This report will cover four horoscopes of the most well-known intelligence agencies on the planet today. I was not able to get much information for a date regarding when Chinese Intelligence started under Mao Tse Tung or post-Mao Tse Tung.  Also note that Sun Tzu was the first advocate of Chinese intelligence, and finding dates with his advocacy of organized intelligence gathering (for national purposes) is next to impossible.

Basic astrology with the transits of Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, and Jupiter (applied to the horoscopes) will be used with predictions of these four agencies in this report. The times obtained for the dates of the horoscopes were done via research and also by advanced astrology methods (with significant events that worked with the chart, as well as planetary pictures).  The dates were obtained via internet research (and note that some dates (especially the Russian and British Intelligence Agencies) were very difficult to locate and required much reading and searching).  Hence, I welcome to analyze and research any other dates or information provided by anyone reading this report who disagrees with the dates and times I presented.


The Central Intelligence Agency

The proof of the accuracy with the CIA's chart I have worked with and provided in this report is the December 2014 Uranus Square Pluto  transit (which took place at 12 degrees 42 minutes of the cardinal signs of Aries and Capricorn).  Note how close these degrees are relative to the placement of natal Pluto on the CIA's horoscope (at 12 degrees Leo 39 minutes).  The Uranus square Pluto transit exerted slight tension on the CIA's natal Pluto placement, and hence December of 2014 featured Senator Feinstein's "crisis" (representing the natal CIA Pluto placement) as the tension effects of the December 2014 Uranus Square Pluto transit (representing "a revolt or rebellion" (Uranus) against important "agents or gangsters" (Pluto) involved in Pluto- research (i.e. torture)). But please note that Senator Feinstein was probably doing this to cover her own rear-end due to her own involvement with the U.S. torture program, and also note she may be leaving the U.S. Senate.  She was also reportedly pi$$ed off about finding out that the CIA was monitoring her conversations.

2015 will feature Pluto transiting the sixth house ("military personnel," "civil service," and "international criticism"). There will be no important transits to planets or important points of the CIA's horoscope with Pluto in Capricorn, and because Pluto rules crisis and transformation, I expect 2015 to involve possible replacement or changes in important personnel working for the CIA. There is also the possibility of much international criticism of actions involving the CIA in 2015, and this criticism may concern breaking the law by CIA personnel since the sixth house (of which Pluto is transiting) is ruled by Jupiter (which rules the law), and Jupiter is in a strong conjunction with the Moon (which usually represents the employees or population involved with the chart of a non-human entity, such as a nation or a company).

Neptune ("disappointments" and "deception") will be doing a house change in 2015, and this change will be the leaving of the eighth house and entering the ninth house. Transiting Neptune in 2015 will also form a very hard quincunx (150 degree angle, associated with "minor stress") to the CIA's natal Neptune in the fourth house throughout 2015, and hence we can expect tension defining "disappointments or deception at the home office" (fourth house natal Neptune) due to "disappointments and deception involving legal activities and international views" (ninth house transiting Neptune). This is because the ninth house rules "legal professional activities" and "international views."  Thus, there could be more legal trouble for the CIA in 2015.

But let's be realistic. The problem with prosecuting any law-breaking CIA personnel (who reportedly have a manic belief that they are "above the law") is the "horror" that is supposedly posed (and so often mentioned) via the four magic words known as "threat to national security." These same four words are also unfortunately defined by U.S. judges as "threat to the security of personal lucrative pension holdings," which reveals that the lawbreakers working for the CIA are engaged in an indirect form of extortion.  In other words, if the NSA or the CIA can't blackmail you for smoking pot or for having sex with one of the many Washington D.C. prostitutes available (and are usually underaged), they can always remind you what may happen to the value of your pension holdings with a market crash due to national shame with a scandal (or threats of sudden conversion of your defined benefit pension plan to a defined contribution pension plan). 

Note that the losses to stock holdings due to prosecution of CIA criminals was very evident with the prosecution of Nixon's illegal activities that involved criminals who contracted out with the CIA (and the Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 45% of its value within one year after Nixon leaving office. We can only imagine what a major international scandal would do with the current motley crew working for the current U.S. president!)


Hence if there is any major legal trouble for the CIA in 2015, expect someone else to "take the fall." It is currently in the financial interest of most U.S. judges to avoid prosecution of high level CIA analysts sitting behind a Langley desk (usually looking for blackmail evidence on Alex Jones or Matt Drudge).  Our judges' financial position depend on it, and it is very hard to find a person (born in the second half of the twentieth century) who didn't become a lawyer based on the money one could make in that profession.

Please note that this doesn't mean that chinks and cracks in the armor of the CIA will not form due to these four magical words known as "threat to national security."  Just as law-breaking bankers did go to jail in the 1930's and law-breaking intelligence personnel did flee to South America in the 1940's, history may actually "rhyme" again in the near future with similar actions of similar criminals. This is because when criminals run a powerful organization, you get concentrated criminality.  And because "there is no honor among thieves," individuals who may be reading this (who work for the CIA or the NSA), please be wary. The person who hands you your paycheck and those shares of IBM or Apple stock may also be the same person who will literally stab you in the back if their a$$ is on the line.

Uranus will transit the tenth house throughout 2015. The tenth house rules "the reputation of the entity or government in power" and "business trends and changes per such by transiting planets."  Since transiting Uranus rules "technology trends," "individuality," "surprises," and "attitude involving change," we can expect more surprises regarding the reputation of the CIA (possibly negative) and surprises with the attitude among employees regarding the changes that have taken place over recent years.  Edward Snowden was an NSA agent who worked for a CIA front in Hawaii, and just as he had a change in attitude regarding intelligence work, it is possible there may be more people like Snowden to come forward to leak information for important reasons (especially if avoiding WWIII is decided by some to be an important consideration). 

Transiting Uranus will square ("technical conflict") the CIA's natal Mercury in spring and fall of 2015, and we may hear about "shocking news" or "conflicts involving technology" regarding the CIA around this time.  There could also be conflicts within the organization that may affect the reputation of the agency in some way.

The tenth house is ruled by Mars, and the hardest and strongest aspect by Mars on the CIA's natal chart involves the forty-five degree semisquare angle ("minor stress") between Mars ("action") in the CIA's eleventh hose ("associates and allies") applying to the Sun ("personality") in the CIA's first house ("the entity's general image"). This may define "action or activity of associates and allies affecting the entity's general image in a stressful manner,"  and with Uranus transiting the tenth house, there may be surprises and negative changes in the attitude of allies and foreign associates who work with the CIA, especially if I'm correct about possible legal trouble brewing for the agency in 2015.

Saturn will transit the fifth house throughout 2015, and the fifth house rules "speculation," "leisure activities," and "social functions." Spring of 2015 will feature limiting and restricting Saturn forming a 120 degree trine angle ("harmony") to the natal CIA Sun position in the first house and also almost simultaneously form a 135 degree sesquiquadrate angle ("minor stress") to the natal CIA Mercury in the twelfth house ("secret enemies and spies in the government" and "government members seeking to undermine the ruling party").  This event will also be close per the timing of the previous mentioned transit of Uranus squaring the CIA's natal Mercury, and thus we may witness some sort of suppression or censorship of either a blunder by our CIA personnel or enforcement of a duty or activity to remedy a questionable activity committed by the CIA (possibly behind the scenes, so if I'm right, we may not hear about it).

Transiting Saturn goes direct at 28 degrees Scorpio 37 minutes in August of 2015, and this is within one degree of opposition ("hard choices") with the CIA's natal North Node ("connections with others" and "associates") in the eleventh house ("friends," "aspirations" and "goals").  This may define limits placed on any future agency plans or restrictions and limits demanded by allies working with the CIA.  Again, this may be behind the scenes and I may not be able to verify this prediction due to those four magic words "threat to national security."

Lucky Jupiter goes direct at 12 degrees Leo 35 minutes in April of 2015, and the CIA's natal Pluto ('transformation" and "crisis") placement is 12 degrees Leo 39 minutes in the CIA's first house. This is a lucky transit for image improvement and positive transformation.  I would advise removing all questionable personnel involved in crimes against humanity, but then this action would probably remove about 1/3 of the personnel working for the CIA (and most of these are probably golfing buddies with the U.S. president). So good luck with that recommendation. This is a positive transit for improving research capabilities (ruled by Pluto). The problem is that Pluto can be defined as  "the researcher" or "the gangster," and when you have people with IQ's of 130 (+) who still relish living like John Belushi in "Animal House," you tend to get bored with research and want to cut corners instead. And this is a non-discussed problem with almost all exclusive government organizations lacking outside oversight for fear of a "threat to national security." 

But this is not a good time for the agency to be engaged in a risky operation (and unfortunately, like most money addicts who focus  solely on lucky Jupiter transits, I have a feeling the CIA may try something really stupid and risky at the time of this Jupiter conjunct Pluto transit). The reason why it is foolish to try something risky is the nasty transits of Saturn and Uranus that will follow Jupiter conjunct Pluto, and these events will be only a few weeks after the Jupiter conjunct Pluto event.


Transiting Jupiter enters the second house ("financial resources," "the budget," and "liquid assets") late spring of 2015 and squares it's natal Jupiter and Moon placements (in the CIA's fifth house) in June of 2015. As with the Jupiter conjunct Pluto event, this is a lucky transit involving improvements in the budget and the financial picture for the agency and its' employees. But again, there are some nasty transits involving Saturn and Uranus that will follow this event, so (again) this is a ridiculous time to be trying something risky with this transit.


So will we get to witness (courtesy of the CIA) if the definition of insanity is indeed committing the same mistake a second time and expecting different results?  We will find out in 2015, and that is all I will say. 


British Intelligence

Pluto transits the third house of the horoscope throughout 2015. A hard 135 degree sesquiquadrate angle ("minor stress") will form between transiting Pluto and British Intel's Midheaven in Spring of 2015. This defines stress involving the reputation.

Because Pluto rules "transformation, often through crisis" and the third house rules "communications," "the media," and "the airways," there may be UK government interventions that will start to appear that will disallow media coverage of certain  information regarding British Intel actions starting in 2015, similar to the 777 bombing in 2007.  I don't know if a similar event like 777 will occur in 2015, but there was much U.S. government regulation and scrutiny regarding press coverage of all intelligence activities and actions (notably the assassinations that took place in the U.S.and activities in southeast Asia) during the last Pluto transit of the third house of the CIA (1962 - 1973). 

Neptune will be transiting the fourth house ("the building") of British Intel's chart. There are no major transits of Neptune to other important points of the horoscope, but I would interpret this fourth house transit of Neptune as "deception or fraud in the structure of the business" or "possible decay of the physical functions or equipment within the agency" (with needed repairs due to outdated functions) or a decline in the morale with those working within the physical compound or in the environment of the agency. Hence there may be agents committing fraud within British Intel (or moles) or there may be depreciated conditions needing replacement. 

Transiting Uranus ("rebellion" and "innovation") will leave British Intel's fifth house in spring of 2015, and as it transits into the sixth house ("international criticism" and "civil service")) transiting Uranus forms a square to natal Uranus in the third house, a square to natal Neptune in the ninth house, and a conjunction to natal Saturn in the sixth house, all during a two-month time frame in the spring of 2015  (OUCH!!) Hence, spring-time 2015 could  represent a bad time for British Intel, especially if they are working with the CIA at this time in 2015 (see CIA predictions above regarding spring of 2015). This combination (almost all at the same time) strongly suggests a possible blunder of some kind or an internal protest among civil service employees working for British Intel, and all of these possibilities could get nasty.

Limiting and restricting Saturn will be transiting the first house ("the entity's general image") throughout 2015 and enter the second house in December 2015.  I suspect that British Intel will  continue to keep a low and limited profile, possibly due to the 777 fiasco. Please note that the 777 bombing took place with transiting Saturn (in the ninth house of "relationships with foreign travelers") getting ready to cross it's Midheaven ("reputation of the entity") and squaring natal Venus ("conflicts with relationships") in the first house ("the entity's general image") during the bombing.  British Intel's reputation suffered after Saturn crossed the Midheaven with the alternative media having a field day with the facts that concerned the bombing.  We owe thanks to the alternative media for revealing the true facts of this bombing, as opposed to the way the BBC or CNN reported these facts. The mainstream media was noted for reporting 777 in a manner with certain facts not mentioned regarding the bombing.

Saturn goes direct and will form a hard square to it's Midheaven in late July and early August of 2015. This will be a time that will test British Intel's reputation in a reflective manner similar to the 777 fiasco.  This should be an intense time with the agency, and is definitely not a time for any type of risky operation that could go wrong. This could be a time where hard choices will have to be made. 


Jupiter crosses the Midheaven (28 degrees Leo 17 minutes) and enters the tenth house ("reputation of the entity," "business trends," and "the person in charge") in August of 2015, forming a square with transiting Saturn in the first house (just as Jupiter enters the tenth house). Jupiter/Saturn transits are "hard choices," and the time frame of late summer to early fall could indicate very hard choices to be made by the Brits involved in intelligence work.  It has been my personal observations and experiences with Jupiter/Saturn transits that regardless of which choice you make, it's going to cost you something in some way, be it money, your reputation, or respect.

8110826479?profile=originalRussian Intelligence (SVR)

Pluto is transiting the first house of the horoscope throughout 2015, and Russian Intelligence (the SVR) will undergo important transformation, possibly through crisis, during the months of January and July of 2015. Pluto will form conjunctions to natal placed Neptune and the natal North Node in the first house during those months.  There is the possibility of the Russian government either uncovering much fraud and deception within the ranks of the SVR or they may initiate a complete change in the goals and mission of the SVR. This is a major transit, and we should see very important and significant changes taking place within Russia's intelligence community, possibly via crisis.

Transiting Pluto forms a hard semisquare to the natal Moon placement in the eleventh house during March through June of 2015, and this further proves the potential for significant transformation within the SVR. This is because the Moon represents the employees or the population associated with the entity, and with Pluto applying to the Moon via a 45 degree semisquare aspect ("minor stress"), the probability for transformation of the employees for a different goal or purpose (possibly via crisis) is strong.

Neptune transits the fourth house ("the building or structure of the business") throughout 2015 and forms no significant transits to any of the other important points of the horoscope. This could be interpreted as "deception in the place of business," and this may strengthen the argument for "fraud or deception" (Neptune) going on in "the structure of the business" (the fourth house).

Technology based Uranus is "full of surprises," and will be transiting the third house of communications, media, and the airwaves throughout 2015.  This third house transit (since 2009) may define that Vladimir Putin has probably modernized Russian Intelligence and its intelligence gathering capabilities in advanced revolutionary ways with this third house transit of Uranus, and as a result the SVR may indeed "give the other intelligence agencies a run for their money."

But there may be some problems with Russian Intelligence in 2015 as transiting Uranus will form a conflicting square to the natal placement of deceptive Neptune (in the first house) in February of 2015 and a trade-off based opposition with the natal Sun position (in the ninth house) in April and November of 2015. Transiting Uranus square natal Neptune transits usually define "shocks to ones' beliefs," and "a wakeup call to reality due to deception." Transiting Uranus opposition natal Sun transits (in the ninth house of "international views and treaties") may be defined as "tradeoffs involving the entity's general image that concern international views and treaties."  Hence, Russian Intelligence may be forced to make some accommodations and tradeoffs in 2015, possibly due to either errors in intelligence gathering, international involvement errors,  or intel activities gone wrong (and please let it not be another announced killing of Osama Bin Laden, enemy of the Soviet Union who died in in Tora Bora in 2001 (click  for this story). Or it may simply be a malfunction in computer or communications equipment, since Uranus in the third house can represent computer or communications technology, and squaring natal Neptune may define breakdown or disappointment with such equipment.

Limiting and restricting Saturn will stay in the eleventh house throughout 2015,  and will conjunct the natal Moon in June 2015 and September 2015. The natal Moon represents "the employees or the population of the entity," and transiting Saturn represents "restrictions and limitations." There may be either some sort of restrictions imposed or layoffs (or possible captures or arrests) involved with the personnel of Russian Intelligence, and because the Moon is in Sagittarius (which rules "long distance travel"), I suspect this transit to indicate that Russian Intel may be unable to do much long distance travel during this transit, or face difficulties with such travel.


Further problems with foreign affairs for Russian Intel are indicated with transiting Saturn squaring natal Venus (in the eighth house) in January 2015, April 2015, and October 2015. This could define Saturn-based restrictions regarding Venus-based secret relations with possible friends and allies, or a betrayal of some kind by a friend or ally. "An end of a friendship (or secret relationship)" is the classic interpretation with this transit.

Transiting Saturn will square the eighth house placement of Jupiter in early November 2015. This could be "restrictions or limitations placed on friends and allies involved with intelligence gathering or secretive financial arrangements" or "a hard choice involving budgeting, knowledge sources, or travel."  

Lucky Jupiter may "save the day" for Russian Intel with its transit of the eighth house of secret activities. Transiting Jupiter squares natal Pluto in the tenth in June of 2015, and I interpret this transit as a fortunate transformation for SVR's reputation and standing.  I don't view this as a time for a risky operation due to the transit of Saturn over the natal Moon placement, but this is a good time for goodwill or important gestures of some kind.

Transiting Jupiter squares the natal Moon position in August of 2015, and this may be a fortunate time for the personnel of Russian Intel (but again, this is not a good time for a risky ventures since transiting Saturn is very close to the natal Moon position during this transit). This may also indicate an expansion or hiring of more personnel for the Russian Intel division, or help via allies and friends (since the natal Moon is in the eleventh house, and the eleventh house rules "friends and associates").

Transiting lucky Jupiter conjuncts natal Venus in the eighth house in late August of 2015, and then transiting Jupiter conjuncts it's natal position of Jupiter (in the eighth house) in early September 2015.  This should be a very lucky and fortunate time that may involve expansion of the Russian Intel work force or the budget (or increases with assistance and friendship from others via important agreements allowing secretive work in areas outside Russia). But again, this is not a good time for risky ventures due to the presence of restrictive and limiting Saturn near the natal Moon placement, as this can define restrictions or limitations imposed with the Russian Intel staff with Saturn nearby.

Transiting Jupiter trines the first house placement of Uranus conjunct Neptune in early October 2015, and this may represent either "good news regarding a crisis" or "a disappointment with a speculation." My advice would be to lay low since transiting Saturn will be forming squares to the eighth house Venus conjunct Jupiter placement in late October and early November of 2015.


Israeli Mossad

Transiting Pluto is well-placed in the tenth house of "the reputation of the entity," and will not form any transits to important points of the horoscope. With Pluto representing "transformation, often via crisis," it is my opinion that Mossad's reputation has been forced to transform to a less violent status as a result of the international recognition of Gaza.  But because of the presence of many Zionists within the Mossad organization, the violent tendencies of this organization may not necessarily go away very quickly. 

Nevertheless, I am optimistic as I anticipate some real spiritual enrichment is being made within the organization of Mossad (and also within the country of Israel) who are spiritually impoverished. "No man (or group) is an island," and many in Mossad may be a part of the spiritual and political awakening process that is currently taking place on planet Earth, but don't want to admit it for fear of losing their job (similar to the F.B.I. here in the states).  And because Pluto rules "a sense of purpose," we may see many people in Mossad (and Israel in general) "just say no" to the concepts of Zionism that have outlived their usefulness in the name of protecting Israel, because these concepts are now a threat to Israel.

Transiting Neptune is at home in the twelfth house, and like Pluto it has no major transits to important points in the horoscope for 2015.  Because the twelfth house is so strongly connected to both service and spirituality, it is possible that the real themes of Judaism may start to be explored within the Mossad organization in 2015 (and for the next few years) since Mossad is "the protectors of Israel" (and really violent ones at that).  It is possible that some in Mossad may want to know about the roots about Judaism during this Neptune transit, even if it means risk of losing their jobs for learning about the truth (and I can relate to this when I explain about the dangers of vaccines to my patients, and my patients tell me "I don't believe that the government will lie to me"). 

As a result, I think we may start to see some conflict in the coming years between some members of Mossad regarding ancient tribal meanings of Judaism versus the current and "politically correct" meanings of Judaism as defined (and prescribed) by the current government of  Israel (i.e. who are mostly Zionists, and who also may be involved with areas of ancient occult rituals involving worship of Moloch (which was forbidden by ancient Hebrew tribes) and the worship of Lucifer (such as the lesser key of King Solomon, otherwise known as Goetia worship. King Solomon (son of King David) was reportedly cursed for going in that direction, and I've watched people become walking monsters with no conscious or empathy for others in poor states who followed that particular path. Sound familiar in the Middle East???)

Transiting Uranus ("surprises, "shocks," and "technology") is in the first house ("the entity's general image") and forms a 180 degree trade-off opposition with natal Neptune ("deception, disappointment") in Mossad's seventh house during  May 2015 and September 2015.  Oppositions define a hard choice, and this aspect will cost either money, respect, or one's reputation in some way. Overall I define this as "a wake-up call to reality" as a result of a "shock to deception" or a "disappointment with technology." And because Neptune is placed in the seventh house ("public relations between the masses and the government" and "treaties with other nations"), it is possible that there may be some sort of major disappointment involving relations with others, as well as a possible disappointment with technology used in intelligence.

Transiting Saturn ("limits and restrictions") will be involved in a house change from eighth house ("secret activities of the elite," "banking," "secret actions and investigations")  to the ninth house ("international views" "foreign travelers") during 2015. Important transits to observe include transiting Saturn square natal Mercury in the twelfth house ("communication conflicts that may lead to forced silence due to mass criticism or due to an internal communication issue").  This transit takes place in January 2015, May 2015, and October 2015.

Transiting Saturn squares the twelfth house Sun in late December 2015, and this could be a major conflict involving international law or an internal dispute in the Mossad ranks regarding threats to the state, since the twelfth house Sun can define "the national identity involved with secret enemies of the government" and "government members that seek to undermine the ruling party."

My advice: do not break the law (or try your best not to) while Saturn is transiting the ninth house, because when Saturn enters the tenth house, you can take a big fall if you committed questionable acts during Saturn's ninth house transit.  I have witnessed this Saturn transit of the tenth house phenomena of "falling from power" or "getting slapped around" take place many times in my 29 years studying astrology, and even I got a bitter taste of this Saturn tenth house experience while I worked as a psychiatric clinical assistant over a questionable action (and even though I was cleared, it affected my promotion status).

Lucky Jupiter is well placed and will do a house change in 2015 from the fifth house of speculation to the sixth house of health, job skills, and criticism. This will be a good year for improving employees via training.  Lucky Jupiter conjuncts fifth house Pluto in February 2015 and in June 2015, and this will be a fortunate time to engage in activities that improve the research capability (since Pluto can be "the researcher" or "the gangster." If this transit is used for "the gangster" aspect, please read above what I wrote about Saturn in the ninth house for a second time, as any underhanded or questionable activities with this transit can set oneself up for a serious major problem in the future).

September through October features some lucky transits of Jupiter, but keep in mind that there is a Uranus opposition Neptune transit in September. Transiting Jupiter in the sixth opposes natal mercury in the twelfth in August 2015, and this appears to be "good news regarding intelligence work or international criticism." Transiting Jupiter opposes the natal Sun position in the twelfth during late September 2015, and this appears to represent good luck regarding the overall image of the entity. And finally, the super lucky transit of Jupiter opposition Jupiter takes place in mid November 2014. This could represent some sort of acknowledgement for service beneficial for the state (especially involving enhancement of peace, and not involving murder) or important recognition in some area of helping the state (again, in peaceful manners, as opposed to violent manners).

Pray for peace.


Thanks for reading.

Love to all,


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