Dear Hearts,
This is a channel recorded by me, EL Anora, from my Beloved Master Asun, it contains no copyrighted material, and no music from other sources, this is my voice only. I am not affiliated with the Radiant Rose Academy, and this is an unofficial channel done by me.
I also wished to add a picture of Mother Akasha I drew, this image is copyright EL Anora, you may reproduce so long as you credit me.
But I absolutely Love the Radiant Rose Academy, and would love this to be an introduction to their works, with Love, EL Anora.
Link to my Channel of Asun:
"Hi" El-Ano-Ra, enjoy seeing your post. Want to introduce myself as I have often seen violet and rose pink when meditating or looking for my chakra (usually have a central color of amber or yellow though.) More so than that, a week or so ago my son and I saw a cloud formation that formed my totem animals. I went inside and meditated on this and the words "aw-al-sha-rah" kept repeating in my head, several times. Your name and Mother Akasha's name seem similar to me. Peace, love, and light.