Blossom Goodchild - 4th January 2011

Hello there. We are now through to 2011. I feel things are going to start shifting very quickly now. How would you like to guide us with your first communication of this year?

We would like to prepare you for the exciting days that are just around your corner. We are now in a position to nurture you in ways that are more congruent with that which we have been discussing with you throughout our discussions together. We of The Federation are now in place to enter into new territory and stimulate senses that have been sleeping.

That sounds good. Is this because of the energy we now reside in ? Timing? Be great if you could expand.

We have been holding back on certain information due to knowledge that we care to bring forth being capable of being understood. Your BEings have now awakened into a deeper acceptance of who you are , and yet many would say they can not necessarily feel this.

Well if they are like me ... I FEEL different somehow and yet I wouldn't say that I now know who I really am. I accept I am LOVE , for you have told us over and over and yet I don't FEEL this amazing 'KNOWING' of who I TRULY Am.

But you would say that you FEEL very much more 'yourself' ' than say ... this time last year?

I suppose I am 'nearer'. Yes, my perceptions have changed , but it is difficult to gauge how exactly we are meant to be FEELING at this stage in the proceedings. How do we know we are on track?

Because you are. If you were not things would be FEELING very differently. Remember that at this point you are still dwelling in a material world. Therefore, most that is around you is of a material density and many who are still sleeping are clinging onto this particular energy for fear of loosing all that they have. Not realizing that all that they have is residing within them. You have seen far too often of those who through 'freaks of nature' have lost in an instant all that they possess on a material level. Yet you can never lose all that you have gained within your soul. There is nothing and no one that can take yourself away from you . It cannot be done.

Actually , I have noticed lately that so many , especially the younger generation are discussing plans for their future. What they would like to do now in order to be safe when they retire. I sit there in silence thinking 'Guys ... this is a pointless conversation' and yet I say nothing ... for they are unaware that in thirty or so years when they retire the world will be nothing like it is now. I KNOW this , but I cannot say for they would think me nuts!

Yet as your days in this very year present themselves they will HAVE to acknowledge that plans they maybe thinking of making may now not be so relevant. You have seen changes present themselves to your world in this last decade that would previously have been a 'dream world'. We say to you that this year shall present more of the same, but that which took a decade to display will be done so in this coming year. This is why we have been preparing your souls. All we have been doing is reminding you of who you are, and you think you haven't remembered. Yet you have. This excitement that so many of you are feeling is because you have remembered this. You are ready to indulge in the wonders that you came to this planet to unfold and you are able now to KNOW within that these wonders are about to occur. All the preparatory lessons, leading through to that which you are now aware of have been for this time when your joy shall exude from your Being ... because it cannot do anything else. For you are of it. It is no longer a question of wanting to believe it, it is a matter of KNOWING it. And so many of you DO KNOW it and yet you still chose to believe at times that you don't!

My heart right now is on one of those 'here I am, can you FEEL me' feelings. As if you are building up to something?

We are simply letting you know that we are close.

You must be very close because it's getting stronger and I am feeling I need bricks around my ankles to keep me grounded. Close as in ... where? Do you mean literally or simply connection wise?

We mean that if you were to ...

I had to close my eyes as the energy was so strong and I felt the energy of 'The Federation ' come into my right side as when I direct voice channel with White Cloud and others. Beautifully peaceful. At this point I am functioning in left brain in order to write and 'they' are still here in the right. This is normal, yet they are so much more 'present' in the right side. Difficult to explain.

So what now?

It is that nothing is different from the point of view of communication other than that we have moved 'into' a new phase with you.

Out of curiosity what difference will it make? I mean I can feel the difference but how will it change what is spoken between us?

It will enable us to send rays of energy through these words. Can you feel your fingers differently?

Yes. I am just going with the flow to see how this all pans out.

We suggest that you continue this way.

Had you planned this ?

Of course and yet it was already agreed by you on another level.

Ok. Fine by me, and yet I suppose only time will tell why. What do you mean about sending rays?

We mean that by connection on a deeper dimensional level within you Blossom we are able to connect with those who read these words in a deeper constructional manner. Those that KNOW of this within will be able to readily understand what we are talking about. For it is not just of these words that we are now connecting with all, but we are now ..., through you ... able to directly connect up with the hearts of those who read them. Many, as they breath deeply ... as they will be doing at this point will FEEL that connection FROM US. Directly FROM US.

How does that work?

We need a conduit to make the connection.

That's me I presume?

Indeed. It would make things very difficult to do this if there was not a common denominator. (?) Through you as our electrical wire ... for want of a better way to explain to you ... we are now able to connect up with the energy that comes from us ... through you as the wire ... to those who chose to link up with that connection. It makes it a lot easier to do it through 'someone' rather than randomly send out this energy hoping it may hit home.

Its very odd ... or not ... but obviously this has come completely out of the blue and the concept had never crossed my mind before, and yet as you are bringing this idea through to me, I have the feeling that much of our work together has been building up to this all along.


I am still unsure though of what these connection rays ... and I KNOW you want me to put 'Golden connection Rays' ... are actually going to do? What are people going to experience from them?

Each individual shall KNOW for themselves. As before when we have 'given' ... many felt many things. Each concerned as to whether another had experienced the same. As we are able to deepen our connection with each, there will be different presentation to each soul and there will be NO DOUBT that it is US. So many have waited so long for this reunion. And now it is to be.

I know that there will be many asking a thousand questions in there head. What form will this take? How will they know it's you and not their imagination etc etc? What advice can you give us?

Nothing that is new to you. And we are KNOWING that many have already answered that question in their head before reading our answer.

Trusting in yourself and what you are FEELING is how you will KNOW of OUR TRUTH. If it FEELS uncomfortable then it is not of our energy. Yet we suggest that one cleans the mind of all debris in order not to allow fear of the unknown to interfere and breakdown communication services.


This is really quite ground breaking you know. I am happy for us because I know so many have wanted this for so long. My concern is that there may be those who do not feel any of this and will become downhearted. And also , how soon can we expect these Golden Rays to be presented to us in an individual way? It came into my head then , so I need to say , without getting off track too much , its the same with the pillars of Light , when will all this you speak of come to fruition?

Regarding the receiving of the Golden Rays it will depend on the various stages of the individuals acceptance and growth. It may be immediate for some yet for others not until such time that they can fully accept that this 'happening' is happening!

Just need to keep on asking questions about this ... so what you are saying is .... that you .... through my fingers on this keyboard ... because of your in depth connection now via 'entering my head' in this different way ... you are able to make a connection with all those who read these words.

Yes. Did not our Oct message reach many and awaken souls out of the blue?

Yes. I know this for a fact because many wrote in to say so.

A fact, yes. In the same way it is fact that we ... through the energy of our words through you ... sending it out ... will be able to do that which we say.

Yet ... what I don't understand is what exactly these Golden Ray 'zaps' are going to be like? Are we talking bright lights in the room? Are we talking being elevated off the bed? What?

We are talking in ways that your heart will say 'Hello. Hello,I know its you!'

You do realize this is so very exciting for everyone don't you?

You do realize this has been part of the plan all along don't you?

Well, I feel , being just me , it will be interesting to see how this unfolds. I am smiling because over a good year ago, I began a Golden Rays pageon my site, but with a different intent from that which you are speaking of today. It didn't really take off. Maybe it is now to come into its own and we can fill it with everyone's experiences?

Maybe. We smile also, for these 'zaps' shall bring much upliftment and recognition to each one.

And the shafts of Light? When can we expect them ?

As we speak.

As you speak NOW or another time? Cheeky I know!

Keep watch. We wish to add that ALL that we have said will come about. We are aware that there are those who feel you are making these words up, because 'promises' have not been fulfilled in the way that many would like. We are not of an energy that would or could make false promises. There SHALL BE a time when your hearts sing greetings to us. There will be no concern of who we are and where we are from? ... If we are Truth or fraud? All these discrepancies regarding all matters that we have 'touched' upon shall be cleared away and only TRUTH and KNOWING shall abound.

Well, that's it, I can FEEL its the end for today. Interesting though as there was no ... what I call ... actual 'zapping'. So I will be interested to see whether or not , just by you 'getting more deeply inside my head' ... did as you say it will.

We say 'cheekily' ... do you not Trust that this is so?

I reply 'cheekily' ...
It's nothing to do with Trust ... Trust in you, I have. It is the 'Let's wait and see what happens' in me that I have come to know and Love! Thank you ... how exciting! In Love and Thanks.

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  • I also remember oct 14 but the effect on me of that non-event is minimal. I wanted the prediction to happen but I just moved on when nothing happened. I understand that many were devastated when nothing happened on that day and until now they carry the pain of disappointment with them. The easiest way to cope with the disappointment is to blame Blossom.


    There was an explanation given on what happened on Oct 14 and why there were no appearance of ships as announced. Everyone knows by now the explanation given. I heard the same explanation from more than one channeler and they all say the same thing. Yet a lot of people do not want to listen on the explanation and prefer to blame Blossom for everything that happened.


    It is now time for people to move on and forgive Blossom. Listen to the content of her messages without emotional baggage involved.

  • I too remember oct 14th.  You would have thought this women would have shut up already but i guess she needs more book sales.
  • "We would like to prepare you for the exciting days that are just around your corner"

    That must be a huge corner.


    "We are not of an energy that would or could make false promises"

    I remember October 14.

  • I have to say Blossom and i have followed your messages from the federation of light since 2008 the energy of this message has vastly increased. For me, to refer to a Rock mockumentary called "This is Spinal Tap" the volume has just gone from 1 up to 11; a definite energetic buzz when reading the words.


    Much love Rich

  • hey yes now that reminds me, when i too see these space crafts or merkebah lightships i get the christ consciousness energy streaming into my brain both right left and frontal part of the brain, in my sleep i hear people in the mid back of my brain, when i am awaking i get this sense of knowing i was being downloaded with information and during the course of the week months or year something in real life triggers an event i will remember in that moment what i am lead to be doing. Bit by bit little by little one by one it comes together to formulate a higher kind of truth. All in drips and drabs but sill spiritually evolving.

    I call down these ships but in the awakened state i still need to learn to telepathically receive there messages but i send them out to them none the less.

    Atleast i feel their presence of truth and love that will never go away.

    Oh yes i also remember every day something feels different it is feeling like; me, but not fearing the unknowing, as this is helping me to be brave and come into my own power and strength in the absence of another persons presence to watch over my back by being the love and peace, whilst doing my work, as you become enbalmed in the knowing that you are already safe and perfect made perfect because of being made by god already perfected in truth light and compassion.

    When you walk in the shadow of life and death you must fear no evil and still uphold the light, love, peace and truth. It was and still is the only reason why i became a security and crowd control guard, to learn peace comes from within if you want protection from the outside world you embark on. You must be your own example for others to bloom out of their cocoon.

    I noticed now people do as you say when you fear no evil.
    • Yes, I agree.. when you are more intune with yourself and, i guess, coming into your own power/light... things are soooooooooooooooooooo much simpler and easier... But I have been like that since i was a littly,  i learnt early on to face my fears... But I am thankful for the experiences that got me there... experiences that have frightened the bejeezers out of others LOL.. I am sooo glad to be here at this time, And I am thankful for the powers that be that i even had this opportunity to be on this planet at this time. I have really enjoyed the struggles, and joys of this lifetime! And I have had glimpses of what is to come! Really excited!

      Peace and Love to you All...

      Geez I have the tingling sensation ALOT tonight!!!!! =) AWESOME!!

    • Just been outside to a clear sky. Looks like I'm still on the waiting list. :-(
      • :-( oh Jim, it'll happen buddy! Keep doing it and call out to them "Where are you!? Show me where you are!!" =) Thats what I do, i demand/ask/request their presence, and within two minutes they usually appear right above me. You don't have to look far.. and hold the highest love in your heart as you do this..

        The only reason I can think they wouldn't appear is if your higher self contract doesn't allow thids contact yet.. But I don't see the harm, because you are already in tune with them...

        What have you been noticing lately?? Any vibes or opinions??

  •  Hi, I am not sure if youre interested Jim, but i have been recieving messages from brings of light, my guardians since i was 15, which is 12 years ago now... Blossom has the same ability as me, as many others..

    I wish to pass on to Blossom a confirmation of this message, if so possible... where is her contact pages?? 

    I recieved a "spark" from the messengers here, as I was reading this message, down through the right side of my brain, just as she did. thought I should let her know..

    Its the exact same "spark" feeling (which is really a tingling vibration of energy coming through the head...), the same feeling i get when i am standing outside at night, and i look up to the moving lights in the sky up above me... "yes, i see you! Hello, up there!" =)


    Thanks again for posting up here!

    love and Light to You

    Take Care


    • Hi Soulz, Blossom can be reached at this She also has a blogg. Thank you for your verification of her message. I've been following Blossom for a long while now and while other have doubts about her messages I find them very down to earth which I feel reflects our Aussie attitude of not taking everything too serious. I look forward to when we all receive these messages in person.

      Great to see another South Aussie on the site.


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