This will be the last of my five part series for predictions in 2015.  My free astrology tool kit will be used, and my interpretations of the transiting planets used in this report are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto (along with the house placement interpretations) will be applied to the horoscopes of the New York Stock Exchange, the Chicago Board of Trade, the London Gold Fix, and the Federal Reserve.

I'll review my 2015 stock market prediction (with the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA)) in the replies section below this report. This was originally based on and derived from the solar return of the U.S. natal Sun last July 4, 2014, whereby I predicted new highs in the DJIA (and I was correct). I believe we are going higher, and yes, we are subject to some sort of major panic within the next few years, if not in 2015.

The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)

Transiting Pluto ('transformation, often through crisis") will be transiting through in the NYSE's sixth house of "international criticism" (and "public health") forming a 180 degree "trade-offs" opposition to natal Chiron ("advanced technology") in the NYSE twelfth house ("secret enemies or manipulators behind the scenes") and also a 150 degree "mild tension" quincunx to the NYSE Uranus ("technology trends" and "surprises" ) in the NYSE natal first house ("the entity's general image").

This will take place from February 2015 to June of 2015, and I define this as a transformation (or a crisis) involving the technology that runs the transactions of the NYSE, possibly due to electrical problems, outdated problems (i.e. depreciation), or due to large volumes of trading activity. If we are approaching a final fifth wave "blow off" phase of the current bull market at the NYSE (similar to the fifth wave of the U.S. real estate bull market phase in 2007 (before it crashed)), we should start to see huge surges of volume coming in in 2015 with some general public participation. Volume is lackluster at the present time, but if the stock market starts to really "scream upwards" in 2015, we could see some huge volume numbers start to pick up as some really stupid (and greedy) suckers get on board who have no business for being involved in such an investment activity.    

Transiting Neptune ("deception" and "disappointment") will stay in the NYSE eighth house of "banking" and "secret activities of the elite" throughout 2015.  It forms a 135 degree sesquiquadrate "mild tension" aspect to the NYSE Jupiter placement ("expansion," "excesses," and "good luck") in the fourth house ("the physical structure") from February 2015 to October 2015. I interpret this as straight-up financial speculation taking place at the NYSE facility in New York during this time-frame, and a lot of it may involve our elite who work for the banks and implement their risky derivative investments that are now handcuffed to the U.S. taxpayer.

Transiting Uranus ("surprises" and "technology") will be transiting the NYSE tenth house ("the reputation of the entity") and conjuncting the natal tenth house NYSE Moon ("the population involved or the employees and their reputation") from May 2015 to September 2015. This could define big surprises manifesting at the NYSE with the floor traders and the investors. This may define very sharp market movements in the market averages taking place per active trading, but it can also define some NYSE employees or traders getting into big legal trouble as well.

Transiting Saturn ("limitations" and "restrictions") will be transiting the NYSE fifth house of "speculation" throughout 2015.  Because Saturn has a lot to do with authority figures, we may start to see some concerned authority intervention take place with "financial speculating" activities within the NYSE with this Saturn transit, especially if trading volume starts to really expand (along with big jumps in the stock market averages).  This is further implicated with transiting Saturn forming a 135 degree sesquiquadrate aspect to the NYSE natal Moon placement from February 2015 to April 2015. This may also define some legal troubles with some NYSE traders or employees, or individuals associated with the NYSE in some way.

 Lucky and expansive Jupiter will be entering the NYSE second house of "current assets," "banking conditions for the general masses," and "investment preferences for the masses" in June of 2015, and this is where we may start to see possible involvement of the general public with the NYSE (and who have no business being involved in the stock market).  

Transiting Jupiter will form a conjunction to natal Uranus in the first house ("the entity's general image") in February 2015 and May 2015. This should indicate "good news" or "a good impression" in a really big way for the NYSE.

Lucky Jupiter then enters the second house in June 2015 and forms a 120 degree angle trine ("harmony") to the natal NYSE Moon in the tenth house. This looks like very positive news for the people involved with and working for the NYSE, and because Jupiter is in the second house, this "good news" may be financially related. It can also define "expansion of the population" involved with the NYSE (and this can include customers, as well as traders).

Transiting Jupiter forms a 90 degree square aspect ("technical conflict") to the NYSE natal Mercury ("communications," "the media") and the NYSE natal Sun ("the identity or image of the entity") in July 2015. This could represent very good news and a positive image for the NYSE, such as a roaring bull market (OR corrections of criminal activity. related to financial speculation excesses. Pleas remember that transiting Saturn is still in the fifth house of speculation at this time as well.  As I've already mentioned, people who have no  business being in the stock market at all should not be involved with the NYSE and its' investing activities at this time).


The Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT)

Transiting Pluto just entered the CBOT eighth house of "banking," "insurance," and "secret activities of the elite." Pluto will be there throughout 2015.  Pluto ("transformation, often through crisis") will be forming a hard 90 degree square aspect ("technical conflict") to the natal CBOT Sun ("the entity's general image") in the CBOT eleventh house ("allies and associates") from July 2015 to December 2015. This may represent a real crisis related to the financial leverage activities represented by contracts on commodities executed via the CBOT, since the CBOT provides an insurance function for producers of commodities in event of price decreases (in addition to contracts that can allow one to take advantage of price increases). My interpretation for this is a possible crisis in some commodity producing areas related to the price deflation, and these price drops may be related to the engineered drop in the price of oil and the engineered drop in the price of gold in silver.  And I define these price drops as engineered drops since these are valued commodities and assets of the new BRICS bank organization, which is the new international banking organization (composed of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) that will compete against the Federal Reserve. The reason for these engineered drops (or "motive") is that the BRICS organization will not consider the use of Federal Reserve's pretty pieces of paper in international trade (which has been enforced for many years by the post WWII Bretton-Woods agreement that defined the use of the dollar as the world's premier currency).

This risk of financial loss is why many traders at the CBOT will often have a contract taking financial advantage of price increases in one commodity (i.e. copper) and an "insurance contract" that takes advantages of price decreases in another commodity (i.e. gold) with sell positions in these contracts at particular price points in the commodity contract.  This allows one to take advantage of and profit from large price swings anticipated in one direction by selling off the insurance contract at a certain point (called a "sell stop") while the other contract increases in value a certain point, until a sell is executed (or the contract expires) and a profit is realized.  Otherwise, you are speculating and subject to huge financial losses if your commodity contract goes the opposite direction that you didn't intend (and you didn't protect yourself with a similar commodity "insurance" contract in the event you turn out to be wrong about the one commodities contract with the one price direction that you assumed to be correct).

Neptune ("deception" and "disappointment") will be transiting the CBOT tenth house ("the reputation of the entity" and "business trends") throughout 2015. I suspect that this may represent a trend with the CBOT involving a possible engineered deception (or as they say in poker, "bluffing") regarding the real intrinsic value of some commodities, especially energy, gold, and silver. This deception may be at the behest of international bankers trying to keep the Bretton-Woods agreement intact, since some countries are starting to not recognize the U.S. dollar as the preferred currency for use in pricing certain commodities.

Transiting Uranus ("surprises," "technology") will be conjuncting the CBOT natal Uranus placement in the eleventh house ("allies and associates," "aspirations and goals") in May 2015 and October 2015. This is usually associated with "shocking changes" with such changes related to friends and allies leaving and new friends arriving, or shocking changes in plans or goals. I interpret this as possible arrival of traders who are new and not experienced, while seasoned traders (or "old friends and allies") may be leaving or calling it quits. Similar to the NYSE, this may indicate arrival of people who have no business being involved in this type of financial activity.

Saturn will be transiting the CBOT's sixth house of  "international criticism" throughout 2015.  Saturn forms a hard sesquiquadrate to the CBOT's Uranus in the eleventh house ("allies and associates," "technology," and "goals and aspirations") with it's maximum strength during May 2015 and October 2015, similar in timing with the Uranus transit written above this Saturn transit description. This may define possible international criticism from old CBOT friends and allies regarding the CBOT trade practices or policies. Note also that transiting Saturn forms a square with the CBOT's tenth house Neptune ("disappointments with the reputation of the entity") and this may define exposure of fraud or a real conflict involving something that may be considered to be deceptive or disappointing.

Transiting Jupiter will leave the CBOT third house of communications and media and enter the fourth house ("the structure of the facility") in July 2015.  Jupiter will then form a 180 degree opposition aspect ("trade-offs") with the CBOT Neptune in the tenth house in August 2015, and Jupiter-Neptune combinations are strongly related to financial speculation. This speculation may concern oil (since Neptune rules oil), but note that because "gold madness" took place during Neptune transiting the sign of Pisces in the 19th century (and Neptune is currently in the sign of Pisces at this time, and will be there throughout 2015 as well) there may be major issue related to gold at the CBOT at this time.

Jupiter will then form oppositions to the CBOT placements of Venus, Mercury, and Saturn in the CBOT tenth house from October 2015 to November 2015. I anticipate major changes taking place within the CBOT organization at this time, and possibly due to some organization crisis (with transiting Pluto forming a square to the CBOT Sun at this time in November 2015). These transiting combinations of Jupiter and Pluto can define a scandal or a questionable business practice (especially with transiting Jupiter forming an opposition to the CBOT Saturn in November 2015), or it may indicate some key people leaving the CBOT and new people replacing them.


London Gold Fix

Transiting Pluto will stay in the London Gold Fix's first house ("the entity's general image") throughout 2015.  There are no important transits that I can find with Pluto on the horoscope of the London Gold Fix, and I interpret this transit as a continued transformation in the image of the entity with policies possibly defining and promoting decreased prices in the price of gold (possibly at the behest of certain banks that insist on continued use of the U.S. dollar, despite the rise in currency alternatives to the U.S. dollar that some international banks are insisting on). This may be due to the threat that gold poses on the dollar due to the $17 trillion deficit of the U.S. government (which has diluted the value of the U.S. dollar)).

Bill Murphy and his organization GATA (the Gold Antitrust Association of North America) along with former Goldman Sachs precious metals trader Andrew Maguire (turned whistle-blower) have pretty much proven that the price of gold is rigged via the CBOT (and the London precious metals exchange) via allowing the flooding of the CBOT trading pits with purchases of gold commodity contracts (THAT EXCEED THE AMOUNT OF GOLD HELD IN STORAGE BY THE CBOT) in which the contract allows one to profit off from decreases in the price of gold.  This outrageous excess of contracts usually trigger sell-offs in gold, and if timed right, it can create very serious sell-offs in gold with such contract flooding. 

Here's Bill Murphy explaining to the Commodities Future Trading Commission on how he and Andrew Maguire proved this manipulation of gold by J.P. Morgan, HSBC, and Goldman Sachs (all directly associated with owning shares of the Federal Reserve, or heavily involved with the business of the Federal Reserve). Murphy speaks fast, because he was told he had "five minutes."

Click for four minute video.

Transiting Neptune is in the second house of the London Gold Fix, and I define this as deception regarding either the pricing of gold by the London Gold Fix (with little to no gold available for delivery in either London, New York, or Chicago) or activities involved in the storage and delivery of gold for demand of it's clientele.  Neptune will form a 120 degree harmonious trine with the London Gold Fix Pluto (in the seventh house of "courts or areas of the law") in 2015, and maximum strength is during March 2015 and August 2015. This may represent legal inquiries into the London Gold Fix, either about the pricing of gold or the amounts claimed to be stored. Another possibility is public relations improvement or secret purchases or sales of gold (especially if the metal gets very cheap).

Uranus will be transiting the London Fix third house of "communications and the media," and will form a hard 150 degree quincunx angle to the natal Venus in the ninth house ("legal profession activities," "long-distance travel," and "international views") during June 2015 through September 2015.  Again, as is the case with Neptune, this appears to be either legal inquiry or a possible public relations improvement. We may have new trading rules under this transit as well, and such may have a big impact internationally in some way.  Either way, expect the media (Uranus transiting the third) to have the London Fix in the news for some important reason concerning international relations or views in some big way related to gold.

Limiting and restricting Saturn may be the most important transiting planet to watch regarding events that may have a major impact on the London Gold Fix.  In 2015 Saturn will be doing an important  house change, from the London Fix eleventh house ("allies and associates," "corporate clients," and "goals and aspirations") to the twelfth house ("secret enemies," "conspiracies," and "required services").  On the cusp of the twelfth house is the North Node ("connections and separations with others") at 28 degrees Scorpio 13 minutes.  Saturn will retrograde out of the twelfth house and go direct on this North Node horoscope placement (about 4 minutes away from being exact) while Jupiter, Mars, Venus, and Mercury will all be transiting in the sign of Leo (which rules gold) and forming hard squares to Saturn in Scorpio at this direct station over the North Node (and Saturn will be direct at 28 degrees Scorpio 17 minutes for almost the entire first week in August 2015).  Saturn will then enter the twelfth house in mid August 2015 and square the natal Mercury conjunction Saturn placement in the London Gold Fix eighth house in late August 2015. This may be a "hush up" period in which "secret activities or information regarding elite activities" (natal Mercury conjunction Saturn in the eighth house) will be "restricted due to threats from possible enemies or conspirators" (transiting Saturn in the twelfth house) as a result of "a conflict" (the square aspect of transiting Saturn to the Mercury conjunction Saturn placement in the eighth house). In other words, there may be something big going on at the London Fix in August 2015, and we may never know about what the important activities are due to potential threats to the London Fix (especially if such threats are legal or financial related).

Lucky and expansive Jupiter is in the gold-ruling sign of Leo for most of 2015, until August of 2015. Transiting Jupiter forms a conjunction with (and goes direct) over the London Fix natal Mars in Leo placement ("activities," "action," "the ego," and "security") in the eighth house ("banking," "insurance," and "secret activities of the elite") during April 2015 through May of 2015.  A big increase in the price of gold is possible, but I really suspect that this hard conjunction of Jupiter to Mars may represent some sort of secret settlement among the elite (again, that we may never know about) since many foreign countries are currently closing their accounts and requesting repatriation of their gold supplies back to their country of origin. The problem is that a lot of international gold holdings were leased out of New York faults by the U.S. Treasury Department (in the 1990's  to make the dollar strong)  and this is very unfortunate since a lot of this leased-out gold is currently worn around the necks of women in Dubai and India, and is also buried in the ground by U.S. Tea Party members (and now you know the main reason why the U.S. government may want to confiscate guns from U.S. citizens).

Transiting Jupiter leaves the eighth house in December 2015, and will form a conjunction to the Mercury conjunct Saturn placement (in the eighth house) in November 2015. This represents "a hard choice" (Jupiter conjunct Saturn) followed by "good news" (Jupiter conjunct Mercury).  Again this may represent something legal-based we may never know about, and I've noticed that Jupiter-Saturn combinations almost always result in either a financial loss, a loss in reputation, or a loss in status in some way that one is usually required to accept.


The Federal Reserve ("the Fed")

Transiting Pluto will stay in the Federal Reserve's sixth house of "international criticism" throughout 2015.  Just as criticism of policies of the Fed became  fashionable with Ron Paul's unsuccessful run (and media blackout) for U.S. president while Pluto was transiting in the Fed's sixth house, I expect such criticism of the policies of the Fed to continue under this transit.

Transiting Pluto forms a 150 degree "mild tension" quincunx angle to the Fed's natal Saturn eleventh house ("a restriction of allies and associates") and also a "moderate tension" 30 degree semi-sextile angle to the Fed's natal Mercury in the fifth house ("news or information about 'speculation' related to financial activities") during July of 2015 through October 2015. Because financial astrologer Bill Meridian (who is a former vice president from the financial firm of Paine-Webber) defined this natal placement of Mercury opposition Saturn on the Fed's horoscope as "a restriction of knowledge regarding information about activities of the Fed," this may involve some sort of major criticism of activities involving the Fed. This can range from a  refusal of the Fed to reveal true intentions or statements regarding why certain activities of the Fed were initiated, as well as the strong possibility for interest rate increases or threats of such increases (especially if "speculation" in the stock markets gets out of hand). 

Neptune will be transiting the ninth house of "international views" throughout 2015.  A hard 45 degree  semisquare angle forms with transiting Neptune semisquare natal Jupiter in the Fed's seventh house ("courts of law and areas of law" and "public relations between the masses and the government") during March of 2015 through July of 2015.  Because Jupiter-Neptune transits usually represent "financial speculation," I interpret this transit as possible behind the scenes (or public debates) about the role of the Federal Reserve and prevention of international manipulations of the dollar or prevention of financial bubbles (and these bubbles have been proven to be created by the Federal Reserve, with their creation of easy credit available to almost everyone at certain times in the economic cycle. The aftermath claim for financial panics taking place (after interest rate hikes they initiate) is that they were "forced" to raise interest rates due to "excessive speculation" (which they created)).

Uranus transits the tenth house of the Fed throughout 2015, and the main transit to watch out for in 2015 with the Federal Reserve is transiting Uranus forming a square to the natal Mars placement (near the Fed's Ascendant) at 19 degrees Cancer 32 minutes. This takes place from June 2015 to September 2015, and this usually defines "an accident" or "a vicious argument," and this may be a severe time due to the slow motion of Uranus during this time-frame (while forming the square angle within 89  to 91 degrees to Mars during the time-frame I specified).  This could represent aggressive action by the Fed, either by interest rate hikes, threats of interest rate hikes, or heated debate regarding the policies of the Fed and the financial instruments they provide (including the dollar).

Transiting Saturn will be in the Fed's fifth house of speculation throughout 2015, and yes, "limitations and restrictions of speculation" may be an important consideration under this transit (especially if some forms of speculation (i.e. stock market or commodities market related) gets "out of hand").  Saturn forms a quincunx to the Fed's Pluto placement and a semisextile to the Fed's Sun placement in September 2015 through October 2015, and I interpret this as possible tension among the elite shareholders of the Fed (since the quincunx and semisextile angles are related to tension) regarding the focus of the Fed on possible "secret enemies" (which represents the Fed's Sun opposition Pluto placement (with Pluto in the Fed's twelfth house)), and I suspect the focus of this tension may be the competing BRICS bank at this time-frame. This is because this BRICS organization is expected to go into operations in 2016.

Lucky Jupiter leaves the Fed's second house of "banking conditions for the masses" and "bond and interest rate bearing investments" in August 2015, and enters the third house of "communications and the media."  This could be where the dollar "leaves bank accounts of the masses" as well, and the transit to watch out for is the T-square formation of transiting Jupiter forming squares to the Fed's Mercury opposition Saturn placement on their chart (and this will take place during October 2015).  Another consideration is the square Of Jupiter to the Fed's Venus placement ("relations with others") during November of 2015.  There could be heated debates or discussions from the media regarding activities of the Fed, and this time-frame may be related to discussions regarding interest rate hikes (or failure to implement interest rate hikes). Another consideration is discussions or involvement with international policies concerning the dollar and investment vehicles involving the dollar.

Either way, in 2015 there may be a continuation of heated discussion regarding the role of the Federal Reserve (thanks to Ron Paul) and its' policies that affect the United States, as well as the effect of the policies of the Fed on international entities who do business with the United States.


Thanks for reading.

Love to all,


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  • Here's the basic pattern I expect to develop with the Dow Jones Industrial Average, based on Robert Prechter's Elliot Wave Principle:

    Extended Wave

    On occasion one of the impulsive waves can extend. An extending wave will be constructed of more than five internal waves, and the additional waves will be of the same degree as the others. Normally there will be 7 or 9 waves in an extended wave. Most often wave 3 will extend, but extensions in wave 5 are also very common.

    And this is the application to the current bull market run with the Dow Jones Industrial Average of the 20th century and 21st century. The 1929 Panic is to the left of "Wave 1" :


    The current Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) is around 18,000. The length of wave one applied to the theoretical base of wave four (per logarithmic measurement) equals a DJIA of 30,876. The Fibonacci ratio of 0.618 equals a DJIA of 19,081 (and we are close to that number), and a Fibonacci ratio of 1.618 equals a DJIA of 49, 958.

    I like the 19,081 number as a possible top for this stock market madness this year (since this is more realistic), but the Wave Principle says that 30,876 (or close thereof) is the strongest probability.

    Just remember when you hear ordinary people brag about the value of their pension fund or their stock investing, you know the top is near, regardless of the numbers I posted.

    Love to all.  

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