(Note: these messages were given during our weekly Prepare For change group in Glendale, AZ on April 26,2015)

“One Who Serves”

Greetings!  Good to be here with you once again. A very light energy here, very powerful energy going on here in the room. Do you feel it swirling around here in the room? (Yes, yes) It is wonderful, is it not? And it coincides with what is going on in your atmosphere, in your the very things that you were speaking of here earlier in terms of many things happening in your skies, in your ground, in the very air that you breathe. It is different and some are beginning to notice this. It is different because the energies are changing, the vibrations are increasing. And even though it seems, at times, that this is not the case as all of this commotion, various things that are going on around you and it seems like, what is your saying “all hell is breaking loose”. But it is not, it is as though “all Heaven is breaking loose”. Because there are so many things that are going on and that are happening - they are just beyond your perceiving but even though you cannot see, they are still happening. You have a saying “if the tree falls in the middle of the forest and you did not hear it does that mean it did not fall”? No these things are happening, these things are going on. It is very soon and these things will be shown, they will be in your understanding, they will be revealed.

Many of these things have been said and they and we have been saying this and saying this and “go with the flow” and all of these things and they are all coming to fruition. It is in many respects just around the corner - you are nearing the finish line. But it is as one said earlier, it is like the hurricane, is it not? It is like the calm before the storm, the eye of the hurricane. Yet you have not yet reached the eye of the hurricane - it is still coming, the storm is gaining strength and it will be arriving here in many aspects around you. And you will move into that eye of the hurricane. And this is where, with all the commotion going on around you, this is where you need to remain quiet. This is where and when you need to come to a center point. And as you come to a center point, you will feel the energy swirling around you but you will be calm inside. And as all of those around you are feeling those energies in the midst of the hurricane you will be the calm one, you will be the voice that will speak out and say “calm yourself… peace, be still… it is all right.” That is what you are here for, each one here in this group and all who read these words, that is what you are here for. You are here to bring about this new Golden Age, you are here to assist in the process and in the programs that have been developed.

You must understand that these programs have been in the works for a very long time. There have been many councils that have been meeting behind the scenes, both on the planet, in the planet and above the planet. And they had been working and working to bring about these very changes that you have been looking for and all of the galaxy has been looking for.  The many, many ships that are waiting above the planet are here ready to assist when the time comes but they are on a holding pattern. They cannot yet come in. It is as if in your airports where there is the tower that calls to the planes and says when you can land and when you cannot land. Well the tower is here and the tower is saying “no not yet…you are in a holding pattern, you must keep flying around and around and around until it is time to land.” But that time is coming and you are going to be experiencing the wonderment of all of this that has been given for many thousands of years. The prophets have spoken of this time you are entering now. Yes indeed these are the “end times” and you, yourselves, are here to participate in these “end times” and to be a part of this entire orchestration that is going on. Would you have questions now here for One Who Serves?

Question: I would like to know what is the purpose of JADE HELM ‘s 15?

Yes we knew this question was coming and we have already planted it within the James here because it is important that this information gets out, not so much only to this group but from all of the various sources that are speaking on this. And what you hear when you go on your alternate website and all of these things that you are listening to and reading, you hear all kinds of information, some good, some not so good. Even with all of the negative information and all of the fear mongering that is going on, it is important for you, yourselves, to remain centered and know that all is happening for a reason, all is a part of the great orchestration of the Father’s plan that is in the works here. So as these exercises begin to develop, know that there is a greater working that is occurring; all is not as it seems on the surface. So even though there is a purpose for this particular exercise for the side of the cabal you might say, there is also the side of this for the Light resistance forces that is working to combat and move these exercises to turn against them and for the side of the Light. So again all of this is being orchestrated, all is coming together as it needs to. Do not be concerned. It is all a part of the great plan here. Does this answer your question without getting into too many specifics here?  (Yes, thank you). We do not want to say that this particular group coming together is going to do this or this one is going to do that and they’re going to come upon the people and arrest them; we do not want to say any of this because that would add to the fear. And we wish to do exactly the opposite - we wish to calm this down. But know that as these processes are happening, they are happening as they need to so there is nothing to fear. And you, yourselves, who understand this are going to be reaching out to your brethren and saying “be not afraid, be calm, all is as it needs to be.” And even though they will not take this at your words, the end result will show all of this to be the case. Anything further on this needed? (No)  Are there other questions here?

Question: I just wanted to ask you a question about my brother who is staying here from India. He has been having nightmares and dreams where he has seen ships. These scare him (inaudible) and it makes him scream. Do you have any guidance about what is going on?

Yes, we find that this one is having these experiences in the dream state because it is somewhat of a foretelling in terms of what you would call a psychic nature that this one has and it is bringing about these types of situations for two reasons. One, to show the potential of what is coming, not in terms of a fear process, not in terms of negative, as these ships and things are appearing in the dream. This is only to come to this one because it is a conditioning that he has come from in past lives that is bringing about this continuing pattern. Not so much with the negative entities, negative ET’s that he might be experiencing in the dreams but that there is the negative pattern that would come from outside himself, that are somewhat of an invasion of self. Those forces coming from outside into the inner person that he is and to bring about a negative patterns in the self once again. And this is largely to experience it, but not to allow it, not to have it be. So tell this one that when he may continue to have these experiences to utilize, if he can, lucid dreaming; he has access to this. He may not know it, he may not have had for some time but he has access to this lucid dreaming. And he can go in and change the outcome so that the ones that are showing in the dream are rather positive forces and he can turn the dark faces into faces of light, you see?  (Ok, thanks). Anything further here on this or another question?

Question: What is CERN and what is CERN’s purpose?

CERN has many different purposes depending on who is looking at this and where it is coming from. In terms of those that are in the forefront of this and have been working at the particular level, the scientific understanding, deep scientific understanding, to bring about changes to the world that it wishes to create. In terms of creating portals or star gates and getting into those things which are somewhat dangerous; in many aspects to begin to work with the energies that one does not yet understand, that is on the one side. And then on the other side, there are those forces of Light that are working also with this to bring about those changes that are necessary to assist in the overall process that is continuing here with mankind. There is always the duality, there is always the push and the pull, there is always the one that is working against the other. But always know that all of this is also part of the orchestration, part of the great plan here. And these types of things that are working at that level, they can be worked with and become a part of the plan of the Light as well as the plan of the dark. Do you understand this without getting into anything really specific or any kind of scientific level here? Keeping it as you have a saying here, “keep it simple stupid, K.I.S.S. technique” - it works does it not? (Yes, thank you). It is important to keep these things at a simple understanding because what is life? It is simple, it is nothing complicated. It is only the mind that creates the complications. It is only the mind creates the misunderstanding of things that are going on. But if you follow the heart, if you listen to the heart, the small wee voice within, it will always guide you in the direction that you need to go. Was there a question here? We heard it coming from the right side of this one we speak through.

Question: I just was going to say that there are two forces at work when it comes to CERN.

Yes there are two forces at work when it comes to almost everything within your illusion. There are those that are attempting to keep the illusion going and there are those who are attempting to bring the illusion down, to bring the veil down. You, yourselves, are the ones who are here to bring the veil down.

Question: And how is that going? (Laughter)

It is going miraculously. Anything further on this? We heard a slight hesitation there like something wanted to be asked…

Question: Would it behoove us as a group to concentrate more on putting holes in the veil so that our Galactic Confederation can come in and assist?

Yes, you have already done this within the group, do you remember this? In working to bring the veil down?

Question: Yes I do remember that but my concern is should it be done on a more regular basis?

No, it does not need to be because when it is done it is done. Know always when you ask, you will receive. But when you ask for something you know that it is already being granted, it is already being given. (Thank you). It is already manifesting in your reality so that is the trick, that is the secret. (No repeats). Yes, don’t ask and ask and ask and ask and ask.  (Ok, thank you). Ask once and know that it is already done. And if you would do this, just as when Yeshua changed the water into wine, did he say over and over and over “Please change this water into wine…I hope you do it, turn water into wine...If you don’t do it I’m going to look like such a fool here”? (Laughter). No, he said “the water is now wine” and then it was. The bread and the fish were multiplied and all of these types of things. Even though these particular stories were not exactly as it actually occurred, it is still the understanding that when you ask, you will receive. Know it has already been done. (Thank you). Are there other questions here?

Question: I have a question concerning the landings. When everything will be divinely orchestrated and we will have the saviors coming down… My question on the 3-D level is how this amount of radioactivity going to affect us here?

First of all, the idea of the saviors - they are not saviors coming to save the planet. They are brothers and sisters coming to assist and to guide and to help the process along, but they are never coming to save you. Only you can save yourselves. Now your second part of this we did not quite understand - did you say radioactivity? (Yes that they are coming from different dimensions in different planets- would they be radioactive?). No that is never to be a concern because at that level of technology and understanding any of this type of thing would certainly be mitigated. But they do not come with any radioactivity. This is in your movies and things of this nature. It is largely a plot of the cabal to have created this fear. And this being afraid of the extraterrestrial races coming to take over the planet and all of this is because they wanted to continue their process and be the ones in power and be the ones that would continue on in the illusion here. And as soon as the idea of extraterrestrial life is brought out, it shatters the entire illusion, you see? Do you understand this? (I’m going to say yes but I’m going to absorb and process). Yes. (Thank you).  Anything further here?

Question: I was just reading material that the vibrational frequency of the planets and the people on the surface it reached a level that the Event can occur at any time. Is that true that we have raised our vibration to a level that we are ready to integrate our Higher Self?

In terms of the entire population, you see wars and battles and negativity and hatred and things like that in your news, in what is being shown to you in this illusion. But you do not see or feel the expression of those on the planetary population - almost all of the population wants peace, almost all of the population wants to love one another. There are only those  ones who have been manipulated and become a part of the dark side, you might say, that are wanting the opposite of this. So this is just a small percentage that still wants to have war. It is still a small percentage that wants to hate rather than love and wants to be in fear. And we say that they purposely want to be in fear because that is what they know. But the rest of the population wants to be free, wants to love their neighbor, wants to follow the Golden Rule, you see? (Yes). Are there other further questions here?

Question: I have another question here concerning our senses as I did share earlier. As we grow in frequency does that mean that all of our senses are being heightened; the fact that we hear birds and everything seems to be louder. Is that part of the process here?

Oh my, yes! Certainly you are, those that are raising in vibration, as their consciousness continues to raise they become aware of many things that they had not been aware of before. It is as the children that are coming into the planet that are already with heightened senses, already have this psychic sense, you might say. That has been developed in many aspects. Those of you that are raising in vibration are developing these aspects of yourself, these higher gifts of spirit, you might say. And you are moving in that direction of continuing to heighten your senses. All of your five senses as well as more senses that are coming… It is not only the five or even the six, there are more beyond this. And you are going to begin more and more to experience this heightening development, yes? So the sounds will become crisper, the colors will become brighter. Yes all of this is coming and you are beginning now to experience this as you look up at the sky. Have we been not saying for a long time now, “look at the sky”? But see it as it really is, see beyond the veil; and you are seeing the sky this way and are beginning to look through those holes in the veil, you see?  (Yes, thank you). Anything further here before we release channel?

Question: I do feel that my energies have definitely raised – I do see brighter colors and I hear things that I didn’t normally hear before. I can’t hear grass grow yet (laughter). I am very concerned about in my dreams, when I hear things constantly in my dreams. I wake up and I go immediately back to sleep and I don’t understand why I do that because I know I heard something, whether it be in the house or outside the house. Can you explain what these rumblings or these sounds might possibly be?

Yes. It was the same thing that was given by the Ashira for the one who asked about the printer earlier and it is the same thing that is happening. There are other levels of your being that you are working with in your sleep state. You are joining those other levels of who you are. And the sounds that you are hearing in your dream, the experiences, the colors, the visual acuity that is happening in your dream is happening at those other levels of your being at that time in your multidimensional experiences. (Thank you). Anything further here?

Question: What can I do to continue to prepare?

Prepare what? Dinner?  (Laughter…to prepare for changes…). Yes, we joke here. Prepare for change. You are already doing it. Just the idea that you attend this group, just the idea that you are aware of the various things that are going on that the unawakened are unaware of. Awareness is a big part of you moving up in consciousness. Awareness leads to increased consciousness. Without awareness, you continue to be asleep and all of the population that is asleep is in the process of awakening. And as they continue to awaken, it increases the awakening of the ones next to them and the ones next to them, and on and on and on. This is the process. And you, yourselves in this group and those who would read these words, are the awakening ones. And you are the wayshowers; you are showing the way and you are preparing the way. And so as you are preparing for the changes outside of yourself, know that you are also preparing for the changes within yourself as well at the same time.

As to direct understanding of what you can do, you can do many things. You can look at your diet as your diet is very important. And we are not speaking only to the one who had asked this question but to all. Your diet is very important - to become aware of the foods that you are eating. Do you want to eat the poison that is part of the illusion or do you want to eat the good foods, the nurturing, the Earth-based foods that are here for all to nourish the body, to continue the body on in the way it was made to be. You are not meant to leave the body, physical body, at an early age. You are not meant to die from your body at the age of 60 and 70 and 80 and 100 and 120 and 200. You are meant to live for hundreds and even thousands of years. The body can withstand all of this but it is the mind that is the creator here. The mind is the builder and the mind creates and builds what it experiences around it. So as you eat, you create within your body. What is your saying “you are what you eat?” Know this. In the water that you drink also - if you are drinking impure water, then do what you can to stop this. And if it is impure, then purify it by your very thoughts, by your spirit working through you. Bring the spirit through you, through the water. Know that it is purified as you do it. Don’t change the water into wine but change the water into purified water. (Laughter). Know it as you do it, as you bless it, as you put your hand upon it send the energy through it into the water and know that is purified. And that you are drinking the purified water.

Exercise is very important. It does not need to be, though, the exercise where you go to a gym or facility of some type. You do not need to do this; run up and down the stairs a few times, run around the block, walk. Walk, walk, walk. All of these things can be important - your diet, your water, your exercise, your thoughts. Your thoughts are very, very important. Take control of your thoughts as much as possible. Whenever a negative thought comes in, push it out. But do not push it out in terms of fighting it. Let it come in and then gently push it away, nudge it away. And if it is a continuing thought that keeps coming in, then say stop! Enough already! And then it will pass. Your attachments, your various attachments that you have in your life, let go of them. If you are going down the stream and you are clinging to the bank of the stream or of the river, can you continue to flow? (No, no). No, let go. Let go and let God move you along the river. Go with the flow, go with the current. And then as you go with the current you can see what’s on the other side, you see? Does this answer your question? (Yes, thank you). Anything further here? Then we are ready to release channel.

Continue in your efforts, in your daily efforts. Continue to be in the now. This is very important to be in the very moment that you are in because in the next moment everything changes and in the next moment everything changes again. So be in the perfect flow of the now, be in the experience, BE the experience.

Shanti, peace be with you. Be the One.  (Thank you, Namaste).


Channeled by James McConnell
Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and authors website is clearly stated


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