Multidimensional food for thought...


Imagination can produce a level of well-being that is bulletproof, in the sense that, no matter what happens in life, there is a back-up, there is something that can be created beyond the current crisis…” ~The Magician Awakes, Jon Rappoport

“When I use the word ‘magic’, I mean everything that can spring from imagination. Not the silly little things. The big things. The launching of entirely new realities that outdistance what this society is producing. And setting a limit on what the individual can imagine and create, and how far he can go, is very much like promoting the idea that every human is ill and should be a medical patient all his life. It’s sheer propaganda that seeks the lowest common denominator, as a sales gimmick. Except in the case of imagination, we’re talking about the future of civilization and human life on the planet—whether it rises or falls, whether the population finally accepts the notion that every person is a victim and there is no way out…” ~Notes on Exit From The Matrix, Jon Rappoport

In the human psyche, from the moment a newborn baby emerges into the light of day, he/she has a desire for magic.

We are told this is an early fetish that fades away as the experience of the world sets in. As maturity evolves. As practical reality is better understood.

In most areas of psychology, sensible adjustment to practical reality is a great prize to be won by the patient. It marks the passage from child to adult. It is hailed as a therapeutic triumph.

In truth, the desire for magic never goes away, and the longer it is buried, the greater the price a person pays.

A vaccine against a disease can mask the visible signs of that disease, but under the surface, the immune system may be carrying on a low-level chronic war against toxic elements of the vaccine. And the effects of the war can manifest in odd forms.

So it is with an inoculation of reality aimed at suppressing magic.

One of the byproducts of the “reality shot” is depression.

The person feels cut off from the very feeling and urge he once considered a hallmark of life. Therefore, chronic sadness. Of course, one explains that sadness in a variety of ways, none of which gets to the heart of the matter.

It is assumed that so-called primitive cultures placed magic front and center simply because “they couldn’t do better.” They didn’t have science, and they couldn’t formulate a “true and rational” religion with a church and monks and collection plate and a European choir and an array of pedophiles.

Historically, the impulse for magic had to be defamed and reduced and discredited. Why? Obviously, because the Westerners who were poking through ancient cultures had already discredited magic in themselves—they had put it on a dusty shelf in a room in a cellar beyond the reach of their own memory. But they couldn’t leave it alone. They had to keep worrying it, scratching it, and so they journeyed thousands of miles to find it somewhere else—and then they scoffed at it and tried to crush it.

And we wonder why, under the banner of organized religion, there has been so much killing. At a deep level, the adherents know they’ve sold their souls and they’re depressed, angry, resentful, remorseful, and they want to assuage and expiate their guilt through violence.

But the urge for magic is forever.


And yet the charade goes on. While paying homage and lip service to ordinary practical reality seasoned with a bit of fairy-tale organized religion, people actually want to change reality, they want to reveal their latent power, they want to create realities that, by conventional standards, are deemed impossible.

They want to find and use their own magic.

In our modern culture, we’re taught that everything is learned as a system. That, you could say, is the underlying assumption of education. It has far-reaching consequences. It leads to the systematizing of the mind. The mind is shaped to accommodate this premise.

“If I want to know something, I have to learn it. Somebody has to teach it to me. They will teach it as a system. I will learn the system. I will elevate the very notion of systems. Everything will be a system.”

In the long run, that gets you a lump of coal in a sock, a spiritual cardboard box to live in...

Systems are wonderful things. They produce results. They take us into technological triumphs. They help us become more rational. But when they are overdone, when the mind itself becomes shaped like a system, it reaches a dead-end. Then the mind works against the unquenchable desire for magic. Then society is organized as a tighter and tighter system and turns into a madhouse.

And then people say, “Maybe machines can actually think and choose and decide. Maybe machines are alive. What would happen if we grafted computers on to our brains? It might be wonderful.”

People move in this direction after their own minds have been shaped, like putty, into systems. They don’t see much difference between themselves and machines.

The desire for magic in every individual is squelched. So the first order of business is the restoration of imagination, from which all magic flows. Imagination is sitting there, always ready, waiting.

Imagination is saying, “The mind has been shaped into a system? I can undo that. I can liberate the mind and make it into an adventurous vessel. I can provide untold amounts of new energy.”

Life is waiting for imagination to revolutionize it down to its core.

Since imagination is a wild card that technocrats can’t absorb in their systems, they pretend it a faculty produced by the action of atoms in the brain. They pretend it is a delusion that can be explained by demonstrating, for example, that a machine can turn out paintings. Or poems.

“You see? We don’t need humans to make art. Computers can do just as well. Imagination isn’t mysterious at all.”

Technocracy and transhumanism flow from the concept that the human being is just another machine. And any machine can be made to operate more efficiently.

Meanwhile, imagination waits. It never vanishes. It stands by, just in case an individual decides to live a life that overflows with creative power...

The syntactical nature of reality, the real secret of magic, is that the world is made of words. And if you know the words that the world is made of, you can make of it whatever you wish.~Terence McKenna

*read entire article at: Waking Times

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  • TemetNosce



  • From fifth dimension, it's so clear, everything. Understanding what makes people act the way they do, and what needs to be done for healing.

    Understanding ascension on earth, and a sense of unconditional aid.

    A woman was brought to me, an I was able to help her heal herself, despite she being aggressive defensive. I was able to see her life in her every expression.

    She dissolved into tears. I explained her how to recognize those dimensional patterns that were hindering her whole life. Which are attitudes and behaviours born from past experiences, which inspire division rather than oneness.

    I told her she was correct, from her 3rd dimensional perspective, but that there was also a higher view that will allow her a more truthful understanding, and a better life.

    From 5th you gain understanding and the word "life" causes you tenderness. There's no judgment, because there's no fear. There's no a single inferior being, neither within yourself nor others, it's all Life.

    Nightmares don't exist there, so things such as reptilians and other chaotic misinterpretations, due lack of clarity from people who's usually locked within survival/fear, related to our third dimension, aren't there anymore.

    There's no enemy, but wounds.

    You understand humanity and what brought us to such point. Our travel across the debris of time, on Earth.

    There's no selfishness within myself, which is something quite common, but now, I understand.

    Everything feels so... clear and there's so much understanding, it's peaceful.

    Should I keep it, or let it fluctuate free between 5th and lower?

    Keepers of frequency.

    I passed the test!

    •                                      Meaningful Wisdom, Surius... thank you for sharing




  • ~The second part of 'What is Magic', from the mind blowing author & modern day Shaman/Magician,

    Alan Moore...



    “They say that life's a game, & then they take the board away.”... “Since mankind's dawn, a handful of oppressors have accepted the responsibility over our lives that we should have accepted for ourselves. By doing so, they took our power. By doing nothing, we gave it away."... “Our masters have not heard the people's voice for generations and it is much, much louder than they care to remember.”...“Everybody is special. Everybody. Everybody is a hero, a lover, a fool, a villain. Everybody. Everybody has their story to tell.” ~Alan Moore, V for Vendetta 


  • Find my family, heal all wounds ever since my loveless gestation.

    They will often come up with excuses, like "love comes from within" And it's true, there's nothing to heal, because this is an state of mind. I'm the One which chooses loveless.

    The higher the white towers arise on the sky, the deeper its black counterpart will grow below our lake within. Reality.

    I choose to open up all my eyes.

    Going back home, no, I'm already at home

    Wholeness beneath the veil of nothingness



    • "I choose to open up all my eyes"... as do Eye ;-) 

  •                       More essential wisdom from the Contemporary Shaman, Terence McKenna...

    AsWithin... SoWithout

     *  *  L   I   S   T   E   N  *  * 

    “You are a divine being. You matter, you count. You come from realms of unimaginable power and light."... “The imagination is the goal of history. I see culture as an effort to literally realize our collective dreams.”... “It is the imagination that argues for the Divine Spark within human beings. It is literally a decent of the World's Soul into all of us.”... “Human beings are co-partners with deity in the project of being. This is the basis of all magic.” ~Terence McKenna


  • Excelent information, Stick .. you always provide very high vibrational and important content in this website, I find your postings to be very timely aswell. Generally, I look for magic in the life around me, every day but I also get as distracted as the next person, you know, occasionally when illusions appear to present themselves as reality and I find myself somewhere in the mundane, so I tend to focus on my breathing to keep me focused in the present moment, its so easy to slip out of it for brief moments in time, indeed, "a momentary lapse of reason" perhaps :-) Its a little dificult to explain but I think you understand, maybe as we grow older in our lives, the sense that the magic we used to search for in our childhood has somehow "faded away" , almost forgotten about and yet I get constantly reminded of it in all that surrounds me, I can see it in the wonder in childs face, in the air that blows a breeze through the branches of a tree, in the stars, there are countless examples. I know (and have expierenced seeing) such incredible beauty that left me in awe, upon entering some pretty mystical realms through meditation and in very lucid dreams, one in particular, during a guided meditation.

    I have this very vivid memory of a meeting that took place between myself and a guide of some kind in some altered state. Now I know it may not pertain to the original meaning of magic in the article but I would like to share it nonetheless as it remains for me a fond moment along my path, perhaps a past life / future memory. I used to attend healing workshops in Dublin where guided meditations were a common occurance. On this particular occasion, I was aided by a very gifted healer friend who teaches a lot of the Christ Conciousness, chakra balancing and so on. She gave me a gem stone, (indigo kyanite) and I sat in a group with a candle in the center of the circle. I closed my eyes and within "no time" I was no longer even in the room, indeed, off to wonderland I went. The shift from one reality into another was unnoticeable to me and I was no longer aware of my previous physical enviorment at all. I found myself "physically" sitting in a emerald forrest where giant, gnarly trees reached so far into the sky that they literally disappeared into the heavens, where a stream moved like a waltz near my feet and sparkled as it flowed like honey on its way. I saw intense, vivid colours that were almost palpaple, incredibly lush and intensly beautiful greens and blues, indeed, much akin to the picture you posted in the original article, hence the reason I remembered this expierence.

    I have been there, where I watched the smoke from a small fire built out of branches and leaves, rise from ashes and wind its way upwards in a simelar movement to a dolphin in the ocean. I thought I was alone, until I felt the presence of another, it was an old man like a wizzard sitting not far from me with a long gown, long beard and he was smoking a strange pipe. Now this was totally lucid, very mystical and I was aware that this place was not normal, (what is normal?) indeed, another dimension but the sense of magic inherent in it was something I felt soak right through me, right to the marrow in my bones. The old man, I believe it to have been Merlyn the Magician, offered me a gift, some kind of crystal device that was moving, morphing and bursting with miniture stars right before my eyes, much like the Faberge eggs recalled by Terence McKenna during his trip on DMT, handed him by the Machine Elves he encountered therin. I felt no sense of time, not a shred of anxiety but a sense of serenity beyond any sence of peace I have ever felt before. I held that "gift" in my hands like a offering and watched it transform into shapes I simply cannot describe, then it melted and began to envelope itself up my arms, covering me like a membrane of sorts and I began to fall very slowly forwards. I felt my entire being tumble like a wheel, spinning and spirling downwards through what appered to be iridescent snow, getting faster and faster but without a sound, just total silence, exactly like Alice down the Rabbit hole.

    Alice Falling

    I must have fallen "forever" through an endless void of some kind, whereby colours were shooting past me like lasers. It resembled an infinite wormhole or something. I began to wonder where I was heading and with that limited thought, I abruptly and instantaneously "came to full concious awareness" of my original surroundings on my knees, on the floor in the room, surrounded by the group who were all still in their own deep meditations. I was originally sitting in a chair before I began, but I "landed" on my knees with a bump thirthy minuites later. I felt completely startled by the expierence and relayed it to the rest of the group who all shared a simelar expierence. I have since given the gem stone to someone else. Perhaps that crystal has found its way into the palm of many a persons hand and maybe they too have touched the void as I did, where one reality crossed the threshold into a dream and one dream merged into reality, somehow. Either way, there was magic involved, I wish I had more moments like it. Sorry if this veered off topic, my brother, but just had to share that one. :-)

    • ~Always a gift when we have experiences that shake the foundation of what seems 'real', or possible... thanks for sharing, brother Luke. Sounds like one of those Multidimensional 'meetings' that serve as a profound reminder of realms that are but a breath away... always in reach, for those willing to see beyond the veils. I fully agree that one of the shadows of getting older, is loosing sight of the Magic that was so effortlessly assessed when we were children. I know my three year old son is helping me to perceive the world anew, & I am so grateful to him for that. In many ways, the challenges Humanity is currently facing could instantly be rightsized by remembering to look through the eyes of our inner child... I like to think that our Higher-Selves are ultimately rooted in that kind of innocence... that kind of Magic. For some reason, what you wrote reminded me of the wormhole scene from the film, Contact. Not a coincidence that once the character, Ellie reaches the other side of the vortex, that there is a key moment when she morphs into her younger self. Of course, the late, great Carl Sagan is responsible for the esoteric mysteries touched on in the film. -Thank you for b e i n g You, Luke... your insight into these kind of topics is always appreciated. ~InLight555

      Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.”... “Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were, but without it we go nowhere.”... “Exploration is in our nature. We began as wanderers, and we are wanderers still. We have lingered long enough on the shores of the cosmic ocean. We are ready at last to set sail for the stars.” ~Carl Sagan

      • Hey Stick, yeah I see what you mean about the movie Contact, (such a beautiful film too) and indeed it was kind of like that in a way. The expierence I had, to my understanding, was a sort of state of self relaxed expanded awareness, whereby I think I had an OBE but moreso, catapulted my awareness into a part of my own sub concious or possibly astral realm and slipped into some other arena. During those guided meditations, we were learning to rejuvinate our breathing, combined with repeating affirmations, the use of crystals and gathered in a very safe, loving enviorment, getting really tuned in.

        Around that time, I was steeped in Robert Anton Wilsons "illuminati Trilogy" amonge other literary rebels of the spiritual highway and getting into stuff like Merkabas, so maybe those influences had an effect, perhaps I was just ready to expierence something outside of five sense perception, behind the veils or somewhere inside my own conciousness, that certainly appears to me, to be readily available to tap into at any given moment. I have had simelar expierences throughout the years, sometimes in dreams, and occasionally (but not too often) when some strange herb has been offered to me ;-)

        I think the ability to pierce the "membrane" that seems to separate one reality from something extraordinary is available to us all, when we choose to go there, although I also feel it requires getting completely centered, clearing the mind and getting aligned with it. I was probibly in that state at the time, although admittedly I have strayed off the path countless times since. There are moments when I yearn to venture into the kind of multidimensional arenas that Terence McKenna stumbled upon, through his use of Dimethyltryptamine and yet I forget that DMT is already inside all of us and although I would not scoff at the idea of ingesting it as he did, I feel there must be a way of accessing the realms of machine elves without the burning of weed, necessarily.

        The more I think of it, the more I am drawn to the idea of magic, which seems to be the most natural thing in the world, and indeed, it makes the mundane seem like such a waste of time. It is as though, the "right path" has always been a magical one, and the path up until now has been like walking into all the wrong rooms, day after day for years in search of something that is right under our nose, quite literally beckoning us to surrender to its reality, should we only pause and become still in order to become it. My "guess" is that a concious magical way of life will become par for the course, a natural state of being that everybody shall adhere to, as normal and natural as breathing, when at last all of the illusions that people have created around themselves finally fall away.

        Thank you my brother, for always bringing high spiritual frequency to these forums, and for encouraging me to step up to the mark, indeed, without the pin point accurate data you provide for this website, I may indeed have been slower in getting my mojo on. Stay as blessed as you are, my friend.


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