Anyone who takes the time to properly research the origins of the “population control” movement will come to understand that the Rockefeller-Turner-Gates agenda for drastic population reduction has its origins in the age-old malevolent elitist agenda to cull the human “chattel” as one would do to rodents or any other species deemed a nuisance by the central planning authorities. Read more:
Wow!!! I just clicked on your link and spent a long time tracking this back in history. This is so disgusting!! I can't help think about the children and families who suffered, both past and present.
I hear you, Ann. I feel the exact same way. However, I've found that when I give a person the benefit of the doubt.....I usually end up regretting it. It's been a verrrrry difficult exercise for me to actually accept the "evil" (and I'm going to call a spade a spade) that I see in the world. But, when one awakens, it's all pretty obvious, isn't it. To this freedom Lover, there is nothing more evil than enslaving people. I mean, REALLY!!! The Creator has made this a free will arrogant of mankind to think they can take a Creator-given gift and take it away??
I was wondering when someone was going to post something about this... SUSPICIOUS. Im pretty sure there are some more blatantly catastrophic things staring rich rain makers in the face that they can do with their money other than another global vaccine campaign..
3rfl3nfqndi4s > Michael ViolaJanuary 30, 2010 at 7:18pm
And, Star Brooks, I am in 100% agreement with you. I have free will, am a sovereign citizen of the Universe, and they can put a bullet in this body, but, they WILL NOT take MY free will. No vaccines for me either.
I am a teacher and they brought the H1N1 vaccines to out school. I had the sickest feeling when the students who parents signed the papers were called down to receive them. My friend went to the media center where they were given them, and she flashed back in time to Nazi Uniforms. It freaked her out! Some of the students came back dizzy and feeling sick. One student told me that she felt like she was here, but not really here. It seems to me that the children who will bring unity and peace to the world in the future are the targets!
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will donate $10
billion to vaccinate children in developing countries. The World Health
Organization, which issued a false pandemic warning, applauds this measure.
So do vaccine manufacturers. This article makes no mention of concern among
health professionals over the damage from toxic additives to
vaccines. BBC News
2010 Jan 29
Well, Barron, this is interesting information, especially in light of the fact that Melinda Gates is a member of the CFR. Hmmmmmm. And, here we have to come to our own conclusions as to the intent of the Gates' ???
And, here again, according to the predominant 3D thinking....."he who has the gold has the power".....but, what kind of power?
Hi Little feather, you are right, she is. I believe with 100% of my being that Bill Gates IS trying to harm people and he knows full well that he is doing so. Depopulation etc. He is truly one of the elite/illiminati f.....wits if you want my honest opinion.
"Zelenski called Vance a bitch and made a veiled threat about a possible attack in the US-this transvestite is one of the deep state's security forces front men-everybody can see it now-the arrogance to bite the hand!
There were bio weapons labs in…"
"A Zizian-like Trantifa terror group on
with over half a million followers is urging its comrades to recruit ex-military members, stockpile weapons and train to kill and commit atrocities for an insurrection against the U.S. government.…"
I release self judgment and embrace self love.I find beauty in every aspect of my being..Message from the Love AngelsWe can fly into your life when you need help finding love for yourself. Allow us to help you see yourself clearly as a true, beloved…
There are heaps of websites for this kind of info:
There's a few that should keep ya busy! ;-)
billion to vaccinate children in developing countries. The World Health
Organization, which issued a false pandemic warning, applauds this measure.
So do vaccine manufacturers. This article makes no mention of concern among
health professionals over the damage from toxic additives to
vaccines. BBC News
2010 Jan 29
And, here again, according to the predominant 3D thinking....."he who has the gold has the power".....but, what kind of power?