There are two horoscopes for Donald Trump according to Google searches. One has a time of 9:51 AM and the other has the time of 10:54 AM (with both dates of June 14, 1946, Queens, New York). The 10:54 AM time appears superior, and this is due to the provided microfiche birth certificate (unless microfiche can now be manipulated or recreated. There was much talk of recreated birth certificates many years ago).


Inquiring astrologers and students may want to skip  the next personal reflection pertaining to Donald Trump; the horoscope analysis of Trump (and his U.S. Presidential bid) is below.  

And I promise I'll be fair.

My Earliest Memory Of Donald Trump, From A Coffee House (San Francisco, 1980's)

First memory of Donald Trump? I remember reading about Donald Trump's real estate exploits in the 1980's while I was in San Francisco. I was a big reader of Barron's Financial Weekly at a neighborhood coffee house on Mission Street. The coffee house had various expensive magazine subscriptions and a giant-sized chess board with fluffy chess pieces. I played chess there once against a neighbor and loss (I owed him a coffee for the wager).  

Most of what I read was critical of Trump's tactics, and my personal comprehension of the Barron's articles was that Trump was very smart with real estate law, especially in key critical areas or "off-limit areas" that realtors avoided.  And yes, he very advantageously uses his knowledge of the law for his financial benefit, and also for the disadvantage over others involved in such financial deals. He wouldn't be worth over $3 billion today if he didn't.

I remembered for the most part that Trump worked real estate in a manner that was quite ruthless (but legal) against other parties involved with such real estate deals. This is not uncommon when a lot of money is at stake; serious financial deals will invite exploitation of legal areas that can handsomely reward one party financially and also financially screw over other parties. Providing that all is in proper accordance with the law.

In summary, Trump got financial results in real estate simply because he knows the law of his craft. And he probably knows it better than most. 

Pet Rock is correct. Donald Trump donates money to political candidates of both parties.  He has to in order to operate. This is because political contributions may sometimes favor one financially in the real estate area, especially if the elected official that receives a political contribution may also remember the donor when future government construction contracts manifest.

Hence, Trump may be willing to participate in the currently popular government scam known as "pay to play." This type of government scam concerns rewarding huge donors of political campaign contributions with lucrative government contracts, and it is very chic today. This scam was popular with Mayor Ray Nagin of New Orleans, Mayor Dianne Feinstein of San Francisco, and currently with Mayor Rahm Emanuel of Chicago.  

It is believed that "pay to play" originated in Chicago. This makes perfect sense since this style of reward for payment is not very different compared to protection money paid to Al Capone.

Horoscope Of Donald Trump


Donald Trump is a Gemini who was born on June 14, 1946, at 10:54 AM in Queens, New York.  He has a "hot" waxing Full Moon on his chart that is within two degrees of being exactly equal per 180 degree opposition. The Sun is in the 10th house ("reputation; career; how one is viewed by others") and the Moon is in the 4th house ("the home building; the dwelling; one's roots and personal space (and 'family' allowed in such space)"). The Rising Sign is Leo, and Trump has the star of Regulus ("Archangel Raphael, Watcher of The North") conjunct the eastern horizon point known as the Ascendant ("environment; appearance").


Gemini rules "pen and paper," and yes, contracts. The aspect of involvement with communications is the common description of Gemini per many astrology texts. Mercury rules Gemini, and Mercury rules communications applications on the horoscope.  Trump's Mercury is unafflicted and is in the sign of Cancer, which rules "the home; one's roots; the past; family ties;  the dwelling of protection." Hence, Trump's Mercury application on his chart may involve "the home" and "family ties" since Trump's family is involved in the real estate ("home") business.    

But Gemini also has a problem with boredom. Hence, Gemini rules curiosity, and this includes curiosity into social areas that were (or still are) traditionally "off limits." An example of "off limits areas" noticed over the years is that Gemini is a very prominent Sun sign with gay and bisexual people, as well as lawyers involved in "off limits areas" of the law (i.e. public defenders; criminal defense of drug users (and dealers); U.S. admiralty law involving Russian shipping). This critical knowledge of key areas of the law can be exploited to favor one's financial holdings, and Gemini Donald Trump probably looks for such areas to get the best real estate deals to his advantage (and to the disadvantage of others).

But the curiosity aspect of Gemini can take on different meanings pertaining to "off limits" areas of communications areas. One example of such an "off limit area" with communications involves Gemini communicator Bob Dylan. Dylan peed-off his folkie attendees by going electric (with a solid body electric guitar) during a live performance in the mid 1960's. Dylan did "Maggies Farm" with a solid body electric guitar, and the video of the event showed MANY fans getting up and leaving when he started playing it. This may reflect what Janis Joplin once stated in Austin during that same time-frame: "we folkies don't do rock and roll."

Gemini Dylan would respond to this folkie walk-out with an "in your face" electric composition called "Like A Rolling Stone," which is Rolling Stone magazine's all-time #1 song. Gee, I wonder why. 

The Moon rules Cancer, and the Moon on a personal horoscope chart represents "family; the home; "one's living space or home; female persons; the mother." The placement of the Moon in Trump's natal 4th house is the ruling house placement for the Moon. Donald Trump's Moon is in the sign of Sagittarius, and Sagittarius rules "the law; philosophy; long distances; international involvement."  I define this Moon in Sagittarius placement as "law or philosophy pertaining to homes or domestic areas involving families," or "real estate law (or philosophy) involvement with the family."

The Full Moon placement of Trump's Sun and Moon can be viewed as "the Sun shining or focusing attention on the Moon." The focus of attention is best described as Gemini areas with the Sun ("attention on written contracts" and "attention on different areas pertaining to communication sources"), and the Sun is "shining light upon" the 4th house Sagittarius Moon areas ("real estate law; law involving domestic areas; an organization with the family that involves contracts and law"). And since the Moon is in a "hot" opposition aspect with the Sun in the 10th house, this may define Trump as being involved in "focusing attention" on advantageous legal angles in real estate law that are "so clear to see that it burns you" (since the Full Moon is hot on his chart). The problem is that you can also get financially "burned" with overload of such hot insight, as the hot energy of a full Moon may develop "blindness" over time (especially if it's used too much).

Trump has the star of Regulus conjunct the Ascendant. The Ascendant represents "the environment" and "appearance." The star of Regulus has been covered much by yours truly in the past week; here is what my notes say about Regulus (and a photo of the star as well):

Regulus  *
Lion's Heart

The most Royal Star. Raphael, the Healing Archangel, the Watcher of the North. Nobility, ambition, alertness, great power, status, leadership, sudden downfall, accidents, violence. Said by some to be the most benefic star in the universe.


The "appearance of the lion" is a trait sometimes seen with Leo rising. Check out the comparison below:



Donald Trump's Electional Chart Of 2015 U.S. President Candidacy Announcement Per Twitter Announcement


Donald Trump decided to announce his candidacy during a New Moon, which is a major violation of traditional electional astrology recommendations (per Bruce Scofield text, "The Timing Of Events: Electional Astrology"). Scofield claimed that traditional electional astrology recommendations with the Moon include: (1) the Moon being free of affliction with the Sun (and the Moon isn't in this case) (2) the Moon is increasing in light (waxing), and (3) the Moon is not in the signs of Capricorn, Aries, or Libra (probably since the Moon traditionally rules Cancer). Also recommended was avoiding a void-of-course Moon (Moon in last highest degrees before entering new sign and unafflicted)

Many people time events for New Moons because it astrologically defines "new beginnings." I have also noticed that people involved in ceremonial magic (both good and bad) use New Moons for the beginning of their ceremony.  But the Moon on an organizational horoscope chart can represent both the public and the employees involved in the organization.  And you want these human resources healthy and not "burned out."

This "burn-out" description is very possible due to the sharp angularity of the two luminaries at that time. In addition to Moon Conjunction Sun (New Moon phase) listed as a violation, other luminary violations include Moon Square Sun (1st and 2nd quarter phases) and Moon Opposition Sun (Full Moon phase). This New Moon placement may represent "new beginnings," but it also may have a "wear down" effect on the public or the workers involved with the Trump for President campaign.

The Trump U.S. Presidential Announcement electional chart has Jupiter in a very strong trine (120 degree angle) with Uranus. If Trump hired an astrologer for this electional event, I give them kudos for this one placement. Scofield's text on electional astrology has a section on astrology and it's application with gambling. This gambling section of Scofield's text emphasized the use of transiting Jupiter / Uranus midpoints relative to one's own natal horoscope (and also relative to the sky position of the midpoint while one is gambling).

Trump's Mercury / Ascendant midpoint ("communications in the environment") equals the electional chart's placement of Jupiter / Uranus. This may be interpreted as "sudden good news" (Jupiter / Uranus) concerning "communications in the environment" (Mercury / Ascendant).

A very, very big negative with the Trump announcement chart is the electional chart's Saturn placement. The 2015 electional chart Saturn (29 degrees Scorpio 53 minutes) is in an exact square aspect (within 2.5 minutes) with Trump's natal Ascendant at 29 degrees Leo 55 minutes.  And yes, this means Trump's natal Regulus position is also in a "very hot" square with Saturn also, since the star of Regulus is right smack on Trump's Ascendant position.

Saturn rules "restrictions, limitations, old people, military / government administrators," and yes, Saturn rules concrete. This is the same concrete used to build both casinos and non-casinos. But note that even with 68 stories, Trump Tower (which is where the announcement for Trump's U.S. presidency campaign took place) is the 57th tallest building in New York, which is not a lot of concrete compared to other skyscrapers in Manhattan.

If a relationship of Saturn with Trump Tower is to be made, it is probably the amount of concrete holding up lots of shining glass. The problem with defining Saturn this way is that Saturn is more "restrictive" in nature than most of the other descriptions of Saturn. And the electional chart's Saturn is in conjunction with the star of Toliman (Alpha Centauri). Here is what my notes say about Toliman:

-Alpha      Centauri

   Occult and philosophical learning, self    analysis, honours; beneficence, friends,  refinement; high position; stubborn, cruel;    stormy or spoiled relationships with women;  need for freedom. Sometimes known as    Bungula, or Rigel Kentaurus

29° Sco 56



 Venus/ Jupiter

     α (Alpha) Centauri
   G2 (yellowish) Mg. –0.27 var.

The electional chart's restrictive Saturn placement at 29 degrees Scorpio 53 minutes is in conjunction with the star of Toliman (and both are in a perfect square with Trump's natal Ascendant). Regardless of Donald Trump's net worth and connections, this is not a good time for an announcement involving a promotion in some way, since Toliman has "high position" and "self analysis" as part of the star's qualities (and Toliman is in conjunction with restrictive Saturn).

The 2015 Announcement Electional Chart and Donald Trump's Natal Chart
The conjunction transit of the 2015 electional chart's Venus with Trump's natal Pluto placement is "very hot." I interpret this transit as "relationships concerning services and secret allies" (Venus in the 12th)) with "powerful agents of transformation involved in services or institutional-based powers " (Pluto in the 12th house). This may be a positive aspect, since Venus tends to "smooth things over" with conjunction transits. This may help Trump win over some (but not all) powerful agents with his campaign.
The electional chart's North Node ("connections and associations") is in conjunction with Donald Trump's 2nd house Neptune (and I define this as "a connection with deceptive areas or deceptive associates in public financial areas").  I am certain the 2015 North Node of the electional chart represents "connections to associates" in the Republican party. This can define Trump connecting with deceptive elements within the Republican party, or deceptive connections with important financial organizations.
This North Node transit is one of the main reasons I do not trust Donald Trump 100% as a serious candidate in the Republican party; he may be connected with some sort of deception going on behind the scenes.
The Future: Donald Trump's Chart And The Jupiter Square Saturn Transit In the Sky (Monday, August 3, 2015)
Donald Trump "dodges a bullet" with this event, but I do not like the August 3rd Chiron placement on this 2015 chart relative to Trump's natal chart Moon placement in his 4th house ("the family in the home; the mother; female persons; the family law business or real estate law business").
The August 3, 2015 Venus placement is in retrograde and is "very hot" with the conjunction placement on Donald Trump's Ascendant. Venus has a soothing effect, and this may represent "smoothed actions in the environment" or "a more harmonious appearance." We may hear him sound less confrontational under this transit. But Saturn is still in a strong square formation (within 2 degrees) with this Venus Conjunct Ascendant transit on Trump's chart. This could also indicate "restrictions with relationships" despite the presence of Venus, as Saturn is still in a strong square formation with the Ascendant.
Donald Trump's Natal Moon Placement And The Transiting Planetoid  Chiron 
Chiron represents "advanced technology and advanced life forms," and the 2015 Chiron is in a hot square with Donald Trump's natal Moon placement in his 4th house (from announcement to the present time). This may represent family members or employees of Trump obtaining very advanced technology that is much needed OR we may start to see (or "imagining" that we are starting to see) advanced surveillance by others of the Trump campaign with better technology. And yes, this surveillance will be done by "concerned parties."
I doubt that there will be any extraterrestrial involvement with Trump during this transit.
There is a possibility of a 7th house "legal intrusion" with Chiron (since Chiron may represent an "outsider planetoid" (much like Pluto)). Chiron is transiting Trump's 7th house, which rules legal affairs and one-on-one encounters in legal forums.
But it is my overall opinion that Chiron rules advanced technology or advanced lifeforms, as it is strongly placed on natal charts of individuals who claimed experiences with UFOs or extraterrestrial beings.
I don't know if this Chiron Square Moon transit defines the need for Trump to obtain good security sweeping technology (especially if Trump's numbers continue to improve). This transit could also indicate in-fights taking place among Trump's family members, especially via advanced technology apparatus (i.e. Twitter; Facebook). Chiron is technology-based and squares are "technical conflicts." This transit possibility can be spelled out as "family" (Moon) with "technical conflicts" (Square) due to "advanced technology communication means" (Chiron).
Overall Opinion?
The Saturn placement on Trump's U.S. President Candidacy electional chart is the biggest negative. This Saturn placement may represent conflicting restrictions placed in his environment by stubborn elements within the Republican party.
This Saturn aspect is why I don't think Trump can get elected. The 2015 Announcement Saturn placement represents energies that "restrict" (or try to restrict) activity in the environment (the Ascendant) of Donald Trump, and it will be strongly placed in this position throughout summer and fall of 2015. But yes, I am aware he has financial resources and enough patience to work with this astrology dilemma.
Saturn can also represent "government and military administrators," and these administrators can include the same Republican party officials that Ron Paul had to deal with (and like Ron Paul, Donald Trump had much better number turnouts to his campaign appearances than his other competitors).
Trump will be getting lucky Jupiter conjunct the natal Ascendant on August 10, 2015. The problem (again) is that Saturn will be involved with a strong square with this event as well. And because of the "hard choice" energy that is represented with Jupiter Square Saturn, the "hard choice" is usually "less freedom" or "financial sacrifice to be made." Or maybe nothing at all, since I noticed combinations of good transits with bad transits tend to cancel each other out. 
Trump's decision to announce his candidacy under a New Moon is the second reason I don't think he will win. New Moons are good electional times for ceremonies, parties, and projects that are "temporary" in nature (as opposed to business start-ups or important life decisions). Again, this is because the Moon represents people or employees of such an event. And you don't want to "fry them" with the energy and attention of the Sun.
Thanks for reading.
Love to all,

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  • Thanks again, Malcolm.

    • Some (not all) of Trump's ideas are sound. I am still curious to hear his response regarding 9/11 and the temperature required to melt the type of building construction steel used to make WTC 1 and WTC 2.


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