Beloved Jesus Ascension Anniversary
Greetings and Blessings of Divine Love.
Beloved family of the One God, the mighty I Am Presence.
Today marks the real ascension anniversary of our world teacher,
The ascended master Lover Jesus, The Christ!
May you too earn your ascension as soon as possible, according to your Divine Plan.
God Bless, protect, illumine, heal, sustain and supply you without limit!
The Ascension
I feel my God Flame touch my brow,
The breath of Love - Eternal Now!
I raise my eyes, and lo I see,
My eternal Self over me.
A dazzling cloud envelopes all,
I hear my own God Presence call.
I feel a surge of Love's great Might,
And enter deeply, its breath, its Light!
I see within this pulsing Flame,
And listen, hear, its pulsing Name.
I feel the glow - the Great Flame's Breath,
I Am the Victor over Death.
I pour out life - I lift, I raise,
My heart overflows and sings its praise.
My power strengthens and inspires,
My great Light Rays are God's own Fires.
I Am a Sun, My Love, Its Light,
All else grows dim, earth lost to sight,
I know that I Am God - The One,
The Source - The Great Central Sun.
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