Dear fellow crew members.
I saw purple fractals in the clouds above Sedona the night I saw Bashar. We were doing an 8th Dimensional Intensive that night. What a night let me tell you.
Does anybody see fractals and colors together, even atomic energy? I do and I've wondered if I was crazy. PEace and Potatoes, Zachems.
Nope, your not crazy.
You are seeing your chakra lights through your 3rd eye.
I have seen these most of my life. Once you begin seeing the lights, if you keep looking you will see visions.
if i focus hard enough i can see celtic symetry in mother nature
Sorry Can't read the blue.
There's nothing in the blue so if you'd have been able to read anything there you'd be having serious hallucinations right now. :)
Acute Observer: This was originally written in blue ink on a blue background. (There WAS something in the blue, it was just too hard to read)
Aha :)
What is "tekst"?