My child, once you have decided to do so, go into your heart center please. Reserve some time for yourself to come to your self. You must go into your inside, away from the head over into your heart.
There resides your soul. This is YOU. Let your mind calm down and only be quiet. Meditate if you can. Look at what is in your inside. Look at it, let it go and give it to the violet flame for dissolution.
It is not all from your current life, much of what now comes to the light of day comes from your past lives. It is old pain, hurts, experiences and emotions. Positive and negative. To become whole and healthy you must all this let go.
Now is the time to drop all the ballast so that you can go your way lighter. All the energies you feel now consciously or unconsciously are helping you with this. But for all this it is necessary that you chill out, my child, that's why I tell it to you so strongly.
You can also give it to my Angels or to me to dissolve it. But let it go! It doesn't serve you anymore on your path. ~
Your Divine Mother
Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author's name and the link to the original site is given.