If you frequently suffer from feelings of stress, anxiety or even panic then it is because of the black OP "Palm Beach". The CIA continues to pump Cortisol and or adrenaline overdoses to a lot of individuals including me to induce fear artificially. This is either done by teleportation of stress hormones directly into our bodies or by additives in food and or tabaco products.
This is highly annoying and MUST be stopped completely NOW!
@Ashtar.. Please stop this as soon as possible.
Uh, sure...
Do you think it could have anything to do with our being exposed to a constant overdose of RF energy from wireless devices and cell phones that are constantly pumping out microwaves?
This is the most ridiculous post I've ever seen. What proof can you offer to this theory of yours, Anton?
I've got to agree with you....................
you give the cia too much credit-like HAARP is creating earthquakes in crimea-what's really happened in a huge worldwide horde of disembodied energy vampiric spirits that can effect your thoughts to the point of schizophrenia are all around us and they feed on chaotic vibes-they,the unseen hordes (you could call that statement schizophrenic, lol) work especially hard to steer us away from the Light and Light Beings who could help us-simply recite prayers, chants, and use your heart magnet to draw God in any form to you and ask for you aura to be cleared and your home-
Dispel evil spirits-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4OTgELPywo