Greetings Light Family!
I have 3 questions that have been in the back of my mind for quite a while now and I need to get them out in the open. I figured this forum of very enlightened minds would be the best place to ask this and get an honest answer. For those who have read some of my posts and blogs (which aren't in the 100's) I hope by now you know that I am not arrogant nor do I "ego-trip" on the spirituality side of things. The reason I say that is because my question could be taken the wrong way. Some of the more "advanced" souls, hopefully, will know exactly where I am coming from so, here goes...
"Is it possible for one to be beyond the information that we have been recieving and learning here on this and many other sites?" Is is also possible for one to see some of the information as "old news?" Even the very somewhat complicated topics?"
2nd- "If the answer to my first question is YES, then is that what is considered information overload?"and
Last but not least, is it possible as a human to go for up to 3 days and not desire, eat or even think about eating food? Is it unusual for just the thought of food, eating food, seeing people eating or talking about food period, disgusting?
I understand the importance of food as sustenance and nutrition but I have, since I was much younger, always wished that there was some other way we could quickly recharge ourselves.
Don't misunderstand me, please. I eat food ONLY when my body calls for it(which is not often), but I don't get into the "process" of it or enjoy it. I have heard of people who live to eat and those who eat to live.
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Hello Light Warrior! Excellent and thoughtful questions. Yes to the first. I guess information overload would be an individual thing. Someone may have an insatiable appetite for information, someone else not so much. And this likely changes for each of us as we go through our changes as well. Quality of information would be a factor for hopefully most of us.
As for the eating question, yes I believe it is possible to lose the interest in food for 3 days or even longer. One of my pet peeves is teevee commercials that show close-ups of people stuffing food into their mouths with sounds of chewing coming out of the speakers. It is, to me, extremely offensive and I don't understand how everyone isn't grossed out as am I. To me. it is just as gross as showing a turd coming out of someone's butt to advertise toilet paper would be! I think ads with people munching and chewing are extremely disgusting, vulgar, crude, and offensive. I used to wonder if I was over-reacting to this manipulative advertising technique, but no--it really is offensive and targeted to encourage a celebration of low behavior rather than respect for our bodies and the food we consume. I like to consider myself as someone who "eats to live" and I see gluttony as a very real vice which is unfortunately promoted for profit at the expense of both the person eating and the once living being (whether plant or animal) being eaten. I don't think eating to live is wrong or a crime, but lack of both respect and gratitude for the sustaining food is really not right and something that I hope all of humanity will soon come to recognize. Thank you for bringing this up.
Thanks you all!! I did not expect so many responses and now I understand it much better. Thanks!!
Question #1 : Yes .
Question #2 : No
Question #3 : Who really know ? Yogi's can skip couples days before eating .
1. Yes - temporarily. Then it becomes a no and then back again. Eventually it is a definite yes, because you rejoin Source.
2. Yes
3. Absolutely. It'd take some discipline though, if one has been on the spiritual path for a very long time. For the average person in the world it'd take A LOT of discipline to reach the stage of non-desire.
Food (physical food) is the way we gain sustenance here, for the majority of us. But feeding on Source energy is also possible and is how it is done in realities higher than ours. Yogis in India have been able to do it and it is still being done today. Some Youtube research will show you a couple of them. Doctors have studied these people and mainstream medicine cannot ascertain how they are able to stay alive without food or water.
In regards to points 1 and 2:
Basically it comes down to experience vs learning, or experience vs observation.
The knowledge of this is something I've had bestowed on me several months ago and it has been quite impactful in how one perceives existence itself.
Once you know how the structure of reality/creation works, you want to lose yourself again in the creation. And it becomes less a pursuit of knowledge and wisdom and more of just the pure experience, which again leads to more knowledge.
Because you cannot experience when you are in pure observation mode. You have to take yourself out of the now moment in order to observe within or externally. And in order to fully experience you have to go back into the now moment.
It's very long ending cycle of alternating between those two in this reality. And in doing that you climb through the it until you've reached the point where you've experienced and known it all and need not continue to do that.
That's when you transcend it.
Information overload is when you feel like you really cannot take any more in and you merely wish to be. So you can enjoy that state. Slowly however, your being starts to crave to know once again. The secret is in remaining in balance and gaining both first hand experience and second hand experience (which is what knowledge external to yourself is).
Coming back to experience vs observation. Direct knowing resides within the first, while the ego mind resides within the second. You need both, as we already know.
And finally, the fusion of the two is called enlightenment/Buddhahood. And is the pursuit of many.
Also check these vids out:
I think some of us might be in system overload these days, and we have been hearing the same info over and over again. So I think we are to balance ourselves out right now. There are things I used to like to eat that I can't eat anymore. My appetite is not what it use to be. Maybe it's the calm before the storm....
Light Warrior I agree with what John Jancer stated about studying things for years (as I have) and it sometimes get to the point of being old news. Sometimes I just take a break or find something new to study. As for the eating I totally understand and do the same. I've been sun gazing for a long time. There came a point in time where I just lost my taste for most meats, especially red meats. I very seldom eat them. I lost 40lbs in a year, went from 6'3" and 260lbs to 220 lbs. I just eat when I feel like it and then try to eat raw foods as much as possible. Sometimes I crave chocolate for some reason, so I just go with it and eat some chocolates. I believe that the sun gives us life and energy, without it we and all things would die. My wife worries about me not eating that much, but I just don't need to eat much anymore, when I'm hungry, I eat. I do drink upwards of over a gallon of non-fluoridated water every day and drink lots of juices (100%). I think that you should just do what your body wants to do. I believe that the incoming energies are indeed changing us, evolving us in ways. We are in for some major energies that will be palpable in the next few months, they are going to get everyone's attention. But fear not, everything is going to be just as it is supposed to be. Personally I think that these energies are going to take care of the negative beings on this planet, not sure how, I just got a hunch. Time will tell and time is getting short. We are in for a heck of a ride for the remainder of this year on into next year as well.
lol sista <3 :)
I don't get it lol
Sure I'm in lol I'm in all the way lol