This report concerns the horoscopes of Israel, Iran, Syria, and Saudi Arabia. The free astrology tool kit will be used with this report, along with the transiting planets of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. If you need a free tool kit (which is essentially my notes that I use), let me know and I'll try to get it to you.


Pluto will transit Israel's third house throughout 2015 and will not form any major transits to any important points on the horoscope. The third house rules "airways, "roads," "the media," "the internet and telephone," and conditions affecting these areas. I suspect that there will be transformation and greater government control (and possible expansion allowing more use) over areas such as roads and airways in 2015.  Also possible is government mandating conditions for use of the internet, as well as increased government control over the media. There is also a possibility for crisis in these areas, but Jupiter's current transit in the tenth house appears to be having a more positive effect on the voters of Israel (as opposed to the government of Israel) and what they want their country to be involved with. 

But let's be clear: Israel wants a monopoly over nuclear power in the Middle East (and has a reputation for bombing neighbor states who desire this same power source to call their own) and Israel still refuses to define its' boundaries.  Hence, there is the possibility for conflict , especially with Iran and Syria. Nevertheless, I'm actually optimistic for positive change, and this is because of the "waking up" process that is going on world-wide (including Israel) as the Zionists are starting to become very unpopular in Israel.  It may be noted that many Zionists appear to be getting exposed for what they really are: Moloch and Luciferian worshippers with money addiction problems (as do most New World Order advocates).  Also note that these same Zionists are not improving the economy and may be subsequently revealed for what they really represent for the state of Israel: security threats to ALL who live in the state of Israel, as opposed to being guardians of security for the state of Israel.

Neptune ("deception," "disappointments," "spirituality") is getting ready to do a house change, from transiting out of the fourth ("the opposing political party," "agriculture and real estate investments," and "water supplies"). to the fifth house ("speculation," "recreation and leisure activities," "art and theater").  Like Pluto, there will be no major transits to important points in the horoscope.  This is a very hard call, but Neptune's fifth house transit (over the next ten years) may define some sort of a beginning for a spiritual revival that may represent "a mini renaissance," or (worst case) a destruction (or prohibition for visiting) areas of interest related to spirituality (since Neptune can represent disappointments). I'm going to stay positive and stick with the renaissance call.  And yes, this may define increased tourism, but let's remember the violent nature of the reputations of the people who run the state of Israel. Hence, I can also be deceived with this Neptune transit.

Uranus ("technology trends," "changes in government due to citizen/government intervention," "explosions," and "shocking changes") will be transiting the sixth house ("public health conditions and services," "trade unions and working class," and "international criticism").  I'm expecting possible increases with protests from Israeli citizens, possibly related to international actions and jobs. The good news with this transit is that it may indicate more technology jobs starting to appear in Israel (and not just government jobs that seek creation of viruses that infect computers of international rivals).  The bad news is that this transit can also define explosions (i.e. bombs) taking place that can affect the health of Israel. Nevertheless, I think the increase in protest numbers of citizens bears the strongest probability with this Uranus transit than the other interpretations.

Limiting and restricting Saturn is transiting the second house ("liquid assets," "savings accounts," and "financial resources").  This may indicate a dry-up in some areas of financial resources, possibly related to international sources.  Hence, there could be budget problems, especially in areas related to military spending (an area in which Israel has the highest priority for with it's budget). There may be some important crisis related to the military in the second half of 2015 with transits of Mars and Jupiter conjuncting Israel's natal Mars ("the military")within a month apart of each other,  and then both of these transits forming squares ("technical conflict") to transiting Saturn in the second house.

Lucky and expansive Jupiter is transiting the tenth house ("the reputation of the government and its' leaders" and  "business trends"). Spring of 2015 will feature Jupiter going direct over Israel's natal Pluto placement in the tenth house, and this may indicate a very positive transformation regarding the government, possibly related to limiting certain roles of the government or improvement with government policies regarding liberties, philosophy, or religion.  A land deal or territory settlement is also possible since transiting Jupiter will be forming a square to the North Node in the seventh house ("courts of law and legal aspects" and "treaties with foreign countries").  And with the natal North Node in the sign of Taurus, real estate or currency are strong possibilities that may be involved with this transit.

There is the possibility for very hard choices and tradeoffs in the second half of 2015 with transiting Jupiter conjuncting natal Saturn in the tenth house followed by transiting Jupiter conjuncting natal Mars in the tenth (while forming a square with transiting Saturn in the second house).  Again, there is the possibility of budget problems and financial issues regarding Israel's military, or allocations needed for goals related to Israel's military.


Pluto will be transiting Iran's tenth house ("the reputation of the government and its' leaders" and "business trends") throughout 2015. There are no major transits taking place, and I anticipate this transit to define Iran's present government to maintain it's intense control over business activities. There is also the possibility of a crisis developing per certain business trends with the Pluto transit in the tenth house, especially in the energy sector if the price of oil continues it's slide downward (and I think it will continue, but not for much longer. See the Saudi Arabia reading for more info).

Neptune is well placed with it's 2015 transit of the twelfth house, as this is the "house of Neptune." Like Pluto, there will be no major transits of Neptune to important points of the horoscope.  I suspect that Neptune's twelfth house transit may indicate that Iran will be involved in building more hospitals and social services facilities (including prisons), as well as more buildings dedicated for religious use.

Uranus will transit the first house ("the entity's general image" and "mass psychology responses to actions of the state") throughout 2015. The most important and serious transit for Iran to watch and observe concerns Uranus going retrograde this summer and forming two oppositions to natal Pluto in the seventh house ("courts of law and legal aspects" and "treaties with foreign countries"). This could represent a serious physical infliction of some kind affecting the health of Iran (i.e. bombing, earthquake, power grid going down) or a breakdown in an international treaty that warrants action of some kind, and yes, this can include military action.

Limiting and restricting Saturn continues it's transit of the eighth house ("banking and insurance services," financial institutions," and "tax and spending policies") throughout 2015. I expect slight relief with Iran's financial position in  some areas of their treasury since most of the really horrific transits that involved Saturn in the eighth house (to other important points of the horoscope) have already taken place and probably "left a very bad taste in the mouth."

Early 2015 will feature transiting Saturn forming a trine ("harmony") to natal Jupiter in the fifth house.  Astrologer Jayj Jacobs always stressed that Saturn to Jupiter transits were "hard choices that have to be made," and I have noticed that these choices usually have negative financial consequences. I suspect that early 2015 may involve a financial loss of some kind that may involve trading, and oil and gold may be the culprits.  But because the angle involved is a trine, I believe that "taking a loss" will facilitate opportunities in other areas. Hence, it won't be a "total loss," but simply a cost of business that allows other important areas to expand.

May through July of 2015 features lucky Jupiter transiting the fifth house and in opposition with the natal lineup of the Sun, Mars, and Mercury in the eleventh house ("allies of the nation," "aspirations or national goals, "local governments"). This represents strong good luck potential with important allies or with local governments within the country, as well as good news pertaining to fifth house areas (such as friendship and trade). 



Pluto will be entering Syria's fourth house ("the opposing party," "agriculture and real estate," and "water supplies") in early 2015.  I suspect that this may indicate new political opponents of the current government to appear in large numbers in 2015, as well as major transformation with Syria's land per purpose or use.  The good news is that most of the land damages (and damages to the identity and style of government) have already been done with the transiting Uranus Square Pluto formation that transited over the natal Sun position ("national health and appearance") and also with  Syria's natal Ascendant position ("the general environment").  I anticipate 2015 to be a period of Syria "sweeping up and cleaning up the mess," and this is further validated with the other important house changes of trans-Mars planets that take place in Syria's horoscope for 2015. 

Neptune will remain in Syria's fifth house ("speculation," "recreation and leisure activities," and "government intervention into financial speculation") throughout 2015.  Because Neptune rules spirituality and service to others, religion-involvement and doing services for others may be the predominant leisure and recreational activity since almost all theaters and play houses have been destroyed.

Revolutionary and innovative Uranus enters the seventh house, and since the seventh house rules "courts of law" and "treaties with other countries" (as well as "public relations between the masses and the government"), we can expect dramatic and shocking changes in these areas to take place as a part of this "cleaning up the mess" process continues.

Saturn leaves the second house ("liquid assets," "the budget," and "conditions of banking") in December of 2015, and thus stays in the second house  for most of 2015.  Transiting Saturn forms a hard sextile ("opportunity") to Syria's natal Neptune in the twelfth house ("hospitals and prisons," "secret enemies and spies within the government," "government members seeking to undermine the party," and "terrorist and hostage situations") during spring of 2015. I think this may be either a foiled plot against the government of Syria or some sort of agreement or reconciliation with religious extremists.

Lucky and expansive Jupiter changes houses in 2015. Jupiter leaves the tenth house (which may have played a role with the success of Assad fending off the many attacks to his country) and Jupiter then prepares to transit the eleventh house ("allies of the nation, "aspirations and national goals," and local governments") during mid 2015.  As is the case with the Pluto transit, this appears to be a major rebuilding period.

Transiting Jupiter conjuncts natal Jupiter in July of 2015, and I anticipate this to be a fortunate time for Syria to be engaged in and involved with communications with important allies for the purpose of improving relations, trade agreements, and financial deals.   


Saudi Arabia

Pluto ("transformation, often through crisis") stays in Saudi Arabia's second house ("liquid assets," financial resources," "savings accounts") throughout 2015.  This may indicate a transformation of some kind involving their financial savings picture, and the dropping of the price of oil is highly suspicious for the reasoning of possible lowered income with this current (and possibly planned) financial crisis.

I expect the price of oil to continue to slide in 2015, but not beyond the end of 2015 (although I can be wrong. Commodities trading is one of the most unpredictable crafts anyone can partake in). Pluto transiting the second house defines a realization of how important money is, and Saudi Arabia may have certain limits that will disallow the oil slide continue, namely their own accounts.

Neptune will be forming an opposition to it's natal Jupiter Conjunction Neptune ("financial speculation," "intoxicating drugs," and "deception with one's laws or philosophy") placement during April 2015 and July through September of 2015. This could define either a very huge deception involving financial speculation taking place or a deception  that involves the government, since the natal Jupiter Conjunction Neptune placement is in the tenth house, and the tenth house rules  "the current leader or political party in charge," "the reputation of the government and its' leaders," and "business and government trends." I'm inclined to believe that there may be financial implications, especially with Pluto transiting the second house while this Neptune transit is taking place.

 Uranus ("computer technology," "surprises," and "radical innovations") transits the fifth house of speculation throughout 2015, and this may indicate that there may be new electronic computer trading systems put in place to closely monitor the oil situation. It may also define unexpected surprises in regards to speculating. Uranus in the fifth can define shocking new forms of recreation and leisure, and hence there may be radical new activities of leisure and recreation allowed for the population.

Saturn is well-placed in the first house ("the entity's general image," the health of the nation," and "grassroots opinions"), but this 2015 position of transiting Saturn will be one involving Saturn transiting (backward and forward) over the  midpoint of the natal Sun/Saturn throughout 2015.  This could define a refusal of changes in their government or business models (that may result in much isolation of Saudi Arabia with the rest of the world), and this may affect their business status. This isolation may also be related to problems surfacing with Saudi Arabia's insistence on maintaining ancient customs and traditions that may have outlived their usefulness.

Lucky Jupiter is about to enter the tenth house ("government and business reputation," "the president (or king) and his ruling party," and "business trends") and this may be where we see oil either bottom or turn around in terms of price, especially in late 2015.  A square between transiting Jupiter and transiting Saturn will fall close to the Midheaven (right after Jupiter crosses the Midheaven), so there may be a challenge or a scandal involving Saudi Arabia's reputation in some way during the late summer of 2015 (right before the business picture starts to improve dramatically).

8110822461?profile=originalThanks for reading.

Love to all,


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