This discussion contains several parts to prove that Steven Soltoff's beheading was highly likely a fake, and that Steven Sotloff was possibly related with Israeli Mossad and thus part of an Israeli Mossad psych op aimed at "greasing the skids" with getting the American people pissed off for wanting another Middle East war similar to Iraq.
Here's Paul Joseph Watson of infowars explaining why the Sotloff video is likely a fake:
click for 9-minute video
Here's photos from that indicate that Steven Sotloff is likely an associate with the Israeli Intelligence Agency Mossad:
Who is Steven Sotloff?
Mossad Operative?
Steven Sotloff, killed by Islamic State, had deep roots in Israel
‘Freelance journalist captured and beheaded in Syria was Jewish, held Israeli citizenship and earned his undergraduate degree at IDC’…. MOSSAD!!!
Suspected Mossad Operative, Steven Sotloff, in Syria (2012)
Suspected Mossad Operative, Steven Sotloff, in Yemen (2009)
Suspected Mossed Operative, Steven Sotloff in Egypt (2011)
Suspected Mossad Operative, Steven Sotloff (far right) in Yemen (2011)
June 02, 2011 American journalist (and suspected Mossad Operative) Steven Sotloff (center with dark helmet) talking to Libyan rebels on Al Dafniya front line, 25 km west of Misrata.
And here is more evidence and research (from "Paper Tiger" at to suggest that Sotloff was associated with and possibly worked for Israeli Mossad:
Strong evidence to indicate Steven Sotloff was Mossad double agent
Evidence that they are tried to scrub the internet of references to his Jewish heritage, including the fact that his grandparents on his mother's side were Holocaust survivors:
Debbie Schlussel sees him as a traitor to Israel and the US, and an Islam sympathizer, listing the following links as evidence:
Schlussel also alleges that Sotloff attended The Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya, a private Israeli college with ties to military and intelligence. I searched Google and got a hit on a Politico article written by Oren Kessler which states that they both attended IDC. In the Google search results, the article showed two references to IDC: the author states that the IDC was the school they both attended and he also references a correspondence written by Sotloff in which Sotloff tells Oren that he is "also an IDC grad." However, when I opened the article, both references had been scrubbed and there was no mention of IDC whatsoever. I took screenshots of the article links as they appeared in the Google search results, and you can clearly see the two references to IDC and the surrounding text in the article:
Yet when you open the Politico article, the references have completely vanished. Clearly, someone does not want the public to know that Sotloff went to this school:
Evidence of IDC's close ties with Mossad/military intelligence:
As soon as Sotloff went missing, his mother requested a media blackout with no reporting to be done on her son's fate, supposedly because she felt that he would be in greater danger in his Jewish heritage was revealed to ISIS:
However, that doesn't seem to be the true reason that Sotloff's family chose to conceal the details of his kidnapping, or why they've been actively trying to either play down his Jewish roots or erase them entirely. The evidence would seem to indicate that Sotloff was posing as pro-Syrian journalist, while at the same time doing what he could to cover up his close ties to Israeli intelligence. He seems to have been working in collusion with the Islamic State (or whoever it may be dressed up to look like a Jihadi) and has helped to stage this beheading hoax. It's also safe to assume that James Foley was in on the hoax as well - Foley has previous experience working for USAID, a well-known CIA front company that has a long history of assisting in carrying out "regime change" in foreign countries. I would conclude that there seems to be growing evidence that the Islamic State is being controlled by CIA/Mossad and that any terrorist attacks or threats of terror attacks would amount to false flags carried out by the United States and Israel.
Thanks! Pass the information along if you find it useful!
let's say he is and the entire thing was a fake-this means the isis killer was also an agent or associate-sotloff a cover and his parents' interviews fakes or if that's his real name and his parents' colluded he will have to live under an assumed name in israel-if it is a fake and /or foley alsoa fake it would probably be that both were shot but that the johnny jihad from london didn't have the stomach to saw someones head off-you have to be forced to watch snuff films from an early age and treated roughly in a destitute society to become that desensitized -or some killer could have stepped in-either way stop the planet I wanna get off