This is an astrological survey of "The Big Gorillas." I consider this group to include the U.S.A., Russia, and China.  

The United States


Spring Equinox, 2016, U.S.A.

The first six months of 2016 indicate that "intelligence or secretive associates involved in computers" (natal Uranus in the U.S. 12th house house, in the sign of Gemini) will continue to have "conflict" (the dark green square drawn below) with "organizations that concern relations" (transit Venus in U.S. 10th house, drawn in dark green). Also note that these same organizations may have "conflict" (square aspect) with "deception of reputation" or "disappointment of Chief Executive Officer" (transit Neptune in the natal U.S. 10th house (next to Venus), circled in light green).


This may define scandal or inner turmoil in secretive areas of the U.S. government to take place in the first half of 2016. This doesn't necessarily indicate a shake-out in the U.S. intelligence circles, but early 2016 may feature some serious inner conflicts taking place within U.S. organizations concerning secretive areas. There is no honor among thieves.

Also note that the 12th house can represent "terrorist situations," as well as "enemies within the government." The possibility exists for more terrorist situations in the first half of 2016, but combined with Neptune ("deception, lies, disappointment") this may also indicate commission of "false-flag operations" or "deceptive terrorists. " And unfortunately, alternative media has claimed the current Obama administration of an "accused history" of getting into hot water regarding involvement of these two commissions (according to the alternative media on the internet, a.k.a. "the fringe group").

This does not rule out the possibility for more "terrorist events" in the first half of 2016, but these may also be staged events by U.S. intelligence (and this is especially suggestive due to the square transit of natal Uranus in the 12th house with transit Neptune in the 10th house). "Deceptive conflict of (or within) secret intelligence groups" is hence a good definition of the Neptune Square Uranus transit taking place. This use of "deception" (Neptune) can lead to "surprises"  (Uranus) of a "conflicting type" (Square). Deceptive intelligence personnel, please take note

The goal of false-flag actions may be for a more militarized government state (in conflict with the U.S. Constitution). This is what Hitler did with his false-flag operations. Population-modification attempts are another possibility with these activities, and this may not be a smart thing to try at this time (due to the presence of many pissed-off Americans). And because these numbers of pissed-off Americans have been steadily growing, the probability for exposure of deception increases dramatically. This is not very good odds for getting away with deception.    


Transiting Neptune in the U.S.10th house is forming a trine (drawn in light green) to the U.S. natal Sun position in the U.S. 1st house for the Spring Equinox chart. This may indicate "the expression of the entity" (natal Sun in U.S. 1st house) appears "harmonious" (drawn in light green below) with "disappointment of reputation" or "deception by Chief Executive Officer" (transit Neptune in the U.S. 10th house). 


The first half of 2016 may indicate that the overall expression of the U.S. demonstrates little to no concern of any deception or disappointments presented by the U.S. government or the president. However, this may also indicate deceptive behavior uncovered concerning the president or important government areas. But overall, "deceptive government feels good" or "good vibrations of uncovered deception" may be the overall feeling. I saw a lot of flat-top television boxes in the garbage dumpsters after Christmas, and this indicates to me that there are still people out there who buy this mainstream media horsesh!t, and feel good about it. 

This sounds something like the mood effect of Prozac (a.k.a. fluoride).  Robin Williams once stated on camera about how wonderful Prozac made him feel (and he stated this shortly before his suicide).


U.S. Solar Return 2016

The natal 12th house Uranus of the U.S. continues to get stressors, not only from transit Neptune in the 10th but also transit Saturn in the 6th house ("military, police, trade unions, health care focus, public administration").


There may be continued tension in secretive areas of the government. The areas of tension include "deception from high levels of governmnent"  (transit Neptune in the10th house) as well as possible conflict with "military personnel and public administration" (transit Saturn in the 6th house).

Transit Uranus is in the U.S. 11th house ("friends and associates" and "relationship between local and national government"). Transit Uranus is forming a square to the U.S. natal Mercury in the U.S. 2nd house ("the media, financial news, communications").


This may indicate news concerning a conflict (or conflicts) regarding financial areas. Wall Street and the Federal Reserve are chief suspects for financial crisis, but I think this Uranus Square Mercury transit may also be related with the growing friction between the national government and local governments, especially over areas involving money. The U.S. government may become more restrictive with some areas of public funding (especially with Saturn transiting in the U.S. 6th house), and this may lead to a sharp conflict between local and national governments.



Fall Equinox, 2016, United States

Fall Equinox may be a time of much conflict. This includes conflicts between citizens and government, certain citizens in conflict with a different type of citizen, and citizens in conflict with financial institutions or investments. And this takes place just before the 2016 election. For the chart below, I count four transit squares taking place: Neptune Square Uranus (red),  Uranus Square Mercury (dark green), Pluto Square Saturn (purple), and Venus Square Pluto (light green).


There is a real possibility that some sort of scandal or inner-conflict may take place in reference to the U.S. government (and it's personnel) near this time of Fall Equinox. But financial-areas may also be key to what may be in dispute at this time. I don't know if the elections taking place are a part of this, but the two front-runners (Clinton and Trump) are starting to throw mud. Things could get very ugly and scandalous with this many squares taking place at the same time.

And yes, this may affect financial markets. WATCH THE VOLUME AND SENTIMENT IF YOU WANT TO IDENTIFY KEY TURNING POINTS . Otherwise, a boring market is just that: a boring market.


U.S. Election 2016

The Neptune transit of the U.S.10th house is very close to forming an exact square with the natal Uranus in the U.S. 12th house. This may indicate continued tension within areas concerning "terrorism, secret enemies of the government, intelligence gathering or similar secretive organizations within the government."

Transit Jupiter (in the U.S. 5th house of "speculation") Square Sun may indicate "successful speculation" or "improvement in image or health."

The midpoint of transit Venus / Saturn (circled below in light green) is very close to the Descendant at 20 degrees Sagittarius 11 minutes. This is "the area of open enemies" part of the zodiac dial, or opposition of the Ascendant (which is at 20 degrees Gemini, 11 minutes).


This is an important night astrologically, and it represents "positive expression," possibly due to success from "an important divorce of some kind."

There may also be violence or conflict due to the role of Uranus in the 12th representing"secret enemies" of the government, or "acts of terror or false-terror ('false-flags')."





Spring Equinox, 2016, Russia

Russia starts off 2016 with "hard choices of a financial nature" due to a Saturn Square Jupiter. But Russia gets the return of it's Jupiter in the 2nd house (drawn in purple below) afterwards, and transit Jupiter will also be forming a harmonious trine with natal Neptune ("drugs, chemicals, deception, disappointment") in the 5th house ("speculation") going into spring of 2016.


This has huge financial implications, and it may indicate that for the first half of 2016, Russia may experience either "a financial recovery in chemical assets" or "a speculative expansion of financial arrangements," especially related to areas ruled by Neptune (i.e. "drugs, chemicals, deception, disappointment"). This may indicate a recovery in the value of chemical assets (such as oil and natural gas), or success with expansion in areas of a chemical nature (such as business related to drugs and medicine, as well as gas and petroleum-related business).

Transit Neptune is in Russia's 7th house ("foreign relations" and "treaties with other nations") and is forming a square to Russia's 4th house Mercury ("national media, local communication networks").


This may indicate media exposure of a big lie or deception regarding foreign affairs or foreign treaties that affect Russia. The 7th house can also represent one-on-one confrontations in courtroom-like settings, and this may indicate a "sharp conflict" (square) over "lying, deception, or dishonesty" (Mercury / Neptune) related to "foreign treaties and relations, foreign law, and one-on-one confrontations" (7th house).


Summer Solstice, 2016, Russia

Russia lucks out this summer with a continuation of the Jupiter Conjunct Jupiter ("return of Jupiter") placement in the 2nd house forming a trine to a Pluto Conjunct Neptune transit (in the 5th house of "speculation"). This is drawn in red below. 


This appears to be transformation in chemical-based business that define either "financial success" or "expansion." It may also define a recovery from a previous bad financial state.

The Neptune Square Mercury transit is still in full force for Summer Solstice 2016. As mentioned earlier, this square is a conflict with areas related to "deception or disappointment regarding foreign affairs or treaties." But this time there is the presence of Saturn Conjunct Mercury in the 4th house. This implies "restriction of or limitations of information and news" (a.k.a. censorship) due to a very deceptive or disappointing event." 

This may indicate some sort of government censorship (or restricted access) over something controversial taking place within Russia and Russia's media. I suspect that this may include the national media criticizing areas that may represent conflict with the goals of the Putin administration But also note that Putin enjoys a high approval rating for his 2015 term.

Neptune leaves the Russian 7th house and enters the Russian 8th house at this summer 2016 time-frame. This can represent "possible disappointments or deception in areas of banking, insurance, or secret activities of the elite" BUT it can also represent "banking involving chemical-business assets" or other financial applications into areas strongly related to Neptune-business aspects (i.e. oil, natural gas, medicine, drugs). Hence, this time-frame may offer "a peek" at what may happen in 2017 (when Neptune enters the 8th house after retrograde). Descriptions of Neptune transiting the 8th house may include "financial disappointment" but it can also mean "substantial financial involvement of Neptune-type business aspects (i.e. chemical in nature)." 


Fall Equinox, 2016, Russia

The "media censorship" (or "restricted information access") description of Saturn Conjunct Mercury takes place again for fall of 2016 (drawn in brown below). Something important behind the scenes is going on, and I suspect it is related to "finance of areas of a chemical-nature (Neptune)."

But Neptune rules deception, and "financial disappointment"  may also be possible. And financial markets are tricky. Overall, I sense that the Russian horoscope placement of Neptune is strongly reflective of "chemical-business finance" (and in the 5th house of speculation). Hence, Neptune in transit of the 8th house may more than likely represent "involvement of finance with chemical-type business" compared to the "financial disappointment" aspect of Neptune in the 8th house (which is still possible in speculation, but to a much smaller probability due to the demonstrated history of chemical-based Neptune in the horoscope). 

A trine is taking place between natal Jupiter in the 2nd house ("liquid financial assets, the general bank account") with the Pluto Conjunct Neptune transit in the 5th house. This is drawn in dark green below.

The Pluto Conjunct Neptune transit may indicate "radical transformation of the chemical-type business," as well as "crisis involving the chemical-type business" (and transformation takes place after such crisis). The trine with natal Jupiter may indicate financial prosperity or financial recovery.

Transiting Jupiter (in the Russian 2nd house of financial liquid assets) is involved in a hard square with the Russian natal Sun in the 5th house. This traditionally represents "financial luck," but it can also be defined as "financial recovery from loss." 

This may be favorable time for activities involving young people and families. This is because natal Neptune in the 5th can have a glamorous effect on entertainment. But keep in mind that Neptune can also represent "deception and disappointment." And these are times where everyone is on their toes trying to avoid "the day of reckoning" (whatever that is, be it financial, nuclear, or total government control over food and protection products). I give a slight-less possibility for "financial deception and disappointment" since chemical-type business appears to be the main theme with Neptune on the Russian horoscope chart.




Spring Equinox, 2016, China

China has Neptune Opposition Saturn taking place, with natal Saturn in the 7th house forming an opposition with transit Neptune (drawn in light green below). This looks like a "hard choice" (opposition) due to "restrictions in foreign affairs or treaties" (Saturn in the 7th house) that concern "deception, disappointment, or chemical-type business." A sudden government concern with air pollution or chemical-business hazards may be defined under this transit, but "uncovering deception in foreign affairs or treaties" is also a possibility.


Summer Solstice, 2016, China

China gets a T-cross transit (of Saturn-Neptune-Mercury in transit to the natal Saturn in the 7th house) at this time-frame in 2016. This is drawn in light green below.


"Challenges to one's definition of reality" (Neptune Opposition Saturn) may be due to "silence in communications" (Mercury Square Saturn) and "conflicts concerning government responsibility" (Saturn Square Saturn). This may represent some real conflict within the Chinese government with areas related to foreign relations and treaties, as well with the national media and the internet (Mercury (in Gemini transiting the 4th house) Square Saturn).  


Fall Equinox, 2016, China

Fall Equinox (and the remainder of 2016) has tremendous implications for China regarding banking, finance, and insurance. Lucky and expansive Jupiter enters the sign of Libra in the 8th house at this time, and Jupiter will be fast approaching the Sun, Neptune, and Venus as 2016 closes out. Transit Pluto is in China's 12th house ("secret enemies of the government, intelligence gatherers") and forms a Square ("conflict") with natal Neptune in China's 8th house ("deception or disappointments in areas related to finance, banking, and activities of the elite"). This aspect is drawn in light green below.


China may be "financially cleaning up house" at this time. This may have a lot to do with "financial disappointments" or "financial involvement with chemical-type business" (Neptune in the eighth house). There is the possibility of securing more tangible assets and less debt instruments under this transit, since transit Pluto usually causes transformation after crisis (and we have one heck of a crisis manifesting in debt instruments).

One interesting angle of this is that this "clean-up" may also be a result of Donald Trump possibly having a strong lead at this time in 2016 (if he is still in the race). It is noted that Trump has very much stated his feelings on jobs outsourced to China (but not so much towards Mexico).


Thanks for reading.

Love to all,


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  • Thanks Malcolm-good post 

    • Thanks Pet Rock. This Neptune Square Uranus transit on the U.S.A. chart has me a little nervous (and a little grateful), because it indicates a conflict between U.S. intelligence (Uranus in the 12th) and a deceptive president (Neptune in the 10th). There could be some false flags taking place with this transit (since Neptune / Uranus can be defined as "deceptive terrorist") but there also could be "stand-downs" with intelligence staff refusing to comply with Obama's directives, much like the U.S. military did with refusing to aid Al Qaeda.

      • Awesome Malcolm! we can pray like crazy mess up any and all plans for false flgs no matter who is behind it

        • PET ROCK: I have been stating on for a long time (a couple of years) that the one thing to watch for is the Federal government to start implementing measures against "gun violence" (which is government-speak for "gun-grabbing," especially the "assault rifle class" (AR-15, AK-47, etc.)).  This is all ludicrous, especially when one considers that more people were killed by baseball bats last year (in the U.S.) than with AR-15's and AK-47's. .It's a wonder that people still pledge allegiance to the mainstream media, despite the blatant bullsh!t that as fed to us regarding so-called "gun violence." The F.B.I. has publicly admitted that violent crime in the U.S. has dropped overall with citizens purchasing more guns..

          And if you disagree with this Federal government notion that guns are the root of all evil, you are nothing but a tin-hat-wearing paranoid-schizophrenic conspiracy theorist who pulls tags off of sofa cushions, passes gas on elevators, and tap dances on shag carpet (barefoot). You probably also disagree with Oswald killing JFK, and you probably also refuse to admit that Robert Kennedy is capable of turning his head 180 degrees at the time of his shooting in L.A.

  • hitler got away with it especially when he started publicly accusing Jews for the nations problems-how many anti-Semites have you met from Europe and eastern Europe?-it's ingrained in their dna-so he created a perceived common enemy-whose the enemy in the US? The enemy  to gays, women, minorities, the world at large? White American Christian men-although bamas puppet masters like Soros and others we don't know of created this illusion since when-seriously-late 80's early 90's when we started to read, hear, and see the anti white male propaganda sneak into pop culture-we need to FOCUS whenever we get the chance all year-not that this shit will stop no matter who leads the next fed gov.but it might slow them down-these international gangsters have the nwo agenda -along these lines of how to destroy a nation, there is a tv series out called Demons-by Dostoevsky and it's refreshing and heartening to hear and see that the Russian Ministry of The Arts promoted this anti-marxist book - 

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