So I feel irresponsible for not being specific and being biased on my previous post on Dr. Steven Greer.. Although I do still believe he is reptile, my intention was not to demonize or discredit anything he's said and done. What I was trying to get at is that maybe I should start looking inward for information, and that I should wake up. I got a bit confused because for some reason I was under the impression that we all look externally for information ie: this site,, youtube,, etc. Turns out it was me who has been going to these sites kind of like a sheep looking for a new way. Yes, we are all one, and our reptile brethren are helping out in a big way because with no darkness, how can we find light? I now realize that it was the universe's way of telling me to stop with the puzzle gathering already, and start to search inside. So I apologize for projecting myself on to you all. That said:
I still do stand by the medium in which I am trying to send my message: Benevolent Reptilians/Greys/Jesus's or not, I think it's time we (I) start looking into our hearts for the truth.
Last video guys.
Hope everyone has a great day.
you forgot one thing.. all his exaggerated sss's becaussse thiss isss something blabla ssss s s s s ss ss :)>
Ive retracted my privious statement in light of this new video, but still believe its still in the form of a witch hut, it feels wrong some how. photo doctoring is big on the internet. and some of this may be the case as well I dont kinow, anythings possible. who's checking the checker if it is a reptilian or not. so much ellusion to sort threw.
yes people forget our lessons in racism on earth, we know it is wrong to hate a race because of the actions of one or a few, yet lightworkers abound and those awakening are still stuck in this act, i also think many are light teachers or light healers, and NOT lightwarriors , each being has strengths and weaknesses , by working together we create a system where those most suited to each purpose are there in the service of that purpose. we are to learn so let go of duality with messages that are filled with it. dragons used to be on this earth to work with us, some have returned and are waiting in agartha for us,dragons, not winged reptilians, different chaps, but not different, they too were here to help in their way, and their foloowing generations of "less" evolved reptilians, they too are thinking they are doing what they need to do, some will think to help all some with think to control all for thier own good. each thinks they are doing good, but the only "good" comes from preserving life . i would give my life for the life of another or of billions of others the goal is the same, to preserve the freedom and life of others
because depite what people think they still have many attachments, and because what you say is not what they have attached to you are viewed as disinfo, negative, and whatever other attachment they have towards those who do not share their belief, VERY old world religion and not part of the golden age i envision for humanity AT ALL!