I have been channeling for over a year. I was taught by Betsy Morgan and her spirit guide, Orion, who is from another universe to help us to channel and raise our vibration. I have channeled angels, archangels, Elohim, ascended masters and our space family. I have been concerned about "Comet Elenin" (dwarf star), coming this Sept. So I asked my spirit guide, name Ur-rahh, which is on a ship from Sirius, that if I will be lifted up in sept. I got a "yes". I then ask I didn't want a date, so I ask if I will be lifted up by the 1st and 15th, and I got a "yes". I also ask Orion, and he said "Yes, you will be with family and friends and you will be very happy". I am looking around at other places and I can't find anyone else saying we will be lifted up. Now, I am not looking to be the next Harold Camping or Blossom GoodChild but Michael Ellegion, who is a direct channel to Ashtar and ascended masters, gave me a reading (before I could channel), channeled Ashtar in the reading and also said I will be lifted up (saying I will be notified a few mins before it happens) years ago. I also channeled other beings and got a yes. I won't be the only one but not everyone will be lifted up because of their mission. I also was told that I am from Sirius and I was one of the 144,000 that answered the Clarion Call to help Mother Earth. So I am going to step up to the plate and make this annoucement to everyone. I will keep you notified as much as I can. I have been researching this for since the beginning of the year. There was a seminar talking about a psychic that said before the end of this year, he saw the world "going back to nature, going back to God, living in communities and 80% of our food growing from our own back yard" (I can't find the video anymore or the name of the psychic, sorry). I have a friend at the library sends me info and it's funny because his info matches my research and mine his. I got this video about Jesus (Sanada) talks about in the bible about just before his return. Then he sends me this video about "2012 The truth your not being told". Links are below. Again, I thought that you should be known about this considering, after hearing about this for years now, EVERYONE IS READY TO GO!! I consider you all my family and I will keep you posted as much as I can. I welcome all comments. Thank you.
End Times Tribulation warning by NASA!!!!!! (Jesus talks about what will happen to earth)
2012 The TRUTH You're NOT being TOLD The clock runs out Sep 25th 2011? (matches what Jesus said)
THis message is to the one who posted the doomsday video I just watched on YouTube...
Is that you who posted this video Darryl?
There is something very wrong with your brain. Anyone who is in possession of sanity knows that this crap you are peddling is the product of a fear-based ego...written by ego and is a product of darkness. God is Love and you are not of the Light. Your words are blasphemous and reflect your inner judgment of yourselves. Your projections are a discredit to the Divine Plan and an insult to your own Souls. Fortunately, you will one day know that God is Love, that there is no sin and that the 'specialness' you claim is ego-based and misguided. There is no sin. There is no evil...only the absence of Light. God has no opposite and needs no defence. May you soon find the peace you deny the Christ. Namaste!
Well I believe we are drawn here on this site because we are all alike, and this transition will affect every living thing on this planet and the information we seek is here, so the transition from 3rd to 5th dimension will be easier to understand without the fear of the unknown and change that we will all face, and we can help other people through this change because that is what we are ultimately here to do! and you all should remember that, just like an emergency crew at a crash site all this information is to train you for this planets event so you can help others through it, I ask help from my spirit guides all the time and the information just comes to me, I might not have channeled and known the names of the people I'm speaking to but I don't mind, I just hope to help people that ask for the answers when these events are happening. And a last note, please just stop for 5 minutes in the day and look up at the sky let the sun warm your face and breath in that air and listen to the birds and enjoy, we tend to forget the beauty around us now!
Love to you all.
Well i read the articles, and nothing there is new or different to the thoughts that have drawn me to conclusions in my own mind... Although while I was reading them, I kept having my energy drawn right out of me and i fell asleep quite a few times... Just like when i read the bible and read messages from the elohim from another site, i fall asleep after a few pages.. It really sucks.. Its lunchtime, im hungry, i have 3 small children to attend to, now all i want to do is rest...
Think i am going to stay away for few days and relax...
Nothing is going to happen! Jesus did not exist!
Probably you will be lifted to be eaten or your ANIMA taken from your body, who knows.. well, they, the parasites, know very well. :D
Gee I hope so Master of Light! I truly do!
Can you please give me link to the information you were talking about earlier, if you could be so kind... =)