Beam-Up First Contact Forcefield Homeworld Multiverse Parallel Universe Teleportation Time Travel Meditation by Lord Sananda +  How the Ashtar Command Came to Be by Sananda + ASCENSION ACCELERATION GRAPHICS!


We of Sananda's Eagles and Project: Eagle Triad invite you to join 
our Galactic family! We welcome you with open STARCRAFT HATCHES! 
Make contact and begin YOUR MISSION: janisel((@)) 

Beam-Up First Contact Forcefield Homeworld Multiverse Parallel Universe Teleportation Time Travel Meditation 

Lord Sananda (Lord Jesus the Christ, who was Yeshua, now Ascended)

channeled through Rev. Janisel of Sananda's Eagles and Project: Eagle Triad
To Begin Monday, August 24, 2015 
To Meditate and Focus Upon Every Day for at Least 15-20 Minutes Per Day (Or More!) 

Greetings, my beautiful LIGHTWORKERS, STARSEEDS, GALACTICS, INDIGOS, CRYSTALS, RAINBOW WARRIORS OF PEACE, JEDIS, and beloved Eagles! This is Sananda with you once again, bringing to you your next assignment. And the meditations for your next few weeks will be focused on preparing you and the Earth for the energies that will reach you during your month of September. 

After performing your Protocol, I ask that you, as a group, state your intent to join me atop the Christ Consciousness Grid, where we once again shall, together, look down at your beautiful Earth. We are going to be working with three energies contained in this Grid and directing them to what we have termed the Human Grid of Earth, which you may perceive as a grid connecting each human. It will fluctuate, of course, but the connections are always there. 

For the first five minutes of this meditation I ask that you call upon the energy of Love from the Christ Consciousness Grid, pull it into your physical body, then send it down to the Human Grid below us. And let’s put in a little color, shall we? Perhaps see the Human Grid as turning a beautiful shade of magenta. 

After five minutes of sending Love, you are asked to then call upon the energy of Brotherhood and send it to the Human Grid, visualizing a nice color of blue. 

For the last five minutes of this meditation you are asked to then call for the energy from the Christ Consciousness Grid of Forgiveness. And let’s make this energy green, shall we? Green for the Healing that Forgiveness brings; not to the one that is perceived to have done a ‘wrong’, but for the one(s) that feel they have been wronged by someone else. To forgive is to heal thyself. 

As your time speeds up, as the energies become more intense, there will likely be many upsets to your bodies, minds and spirits; but bless these changes and this chaos, for they are taking you exactly where you have worked and prayed to be. As my brother Ashtar has already hinted to you, there is a great change coming in your mass-consciousness grid very shortly, and you will find it well-worth all your efforts and hardships. 

I AM Sananda, waiting for you upon my Christ Consciousness Grid and loving you always.


We of Sananda's Eagles and Project: Eagle Triad invite you to join

our Galactic family! We welcome you with open STARCRAFT HATCHES!

Make contact and begin YOUR MISSION: janisel((@))



By Sananda 

channeled through Rev. Deb Wright of Sananda's Eagles and Project: Eagle Triad

Sananda: "How about for once, I describe to you my brother Ashtar, and what is referred to as his Command, shall I? You see, the Divine Creator is in charge of all contracts... all Soul Contracts for each life that comes anew from the Souls that decide to experience some sort of lifetime in some dimension. These Soul Contracts are guarded and protected by the Divine Creator itself. However, there came a time when this planet began to call out to the Divine Creator for Christed energies, without truly realizing what it was they were crying out for. For you see, there came a time that there were too many 'gods', too much imagination going into the wonders of all that was. And man's small brain at that time figured that it was far too much for one Creator to do, so therefore, there came about many gods. Well, the next thing you know, there are wars... many, many wars... because everyone had their favorite god and they wanted everyone else to worship THEIR god. 

It became very violent and, therefore, those that knew and had always known that there was but one true Divine Creator, called upon the Divine Creator and said, "Bring us a sign. Bring us a gift that will prove to all that you are still with us, that you still watch us, that you still watch over us, and that you still protect us. Bring us the One that will teach ALL of us who you truly are and how we may truly commune with you." You do realize, don't you, that I was but one of those? 

There were many of the Christed Beings that came to ALL of the civilizations upon this earth. Each civilization that cried out for a Christed Being received one. When the first Christed Being stepped upon this planet... and I will not give away yet who that was... the Divine Creator wished to have protection for that Christed Being... SPECIAL protection... a way IN for the precious cargo, and a way OUT for the precious cargo. So therefore, the Divine Creator put out a call and asked for one who would be willing to sacrifice their own independence to make sure that this Christed Being would be protected for however long it took them to be here. One Being came forward. That Being is my brother Ashtar. But you see, it is not as if everyone else was just spinning their fingers with nothing better to do... there was much going on at that time. And this was a new planet, in universal standards, that is. So you might say that my brother Ashtar went through an intense training period from the Divine Creator to guard over this Christed Being. 

Now... it is as such. He did an excellent job, and he did such a wonderful job, you might say he got a promotion. And the Divine Creator asked if my brother Ashtar felt that he could handle a 'larger' mission, if he could coordinate many Beings to watch over the Beings here on this planet, to make sure that their Contract time and their Contracts - ALL aspects of their Contracts - were followed. Well, my brother Ashtar began recruiting, was given the energy and the time, and went among all the universes and recruited... asking for the volunteers to come and help. This, then, became Ashtar's Command. Now, there are going to be some that read this that will find it highly unlikely, highly improbably, perhaps even fictional. This is well and good. It is your choice. I am more or less just filling in a few blanks along the way for those that wish to have this information. For you see, the ones that resonate with this information, the ones that feel in their heart that this IS the correct information, are truly those that were the first volunteers that came to my brother Ashtar's call for assistance. For they are the ones that were with him from almost the beginning, that know the truth. And over time, many, many more have joined in. So therefore, if you do not believe this story, it matters not. Perhaps you volunteered and came in at a later time. That is fine, too. But there are also many out there who are reading these lessons that will say, "I am not of the Ashtar Command, I just KNOW of Ashtar." If you resonate at ALL with the name Ashtar... at ALL... if you KNOW of the name of my brother Ashtar... at ALL... you ARE of the Ashtar Command!

Now... I will step on a few more toes here. There are those of you that KNOW... you feel in your heart and your soul that you are a member of Michael's Legions. If you are on this planet and you are of Michael's Legions, you are ALSO of my brother Ashtar's Command. If you were of Michael's Legions and you were NOT of my brother Ashtar's Command, you would not be here on this planet. It is possible to be of the Ashtar Command on this planet and NOT be of Michael's Legions... but it is IMPOSSIBLE to be of Michael's Legions on this planet and NOT be a member of my brother Ashtar's Command. It is just the way it is. Some of you may not resonate with that, either!

This, again, is entirely up to you. It matters not to me at all if you do not resonate with this, however, I can tell you for a fact that any that know of my brother Ashtar, or any that feel they are of Michael's Legions that are on this planet at this point in time, you ARE OF THE COMMAND, and you ARE here for a SPECIFIC MISSION, possibly even more than one. For there are those out there who have denied for far too long. There are those out there that are still asleep, and it is well-past time for them to wake up. For things have accelerated to the point where ALL are needed. You still have a choice, mind you, as to whether you wish to continue on with your mission or not. However, the time has come that, if you decide NOT to continue on with your mission, that mission will be taken from you and given elsewhere. There are very few instances now of those being able to postpone their missions any longer. You CAN renegotiate your mission, you can decide not to give up everything in your life to do this because this is not what is being asked of you. The main thing that you are asked to do right now is to recognize who and what you are here for. DO YOUR MISSION. RECOGNIZE WHO YOU ARE and WHAT YOU ARE HERE FOR, and DO IT."

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    • ACTIVATION ASCENSION! Beam-Up First Contact Forcefield Homeworld Multiverse Parallel Universe Teleportation Time Travel Meditation by Lord Sananda + How the Ashtar Command Came to Be by Lord Sananda 

      link for face--book: 

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      Beam-Up First Contact Forcefield Homeworld Multiverse Parallel Universe Teleportation Time Travel Meditation by Lord Sananda + How the Ashtar Command Came to Be by Sananda + ASCENSION ACCELERATION GRAPHICS! 

      We of Sananda's Eagles and Project: Eagle Triad invite you to join 
      our Galactic family! We welcome you with open STARCRAFT HATCHES! 
      Make contact and begin YOUR MISSION: janisel((@)) 

      Beam-Up First Contact Forcefield Homeworld Multiverse Parallel Universe Teleportation Time Travel Meditation 
      Lord Sananda (Lord Jesus the Christ, who was Yeshua, now Ascended) 
      channeled through Rev. Janisel of Sananda's Eagles and Project: Eagle Triad 
      To Begin Monday, August 24, 2015 
      To Meditate and Focus Upon Every Day for at Least 15-20 Minutes Per Day (Or More!) 

      Greetings, my beautiful LIGHTWORKERS, STARSEEDS, GALACTICS, INDIGOS, CRYSTALS, RAINBOW WARRIORS OF PEACE, JEDIS, and beloved Eagles! This is Sananda with you once again, bringing to you your next assignment. And the meditations for your next few weeks will be focused on preparing you and the Earth for the energies that will reach you during your month of September. 

      After performing your Protocol, I ask that you, as a group, state your intent to join me atop the Christ Consciousness Grid, where we once again shall, together, look down at your beautiful Earth. We are going to be working with three energies contained in this Grid and directing them to what we have termed the Human Grid of Earth, which you may perceive as a grid connecting each human. It will fluctuate, of course, but the connections are always there. 

      For the first five minutes of this meditation I ask that you call upon the energy of Love from the Christ Consciousness Grid, pull it into your physical body, then send it down to the Human Grid below us. And let’s put in a little color, shall we? Perhaps see the Human Grid as turning a beautiful shade of magenta. 

      After five minutes of sending Love, you are asked to then call upon the energy of Brotherhood and send it to the Human Grid, visualizing a nice color of blue. 

      For the last five minutes of this meditation you are asked to then call for the energy from the Christ Consciousness Grid of Forgiveness. And let’s make this energy green, shall we? Green for the Healing that Forgiveness brings; not to the one that is perceived to have done a ‘wrong’, but for the one(s) that feel they have been wronged by someone else. To forgive is to heal thyself. 

      As your time speeds up, as the energies become more intense, there will likely be many upsets to your bodies, minds and spirits; but bless these changes and this chaos, for they are taking you exactly where you have worked and prayed to be. As my brother Ashtar has already hinted to you, there is a great change coming in your mass-consciousness grid very shortly, and you will find it well-worth all your efforts and hardships. 

      I AM Sananda, waiting for you upon my Christ Consciousness Grid and loving you always. 

      We of Sananda's Eagles and Project: Eagle Triad invite you to join 
      our Galactic family! We welcome you with open STARCRAFT HATCHES! 
      Make contact and begin YOUR MISSION: janisel((@)) 

      By Sananda 

      channeled through Rev. Deb Wright of Sananda's Eagles and Project: Eagle Triad 

      Sananda: "How about for once, I describe to you my brother Ashtar, and what is referred to as his Command, shall I? You see, the Divine Creator is in charge of all contracts... all Soul Contracts for each life that comes anew from the Souls that decide to experience some sort of lifetime in some dimension. These Soul Contracts are guarded and protected by the Divine Creator itself. However, there came a time when this planet began to call out to the Divine Creator for Christed energies, without truly realizing what it was they were crying out for. For you see, there came a time that there were too many 'gods', too much imagination going into the wonders of all that was. And man's small brain at that time figured that it was far too much for one Creator to do, so therefore, there came about many gods. Well, the next thing you know, there are wars... many, many wars... because everyone had their favorite god and they wanted everyone else to worship THEIR god. 

      It became very violent and, therefore, those that knew and had always known that there was but one true Divine Creator, called upon the Divine Creator and said, "Bring us a sign. Bring us a gift that will prove to all that you are still with us, that you still watch us, that you still watch over us, and that you still protect us. Bring us the One that will teach ALL of us who you truly are and how we may truly commune with you." You do realize, don't you, that I was but one of those? 

      There were many of the Christed Beings that came to ALL of the civilizations upon this earth. Each civilization that cried out for a Christed Being received one. When the first Christed Being stepped upon this planet... and I will not give away yet who that was... the Divine Creator wished to have protection for that Christed Being... SPECIAL protection... a way IN for the precious cargo, and a way OUT for the precious cargo. So therefore, the Divine Creator put out a call and asked for one who would be willing to sacrifice their own independence to make sure that this Christed Being would be protected for however long it took them to be here. One Being came forward. That Being is my brother Ashtar. But you see, it is not as if everyone else was just spinning their fingers with nothing better to do... there was much going on at that time. And this was a new planet, in universal standards, that is. So you might say that my brother Ashtar went through an intense training period from the Divine Creator to guard over this Christed Being. 

      Now... it is as such. He did an excellent job, and he did such a wonderful job, you might say he got a promotion. And the Divine Creator asked if my brother Ashtar felt that he could handle a 'larger' mission, if he could coordinate many Beings to watch over the Beings here on this planet, to make sure that their Contract time and their Contracts - ALL aspects of their Contracts - were followed. Well, my brother Ashtar began recruiting, was given the energy and the time, and went among all the universes and recruited... asking for the volunteers to come and help. This, then, became Ashtar's Command. Now, there are going to be some that read this that will find it highly unlikely, highly improbably, perhaps even fictional. This is well and good. It is your choice. I am more or less just filling in a few blanks along the way for those that wish to have this information. For you see, the ones that resonate with this information, the ones that feel in their heart that this IS the correct information, are truly those that were the first volunteers that came to my brother Ashtar's call for assistance. For they are the ones that were with him from almost the beginning, that know the truth. And over time, many, many more have joined in. So therefore, if you do not believe this story, it matters not. Perhaps you volunteered and came in at a later time. That is fine, too. But there are also many out there who are reading these lessons that will say, "I am not of the Ashtar Command, I just KNOW of Ashtar." If you resonate at ALL with the name Ashtar... at ALL... if you KNOW of the name of my brother Ashtar... at ALL... you ARE of the Ashtar Command! 

      Now... I will step on a few more toes here. There are those of you that KNOW... you feel in your heart and your soul that you are a member of Michael's Legions. If you are on this planet and you are of Michael's Legions, you are ALSO of my brother Ashtar's Command. If you were of Michael's Legions and you were NOT of my brother Ashtar's Command, you would not be here on this planet. It is possible to be of the Ashtar Command on this planet and NOT be of Michael's Legions... but it is IMPOSSIBLE to be of Michael's Legions on this planet and NOT be a member of my brother Ashtar's Command. It is just the way it is. Some of you may not resonate with that, either! 

      This, again, is entirely up to you. It matters not to me at all if you do not resonate with this, however, I can tell you for a fact that any that know of my brother Ashtar, or any that feel they are of Michael's Legions that are on this planet at this point in time, you ARE OF THE COMMAND, and you ARE here for a SPECIFIC MISSION, possibly even more than one. For there are those out there who have denied for far too long. There are those out there that are still asleep, and it is well-past time for them to wake up. For things have accelerated to the point where ALL are needed. You still have a choice, mind you, as to whether you wish to continue on with your mission or not. However, the time has come that, if you decide NOT to continue on with your mission, that mission will be taken from you and given elsewhere. There are very few instances now of those being able to postpone their missions any longer. You CAN renegotiate your mission, you can decide not to give up everything in your life to do this because this is not what is being asked of you. The main thing that you are asked to do right now is to recognize who and what you are here for. DO YOUR MISSION. RECOGNIZE WHO YOU ARE and WHAT YOU ARE HERE FOR, and DO IT."

  • Beam-Up First Contact Forcefield Homeworld Multiverse Parallel Universe Teleportation Time Travel Meditation by Lord Sananda +  How the Ashtar Command Came to Be by Sananda + ASCENSION ACCELERATION GRAPHICS!


    We of Sananda's Eagles and Project: Eagle Triad invite you to join 
    our Galactic family! We welcome you with open STARCRAFT HATCHES! 
    Make contact and begin YOUR MISSION: janisel((@)) 

    Beam-Up First Contact Forcefield Homeworld Multiverse Parallel Universe Teleportation Time Travel Meditation 

    Lord Sananda (Lord Jesus the Christ, who was Yeshua, now Ascended)

    channeled through Rev. Janisel of Sananda's Eagles and Project: Eagle Triad
    To Begin Monday, August 24, 2015 
    To Meditate and Focus Upon Every Day for at Least 15-20 Minutes Per Day (Or More!) 

    Greetings, my beautiful LIGHTWORKERS, STARSEEDS, GALACTICS, INDIGOS, CRYSTALS, RAINBOW WARRIORS OF PEACE, JEDIS, and beloved Eagles! This is Sananda with you once again, bringing to you your next assignment. And the meditations for your next few weeks will be focused on preparing you and the Earth for the energies that will reach you during your month of September. 

    After performing your Protocol, I ask that you, as a group, state your intent to join me atop the Christ Consciousness Grid, where we once again shall, together, look down at your beautiful Earth. We are going to be working with three energies contained in this Grid and directing them to what we have termed the Human Grid of Earth, which you may perceive as a grid connecting each human. It will fluctuate, of course, but the connections are always there. 

    For the first five minutes of this meditation I ask that you call upon the energy of Love from the Christ Consciousness Grid, pull it into your physical body, then send it down to the Human Grid below us. And let’s put in a little color, shall we? Perhaps see the Human Grid as turning a beautiful shade of magenta. 

    After five minutes of sending Love, you are asked to then call upon the energy of Brotherhood and send it to the Human Grid, visualizing a nice color of blue. 

    For the last five minutes of this meditation you are asked to then call for the energy from the Christ Consciousness Grid of Forgiveness. And let’s make this energy green, shall we? Green for the Healing that Forgiveness brings; not to the one that is perceived to have done a ‘wrong’, but for the one(s) that feel they have been wronged by someone else. To forgive is to heal thyself. 

    As your time speeds up, as the energies become more intense, there will likely be many upsets to your bodies, minds and spirits; but bless these changes and this chaos, for they are taking you exactly where you have worked and prayed to be. As my brother Ashtar has already hinted to you, there is a great change coming in your mass-consciousness grid very shortly, and you will find it well-worth all your efforts and hardships. 

    I AM Sananda, waiting for you upon my Christ Consciousness Grid and loving you always.


    We of Sananda's Eagles and Project: Eagle Triad invite you to join

    our Galactic family! We welcome you with open STARCRAFT HATCHES!

    Make contact and begin YOUR MISSION: janisel((@))



    By Sananda 

    channeled through Rev. Deb Wright of Sananda's Eagles and Project: Eagle Triad

    Sananda: "How about for once, I describe to you my brother Ashtar, and what is referred to as his Command, shall I? You see, the Divine Creator is in charge of all contracts... all Soul Contracts for each life that comes anew from the Souls that decide to experience some sort of lifetime in some dimension. These Soul Contracts are guarded and protected by the Divine Creator itself. However, there came a time when this planet began to call out to the Divine Creator for Christed energies, without truly realizing what it was they were crying out for. For you see, there came a time that there were too many 'gods', too much imagination going into the wonders of all that was. And man's small brain at that time figured that it was far too much for one Creator to do, so therefore, there came about many gods. Well, the next thing you know, there are wars... many, many wars... because everyone had their favorite god and they wanted everyone else to worship THEIR god. 

    It became very violent and, therefore, those that knew and had always known that there was but one true Divine Creator, called upon the Divine Creator and said, "Bring us a sign. Bring us a gift that will prove to all that you are still with us, that you still watch us, that you still watch over us, and that you still protect us. Bring us the One that will teach ALL of us who you truly are and how we may truly commune with you." You do realize, don't you, that I was but one of those? 

    There were many of the Christed Beings that came to ALL of the civilizations upon this earth. Each civilization that cried out for a Christed Being received one. When the first Christed Being stepped upon this planet... and I will not give away yet who that was... the Divine Creator wished to have protection for that Christed Being... SPECIAL protection... a way IN for the precious cargo, and a way OUT for the precious cargo. So therefore, the Divine Creator put out a call and asked for one who would be willing to sacrifice their own independence to make sure that this Christed Being would be protected for however long it took them to be here. One Being came forward. That Being is my brother Ashtar. But you see, it is not as if everyone else was just spinning their fingers with nothing better to do... there was much going on at that time. And this was a new planet, in universal standards, that is. So you might say that my brother Ashtar went through an intense training period from the Divine Creator to guard over this Christed Being. 

    Now... it is as such. He did an excellent job, and he did such a wonderful job, you might say he got a promotion. And the Divine Creator asked if my brother Ashtar felt that he could handle a 'larger' mission, if he could coordinate many Beings to watch over the Beings here on this planet, to make sure that their Contract time and their Contracts - ALL aspects of their Contracts - were followed. Well, my brother Ashtar began recruiting, was given the energy and the time, and went among all the universes and recruited... asking for the volunteers to come and help. This, then, became Ashtar's Command. Now, there are going to be some that read this that will find it highly unlikely, highly improbably, perhaps even fictional. This is well and good. It is your choice. I am more or less just filling in a few blanks along the way for those that wish to have this information. For you see, the ones that resonate with this information, the ones that feel in their heart that this IS the correct information, are truly those that were the first volunteers that came to my brother Ashtar's call for assistance. For they are the ones that were with him from almost the beginning, that know the truth. And over time, many, many more have joined in. So therefore, if you do not believe this story, it matters not. Perhaps you volunteered and came in at a later time. That is fine, too. But there are also many out there who are reading these lessons that will say, "I am not of the Ashtar Command, I just KNOW of Ashtar." If you resonate at ALL with the name Ashtar... at ALL... if you KNOW of the name of my brother Ashtar... at ALL... you ARE of the Ashtar Command!

    Now... I will step on a few more toes here. There are those of you that KNOW... you feel in your heart and your soul that you are a member of Michael's Legions. If you are on this planet and you are of Michael's Legions, you are ALSO of my brother Ashtar's Command. If you were of Michael's Legions and you were NOT of my brother Ashtar's Command, you would not be here on this planet. It is possible to be of the Ashtar Command on this planet and NOT be of Michael's Legions... but it is IMPOSSIBLE to be of Michael's Legions on this planet and NOT be a member of my brother Ashtar's Command. It is just the way it is. Some of you may not resonate with that, either!

    This, again, is entirely up to you. It matters not to me at all if you do not resonate with this, however, I can tell you for a fact that any that know of my brother Ashtar, or any that feel they are of Michael's Legions that are on this planet at this point in time, you ARE OF THE COMMAND, and you ARE here for a SPECIFIC MISSION, possibly even more than one. For there are those out there who have denied for far too long. There are those out there that are still asleep, and it is well-past time for them to wake up. For things have accelerated to the point where ALL are needed. You still have a choice, mind you, as to whether you wish to continue on with your mission or not. However, the time has come that, if you decide NOT to continue on with your mission, that mission will be taken from you and given elsewhere. There are very few instances now of those being able to postpone their missions any longer. You CAN renegotiate your mission, you can decide not to give up everything in your life to do this because this is not what is being asked of you. The main thing that you are asked to do right now is to recognize who and what you are here for. DO YOUR MISSION. RECOGNIZE WHO YOU ARE and WHAT YOU ARE HERE FOR, and DO IT."

    Sananda's Eagles Home Page
  • Beam-Up First Contact Forcefield Homeworld Multiverse Parallel Universe Teleportation Time Travel Meditation by Lord Sananda +  How the Ashtar Command Came to Be by Sananda + ASCENSION ACCELERATION GRAPHICS!


    We of Sananda's Eagles and Project: Eagle Triad invite you to join 
    our Galactic family! We welcome you with open STARCRAFT HATCHES! 
    Make contact and begin YOUR MISSION: janisel((@)) 

    Beam-Up First Contact Forcefield Homeworld Multiverse Parallel Universe Teleportation Time Travel Meditation 

    Lord Sananda (Lord Jesus the Christ, who was Yeshua, now Ascended)

    channeled through Rev. Janisel of Sananda's Eagles and Project: Eagle Triad
    To Begin Monday, August 24, 2015 
    To Meditate and Focus Upon Every Day for at Least 15-20 Minutes Per Day (Or More!) 

    Greetings, my beautiful LIGHTWORKERS, STARSEEDS, GALACTICS, INDIGOS, CRYSTALS, RAINBOW WARRIORS OF PEACE, JEDIS, and beloved Eagles! This is Sananda with you once again, bringing to you your next assignment. And the meditations for your next few weeks will be focused on preparing you and the Earth for the energies that will reach you during your month of September. 

    After performing your Protocol, I ask that you, as a group, state your intent to join me atop the Christ Consciousness Grid, where we once again shall, together, look down at your beautiful Earth. We are going to be working with three energies contained in this Grid and directing them to what we have termed the Human Grid of Earth, which you may perceive as a grid connecting each human. It will fluctuate, of course, but the connections are always there. 

    For the first five minutes of this meditation I ask that you call upon the energy of Love from the Christ Consciousness Grid, pull it into your physical body, then send it down to the Human Grid below us. And let’s put in a little color, shall we? Perhaps see the Human Grid as turning a beautiful shade of magenta. 

    After five minutes of sending Love, you are asked to then call upon the energy of Brotherhood and send it to the Human Grid, visualizing a nice color of blue. 

    For the last five minutes of this meditation you are asked to then call for the energy from the Christ Consciousness Grid of Forgiveness. And let’s make this energy green, shall we? Green for the Healing that Forgiveness brings; not to the one that is perceived to have done a ‘wrong’, but for the one(s) that feel they have been wronged by someone else. To forgive is to heal thyself. 

    As your time speeds up, as the energies become more intense, there will likely be many upsets to your bodies, minds and spirits; but bless these changes and this chaos, for they are taking you exactly where you have worked and prayed to be. As my brother Ashtar has already hinted to you, there is a great change coming in your mass-consciousness grid very shortly, and you will find it well-worth all your efforts and hardships. 

    I AM Sananda, waiting for you upon my Christ Consciousness Grid and loving you always.


    We of Sananda's Eagles and Project: Eagle Triad invite you to join

    our Galactic family! We welcome you with open STARCRAFT HATCHES!

    Make contact and begin YOUR MISSION: janisel((@))



    By Sananda 

    channeled through Rev. Deb Wright of Sananda's Eagles and Project: Eagle Triad

    Sananda: "How about for once, I describe to you my brother Ashtar, and what is referred to as his Command, shall I? You see, the Divine Creator is in charge of all contracts... all Soul Contracts for each life that comes anew from the Souls that decide to experience some sort of lifetime in some dimension. These Soul Contracts are guarded and protected by the Divine Creator itself. However, there came a time when this planet began to call out to the Divine Creator for Christed energies, without truly realizing what it was they were crying out for. For you see, there came a time that there were too many 'gods', too much imagination going into the wonders of all that was. And man's small brain at that time figured that it was far too much for one Creator to do, so therefore, there came about many gods. Well, the next thing you know, there are wars... many, many wars... because everyone had their favorite god and they wanted everyone else to worship THEIR god. 

    It became very violent and, therefore, those that knew and had always known that there was but one true Divine Creator, called upon the Divine Creator and said, "Bring us a sign. Bring us a gift that will prove to all that you are still with us, that you still watch us, that you still watch over us, and that you still protect us. Bring us the One that will teach ALL of us who you truly are and how we may truly commune with you." You do realize, don't you, that I was but one of those? 

    There were many of the Christed Beings that came to ALL of the civilizations upon this earth. Each civilization that cried out for a Christed Being received one. When the first Christed Being stepped upon this planet... and I will not give away yet who that was... the Divine Creator wished to have protection for that Christed Being... SPECIAL protection... a way IN for the precious cargo, and a way OUT for the precious cargo. So therefore, the Divine Creator put out a call and asked for one who would be willing to sacrifice their own independence to make sure that this Christed Being would be protected for however long it took them to be here. One Being came forward. That Being is my brother Ashtar. But you see, it is not as if everyone else was just spinning their fingers with nothing better to do... there was much going on at that time. And this was a new planet, in universal standards, that is. So you might say that my brother Ashtar went through an intense training period from the Divine Creator to guard over this Christed Being. 

    Now... it is as such. He did an excellent job, and he did such a wonderful job, you might say he got a promotion. And the Divine Creator asked if my brother Ashtar felt that he could handle a 'larger' mission, if he could coordinate many Beings to watch over the Beings here on this planet, to make sure that their Contract time and their Contracts - ALL aspects of their Contracts - were followed. Well, my brother Ashtar began recruiting, was given the energy and the time, and went among all the universes and recruited... asking for the volunteers to come and help. This, then, became Ashtar's Command. Now, there are going to be some that read this that will find it highly unlikely, highly improbably, perhaps even fictional. This is well and good. It is your choice. I am more or less just filling in a few blanks along the way for those that wish to have this information. For you see, the ones that resonate with this information, the ones that feel in their heart that this IS the correct information, are truly those that were the first volunteers that came to my brother Ashtar's call for assistance. For they are the ones that were with him from almost the beginning, that know the truth. And over time, many, many more have joined in. So therefore, if you do not believe this story, it matters not. Perhaps you volunteered and came in at a later time. That is fine, too. But there are also many out there who are reading these lessons that will say, "I am not of the Ashtar Command, I just KNOW of Ashtar." If you resonate at ALL with the name Ashtar... at ALL... if you KNOW of the name of my brother Ashtar... at ALL... you ARE of the Ashtar Command!

    Now... I will step on a few more toes here. There are those of you that KNOW... you feel in your heart and your soul that you are a member of Michael's Legions. If you are on this planet and you are of Michael's Legions, you are ALSO of my brother Ashtar's Command. If you were of Michael's Legions and you were NOT of my brother Ashtar's Command, you would not be here on this planet. It is possible to be of the Ashtar Command on this planet and NOT be of Michael's Legions... but it is IMPOSSIBLE to be of Michael's Legions on this planet and NOT be a member of my brother Ashtar's Command. It is just the way it is. Some of you may not resonate with that, either!

    This, again, is entirely up to you. It matters not to me at all if you do not resonate with this, however, I can tell you for a fact that any that know of my brother Ashtar, or any that feel they are of Michael's Legions that are on this planet at this point in time, you ARE OF THE COMMAND, and you ARE here for a SPECIFIC MISSION, possibly even more than one. For there are those out there who have denied for far too long. There are those out there that are still asleep, and it is well-past time for them to wake up. For things have accelerated to the point where ALL are needed. You still have a choice, mind you, as to whether you wish to continue on with your mission or not. However, the time has come that, if you decide NOT to continue on with your mission, that mission will be taken from you and given elsewhere. There are very few instances now of those being able to postpone their missions any longer. You CAN renegotiate your mission, you can decide not to give up everything in your life to do this because this is not what is being asked of you. The main thing that you are asked to do right now is to recognize who and what you are here for. DO YOUR MISSION. RECOGNIZE WHO YOU ARE and WHAT YOU ARE HERE FOR, and DO IT."

    Sananda's Eagles Home Page
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      ACTIVATION ASCENSION! Beam-Up First Contact Forcefield Homeworld Multiverse Parallel Universe Teleportation Time Travel Meditation by Lord Sananda + How the Ashtar Command Came to Be by Lord Sananda

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      Beam-Up First Contact Forcefield Homeworld Multiverse Parallel Universe Teleportation Time Travel Meditation
      Lord Sananda 
      To Begin Monday, August 24, 2015 
      To Meditate and Focus Upon Every Day for at Least 15-20 Minutes Per Day (Or More!)

      Greetings, my beautiful Eagles! This is Sananda with you once again, bringing to you your next assignment. And the meditations for your next few weeks will be focused on preparing you and the Earth for the energies that will reach you during your month of September.

      After performing your Protocol, I ask that you, as a group, state your intent to join me atop the Christ Consciousness Grid, where we once again shall, together, look down at your beautiful Earth.  We are going to be working with three energies contained in this Grid and directing them to what we have termed the Human Grid of Earth, which you may perceive as a grid connecting each human.  It will fluctuate, of course, but the connections are always there. 

      For the first five minutes of this meditation I ask that you call upon the energy of Love from the Christ Consciousness Grid, pull it into your physical body, then send it down to the Human Grid below us. And let’s put in a little color, shall we? Perhaps see the Human Grid as turning a beautiful shade of magenta. 

      After five minutes of sending Love, you are asked to then call upon the energy of Brotherhood and send it to the Human Grid, visualizing a nice color of blue.

      For the last five minutes of this meditation you are asked to then call for the energy from the Christ Consciousness Grid of Forgiveness. And let’s make this energy green, shall we? Green for the Healing that Forgiveness brings; not to the one that is perceived to have done a ‘wrong’, but for the one(s) that feel they have been wronged by someone else. To forgive is to heal thyself. 

      As your time speeds up, as the energies become more intense, there will likely be many upsets to your bodies, minds and spirits; but bless these changes and this chaos, for they are taking you exactly where you have worked and prayed to be. As my brother Ashtar has already hinted to you, there is a great change coming in your mass-consciousness grid very shortly, and you will find it well-worth all your efforts and hardships. 

      I AM Sananda, waiting for you upon my Christ Consciousness Grid and loving you always.

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