On the 21st of july, i was approached by someone or beings in my natural
sleep patterns, and when i was sleeping they must have not been aware
that in my sleep i have empathathic awakeings that if i am disturbed in
my sleep and that i can feel their loving or non loving intentions, and
that i can know without doubt weather they are of the dark energies o r
higher light realm energies. These beings who approached me were of the
lower vibrations, as usual these beings hid themselves from me but how i
know this, is because they were not aware that i have obtained the
christ conciousness energies when i was 16, and i, because of the
enlightened touch of god in my heart back then, i could and am able to
dintstinguish what is a negative or positive energy near me, and if i am
threatened in sleep, that i could know as i wake up to exactly what
transpired or took place that very instance.

Because when i wakeup and remember without a reason why i had to remember this, it was
because i was meant to, when i am suppose to. It is like that lady in
Medium, sometimes i get it like how Allison Duboi does it. But not as
grand as she does it. She is a gift amongst the gifted thats for sure.

Butwhen this event happens i am not suppose to ignore it but tell others
what has just happened to me.

These beings whom or who ever they were,mysteriously came into my normal dream state and asked me about why i am not praying to God and as usual i thought they were just asking me a
question, so i said to them um yeah, i am just being lazy and i can not be bothered right now, i am too tired and am getting rather bored of waiting for something to happen?  Meaning the 2012 scenario!

Thenthey said why are you getting bored and i said because nothing is
happening the way i was expecting it to happen, and besides evertime i
want something good to happen all i do is just wait, and wait, and wait ,
and wait, it's all i ever do is wait and wait and wait and wait. So now
i guess you get my drift.

Then in one staement they said to me,and when as they were telepathically saying a message to me, i could feel empathically, emptyness coming from their statement as they relayed
a message to me, they said this one line "See you in 2 yrs". and as i
awoke from this dream, i remembered their statement, and i knew God did
not want me to forget this message.

Then i said what's in two years, then i realised in my awakened state oh the 2012 ascension scenario.

I knew now that this was myfirst time ever to be in contact with a negative being trying to trick
me as though they were of the light.

These beings were atestiment to me that if i do not pray to the intelligent love and loving
intelligent our mother father who art in heaven then it will take a
long long time to come back out of the lower vibrations, and i am
talking about millions of millions of years to evolve again, which was my initial impression before the
next turn of events unfold in as much alike the 2012.

I do not know about you but i amgetting sick of repeating the caveman scenarios, but this is the case. We have to learn to re-evolve again. (Boring)...

These negative beings, be very careful, you have a mind, body and spirit, be very careful
how they can influence you, you have the tools in your body, to defend against it, so use it to
the very best you can, because i told these fuckers off and said you can
not tell me where to go it is up to me and god to decide what is best
for me, not you. Then because i said this, i got the empathic feeling
that they did not know i was going to awake and remember this moment i
had with them. and at that very last moment after what i said, they realised they could not
trick me and left without a doubt, they knew i knew i was aware of their prescence, and because i was aware of them they dared not to try this approach with me ever again.

I was saved by myown discerning power of grace and willing to guard my own soul. Trickery
can come from many sources be your own source of strength because in
the end it is all there is...

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  • I did not get this? They came to you in your sleep and said: see you in two years? I believe you and I want to hear more, but I don't understand what was negative?

    However, I admire how you can separate negative from positive. I've been told I have an aura that is indigo, but that I am highly open to all energies. And I notice! If I hang with one friend, I start think and talk like her - when I come home after the visit, I start wondering who I really am and why I am so weak. I'm 21 now and still compare myself to everyone, I easily fall 'in love' with a personality and want to be just like her/him. I get inspired by a commercial on TV or breathtaken by a beatiful tree in the woods... just as easy, I get depressed by a story told by strangers on a bus or I feel hopeless knowing all the pain in the world.

    How can I know what thoughts are safe or negative? Do the negative beings fool me with positive words? Because then I really am a lost case! Hehe :-)

    • its normal for a 21 y.o...the more strong u become energetically, the more resistance u will have from the influence of other people and situations... u will find your own way...
      ..i would recommend no thoughts at all... but since this is a little difficult to do, just think of Spirit things...
      by Spirit i mean a positive energy (or just an energy)...a sense of freedom we feel..freedom from usual petty mind-problems that mainstream people have!!! (i give this advise to myself too)...lol... ;)
  • Commander Lightspeed, you still don't get it do you,

    I had to have this dream that night because it is what people was needing to hear but god would not put me in state of being to far to the edge of his and their kingdom for me to be in any sort of danger but much rather look over the peak or so to speak, and then tell others what would happen if you do not be your own source of strength.

    It was to help others, i already know about this, but i had to try and get through to people, and if this is the only way, to get through to them, then it will be that way that will help, others, help themselves, i do not know how to get others to understand what i am saying.

    I tried so many avenues, and yet you still think i was going down the spiral, i was suppose to do it so others may know and lift themselves back up to expansive conscious awareness again. Because god knew i have done this many times before.

    I was suppose to help them lift their light quotient.

    I thought that this was obvious.
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  • I think you talk the truth, nevertheless i have a problem with this everlasting having to pray thing. I am a normal human being and when asked to do something (wich for me is the same as praying by the way) i emediatelly do respond either doing something or at least starting to do something. I am shure there a trillions of trillions of prayers floating around to start things. If they are so inteligent i am shure they got it the first time around. Ouwer so called parents in heaven.
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