Benjamin Fulford - Cabal In Surrender Negotiations -Told to hand over $700 trillion or $10,000 for each human on earth

November 18, 2013

Representatives of a committee of 15 individuals, who claim to be in charge of the system for creating and distributing US dollars and most other privately owned central bank currencies, are trying to arrange a peace agreement for the cabal. They agreed last week, in negotiations with a White Dragon Society representative, to initially make available $700 trillion, or $10,000 for each man, woman and child on the planet earth to be delivered in the form of goods and services. They also agreed to debt forgiveness for all nations including, they say, some debts that date back to the 1700’s. They also agreed to forgive most individual debts.

The committee claims to be headed by two Asian men, each over 90 years old, and representatives of five Asian families, seven European families and one Russian family.

There was also a meeting last week between representatives of Asian banking clans and the WDS. These clans claimed the rights to most of the world’s gold. They were also agreeable to the proposal to distribute $700 trillion to the people and nations of the world.

However, there are still some powerful factions still clinging to the Zionist nightmare of starting Armageddon, notably the Cohen crime family in New York and an Italian P2 Lodge member by the name of Giuseppe Di Antonio, according to a high ranking P2 official. Di Antonio is the man behind recent threats to kill Pope Francis, he said. This group has a highly organized faction inside Mossad and also sits atop the New York and Los Angeles based media conglomerates, he noted. Their main financial instrument is Leumi Bank, he added. They also run various Pentecostal Christian cults, he said. A representative of the families mentioned above confirmed the existence of this group and said they would need help in dealing with them.

It is true that that New York is a highly gangster contaminated city and that is proven by the fact that mass murderers like the loathsome monster toad Henry Kissinger and Larry “pull it,” Silverstein are still strutting around like peacocks. It may be necessary to send in the militia from Minnesota to New York to start arresting these criminals and parading them in hand-cuffs in front of corporate media cameras so that all can see it is no longer business as usual for these scum. If the Minnesotans need help, doubtless Canadian armed forces can be made available upon invitation.

The Californians also need to round up members of the Cohen gang in Los Angeles and can be sure of Latino help in doing so.

If this does not take place, it will be proof for the people of the world that the once sovereign Christian Republic of the United States of America has become a slave state run by Satan worshipping Babylonian (not Jewish) gangsters.

The French, for their part, also helped the WDS last week by delivering paper documents revealing the exact coordinates of all the Google, NSA, Facebook etc. computing centers in the United States. The unspoken threat in the delivery of this information is that these data centers can be taken out with intercontinental ballistic missiles. Preparations have also been made by the Europeans to cut off all intercontinental communications cables on the Atlantic seabed, if necessary. This is a response to NSA hacking of European financial and other computer networks. It is also a clear indication of how isolated the rogue US regime is.

Speaking about rogue US regime, we have a new name to add to the list of known participants in the March 11, 2011 nuclear and tsunami mass murder attack on Japan: General Richard Meyers, according to an agency source. General Meyers was made Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Pentagon immediately after the 911 mass murder.

If the American people do not start rounding up criminals like General Meyers and putting them in jail, the international financial noose being put around that country will continue to get tighter. Judging from the various news reports, the so-called Obama care health insurance scheme, for example, appears to be just an effort by the corporate government in Washington D.C. to steal some insurance money in order to keep itself from going under for a few more weeks.

The pentagon faction that claims to be using Obama as their representative needs to move in on New York and start arresting the Wall Street criminals ASAP if they want to save themselves.

In any case, while the clean-up of the last pockets of cabal resistance continues, proposals are being put on the table on how to distribute the promised $700 trillion.

The WDS has proposed that the following existing organizations and groups would be qualified to distribute the $700 trillion in a non-corrupt, non-inflationary way.

The Chinese government including representatives from Taiwan, The Roman Catholic Church and the governments of South and Central America, The Japanese government and ASEAN, The Commonwealth of Nations (provided an Indian is put in charge), France and Francophone Africa, The Republic of the United States and the government of Canada, Northern Europe plus Russia and the Islamic world.

This is just an initial proposal based on the fact that these organizational structures already exist and have proven themselves to be relatively corruption free. Of course the Islamic nations will have to sort out their various historical disputes and select a single representative before funding will go in their direction.

This WDS proposal is only limited to the existing US dollar system and does not exclude new government issued currencies, grass roots currencies like Bitcoin or any plans by other independent groups. The proposal merely reflects the fact that these pre-existing groups could be able to carry out big projects almost immediately as soon as the money starts to flow.

We do not make any predictions on how soon this will start to happen but we can confirm that serious players have been meeting and that a general agreement exists now to start a massive campaign to “save the planet.”


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  • Great News indeed,'ll be greatly appreciated and long OVERDUE!!!
  • $10,790 greenbacks each-that's divided by 6,500,000,000 humans-hybrids excluded because their dna is different

  • Where exactly did this information come from?

  • Will this work more like an unconditional basic income? or like FREE MONEY FOR ALL!!?

    I really don't see the second option working...

  • If everyone gets money at the same time, what stops those who have goods to sell from raising their prices dramatically hence starting the cycle of customer->seller->corporation->elite all over again?

    If everyone in my area would want to go on vacation at the same time the prices on flight seats would go nuclear since there are more people here than there are available seats. It's gonna be hard to keep the sellers from taking advantage of that.

    We may have to hire a couple of million of those grey fellows and give each of them a cattle prod, and then have them to stand beside every seller on earth for a month or so to give them a little shock-treatment each time they go greedy. ;)

  • I just can't wrap my head around this anymore.. Having one foot in the gray mundane reality and one foot in this, there's one side that's much more convincing though and it happens to be the reality I wake up to every morning that never seems to change. I am like everyone else tired of reading the same old stories repeating over and over.

    I still haven't figured out how the world would become a better place if everyone had almost unlimited money that we are promised. By the time we have technology to replace everything that is considered as a job today, we still wouldn't need money. So question is; would you go to your boring work instead of trying to take a holiday like rest of the world with all these $£€ we are constantly hearing of? Nesara, prosperity programs, this report etc etc..

    There must be something else to get humanity focusing on what's really important, healing the planet and bringing forth true unity again. If the programs that will give us money are just meant as a stepping stone to this then it is understandable, but I have a hard time seeing how our global population will handle such a huge radical awakening. Even me who have been reading about this stuff almost every day for two years, would have a hard time to adjust to such a large scale change in such a small timeframe, which leaves me to think that there will be no huge transformation in the course of weeks, months or years. I can't see any other option than a gradual change with all the new children being born to usher in the golden age and most of the people that lived under the "old" ways would have passed away over the course of time.

    I always wonder why nothing seems to happen on the outside judging from everything I've read in whole over two years. In the beginning and as a newcomer it was actually believable and left me in the most joyous feeling of expectation and kept me going with a vision. As time went by undeniably the doubt grew stronger everyday. So I totally had to drop the expectation to rely on something outer to change me. All it did was to drain my life energy and to make me feel depressed, more than before I knew about it. So I knew I had to turn within for answers and connect with myself. But there as well there is no radical sudden life-transforming experience over night. But at least I am responsible for how I make myself feel and percieve the world.

    Right now I am in a very gray area of life feeling very little joy of being alive and have no creative energy. I know it will pass like a sine-wave up to the positive side. But it can be really really hard coping in this reality and I'm sure everyone else feel it as well. It is then it's easy to get caught up in the depression and start to search for a quick-fix like this. Something from the outside to take away all your pain and make you happy. I just have found over and over that this never is the case, true happiness comes from inner transformation, no money in the world can have that value. The value you see in others and all life in existence is for me the greatest thing and it's for free, it's allready here.

    It's all about perception.

    I don't know if I am making any sense, I just need to speak my mind somewhere. Life is like I said very confusing at this moment, and I will probably look back on today with a smile, because I do feel we all deserve better, we all are WORTHY beings with a purpose. This world have pushed us down for so long, if only it was easier to get clarity.

    • Bravo!! Ogdoo To you I salute , you are making perfectly sense.

      You are one of the many that went through and is going through a big change,one we all are facing on a daily basis. This is exactly what the journey of now is all about, the only and first solution is to go within and find our answers in our hearts in our Higher Source. So many out there are still looking for answers in the materialistic things, or with someone else,.... but those were and to a certain extent are what is holding us back from our true potential of spiritual growth or a different path of enlightenment to ascension, to seeing all the truths that actually is. We are learning on a daily basis new lessons, after all there is only NOW and the hardest is to simplify our life's from materialistic things or negative people, we all have to declutter our lives on all levels....that is materialistically and then internally from all the brainwashing that was done to us through the old systems of the cabal. Yes its like a sponge it cant absorb water again if we don squeeze out some water...the same we have to squeeze out some of the wrong programming to be able to absorb the new ways of living and understanding.

      The most easiest thing for people to do is to jump on the bandwagon of someone elses negativity, or joining in on a group of negative comments. Yes .... it is so difficult to turn the other cheek.... to see the otherside of an argument or the otherside of the person....or even easier to just stay neutral....and try and learn lessons by just observing holding our spaces of beingness.....which is just as important. Breathing through a situation or stepping back a few steps just give us that extra time to see a different perspective of the big canvas that we are part off. It is our choice of which attitude we choose, or even how soon we want to apply this attitude of reaction out there...

      Rightfully yes... we are all getting our days of having difficulty to cope, put it out there on a peace of paper...give it to the angels.... burn it and let it go.... some of these emotions has been surpressed all our lives long and put away in the darkest corners of our hearts....or some we are dealing with on a daily basis......BUT for us to let it needs to surface again....then we face it , obeserve it,be aware of it .....give NO reaction or attitude to it...and just breathe in and on the breathe out let it go!!  This is the current Now we have to do with all in our stuff in our lifes.

      Believe me we all are writing our life books on a daily basis (difficult with money problems,love problems, health problems, nature, etc) .... we are giving experiences to the collectiveness of different view points...we are all special ...none of us can walk in someone elses footprints....BUT this is a lesson I have recently learned this year.... We ALL have forgotten how to have FUN and JOY in our lives.... the cabal and its systems have brainwashed us so much that we dont know how to DO FUN WITH NO MONEY....think about it..... and this is the answer I got lately from the Angels to be able to cope with Life we have to bring the FUN relaxing side back into our lifes...and no,- drinking yourself into a coma is not part of that.....spending time in nature, a walk along the beach ,quality time with friends and family, dancing, doing art for fun , meditation as a group,reading,contemplating while in nature, seeing beauty ins small things and even more I cant think of.....these are the FUN bits we neglect to do on a daily basis.

      Yes I have had my fare share of No money, lots of money, relationship issues ,kids problems, depression, etc.

      Also my doubts about all these information:- we are reading building ourselves up ,our spirituality , learning, absorbing and accepting different viewpoints, determining what is right and what is not...being questioned by people the truthness of it alll....well all I can say.....when I FEEL it from deep inside .....the knowingness of it just is, no matter what other might try to convince you off...from inside ...your gut feeling ....and with it comes this peace from within, that it is true...then you know .... this is the path.

      The biggest of it all is to just Keep our Faith and Love and Oneness in Unity we are all one, my feeling and your feeling contributes to the whole collectiveness (like I said before - keep the space). Just by being we are doing our part to the whole story happening for humankind right now.

      Keep ourselves busy rather thinking on what do we want from life as humans now and foreward into the future?, how do we want our cities or towns to be? , how do we want our communities to be and react? and you know it all start with us...... CHANGE YOURSELF and the world to the outside change with you. Be the Change!

      Sometimes we are the lessons for other people ,so that they can change or start their journey on the ascension process, we are all Tools in Gods hand to shape peoples and our Earth/Gaia around us' life. You will never know when you are being observed by someone learning from your life ..... is it good or is it bad ...How do you react?

      Are you an example you want the world to become, the change you want to see in the world!!

      Namaste to All beings out there!!

      Thank You Ogdoo Keep up, being who you are and go within for your answers, you have learned so much already. I celebrate You!

      Angel Blessings to All


    • i agree with this statement, very well said Ogdoo. IT IS ALL ABOUT PERCEPTION. 

    • I hear you Ogdoo. I agree. Take it all with a grain of salt. Inner happiness/joy is where it's at. I think this would be easier if we didn't have all the external distractions of struggling for survival here in this realm.
    • Ogdoo:  You make PERFECT sense,  I guess we all must have HOPE.  Maybe this is real, or maybe it isn't, but we all must have something to hold on to  (but the waiting is a BITCH!)

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