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Photo above from CNBC. A basic conclusion is at the end for the uninitiated. Astrology involving the use of the stars for analysis of catastrophes (natural or intentional) dates back to ancient Egypt (and note that the ancient Egyptian calendar…
On the Sunday show Alex Jones covered how Ukrainian Ruler Vladimir Zelensky is now saying that over half of the aid money by the U.S. never found its way to Ukraine. Ukraine’s Zelensky Hits The Panic Button: The Desperate NATO-Backed Dictator Has…
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Chuck (the schmuck) Schumer, Is now officially under criminal Investigation....And he will be followed by many more…"
Photo above from CNBC. A basic conclusion is at the end for the uninitiated. Astrology involving the use of the stars for analysis of catastrophes (natural or intentional) dates back to ancient Egypt (and note that…
On the Sunday show Alex Jones covered how Ukrainian Ruler Vladimir Zelensky is now saying that over half of the aid money by the U.S. never found its way to Ukraine.
Chapter VII
Human Being is a trio of body, soul…
Again, my writing's are completly unrelated to the actual document.
Be Blessed...and Be Good
Not in terms of "the truth" but a section of truth if you will.
Anyway, regarding bad aliens and negativity in general, one must keep in mind a few things, 1) like attracts...what goes around goes harvest what you sow...and a whole string of other sayings. The point is, if you dabble with dubious things then......?
2) It would be utterly riddicioulus to assume that "evil" only xist on our planet. Ignorance or a lesser awareness of the greater truth is evenly spread across the universes I should think, don't you?
Add these two together, and we may very well have a true picture of what has been going on here on tellus the last 60-80 years. And, to my mind, the only way to combat ignorance is to know ;)
These statments of mine are completly detached from the document posted as I have not had time to read the whole thing, so it was some general thought's about the subject.
But to get back to the topic of the document, I dont think you should perceive it as a document that covers all none terrestial life, but rather a documentation of what has happened in the interaction between earthlings and the aliens who they have interacted with on a unofficial official level...perhaps I should say on a govermental level he he hehe he..of course, the premise is that what is contained within the document is true. It's 100 something pages long, so it shouldn't be to hard to get through.
I've been bogged down on different forums heh he he, so I havent had time to read much yet, but I got the rest of the night ahead of me, so I'll write my thought's about it when I have finished it!
Be Blessed...and Be Good
Behold my servant, whom I uphold; mine elect, in whom my soul delighteth; I have put my spirit upon him: he shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles. He shall not cry, nor lift up, nor cause his voice to be heard in the street. A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench: he shall bring forth judgment unto truth. He shall not fail nor be discouraged, till he have set judgment in the earth: and the isles shall wait for his law. Thus saith God the LORD, he that created the heavens, and stretched them out; he that spread forth the earth, and that which
ISA 42:1~5
At any rate, the different sources of information including this document can’t be fully substantiated but their similarities and connections, no matter how big or small, leaves one to think that there might be some hint of truth behind these claims. Take for instance in the document the Dulce Wars which happened at the Dulce base in 1979. This was also written about and lectured by Phil Schneider, an engineer who was involved with the underground bases. Schneider had a dangerous encounter with so-called reptilians who he claimed injured him by vaporizing a couple of his fingers. Years later, he started to expose these underground bases, ufo and et coverups but later died mysteriously. And when someone dies under these circumstances, it’s usually because they were exposing truth.
In p.27, it claims that descendants of a reptilian Humanoid species were the native inhabitants of this planet. In a related Exopolitics interview with Joseph Montaldo, he too mentions that reptilians were the native inhabitants of this planet and that they have an agenda to exterminate most of the population! It’s been documented around the web how the illuminati or shadow establishment wants to get rid of the majority of the population. It’s so shockingly sinister to even comprehend why some elitist group wants to do this that it’s almost inhuman and even seems ‘out of this world’. It almost seems like there’s an external or ‘not-of this-world’ presence influencing the globalists to carry out a sinister agenda that can be seen with the wars and bad economy of today. Reptilian perhaps?
This external influence can’t be substantiated but on p.27 it says, ‘Alien cultures are in conflict over whose agenda will be followed on this planet. All the while mind control is being used to keep humans in place..’. On p.33, it says, ‘various forms of behavior control via: Chemical Agents; Ultra-Sonics; Optical Frequencies; Electro-Magnetic, (EM) Frequencies which are directed to the physics of “Consciousness”.’ These mind or behavior control devices are apparent today with water fluoridation for example. It’s been documented that fluoridated water in the 30’s was used to make prisoners more docile and controllable! Subliminal messaging and flicker rates on tv has been written about but according to recent reports, background tv can actually harm children’s speech and too much tv can even make them ‘mentally ill’!
David Icke is someone who believes in the reptilian or negative et conspiracy and on a recent interview with Alex Jones, he discusses how powerful our ‘Consciousness’ is but also how its frequency is being kept low through soft-kill devices like fluoridated water, genetically-modified (GM) foods and others. Other ways are to keep the people in fear through events like the ‘swine flu’ outbreak and also the ‘climate change’ propaganda. The recent ‘Earth 2100’ propaganda is a clear example of how the mainstream media is pushing that our earth is deteriorating because of carbon pollution! What a way to use shock and awe and keep the vibrations low. Very soon they might say ‘breathing’ causes ‘global warming’!
The way to stop any of these tactics is not by succumbing to fear but by being fully aware and conscious. It’s when people start to wake up and see the truth, when the culprits, human or otherwise, start getting scared and know that their days are numbered. This is an inevitable outcome because when the vibrations of love and truth are too high around the earth, no low-level sinister agenda will be able to catch up and will eventually be stopped in its tracks.
Is the Blue Planet Project an interesting read? Yes of course. Ufo technologies never fail to intrigue me. But looking into its information like its scientific history, you can get some clues on how the current hidden agenda is being played out and what one can do to stop it. That being to Wake Up
Phil Schneider homepage
EXOPOLITICSRADIO.ORG: Research confirms 1 billion humans have been abducted by a hyperdimensional civilization, yet humanity’s response is cognitive dissonance (Joe Montaldo interview – reptilian discussion at 41:00 minute mark)
Germans & Russians used fluoride to make prisoners 'stupid & docile' - This is why Americans can't wake up
Background TV 'can harm children's speech'
Four Arguments For the Elimination of Television
Too much television can make children 'mentally ill'
David Icke on the Alex Jones Show
Earth 2100: New World Order Agenda on Primetime Television
Examiner Editorial: Warning: Breathing causes global warming
The first time I had an alien experience, I was about 5 yrs old, it was a grey, they asked for my help, it was to play with a hybrid. The hybrid was afraid of me, not my doing, as I was 5 yrs old (noone was ever afraid of me) they wanted me to play mentally with the child. I asked for a doll to play with the little girl and this was not what they wanted. They wanted me to do this telepathically. The hybrids are very limited in their ability to create, they only work on a very limited structure that's why they cannot problem solve very well. I believe the reason for their DNA research is to find the "metagene" or the "gene of compassion". They are basically mind powered beings without the emotional balance, that is why they only feel intense emotions, and it gives them a "high". I have travelled out of body, and have since had contact with the hybrid I was introduced to as a kid. She is on Mars at a highly secured facility, I was able to walk in to her mind and experience what she was experiencing. She shares a home with a Large blond, and a grey that does the cooking etc. The hybrid has the ability to manifest matter with her mind, they are kept there and constantly monitored. She is a very loving being, and loves the blond very much. They(greys) did not know I had linked up to her, I felt their contact, I was "caught" and the link I had with her was severed. Mindpower can go both ways! Since that experience, when I sleep, I have been studied by our own human research. Sounds crazy huh, I know but I am just relating my experience. Our own research is not very successful as once again they are watching reactions to situations, testing emotional responses. Our own scientists are failing at this as they lack emotions and compassion. They don't get it either. There are 2 kinds of telepathy, one is mind based and one is emotive based.We have intuitive power they can't understand, that
power goes way beyond mind power. This is where, no one can control you if you have a conscious intent of not being controlled. I'll say it again, no one can control you if you have a conscious intent of not being controlled They can abduct you, try to brainwash you, hurt you, probe you, but if you are strong in your intent, they can't control you, to make you do something you don't want to do. Our power lies in our passion and our compassion, that is what makes us so formidable and uncontrollable. To them emotions are CAOS, intuition and other passions are unpredictable and uncontrollable. They can set up all the experiments they want, to view what our reactions might be, however without the gene present and ability present within themselves, they will never fully understand it. They fear this ability within us, as they should because this will be their undoing. It was no accident they were given the coordinates to earth, or are on the path they are on. Although we may incarnate here as human beings in 3D form, we are fifth dimension beings and of higher dimensions too. They fear death, what highly evolved being fears 3D death, if they were highly evolved they would have intuitive powers too-they don't, that is why they fear us. The old story of fearing what you don't understand. If we as a group were to rise up as a combined mind force intent, they would be toast. This is why as a divided group we are much easier to control. Could be why all the races and languages were dispersed in the tale of Babylon, to weaken us and get us to focus on our differences rather then our strength of oneness. We are baby Gods evolving into Mature Gods, each capable of creating on a Galactic scale, through thought alone. We don't get to that point without learning to master our emotions, though. This is the path of ascention to go to the next step, in the ladder.
Sp long story short, much of this information is true, but there is so much more, it's staggering! This is unfolding the way it has to though, and there are many higher evolved beings who are monitoring this, who are preparing to step in if this gets out of hand. They haven't been identified in this document though, so all the players are not at the table yet;-)
Love and Light,
Anyway, the document does not seem to be produced by "a" scientist and the one compiling all of this is not a native english speaking person. The quality of the grammar varies to a large xtent between those inserts that may be from a person in the know. But, I'd say 90 % is fill material written by someone else. And I also think it is a bit deceptive that the whole thing is written in a way so as to lead readers into the idea that this is a "confession" style thing by a scientist insider.
All in all, I'd say it is a fairly good summaration of the UFO scene compiled into a not too long document, which is good. However, unless you spot the "bad" english you might have difficulties in spotting what "may" have been written by a supposed insider. I have to stress that point, and to me it doesn't render the paper useless or invalid, more a heads up and as I said, most of the material is widely known. The same could be said for certain other aspects such as the metaphysical stuff, but generally this part is not often spoken of in the wider UFO community until these last years.
I'd be reluctant to call it a revelation, for what it is worth it would best be described as a compilation of info. Further more, most of the information is hard to confirm either way which basically leaves us with....hmmm....I wont say nothing but I'd say a possibilities, and with that I mean that the info can be handy if it turns out to be true later on. For now, I'd just call it interesting.
I know that what I have written in my "rewiev" could be perceived like I am debunking the whole thing, which I must clarify that I do not.
What I will say, is that some of the information is true but also that most of the information is common knowledge but hard to verify.
I have a few other things that made me stop and wonder, was in terms of how the information is presented, but I'll get back to that later on...gotta finish reading first.
So all in all, a good read if you want to get up to speed on what the whole UFO community has been dabbling with the last 20-30 years, in other words, a good compilation of information.
as it give psionic powers (the pineal gland is the organ that creates this) and certain factors like stress
trigger it >>
The Metagene Factor
The Metagene is a biological variant lying dormant in select members of the human race, until an instant of extraordinary physical and emotional over-stress activates it. That's an energo-chemical, in response to adverse stimuli. A chromosomal combustion takes place, as the metagene takes the source of bio-stress, be it chemical, radioactivity, or what ever and turns the potential energo-response into a catalyst for genetic change. The main focus of the catalyst power is a gland in the middle of the human brain called the PINEAL gland, and the nutrient for increasing the Pineal's action is the adrenalin. The metagene factor gives the ability of Psionic Power.
The main interest of the Aliens especially the Greys is to understand and control the Metagene for their own race. They try to do this using Biological Experiments to make Hybrids from both humans and Aliens.
They believe perhaps the men from the planet Earth are the deadliest creatures in the Universe. Because only on Earth people are apparently capable of generating the Metagene Factor, which means Natural Psionics ability, "Real Power". The principle races in the Universe are psychologically the same. The pure cold logic is a normal order to most important races. Basic sameness makes for predictability and security, the enemy one knows, are the ones you can guard against. This is not the case with mankind.
While most are uniformly human, some, many more, apparently, than anyone had dreamed possess a latent tendency towards super humanity, Natural Psionic Abilities. That in itself could prove dangerous for any idea of Alien domination on Earth. But couple of mankind's inherent belligerence with the fact of the Metagene affects, each human is unique and Earth becomes a spawning ground for a unpredictable super-race, "if we have the chance".
Others have already demonstrated an awareness of Man's Potential along the human history (Nordics treat). This is because the Aliens are here to try to control Earthlings before we dominate them, and they want our most important secret: THE METAGENE FACTOR, which is the Aliens only hope.
>> this could explain why the Illuminati dont want humanity to ascend, as then not only would they lose
their -powers- but also Humanity will transform back to its original form, which was once in the past us
with psionic abilities.