and care for yourself as much as possible through this process.


    thank you!!

  • Hi Marique, wonderful comment, thank you. I completely agree with you about the "labeling of mental illness."

    Like you said, I feel too as though the medical field just wants to put a band aid by giving us pills to make us feel better, when it sometimes a lot of the times has an opposite effect with all of the side effects of all psychiatric medications.

    When as you said, we need to look within ourselves and work on our problems, deep within. I went through two difficult relationships. Both relationships went horribly wrong and all I did was "sweep them under the carpet." So one of the relationships presented itself to me (over and over again,) I basically ignored everything that it kept wanting me to see and I didn't want to see it, so I shoved it under the carpet hoping it would go away. It didn't go away, it was a horrible nightmare and just a really bad memory of what happened in that relationship. I ended up in the psychiatric hospital about six times.

    Today I am happy to say that, I am finally working on my past relationships and getting some things resolved and things feel like they are coming to a closure. If we don't work on ourselves, it will eventually show up either in this lifetime or the next life time. :)

  • Wonderful sharing and discussion.  I too relate to this very much.  One thing that I would like to say is that doctors love to label people as having mental illness, because then they can prescribe medications and that is their answer to everything a person goes through and experiences.  Prescribing medications makes them feel like they are fixing people.  I am not knocking medications for illnesses don't get me wrong.  I am just saying that it would be nice if physicians listened and talked to people more and really put an effort into understanding what is going on in a persons life that is stressing them heavily.  That sharing could really help people when they feel up against the wall.. I have taken antidepressants for a while in the past and it did get me through a very rough patch, so I am not denying it helped.  I knew when it was time that I did not need them any more and stopped taking them gradually.  But labeling people has having mental illness is not helpful to a person, it is a label, and labeling people seems so wrong to me.  We are all individuals and have our own issues and learning experiences and some have a rougher time then others...we do not need labels...We are all parts of the whole of love and are interconnected and I think just knowing that we are not alone in our struggles is really a help to make it through..Just wish doctors were taught more listening and compassion skills, and not think that a magic pill can cure one's life...that is all. 

    Great videos and links Feather and everyone's comments really are great too...We are in this process together, there is comfort in that. 

  • Hey Feather Winger, wow thank you so much for your wisdom and kind thoughts. What you said truly resonates with me. I am trying to find that "middle ground," that balance and centering ourselves to be calm and peaceful. Right I feel like I am uncovering a lot of old stuff (junk) from the past that I have not worked on at all and, it really wants my attention now so, I am working on it, now. Because, the past keeps bothering me in the present moment, it needs to be dealt with. Thank you :)

  • "Everything on Ashtar Command (videos, discussions etc,) is what I have been experiencing as a more than just one person for myself. I realize now, that we are all connected as one."

    The key to The Hazzle Free Zone is to NOT mention such things to ones doctor though. I know, I once had a cross-etheric/scientific discussion with mine and since she didn't have half the education I did on quantum and particle dynamics she labeled me crazy and wanted to give me pills. I kindly told her where to stick it and we haven't spoken since. ;)

    "Not only that but, I have been going through an intertwining (process, if you will) to connect the dots and complete my whole self as a "being" connected to the universe, God."

    Ah, been there (or rather IS)
    That is also something I kind of keep to myself and only let others see what comes out of it. Right now I am expressing the Christ Consciousness towards everyone I meet and it is just wonderful to see the transformation that creates in people all around me. They don't have to know why I feel so wonderful and are so nice to them all the time. :)

    I don't know where you are in this process. Some of the things you describe I've been trough months ago and some of the things you describe I am experiencing Now.

    If it is tips you want I can give you one useful:

    Don't tell people you're "jesus", "power" or whatever, just be what you feel you are. Live by Example. I do that now (finally, after much struggle) and the result shows itself immediately.
    I've always thought that the expression of "Being Love" have sounded a bit fluffy and ridiculous, but.. There actually is no better description of this state of consciousness than that. I shall have to give in there, on the battle of proper definitions in the universal wordlists on ascension (first time since like, forever). :)

    • I just wanted to say thank you for everyone's comment(s) they mean so much to me. I appreciate everyone putting in their time and energy in this topic.

      Where I am at right now: I have been battling a lot of the ascension symptoms which medically I am labeled as Schizo affective disorder with depression. I am taking medications as directed otherwise I would not be stable. So this is where I am at right now. :)

  • i know what you mean ... ive been through all this too but now im just here and would like to just find more like minded people like myself but on the north wales coast you are limited to who you meet etc,,,, not a lot goes on here and not a lot of people pass this way,, and when i think about where i want to go..... i feel really really strange cause i really dont know .....

    • ...Exactly....Thats How I Feel Netcae.....x....

  • ...Nice One Wings...So True....I Went Thro This Too.....Clearing Out....The Shite.....Thing Is....Now Im Bored.....I Need An Obstacle......A Challenge.....Im In What Seems Like A Catch-Up....Waiting Game.....Hmm......Frustrating.....xx.....

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