Hello everyone. I am well aware that our universal consciousness is expanding rapidly and our latent abilities are beginning to surface. For me that has initiated with a total reality shift. I have also become much more conscious in my dreams (for the past week I have recalled the entirety of my dreams every day when I awaken). I haven't quite gotten to the point of understanding them, other than one similarity between all dreams...I am always thirsty in my dreams. Water is somehow very important. However, this is all just the mechanism by which change is occurring within my individual consciousness. I am to the point now where I wish to help others attain this same self-realization. This may be just my analytical mind on overdrive, but I feel that embracing telepathy and the "clair-alls" (clairvoyance, clairsentience, etc.) is a fantastic way of expanding this revolution into the minds of others. Just think about it...I am having a conversation with you, then all of a sudden my mouth stops moving, yet the conversation persists...only the truly ignorant could dismiss the profundity of such a situation. If we could speak to people's minds directly, they would be forced to question themselves and their reality. Let me clarify that the intent would not be to tell people what to think, the intent would be to make them realize you are simply talking to something deep inside them, beyond their mind and traditional means of comprehension. I have always had an affinity for reading people's emotions and through that their thoughts. Unfortunately, I have kind of lost touch with that ability (as it was mostly present during my childhood). Thus, I have set a personal goal to reconnect with that. I'm not sure, though, if these abilities are linked to comprehension of them, or if they are a manifestation of the activation of dormant parts of our DNA.
For those needing scientific conformation of latent DNA activation...here it is http://genesdev.cshlp.org/content/13/18/2360.full
Although this post is presented in the form of statements, let me clarify that I am really asking some questions here. As I am currently only scratching the surface of telepathy [slight + circumstantial communication with my cat :) ] any help/advice/direction is more than appreciated. {i just don't have the vocabulary to express such gratitude}
Peace, Love, and Divine intentions to all
I relate to what you are saying. As a child a game I would play was to guess the suites in a deck of playing cards and also practise "sending and receiving" with a friend sending the info to each other through our minds. Fun times, lol. Yes and as an adult I am just a fraction as gifted as I was as a youngster.
But, as you say, the abilities are coming back and with the wisdom of age lol. So perhaps it's time for me to bring out the cards again and see if I can strengthen that muscle again.
Good post, nice to see positive interactions.