The lefties in DC -and anywhere for that matter (and far righties)-tend to be mentally detached from reality for the most part and the scuttlebutt is that many in DC are on anti-depressants like prozac which can split one's personality-I saw a documentary of an in depth study on prozac back in the early nineties on PBS (so it must be true!!!) but the patients explained that after a few months of being medicated with prozac they beleived that they weren't the same person or personality.
Senator John Kerry said today in his opening statement in his confirmation hearing for Secretary of State before the Senate that he will do his best to implement "President Obama's vision for the world" by giving "a voice to the voiceless."
All mental emotional sicknesses can be treated with Light. Most of the time there are unseen demonic influences though there can be chemical imbalances from bad diets.
Yea....I think Senator Kerry might know something you don't lol
and what is that-santosbama patron saint of la raza really does want to be 'dear world leader' Der Vorld Fuehrer