The following email message from James Gilliland ( was transcribed verbatim:



[ECETI News] More on Bee Die Off

Subject: A serious issue not getting enough attention - Please forward!

This is so typical of government agencies controlled by the almighty dollar and big business. The honeybee population is responsible for pollinating 1/3 of the food we eat, yet the EPA (the P does stand for Protection, doesn't it?) went ahead and authorized the sale and distribution of a pesticide known to be highly toxic to honeybees, albeit with a warning label (and we all know how effective those are). How is this remotely considered protection?

We also know that wildlife in general, especially birds and bees are being seriously affected by the constant chemtrail spraying. Incredibly high levels of aluminum and barium, among other disturbing substances, are falling from the skies around the world and it's affecting every living thing on the planet. But where is the EPA?

In 2001 Rep. Kucinich proposed legislation (HR2977) to stop the use of space based weapons, in which Chemtrails were designated as "an exotic weapons system." Oddly enough, or not, the bill was rewritten in early 2002 and all mention of chemtrails was removed, along with other "exotic weaponry" that is currently being used in our skies.

It really begs the question of what happened to make Kucinich remove this highly controversial matter? Very disturbing, indeed. The bottom line here is that human life is dependent on nature. When our earth mother is sick, we all get sick. Is it really about making millions of dollars on pesticide sales, when we could lose one of the most important contributors to our own existence, the honeybee?

All the money in the world won't mean a damn thing if the honeybees go extinct, as there is nothing else that can do what they do. Are we going to start hand pollinating millions of acres of farmland like the farmers in Sichuan, China have to do with their pear trees (after killing all their bees with pesticides)? I think not.

When will those who run these uber-businesses stop thinking like for-profit businesspeople and start thinking like the parents and grandparents they are? Where are their consciences? Do they not realize that their own greed is literally affecting every living thing on the planet? Who, in his right mind, would even consider mass producing anything known to be harmful to nature? And maybe that's the real point here. These people aren't in their right minds.

In a perfect world, government agencies like the EPA wouldn't exist, as there would be no need to watch over the decisions and actions of business. But they have to exist because greed and destructive practices run rampant in today's business. And when the agencies meant to protect the people get bought out by the exact companies they should be investigating and correcting, where does that leave the people? Screwed, that's where.

And the ignorant public just go on with their daily lives and they see a news clip on CNN about this issue with the honeybees and they say, "Oh, what a shame. That's too bad." And then when the news is over they go outside and continue to spray chemicals on their lawn so it will look nice, never once making the connection.

If you gave a person a glass of water and put a tablespoon of lawn pesticide in it and asked them to drink it, they would tell you that you're crazy. Yet, they never stop to think that that pesticide they spray on the ground ends up in the water table and, ultimately, in their drinking water.

So, what can we do about this to create positive change? Remember that big change starts in little ways. Be a true steward of the Earth. Protect and nurture the land that you live on and share with countless other lifeforms. Also, don't forget that business is ultimately dictated by the end consumer.
If people stop purchasing harmful, chemical-laden products, the corporations will have no choice but to create more eco-friendly alternatives at reasonable prices.

Peace among all!
Bees in more trouble than ever after bad winter

AP – In this photo taken Monday, March 22, 2010, Zac Browning, owner of Browning's Honey Co. Inc, shows a …

By GARANCE BURKE and SETH BORENSTEIN, Associated Press Writers Garance Burke And Seth Borenstein, Associated Press Writers – Wed Mar 24, 8:05 am ET

MERCED, Calif. – The mysterious 4-year-old crisis of disappearing honeybees is deepening. A quick federal survey indicates a heavy bee die-off this winter, while a new study shows honeybees' pollen and hives laden with pesticides.

Two federal agencies along with regulators in California and Canada are scrambling to figure out what is behind this relatively recent threat, ordering new research on pesticides used in fields and orchards. Federal courts are even weighing in this month, ruling that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency overlooked a requirement when allowing a pesticide on the market.

And on Thursday, chemists at a scientific conference in San Francisco will tackle the issue of chemicals and dwindling bees in response to the new study.

Scientists are concerned because of the vital role bees play in our food supply. About one-third of the human diet is from plants that require pollination from honeybees, which means everything from apples to zucchini.

Bees have been declining over decades from various causes. But in 2006 a new concern, "colony collapse disorder," was blamed for large, inexplicable die-offs. The disorder, which causes adult bees to abandon their hives and fly off to die, is likely a combination of many causes, including parasites, viruses, bacteria, poor nutrition and pesticides, experts say.

"It's just gotten so much worse in the past four years," said Jeff Pettis, research leader of the Department of Agriculture' s Bee Research Laboratory in Beltsville, Md. "We're just not keeping bees alive that long."

This year bees seem to be in bigger trouble than normal after a bad winter, according to an informal survey of commercial bee brokers cited in an internal USDA document. One-third of those surveyed had trouble finding enough hives to pollinate California's blossoming nut trees, which grow the bulk of the world's almonds. A more formal survey will be done in April.

"There were a lot of beekeepers scrambling to fill their orders and that implies that mortality was high," said Penn State University bee researcher Dennis vanEngelsdorp, who worked on the USDA snapshot survey.

Beekeeper Zac Browning shipped his hives from Idaho to California to pollinate the blossoming almond groves. He got a shock when he checked on them, finding hundreds of the hives empty, abandoned by the worker bees.

The losses were extreme, three times higher than the previous year.

"It wasn't one load or two loads, but every load we were pulling out that was dead. It got extremely depressing to see a third of my livestock gone," Browning said, standing next to stacks of dead bee colonies in a clearing near Merced, at the center of California's fertile San Joaquin Valley.

Among all the stresses to bee health, it's the pesticides that are attracting scrutiny now. A study published Friday in the scientific journal PLOS (Public Library of Science) One found about three out of five pollen and wax samples from 23 states had at least one systemic pesticide — a chemical designed to spread throughout all parts of a plant.

EPA officials said they are aware of problems involving pesticides and bees and the agency is "very seriously concerned."

The pesticides are not a risk to honey sold to consumers, federal officials say. And the pollen that people eat is probably safe because it is usually from remote areas where pesticides are not used, Pettis said. But the PLOS study found 121 different types of pesticides within 887 wax, pollen, bee and hive samples.

"The pollen is not in good shape," said Chris Mullin of Penn State University, lead author.

None of the chemicals themselves were at high enough levels to kill bees, he said, but it was the combination and variety of them that is worrisome.

University of Illinois entomologist May Berenbaum called the results "kind of alarming."

Despite EPA assurances, environmental groups don't think the EPA is doing enough on pesticides.
Bayer Crop Science started petitioning the agency to approve a new pesticide for sale in 2006. After reviewing the company's studies of its effects on bees, the EPA gave Bayer conditional approval to sell the product two years later, but said it had to carry a label warning that it was "potentially toxic to honey bee larvae through residues in pollen and nectar."

The Natural Resources Defense Council sued, saying the agency failed to give the public timely notice for the new pesticide application. In December, a federal judge in New York agreed, banning the pesticide's sale and earlier this month, two more judges upheld the ruling.

"This court decision is obviously very painful for us right now, and for growers who don't have access to that product," said Jack Boyne, an entomologist and spokesman for Bayer Crop Science. "This product quite frankly is not harmful to honeybees."

Boyne said the pesticide was sold for only about a year and most sales were in California, Arizona and Florida. The product is intended to disrupt the mating patterns of insects that threaten citrus, lettuce and grapes, he said.

Berenbaum's research shows pesticides are not the only problem. She said multiple viruses also are attacking the bees, making it tough to propose a single solution.
"Things are still heading downhill," she said.

For Browning, one of the country's largest commercial beekeepers, the latest woes have led to a $1 million loss this year.


"It's just hard to get past this," he said, watching as workers cleaned honey from empty wooden hives Monday. "I'm going to rebuild, but I have plenty of friends who aren't going to make it."
AP Science Writer Seth Borenstein reported from Washington, D.C.
On the Net:
The U.S. Department of Agriculture on Colony Collapse Disorder: http://tinyurl. com/usdaccd
The study in Public Library of Science One: http://tinyurl. com/beepaper

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  • The following email message from James Gilliland ( was transcribed verbatim:

    [ECETI News] What is Really Killing the Bees
    Thursday, 25 March, 2010 9:26 PM

    I agree with Dan yet we have to factor in also the chemtrails with banned pesticides within them. It is not just one evil empire at work.

    by Dan Winter
    March 11, 2010
    from FractalField Website

    We know that fractality is medically defined as the quality in your heart (HRV) which statistically predicts how long you will survive.

    We now know this principle of measuring HARMONIC INCLUSIVENESS - is the way fractality can be measured in EVERY LIVING THING- TO PREDICT ITS SURVIVAL:
    applies to forests ( Bioacoustic Habitat Theory)
    voice analysis (Signature Sound Works, Biosonica, etc)
    AND BY EXTENSION- it follows that harmonic inclusiveness - measuring FRACTALITY- can be used accurately, scientifically- to predict the viability / survival of EVERY LIVING THING ( atoms, babies, galaxies, .. the Dodeca - Universe etc etc..)
    SO- now lets apply that to DNA.

    Do you know what would be the DEATHLY OPPOSITE of harmonic inclusiveness or FRACTALITY in DNA?


    SO, who has brought monoculture to this planet?
    Monsanto (more than 300,000 references to MONSANTO as 'the EVIL COMPANY') has brought you
    Agent Orange - persistent ghost from the Vietnam war
    PCB's (more than 198,000 references to PCB Poison)
    aspartame poisoning ( more than 1,700,000 references to Aspartame Poison)
    and monoculture! - the single most essential cause of most every pestilence known to modern agriculture
    GMO cotton which measurably kills the soil microorganisms and takes 10 times more water
    GMO soy- which turns the rats balls blue (before they die)- when eaten
    and now... Monsanto brings you: The Global Bee Death

    Science has been relatively clear in predicting how few are the years between when the bees die and when the humans follow them. It appears now that the honey bees are pretty well on their way to extinction- in the majority of the globe.

    Up till now it was considered something of a mystery as to who killed them.

    New scientific evidence is now emerging to explain very clearly the sequence of steps - between Monsanto's marketing of GMO corn - and the death of the bees. Here far below, please find the paper - with abundant references.

    The global bee die off did not reach Brazil for example until just after they let in Monsanto's GMO corn. Now it is Australia's turn. That is one of the few places in the world which still has healthy bees. The test is whether they will follow the foolish lead of Brazil in letting in GMO corn. So please, will you forward this paper to your government and URGE them to get Monsanto's bee killer GMO CORN, OUT of your country.

    Here is the deadly sequence of steps which created our global funeral for the bees:
    1. Monsanto decides- that since the bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis - kills a corn parasite- to insert the DNA sequence from that bacteria IN to their GMO corn.

    The BT in the corn pollen causes an immune system response (rather like triggering a sneeze) in the bees- similar to if they had eaten the BT directly - also causes holes and porosity in the gut.

    During the summer- the bees have enough protein to tolerate the immune 'sneeze' response- and still learn navigation ... BUT during the winter when protein ( pollen) is in rather short supply in the hive- bees had evolved a survival response. IF a bee's immune system was threatened in Winter - then the hive was best served if it was eliminated. The way this works - is that the protein normally invested in learning and remembering complex navigation requirements- has gone into immune reaction- and so - those bees - immune challenged - get lost trying to get back to the hive. (Rather like the older people of the Eskimo's who simply don't show up at the next igloo in the march - during Winter).

    This accounts for the facts:
    CCD - Colony Collapse Disorder was originally called: Fall Dwindle Disease - because the bee disappearance almost always is worst just as Winter sets in.
    It also explains why the few dead bees who are found- have the same blackened & porous guts- like bees responding directly to the BT.
    It also explains why the global bee die-off generally followed the spread of GMO corn.

    Action required
    Circulate this WIDELY
    Demand your universities and government replicate the proof- measure the immune response of bees to GMO corn pollen - vs non GMO - note how HARD this is to do now that Monsanto's GMO corn has completely and illegally swept thru Mexico for example - simply by pollen drift
    Run, don't walk - to demand your country eliminate GMO corn - before it is too late!

    by Peter Olson BA. Dip Ed.
    Original version published in The Northern Star
    NSW, Australia
    Genetically modified (GM) crops often contain a bacterium called Bacillus Thuringiensis (Bt)
    Most of the research on Bt has looked at the directly lethal affects of Bt and little research has looked for indirectly lethal affects the Bt
    Some insects have been shown to survive the Bt poison by having a strong immune response to the Bt poison. (Ref R)
    Insects generally and Bees specifically, have been shown to experience learning impairment and memory disorder, if they have an immune response. (Ref A1, B, D, E)
    A learning impairment or memory disorder would mean that Bees could not navigate back to their beehive
    Thus, a learning impairment or memory disorder is lethal to a foraging Bee
    Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) of Bees, was originally called Fall Dwindle Disease, meaning the disease occurred in the cold months of the year
    Bees use protein to construct a memory and their protein comes from pollen, but in winter there is no pollen
    Bees also use protein to achieve an immune response, so an immune response in winter, means all protein reserves are rapidly used up and none are left for memory formation. (Ref D)
    Have you ever noticed that when you are sick, that you can't think quickly and clearly? It's a bee gets sick and can't think probably, it will not be able to return to its beehive.

    Studies listed below show that learning in bumblebees is impaired, if the bumblebee has an immune response (Ref A1,B,D,E).

    The insecticide Bt is incorporated into many genetically modified crops and Bt causes an immune response to a wide range of creatures in nature, even if it does not kill those creatures. (Ref Q,R,S)

    It is a virtual certainty that the bumblebee does have an immune response to the Bt present in the pollen of genetically modified plants.

    Bees only carry enough honey with them to fly directly to the target flowers and straight back to the beehive. The navigation to and from those flowers is extremely complex and so requires the bee to have a very good memory. Since learning and memory are impaired in bees that have an immune response, bees with an immune response get lost, run out of honey fuel, fall to the ground and are then are carried away by ants. Thus, if a bee gets lost, for even a few minutes, it is dead.

    The Encyclopedia Britannica states of CCD that,
    "it appears that the disorder affects the adult bees' ability to navigate". (Ref Y)
    Thus suggesting that worker bees fly out from the high hive to collect food, but get lost and never return.

    In the case of the viruses and pathogens that have been suggested as causes of CCD, those viruses and pathogens result in large numbers of dead bees either inside or outside of the beehive. Dead bees are found outside the hive, because worker bees carry dead bees outside.

    In CCD, the symptoms are that no dead bees are found inside or outside the beehive, rather all the,
    "worker bees from a beehive or European honey bee colony abruptly disappear" (Ref V).
    One of the most common traits inserted into man-made genetically modified crops is resistance to caterpillars, which is given by inserting a gene for a naturally occurring insecticidal bacterium called Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt).

    In crops that are genetically modified to contain this Bt gene, the Bt will be present not only in the plants leaves and fruit but also in the pollen of the flowers. Thus Bees that take pollen from genetically modified crops are ingesting significant quantities of Bt insecticide. Many scientists have assured the public that Bt is safe, because Bt is not directly lethal to Bees.

    However alcohol is also not directly lethal to a car driver, yet many car drivers have died from alcohol, even though alcohol is not directly lethal to a car driver. Scientists looking for a cause for CCD have generally looked for a direct cause, something such as virus or parasite, that is directly killing the bees. Discovering an indirect cause of mortality in bees, would be much more difficult and would only occur after scientists had first exhausted examining the most probable direct causes of mortality in bees.

    A review of the literature shows that at the time of writing, according to Cox Foster et al 2009,
    "no single culprit has been identified" as the cause of CCD (Ref Z3).
    German research (Ref C), showed that bees who were fed Bt were not killed by the Bt, but that they became greatly more susceptible to a subsequent disease challenge.

    The Jenna University study showed that mortality in Bees exposed to a parasite, was far greater in Bees that had previously been fed BT, compared to Bees that were not previously fed BT (Ref C). Meaning that BT increased the susceptibility of Bees to the pathogen and thus Bt multiplied the mortality caused by the pathogen.

    In regard to that increased mortality from a pathogen combined with Bt ingestion, the authors concluded,
    "the significant differences indicate an interaction of toxin and pathogen on the epithelial cells of the honeybee intestine. The underlying mechanism which causes this effect is unknown" (Ref C).
    This is a highly significant finding because when GM crops containing BT were being approved, the universal assumption was, that GM crops containing Bt would be totally safe, because Bt has no effect on bees. Thus government scientists who approved GM Bt crops, would clearly have objected to those crops, if they thought that GM crops containing Bt would adversely affect bees.

    In the USA, Cox Foster et. al. state of the CCD bee colonies that they studied,
    "we hypothesized that something had compromised the bees' immune system, making them susceptible to any number of infections that healthy colonies would normally fend off" (Ref Z3).
    This sounds quite similar to the Jenna University findings above. Furthermore, Cox Foster et. al. note that their Bee autopsies found symptoms never observed before, such as scar tissue in the internal organs (Ref Z3).

    Bt is a living bacterium, that forms crystals of proteinaceous insecticidal endotoxins, whose mode of action is to form a pore or hole in the insect's gut cell membranes (Ref Z2).

    Since the mode of action of BT is to damage the gut lining and since Cox Foster et al. found scar tissue in the internal organs of Bees, the question must be asked, was the damage to the internal organs of Bees that Cox Foster et. al. found, caused by the Bt in the pollen of GM crops, that the bees ate?

    Cox Foster et al. 2006 noted during the autopsies,
    "when wet mounts were examined they appeared to have crystalline arrays" and that "Crystal-like formations were observed in the thorax" (Ref Z4).
    Bt toxins are crystalline.

    Cox Foster et al. 2009, did consider the possibility that bees with CCD may have been poisoned by pollen from genetically modified crops. However the authors refer to earlier research, showing that the Bt toxin is only activated in certain insects and they note that the Bt toxin does not work in the digestive tracts of honeybees (Ref Z3).

    Thus because of prior research showing that bees are not killed by Bt, and that BT cannot possibly effect bees, many bee scientists have avoided testing Bt on Bees, believing such testing has already taken place and have thus ruled out GM Bt as possible cause of CCD of Bees. The online encyclopedia Wikipedia takes a very different view however and does list GM crops as a possible cause of CCD (Ref V).

    Testing for subtle, sub-lethal effects or synergistic affects of Bt with other organisms, where Bt is a cofactor, rather than a singular causative agent, has only been done recently. Where such testing has been done, the finding of sub-lethal effects or cofactor effects, was often by chance, rather than planned.

    It was only by chance that the bees in the above mentioned Jena University study became infected with a parasite and thus only by chance that the scientists observed the synergistic effect, of combining a pathogen and Bt. The results of a growing number of studies, now show clear and substantial, non-lethal effects and cofactor affects, of Bt on Bees; a dramatic change from the previous scientific view, that Bt has no effect on Bees.

    Even so, the non-lethal effects and cofactor affects of Bt on Bees still remain scantily studied and more research on these subtle kinds of affects is urgently required.

    Ramirez et. al. 2008, tested Bt toxin on honeybees and discovered substantial non-lethal affects on the bees, including "disturbed learning performances" .

    Ramirez et al. concluded:
    "Our results show that transgenic crops expressing (Bt) Cry1Ab protein at 5,000ppb may affect food consumption or learning processes" in Bees (Ref B).
    The honeybee depends upon an unusual array of complex learning processes, in order to successfully find its food and navigate back to the beehive.

    Unlike a car driver who may not remember exactly where the car is parked, in a large parking lot and who can afford to take some time to find the car, the honeybee cannot afford to forget, even for a short time, exactly where the beehive is located, even if the hive is several miles away. Memory impairment is not lethal to humans, but memory impairment and learning impairment is indeed lethal to honeybees. Thus in addition to causing increased disease susceptibility, BT is also shown to produce cognitive impairment in Bees.

    It is important to note that BT is not the only insecticidal that has been shown to cause cognitive impairment in Bees.

    Cox Foster et al. mentioned in 2006, that Neonicotinoid insecticides can produce sub-lethal effects, such as learning impairment and that as a result of a such learning impairment, Bees "may not be able to learn the location of the hive" (Ref Z4) and may thus may be unable to navigate back to the hive.

    So one can now see, a proven trend, of learning impairment in Bees, caused by insecticide exposure at a sub-lethal dose. Cox Foster et al. 2006 clearly state what happens when Bees eat pollen contaminated with sub-lethal doses of neonicotinoid insecticides.
    "If bees are eating fresh or stored pollen contaminated with these chemicals at low levels, they may not cause mortality but may impact the bee's ability to learn or make memories" (Ref Z4).
    That sounds very similar to the above reference from Ramirez et al. 2008 who found "disturbed learning performances" in Bees after consumption of GM Bt pollen (Ref B). So the learning impairment in Bees, induced by consumption of insecticidal GM Bt pollen, can be seen as part of a larger trend for sub-lethal doses of certain insecticides, to produce learning impairment in Bees.

    The difference between a neonicotinoid insecticide spray and the Bt insecticide in a genetically modified crop, is that the former is very easy to restrict or recall, whereas the latter may prove impossible to recall. With genetic materials, the quantity of GM material in existence gets bigger as time passes. If a problem develops with a GM crop, then that problem will likely increase as time passes.

    The fact that CCD can be transmitted by beehive equipment could be to do the presence of the Bt bacterium in that beehive equipment and and the fact that Cox Foster et. al. were able to break the cycle of CCD by irradiating the beehive equipment (Ref Z) and restocking with a new supply of Bees, could be due to the fact that the Bt bacterium was killed by the irradiation.

    In order to understand CCD, or the disappearance of bees, one needs to understand something about the specialized lifestyle of the bee. In order to save weight and increase performance, bees only carry enough fuel (honey) to fly directly to the target flowers and then straight back to the beehive. If a bee gets lost, or encounters unexpected head-winds, it will not have enough fuel reserves to make it back to the beehive. Instead it will fall to the ground and die.

    Ants will then carry the dead bee down into the ant nest.

    Memory is also crucial to bees because a bee has to learn from other bees in the beehive, where the target flowers are located. The Bee must memorize the directions from the hive to the target flower and back again, so a perfect memory is essential for the survival of bees. Other insects like mosquitoes are less reliant on a good memory, and simply "follow their nose" to the food - whereas bees rely on memorizing complex navigation tasks and memorizing specific aromas (Ref F), to find specific food and then to find their way back to the beehive.

    If one was to impair the learning or memorizing ability of bees, that would cause indirect mortality in bees, since they would not be able to find their way back to the hive.

    GM Bt pollen is widely known not to kill bees directly, but was not tested prior to the release of GM Bt crops, for the ability of GM Bt pollen to kill bees indirectly, through impairing the memory of Bees.

    There is scientific agreement that many different things can be lethal to Bees - such as disease, chemical sprays and even certain seed coatings.

    In the Flour Moth Ephestia kuehniella, a non lethal response to Bt and "tolerance (of Bt) correlates with an elevated immune response" to the Bt. (Ref R). For 99.99 percent of creatures, such a non-lethal immune response to Bt is of no practical significance and because of this, Bt is referred to as "soft" and is used widely in organic agriculture.

    There is however one particular species that is very unusual, in that it has a life threatening response, to sub-lethal immune stimulation (Refs B, D, E) and that species is the Bee. Immune response in Bees, can lead to memory loss and learning impairment (Ref B,D,E) and as previously stated, loss of memory would cause bees to forget where the beehive is located.

    Bees are insects and an,
    "immune response inhibits associative learning in insects" (Ref E).
    Bees are now eating GM Bt pollen and Bt is toxin known to cause a non-lethal immune response in a wide variety of creatures (Ref Q,R,S).

    Bees use up protein in memory formation and they also use up protein if they have an immune response (Ref D). Bees only protein source is pollen and if pollen is in short supply and bees have an immune response, they will use all available protein for the immune response, leaving none available for memory formation (Ref D).

    Pollen for bees is in short supply during Autumn and Winter, so if bees have an immune response when pollen is in short supply, they will lose their memory (Ref D). CCD was originally called Fall Dwindle Disease, meaning loss of bees in the Autumn, when pollen from flowers is in short supply. If bees loose their memory, they lose their navigational skills, they fail to find their way back to the beehive, they fall to the ground, die and get carried away by ants and are never seen again.

    As mentioned above, the loss of memory due to an immune response, is not confined to Bees, but occurs in insects generally.
    "The cost of an immune response (in insects) therefore not only affects survival of the host…. but also everyday behaviour and memory formation" (Ref E).
    This learning impairment was only discovered recently (Ref E), long after GM crops had already been planted, however the effects of the GM Bt crops will go on for millions of years, since, like other introduced foreign species, GM crops can not be recalled.

    During discussions with various Bee scientists, the writer was unable to find any scientist who had ever heard that insects and Bees loose their memory if they have an immune response. Perhaps the reason they did not know, is because the discovery of an immune - memory relationship in insects is very recent.

    There is no evidence of direct mortality in bees from exposure to GM Bt crops, yet there is substantial evidence of sub-lethal effects in Bees from such exposure, that can result in high indirect mortality of Bees. If every air plane pilot had a sudden, non-lethal lapse of memory, there would be chaos which could cause in high mortality. Similar chaos occurs for Bees if they have a sudden lapse in memory, caused by an immune response and coincident pollen protein deprivation (Ref D).

    When speaking to a PhD at a Gene Regulator's office, that PhD scientist described some of the information herein as "new" and not previously known by that Gene Regulator. Scientists that wish to defend GM Bt crops, need to counter the proven scientific evidence of indirect mortality in Bees that is provided herein, rather than simply stating that GM Bt pollen is not directly lethal to Bees.

    Bt toxins produce sub-lethal effects in Bees and those sub-lethal effects result in changes in the Bee's "feeding behavior", "learning processes" and "foraging efficiency" (Ref B). Behavior change is evidence of learning impairment, and learning impairment can lead to lethal situations for Bees in the field - navigation problems and reduced flower finding abilities (Ref F), which are dependent on a perfect memory.

    The different kinds of toxic GM Bt crystalline proteins are designated with different letters; Cry1A, Cry2A, Cry3A, etc.

    Scientists in Mexico discovered that,
    "the Bt toxin Cry1Ab caused reduced foraging activity in bees after they were fed with syrup containing the toxin" (Refs A, A1).
    Something new is being put into the Bee's environment; something which is herein shown to impair the Bees functions and to increase their mortality from diseases such as parasites (Ref C).

    Bees do not simply go out and look for any flower. They learn and memorize the aroma and location of a specific flower while in the hive, then they fly directly to that specific flower's location (Ref F). Memory impairment would thus prevent Bees from finding a specific flower's location and similarly prevent Bees successful return to the hive.

    It is crucial to understand that with CCD, dead Bees are seldom found in or near the hive.

    When Bees are attacked by the lethal Bee mite,
    "thousands of dead bees will pile in front of the hive" (Ref U), as a result of infestation.
    In the case of CCD however, few if any dead Bees are ever found in or around the hive.

    Hence although Varroa mite is a serious disease of Bees, its symptoms do not match the symptoms of CCD. Also, the timing of Varroa mite infestation does not match the timing of CCD appearance. Varroa first entered Japan in 1960's, Brazil in 1971, France in 1982 and the USA in 1987 (Ref T), but CCD was first noticed in USA around 2004, and in Europe about 2006, many, many years after Varroa arrived, but only shortly after GM crops were widely planted.

    The writer does not wish to rule out other possible causes for CCD, because the intent is to simply demonstrate that GM Bt crops may harm Bees, regardless of whether they are the sole cause CCD or not.

    It took decades to show that cigarette smoking was harmful and it could take just as long to gain consensus over the cause of CCD. It is simpler to suggest GM Bt pollen causes Bee memory loss (Ref D, E). That memory loss occurs when Bees have an immune response and are deprived of pollen (Ref D).

    The German Speigel article states that the bacterial toxin in the genetically modified corn may have "altered the surface of the bee's intestines, sufficiently weakening the bees to allow the parasites to gain entry" (Ref C).

    Wikipedia says that the mode of action of Bt through making pores or holes in the gut lining (Ref T) and such holes caused by Bt, would obviously allow the parasites a new and easy pathway into the Bee. Is it not logical, that Bt exposure in the wild, would cause a similar, significant increase in mortality from parasites, like Microsporidia, just as it did in the trials (Refs A2, C)?

    Bees are a key species for human food supply and bio-diversity and several lethal risks to Bees from GM Bt pollen are demonstrated here.

    Britain's chief scientist Sir David King, once proudly stated that Genetically Modified (GM) crops "could solve third world hunger". Later he admitted that his claim was wrong (Ref M) and in fact the real outcome would appear to have been the exact opposite of his prediction. Now that GM crops have been widely planted and hence can not be recalled, we learn that GM crops actually produce significantly lower yields than natural varieties do.

    A large American study showed that,
    "modified soya produces 10 per cent less food than its conventional equivalent" (Ref O).


    NB: References with a PMID number can be found at the US National Library of Medicine website below, by simply typing the PMID number in the search box and hitting the enter key. http://www.ncbi. sites/entrez? db=pubmed& TabCmd=Limits

    Ref A.
    ISIS Press Release 26/04/07
    Dr. Mae-Wan Ho and Prof. Joe Cummins (Ontario Univesity)
    http://www.i- MysteryOfDisappe aringHoneybees. php
    Mystery of Disappearing Honeybees - Quote: "The Bt toxin Cry1Ab caused reduced foraging activity in bees after they were fed with syrup containing the toxin"

    Ref A1
    Ramirez-Romero R, Chaufaux J and Pham-Delègue M.
    Effects of Cry1Ab protoxin, deltamethrin and imidacloprid on the foraging activity and the learning performances of the honeybee Apis mellifera, a comparative approach Apidologie 2005, 36, 601-11.

    Ref A2
    The effects of Bt maize pollen on the honeybee, 2001-2004 Jena University, GMO Safety, Federal Ministry of Education and Research, en/safety_ science/68. docu.html en/oilseed_ rape/honey_ bees/339. docu.html en/safety_ science/195. docu.html

    Ref B.
    Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 2008 Jan 16
    Does Cry1Ab protein affect learning performances of the honey bee Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera, Apidae)?
    Ramirez-Romero R, Desneux N, Decourtye A, Chaffiol A, Pham-Delègue MH.
    Instituto de Ecologia A.C., Km. 2.5 Carretera Antigua a Coatepec No. 351 El Haya, 91070 Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico.
    The tested concentrations of Cry1Ab protein did not cause lethal effects on honey bees. However, honey bee feeding behavior was affected when exposed to the highest concentration of Cry1Ab protein, with honey bees taking longer to imbibe the contaminated syrup. Moreover, honey bees exposed to 5000ppb of Cry1Ab had disturbed learning performances. Our results show that transgenic crops expressing Cry1Ab protein at 5000ppb may affect food consumption or learning processes and thereby may impact honey bee foraging efficiency.
    PMID: 18206234 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

    Ref C. de/international /world/0, 1518,473166, 00.html
    University of Jena, Germany, 2004
    Spiegel Online International: March 22, 2007

    Are GM Crops Killing Bees?
    By Gunther Latsch
    quote: "when, by sheer chance, the bees used in the experiments were infested with a parasite... a "significantly stronger decline in the number of bees" occurred among the insects that had been fed a highly concentrated Bt poison feed."
    According to Hans-Hinrich Kaatz, a professor at the University of Halle in eastern Germany and the director of the study, the bacterial toxin in the genetically modified corn may have "altered the surface of the bee's intestines, sufficiently weakening the bees to allow the parasites to gain entry -..."

    Ref D
    Brain Behav Immun. 2006 Mar;20(2):135- 8. Epub 2005 Aug 9.
    Insect psychoneuroimmunolo gy: immune response reduces learning in protein starved bumblebees (Bombus terrestris).
    Riddell CE, Mallon EB.
    Department of Biology, University of Leicester, UK.
    There is evidence that protein is intricately involved as this immune induced reduction in memory only becomes apparent after the bees are deprived of pollen (their only protein sources)".
    PMID: 16084688 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

    Ref E
    Proc Biol Sci. 2003 Dec 7;270(1532): 2471-3.
    Immune response inhibits associative learning in insects.
    Mallon EB, Brockmann A, Schmid-Hempel P.
    Ecology and Evolution, ETH Zürich, ETH-Zentrum NW, CH-8092 Zürich, Switzerland.
    Here, we present behavioural evidence indicating a link between the immune system and the nervous system in insects. The cost of an immune response therefore not only affects survival of the host, as previously shown, but also everyday behaviour and memory formation.
    PMID: 14667337 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
    Related Links
    Insect psychoneuroimmunolo gy: immune response reduces learning in protein starved bumblebees (Bombus terrestris).
    [Brain Behav Immun. 2006] PMID:16084688

    Ref F
    Social learning of floral odors inside the honeybee hive. [Proc Biol Sci. 2005]

    Ref G
    Science and Development Network News
    Mexico confirms GM maize contamination
    Katie Mantell 19 April 2002
    http://www.scidev. net/News/ index.cfm? fuseaction= readNews& itemid=145& language= 1
    Quote: The Mexican government has confirmed earlier reports that transgenic maize is growing within the country's borders and has apparently contaminated wild varieties, despite a national ban on the cultivation of genetically modified (GM) crops. A government-commissi oned study has shown that as many as 95 per cent of maize fields in the Mexican states of Oaxaca and Pueblo contain evidence of GM 'contamination' .

    Ref H
    http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Horizontal_ gene_transfer
    Lateral gene transfer (LGT), is any process in which an organism transfers genetic material to another cell that is not its offspring.
    http://www.i- isisnews/ i-sisnews5. php#hori

    Ref I
    The only human clinical trial showed that transgenes from soy transfer into intestinal bacteria.
    Netherwood, et al (2 February 2004) Assessing the survival of transgenic plant DNA in the human gastrointestinal tract, Nature Biotechnology, Vol 22 Number.

    Ref J
    Nature,November 29 issue 2001,
    David Quist and Ignacio Chapela, University of California
    Quote: "showed that DNA from GM maize had been found in wild varieties" Lateral Gene Transfer.

    Ref K
    Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007 Oct 9;104(41):16204- 8. Epub 2007 Oct 8.
    Toxins in transgenic crop byproducts may affect headwater stream ecosystems.
    Rosi-Marshall EJ, Tank JL, Royer TV, Whiles MR, Evans-White M, Chambers C,
    Griffiths NA, Pokelsek J, Stephen ML.
    Department of Biology, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL 60626, USA.

    We show that corn byproducts, such as pollen and detritus, enter headwater streams and are subject to storage, consumption, and transport to downstream water bodies Laboratory feeding trials showed that consumption of Bt corn byproducts reduced growth and increased mortality of nontarget stream insects. Stream insects are important prey for aquatic and riparian predators, and widespread planting of Bt crops has unexpected ecosystem-scale consequences.

    PMID: 17923672 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

    Ref L
    http://www.hort. rhodcv/hort410/ genint/ge00001. htm
    Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture
    Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN USA

    REF M
    Scientist who claimed GM crops could solve Third World hunger admits he got it wronghttp:// www.dailymail. live/articles/ technology/ technology. html?in_article_ id=503339& in_page_id= 1965&ito= 1490
    18 December 2007

    Ref O
    The Independent. Exposed: the great GM crops myth
    Jeoffrey Lean 20/04/2008

    Ref Q
    Mol Immunol. 2007 Feb;44(6):1209- 17. Epub 2006 Aug 22.
    Analysis of the cellular immune response induced by Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1A
    toxins in mice: effect of the hydrophobic motif from diphtheria toxin.
    Guerrero GG, Russell WM, Moreno-Fierros L.
    Universidad Nacional de México.
    Insecticidal Cry1A toxins from Bacillus thuringiensis elicit strong humoral immune response in mice.
    PMID: 16930715 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

    Ref R.
    http://www.pubmedce ntral.nih. gov/articlerende r.fcgi?artid= 365683#id2782119
    Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2004 March 2; 101(9): 2696-2699.
    Published online 2004 February 20.
    Quote: We present evidence that tolerance to a Bt formulation in a laboratory colony of the flour moth /Ephestia kuehniella/ can be induced ….. and that the tolerance correlates with an elevated immune response.

    Ref S
    http://www.ehponlin 1999/107p575- 582bernstein/ bernstein- full.html
    Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 107, Number 7, July 1999
    Immune Responses in Farm Workers after Exposure to Bacillus Thuringiensis Pesticides
    Leonard Bernstein, Jonathan A. Bernstein, Maureen Miller, Sylva Tierzieva,1 David I. Bernstein, Division of Immunology, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Cincinnati, USA. Quote: Exposure to Bt sprays may lead to allergic skin sensitization and induction of IgE and IgG antibodies

    Ref T
    http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Bacillus_ thuringiensis

    Ref U
    http://beelab. ts/sheets/ varroa_mites. htm
    Dr. James E. Tew, Associate Professor of Entomology, Beekeeping Consultant
    quote: Colonies can die so fast from high Varroa infestations that thousands of dead bees will pile in front of the hive.

    Ref V
    http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Colony_Collapse_ Disorder

    Ref W
    http://cat.inist. fr/?aModele= afficheN& cpsidt=17736738

    Ref X
    http://www.i- agrobacteriumAnd Morgellons. ph

    Ref Y
    http://www.britanni /topic/1348211/ colony-collapse- disorder

    Ref Z
    Science 12 October 2007:Vol. 318. no. 5848, pp. 283 - 287
    A Metagenomic Survey of Microbes in Honey Bee Colony Collapse Disorder
    Diana L. Cox-Foster Et Al

    Ref Z2
    http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Bacillus_ thuringiensis

    Ref Z3
    Solving the Mystery of the Vanishing Bees
    Scientific American Magazine - March 31, 2009
    Cox-Foster D. and vanEngelsdorp D.

    Ref Z4
    Fall Dwindle Disease: A preliminary report
    December 15, 2006 Dennis vanEngelsdorp, Diana Cox Foster, Maryann Frazier, Nancy Ostiguy, Jerry Hayes,
    CCD Working Group, The Pennsylvania State University
    Return to Dan Winter
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    • US: 4-year-old mystery of disappearing honeybees may be solved. New studies show that the die-off of bees coincides with a rise in pesticide residue in bee pollen. That means the toxins are being absorbed by the bees. About 1/3 of the human diet is from plants that require pollination. If bee colonies continue to decline, the world's food supply is doomed. [Manufacturers will insist that their chemicals are not responsible.] Yahoo News 2010 Mar 24 ...
      • Thanks, Barron.

        Re. pesticides, here's one from:

        Bayer pesticide banned over threat to honeybees
        Monday, February 22, 2010

        by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

        (NaturalNews) A U.S. District Judge from Manhattan has banned the sale of spirotetramat, a pesticide produced by Bayer CropScience. Citing allegations by environmental groups and commercial beekeepers that the pesticide is toxic and is killing off the nation's honeybee population, Judge Denise Cote has declared that sales of spirotetramat must cease after January 15.

        According to Cote, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) did not follow proper procedure when approving spirotetramat. The EPA did not take public comment about the pesticide before approving it and the agency failed to publish both the Bayer application and the approval documents in the Federal Register. The EPA and Bayer CropScience have 60 days to appeal the decision.

        According to Bayer CropScience, spirotetramat is perfectly safe and does not harm honeybees, insisting that the pesticide has been extensively tested. The company laments the fact that the chemical was banned because of procedural faults but did not indicate how it would proceed.

        According to Aaron Colangelo, an attorney for the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), spirotetramat is a potentially hazardous insecticide that should be pulled from the market and evaluated further. The NRDC in conjunction with the Xerces Society, a wildlife conservation group based in Portland, jointly sued the EPA over its approval of the pesticide.

        Amazingly, the EPA admits that it approved spirotetramat illegally but has argued that its actions should have no consequences. This speaks volumes to the agency's arrogance in how it views its role as a regulatory agency.

        Dave Hackenberg, one of Pennsylvania's largest beekeepers, is appreciative of the judge's decision. After all, he has been losing more than half of his bees every winter due to what he believes are pesticides. He leases his bees out to various growers every year to assist in pollination but he says that each year, more and more bees are dying. This past year, he lost about half of his bees by midwinter which was the largest amount to date.

        Maryann Frazier, a researcher from Penn State University, agrees with the notion that pesticides play a large role in what is now being termed "Colony Collapse Disorder" (CCD), the massive die-off of bees with no clear explanation as to why they died. She believes that a number of factors contribute to CCD and that further research must be done.

        Bees are a necessary insect that must be preserved. Without them, there would be no food. According to the Department of Agriculture, bees pollinate over $15 billion worth of U.S. crops.

        Sources for this story include:
  • I am going to be bold today,,,,it is not the first time life on Earth dies out....and still there is life again....just different....let's see...if we would of saved the Dinos...where would we be? all its timeles faces....
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