Similar to Ron Paul, Bernie Sanders is slick at concealing when he was born, when he obtained his first inheritance, when he was first married, and when he was first divorced. But I was able to obtain important data relative to some of these dates. And after much analysis, I have decided on the 12:01 pm chart.
My reasons for the 12:01 pm time are that many aspects work with this chart with the following reasons:
(a) 12:00 pm to 12:01 pm is "the middle of the day." Hence, for random selection of time, this time-frame offers the greatest probability for accuracy with placements of planets and personal points (i.e. Sun, Moon, North Node, Ascendant, and Midheaven). This is relative to use of calculation of a time for use on a particular day when the time is unknown.
(b) Scorpio Rising - Bernie simply looks like a Scorpio, which is "the look of the eagle" or "the look of the lizard," depending on your perspective. Clint Eastwood, Hillary Clinton, and Nicole Kidman also have Scorpio Rising as their Ascendant, and yes, they all reflect this appearance of "the eagle or the lizard."
Scorpio Rising
Physique, Look, and Favourite Colours
Even though they may not perfectly match your outward appearance, if your Ascendant, or to a lesser extent, your Sun, is in Scorpio, you might take on the following characteristics:
Physically speaking, Scorpio people are quite sturdy and often have wide strong shoulders. In any case, they are well-built and very resistant. The face is square with clear-cut features, penetrating and magnetic eyes, and well-defined sensual lips. The hair is often brown and thick. The general appearance conveys an impression of charm, power, secrecy, and seriousness at the same time.
Scorpio people know their strength as well as their innate capacity for provocation, and they never need to resort to a gaudy look in order to assert themselves. By nature, they are quite secretive and prefer a serious, even sober, look which contrasts all the more strongly with their essence which is sheer concealed power. Their favorite colors are red and black.
For more information about this way of analyzing appearance, please click
(c) Rising star of North Scale. Here is what my notes say:
North Scale * | Honours, wealth, distinction, brilliant mind, success in sports, politics, war, religion, writing, tragedy, violence, melancholy | 19° Sco 23 |
| Forunate | Jupiter/Mercury/Mars |
(d) Culminating star of Phecda. Here is what my notes say:
Phecda | Civilising influence, tamer of beasts, transmission of divine knowledge; Pulasthya, one of the 7 Rishis (Hindu sages) of the Great Bear, Ursa Major; bloodbaths, assassinations, riots, sexual perversion | 0 Vir 37 | Fortunate | Jupiter/ Venus |
As far as a description of Ursa Major ("the great bear"), here is a description from Manilius:
"Now when, after completing a revolution round the pole, the Bear (Ursa Major) with muzzle foremost replaces her unceasing steps in her former tracks, never immersed in Ocean but ever turning in a circle, to those born at such a time wild creatures will show no hostile face, and in their dealings with animals these men will find them submissive to their rule. Such a one will be able to control huge lions with a gesture, to fondle wolves, and to play with captive panthers; so far from shunning the powerful bears that are the kin of the constellation, he will train them to human accomplishments and feats foreign to their nature; he will seat himself on the elephant's back and with a goad will direct the movements of a beast which disgraces its massive weight by yielding to tiny jabs; he will dispel the fury of the tiger, training it to become a peaceful animal, whilst all the other beasts which molest the earth with their savageness he will join in friendship to himself; keen-scented whelps he will train..." [here the translator notes that eight pages have been lost] [Astronomica, Manilius, 1st century AD, book 5, p.357, 359]
(e) The Sun in the tenth house defines one wanting to be their own boss or in charge of their own career. This fits Bernie to a "t."
Key Solar Returns During Important Past Events Line Up Well With Interpretations Per 12:01 pm Horoscope (Scorpio Rising)
The information for this analysis is from the web site of
That summer, not quite 23, he and his wife, Deborah Sanders, bought for $2,500 some property in Vermont, near Montpelier in the town of Middlesex off Shady Rill Road, according to property records. He wanted to live in the country, he has said, and had some inheritance money from his father, who had died in 1963. They spent parts of the next few summers on the property, living in what had been a maple sugar shack with a dirt floor. The marriage ended only two years after it began, in 1966.
Analysis Of Solar Return In 1963 (Inheritance)
The 12:01 pm placement gives an 8th house Jupiter, and this appears to work well with the 1963 solar return of Bernie Sanders.
1963 was the year that Sanders was designated as an heir per death of his father. Sanders would marry and use his inheritance to buy a house in Vermont with 85 acres of woods. This classically defines the transit of Jupiter Conjunct Moon (in Sander's 5th house) and 11th house Venus forming a square to Sander's natal Jupiter in the 8th house (and the eighth house rules insurance, banking, and financing agreements).
Saturn is known to define "limitations, restrictions, government figures, older people, AND 'the father figure.'" Saturn in the sky was in trine with Sanders' Jupiter in the 8th house, and Jupiter / Saturn aspects represent "a hard choice." Hence this 1963 solar return offers a future glimpse representing a "hard choice" involving his father passing and subsequent marriage after his father's death ("the divorce of one relationship, and the result being that another relationship improves or blossoms").
Analysis Of Bernie Sanders' Solar Return In 1966 (Divorce)
The opposition of Neptune (on Sanders' Ascendant, at 20 degrees Scorpio 06 minutes) with the North Node (on Sander's Descendant, at 20 degrees Taurus 06 minutes) defines "a disappointing or a deceptive 'one-on-one encounter" concerning an important associate or connection."
The square between Uranus in the sky and Jupiter in Sanders' 8th house suggests that Sanders may have experienced either "surprise with areas involving insurance, banking, and financial arrangements" or "shocking surprise or conflict involving sexual freedom (Jupiter in the 8th house), and possibly with an unusual or younger individual (Uranus in the 7th house)."
The Opposition of Sanders' Uranus in the 7th house with the 1966 solar return Ascendant indicates "a surprise (Uranus) in the environment, (Ascendant) and possibly involving an unusual or younger friend (Uranus in the 7th house)."
Analysis of the electional horoscope of Bernie Sanders' announcement to run.
Thanks for reading.
Love to all,
a lot of wealthy leftists use socialism for control tactics-why? they don't want many others to be wealthyand who could influence society against leftist beliefs-soros is another one-hillary-obama is at $15 million now-the list goes on -they can have we can't
PET ROCK: I personally feel that we need both socialism and capitalism, since both ideologies are good at pointing out the weaknesses and dangers of the other. Government is (or should be) the "referee" that prevents unfairness or abuses that may arise with both socialism and capitalism. The problem is that the current U.S. government is bought and owned by the highest campaign contributors, and this explains the fascist approach with U.S. (s)elected officials who grant favorable concessions to certain corporations (i.e. G.E., Goldman Sachs, Monsanto) while their competitors do not get such favorable treatment.