January 31, 2012

The reason that many of the top Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate crooks have not been arrested yet is that the old system needs to be kept going with string and wire and duct-tape until final preparations for a radically new system are completed. For example, an Asian proposal now being negotiated calls for 10 million yen or about US$125,000 to be budgeted for each and every individual human being on earth. The Pentagon is also making similar radical proposals for a complete change of how humans interact with each other and with nature. The big conclusion being reached at the highest level is that the old financial system in the West was an illusion used by a secret cabal to keep us enslaved. We are now about to become truly free in ways that will exceed most people’s most optimistic expectations. However, there will be some hard work at first before this becomes true.

The proposal being forwarded by the White Dragon Society to Asian clan elders is for the creation of a new, meritocratically staffed organization to be set up near Tenri City, South of Osaka. The name now being proposed for this organization is “Long-term Investments For Everyone,” or LIFE, for short.

The negotiations towards unifying the Korean Peninsula with Japan and moving the capital of this new entity to the same region are also proceeding smoothly. We can confirm that Japanese “kidnap victim” Megumi Yokota is the mother of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. Kim has agreed to accept the union of the Northern dynasty with the Southern one in the region in exchange for a ceremonial post. Perhaps he can become the symbol of unity and have his own palace and staff.

The initial funding for LIFE, to be backed by Gold returned to Asia from the West as well as by other historical assets, can be set at 7000 trillion yen or, as mentioned above, about $125,000 per human. The money will be delivered in the form of development services such as canals, sewer systems, desalination plants, nature preserves, fish farms etc. People working for LIFE will receive generous salaries and be subject to draconian penalties for corruption.

LIFE will not be the only major organization working on planning for the future of the species according to White Dragon Society proposals.

The British Commonwealth, with its 1.8 billion members, will want their own independently financed development and future planning organization built according to commonwealth consensus. It will probably have to be initially headed by someone from India in order to make up for past British racism. Indian and other historical gold assets as well as commonwealth real estate will back their funding.

The Catholic Church and Vatican Bank will also want to have a Christian planning agency controlled by actual Christians for their 1.2 billion members once the Satanists are purged from the Vatican bank.

Similar independent groups such as the Chinese, the Muslims, the Africans and the first nations will also be able to plan for their own independent futures.

In addition, the United Nations will have to be radically restructured in order to make it truly representative of the human race and not be an instrument of Western imperialism as it is today.

Studies by the pentagon, anthropological research and corporate governance research all conclude that the most effective decision making bodies number between 6-9 people. This is the size of the traditional human family during hunter gatherer times. The most natural division for humanity along cultural and historical lines suggests a new council of elders be put at the heart of the United Nations Security Council.

The White Dragon suggestion is for a representative to be selected by each of the following groups: Africa, China, East Asia (excluding China), India, North and South America, Europe including Russia, the Islamic world and first nations.

This 8 person grouping would only function as an emergency consultative council to deal with issues affecting all humans. It would operate according to majority rule. Each region would have a veto but that veto would be restricted to that region only.

Sovereign nation states would continue to exist as before unless voluntary agreements to merge were reached between countries.

The Pentagon, for its part, has reached an agreement to merge with the Chinese and Russian Military to form a global peace keeping force, according to a high ranking agency source.

There has also been an agreement to break up many of the large corporations controlled by the Khazarian Satanic Cabal. Microsoft was specifically mentioned as a company that was about to go Kaput. The major corporate media corporations will also be broken up. Many other top 100 corporations will be broken up into as many as 20 smaller units, according to this source.

The cabalists in charge of the G5 countries are also going to be excluded from the new financial system. If necessary the Pentagon will round up both the Illuminati and the Nazis, in order to make sure they cause no more trouble.

In the US there is also going to be a detailed study of what happened over the past 100 years since the Federal Reserve Board took over and a lot of stolen funds are going to be returned to their rightful owners.

A lot of billionaires will soon be out on the street pan-handling if they are found to have been living on stolen funds. A lot of poor people will suddenly be able to live in their own, mortgage free homes.

Needless to say, revamping how we run the planet is not an easy job. There is a lot of nitty gritty to be taken care of before anything public is announced. We also need to be on extreme alert for any last minute Satanic terror attacks aimed at trying to prevent the freeing of the sheeple.

However, have no doubt, the Satanists will be defeated. There will be world peace, an end to poverty and an end to environmental destruction. Humanity will be set free.

Here is something sent by a Pentagon source. It is by Jim Channon and reflects the kinds of ideas being bandied around as humanity heads into a new age.

Opportunities on the event horizon

1. Oil companies realize they are liquid transportation companies and start to move fresh water to needy places on the planet.

2. Major engineering companies respond to rising seas and create canals that take the excess water into barren lowlands inside the continents where it is needed.

3. The national military forces of the planet merge to form natural security teams and restore their respective parts of the earth’s forests, plant life, watersheds, wildlife and the biosphere above all that.

4. That schools recognize that content is already available on line and change their courses to life skills, learning based pursuits, and a new partnership with nature.

5. That Universities build upon the science of conscious evolution, a visionary mindset, and life force living intelligence and then structure their experience based curricula to that end.

6. That government decentralizes into bioregions and organizes military units, school kids, fire departments and others to generate food foraging forests in all available sites for complete global food security.

7. That neighborhoods take on a wide variety of energy producing solutions to become fully independent but not totally separate from the power grid.

8. That web-based democracies attend to their regionally based constituents and use the global web intelligence system to optimize local living.

9. That railheads, airports, and warehouses converge to be able to launch global air rescue missions that deliver major emergency living villages to all peoples globally within hours of a disaster.

10. That the global public achieves a clear unifying identity and the pre-emptive political power to defang the nuclear arsenal and its fear based factions while offering alternative product lines for the military industrial complex.

11. That we accept the notion that life is more likely to exist in the galaxy than not and prepare for the real benefits of new connections.

12. That we embrace a new level of profound simplicity and reintroduce creativity as a replacement for things and mindless entertainment.

Source: http://benjaminfulford.net/

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  • Let's cut a decade to a year please? Thank you :)

    • Its possible the Exposure happens sometime later on this year, then again it may have to wait until 2013.

      As far as I can tell what's central to the success of it, which will determine its timing... has to do with the level of Consciousness among the masses.


      Basically... how likely is it that when the Average Joe on the street is exposed to this information, that it will give them the instinctual urge that It Is True and they will react the same way the Occupy people do as a kneejerk reaction.

      It doesnt take 100% of the people.

      If you have Half the people begin to speak and shout out about it, take action, demand results, participate in mass demonstrations of millions of people at a time... then that will do it. Everyone else will go along with it then.


      Even if you only had 1/3 of the people the results could be the same, but then you start getting into issues of the people who Care not necessarily feeling compelled to take outward action. Which would result in failure because it would turn into an underground movement.


      The level of Consciousness on the planet right now is rapidly approaching this point. Because it carries the Indigo energy of "Give me liberty or give me death".

      When people find out that they are slaves and everything they have known has been designed to produce this result... if they have the sufficient level of Consciousness they will be compelled to Take Action and do something about it regardless of the consequences. Because they realize that life is not worth living if it cannot truly be lived on their own terms.


      This... is what the Universe (and mass consciousness) is waiting for.

  • I like the name of it ~ Da LIFE ~

    sure it sounds nice for such programs but as of now I see no such thing as we call CHANGE.........but I am a patient man , so I'll wait with my excitment and see what happens..................

  • I do agree that these things are very nice, and the way things will probably end up to be.

    The wealth redistribution would Have to occur as a result of some kind of worldwide agency that had the ability to levy taxes. Because then everybody would basically get a check in the mail every month just because they're a living person.

    And it would be the same amount no matter where you lived too. As you well know $1000 per month for the rest of your life means something very different to someone living in India than it does in the United States... and even in the US that's a pretty good safety net.

    That's how you redistribute wealth.

    And if its backed by gold - yeah that's good too.

    But be very careful to understand that the Value of our money as it currently stands has been drained like a vampire by rapid inflation (money printing). Its still an overpopulation issue... there are many more people than there used to be, and not as much actual Gold to distribute between them.

    Backing money with Gold is a great idea but because of these dark cabals we've been driven into a box canyon with it - and people worldwide would be seeing the Actual Money Value of their cash drop by 75-95% instantly.

    The only people who would be insulated from that are the ones who own alot of property, or had wisely invested in precious metals (like gold).



    But the fact of the matter is these "negotiations" aren't happening... at least right now. The only talking going on about these issues... is how to create measures to Stop such things from happening in a worst case scenario.

    The "secret cabals" are not Secret at those levels of government - the Federal Reserve and the Pentagon. Its the guys at the top of those organizations calling all their shots, and they make no illusions about being in control either.

    And they wouldn't allow any negotiations to take place under their wing that run 180 degrees to their own plans. And even if some people were getting together in secret there, the Illuminati has their own seers and psychics to finger them.


    After the Illuminati is Exposed... well thats probably when these Negotiations will take place.

    Because there will be mass panic and anarchy setting in as the Businesses they control suddenly decide to stop providing our food, water, electricity, and internet.

    Then the few good men still working in the governments will have to come up with solutions real fast.

    Maybe there is some positive secret society (White Dragons) that's working behind the scenes, but nothing is going to be able to happen until there's a Global Revolution because the facade is broken.


    The Security Breach is coming.

    • You have to understand as far as the Illuminati are concerned they already knew about the 12 / 2012 ascension and how everyone would be able to see through their Lies. Their seers and psychics (and quantum computers) predicted it as early as the 90's.

      So they couldn't take it, and have thrown all their stock in some imaginary scenario where the world still gets destroyed so they can go carry on in secret underground cities. That's why the underground bases are being built, and they're stockpiling all that food.

      Its a Fantasy of theirs to keep their hands busy so they don't go more nuts than they already are.


      So you have got to understand that they have absolutely no interest in any sort of Disclosure at all, anything that could threaten their current plans. Which includes creating some kind of disaster on the surface of the planet so that they can self-fulfill their own prophecies too if necessary.

      They already know if they get exposed they've had it - all their predictions say so - so its not like they're going to try to suddenly go turncoat for themselves and play Mr. Nice Guy to atone for their sins.

      • I'v been wondering and so wanted to ask you, do you feel that the energys coming in are a large force for them to contend and deal with, such as these Illuminati psychics and beyond? would it make it much harder on them to continue their ways, as the speed of "karma" or whatnot would be returning to them very very fast and at an accelerating rate, as well as these energys effecting them in such strong ways as to really slow them down? though perhaps I have some of the understanding off as to how these kinds of things play out upon us

        • Fundamentally the Illuminati dont even know what is going on. Alot of this Lightworker stuff with these Spiritual Vibrations is completely foreign information to them.

          Perhaps not to their dark hosts in the non physical realm - but to these little squishy people running around on the ground who think they control everything... they dont even know what is coming.

          All they know is that for some reason many of their old fear-inducing tricks aren't working anymore, and it has been forseen that there is a Convergence of potential realities in the future. That means... no matter what they do the final outcome is going to be the same.


          So they really have no idea of the reason Why the titanic level of "oh gawd we're in deep crap" is actually coming from.

          And they're in Denial of such things anyway, they're so scared of it, so they aren't really even willing to pay attention to any information that explains it either.

          Keep in mind those people themselves are 3D - they believe in metaphysics but they don't believe in things like God and the power of the Light, to them its all neutral tools to be (mis)used.

          So they don't know, and cannot comprehend that there could be something like a Pre-Destined Paradigm Shift that would be coming along and that the world could even be brought out of the kind of neutrality that we've experienced for the past millenniums.


          If you really don't know though... the energies coming in are so large and overwhelming that there's nothing the Illuminati could ever do to stop them.

          As a matter of fact unbeknownst to them the global elite are being used by the Mass Consciousness to resolve final life lessons and karma energies before the final 2012 shift. They've been turned into a tool, a catalyst, they arent actually in control of anything really it only seems that way.

          At which point when they are no longer needed to bring out these understandings in us... they will happily be tossed to the wayside.


          Even the massive advancements in technology they've got locked up in black project sites are really what amounts to a Treasure Chest of advanced technology... which we will just walk in and claim as a society once they're out of the way.

          So even when it comes to the Spaceships and Zero Point Energy and other stuff they've been doing our work for us.

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