Greetings, Greetings, Greetings, to all humans and those who are not! I greet you this day with great joy and anticipation regarding this current topic of discussion. I and all of my brethren have been awaiting this time period for centuries, as have the Walk-In forces themselves. All right now, if you are ready I shall proceed. I have in the past spoken at great length and in great detail to you of how the “Grand Plan” was carefully designed long, long ago. I explained that the design THEN was predicated upon all the probability factors of all that would occur NOW. You see, it was back in the earliest of the planning stages that it was foreseen that the timeline would arrive when spatial grid intersections would allow walk-ins to gather here on the Earth Star as individual beings, also though that many would be able to gather in very small cluster formations at first, presenting themselves in much larger formations later. Although walk-ins have always been in physical existence here on Earth, it was during the earliest most primitive of times that they too had to adapt to grave hostilities and learn to walk the same walk as the human races, WITHOUT daring to divulge their true identities. All they did endure from the beginning of their initial sojourns here was but a preparatory state for all they have to endure today HERE AND NOW. Although each of these ones had studied all the meticulous information we had prepared for them regarding the environment, the beliefs of the peoples of the times and the appalling living conditions they would be part of, nothing could truly ready them for the actual life existence except the existence itself.Their initial indoctrinations here on the Earth Star fully convinced each one of them that their aid was much needed in order to bring the collective consciousness of what was then considered “The future peoples,” into a NOW form of collective understanding by the people, of themselves and all of Divinity. It was because of the reincarnational themes that the walk-ins have been able to time and time again realign themselves with the same Souls they first began to work with at the onset of their very first sojourn here. Please to remember that only 1% of the walk-ins, at best, have recall when they first arrive here to assume ANY of their mortal lives. This is imperative to the walk-ins’ own growth, as well as further allowing them to blend into the crowds, rather than stick out like the proverbial sore thumb. All the rest will always awaken to their destiny at a specific moment in time that is geared to each individual walk-in. This personal/planetary awakening is part of the encoding each of them carries that is aligned with their specific personal and planetary missions. This is in small part one of the reasons the Divine Plan had to take into account the centuries needed for the progressive learning of the human races and those Souls’ abilities to rise above a certain Spiritual lassitude and remain apart from the turpitude of the masses. Now, all sentient beings must follow their own learning curves. Yes, there are far more than one of these processes. As each curve or arc is learned and understood more are presented to the individuals. There is no end to this process, simply more advanced courses until one achieves the status of immortality. Even then, there is still more to understand.So as the early days passed, the walk-ins and those humans who aligned with them each learned from one another. The walk-ins learned first hand of the tumultuous conditions prevailing on the Earth Star and the impact those conditions had on the early races. The peoples received small seeds of knowledge, small bits of understanding, but it was a start. For centuries the collective mind-thought of the walk-ins centered on continuous preparation of the then present races of civilizations, all which had to evolve both on a personal level, as well as become aligned with the planetary ascension process. This is where the walk-ins concentrated their efforts. It was a nonstop process of teach, teach, teach. And duck and cover. Much of what the human races learned back then was simply remedial lessons to compensate for all the humans had either forgotten or were ignoring. Now, the indigenous peoples of this world have always been the easiest to work with. It is because even though the times change consistently, these cultures retained a type of innocence and awareness of the Greater Forces of Divinity. Although those peoples did indeed have to deal with and later curb some bloodthirsty notions they had. This is how the still oft used term; “The Star People” was born. Because walk-ins and those who were staying aboard ship were quite visible to the ancient cultures and the people’s limited use of the verbal and pictorial language of their times, they used the term “Star People” to best describe those who the cultures now could identify as their ancestors. Indeed we were.You see, all walk-ins, regardless of what locale, culture, religious or Spiritual beliefs they have entered into, always seek to be part of the innate innocence and humility that so many good Souls possess here. The walk-ins seek the “umbilical cord,” which is the tie that binds, that easily projects and magnifies the Golden Child living within the mortal form. When the forces encounter these individuals whose Golden Child is still in animated form, they begin to progressively and gently move those peoples into a Higher state of themselves. Very rarely back then did the forces expose their true identity to those who were their charges. The people had to be protected as much as possible from all onslaughts of violent thoughts projected at them by others and by violent acts enacted upon the charges by less evolved Souls. The humor there was that oftentimes the charges mistook the guardian forces for Angels. Sans wings of course. I wish there was some way I could express to you ones, in a manner you could understand, of how LONG a process evolution of a species must be. So much needs to be considered when assisting some life forms who are… shall we say, “Simple minded and bent on their own erotic destruction.” All of Divinity, the Angels, Spirit Guides, Gate Keepers, walk-ins, God, the Creator and the Creation were aware back then, just as NOW, that evolution cannot be coerced, threats cannot be made in the Name of God, nor promises made as a means of quid pro quo, just because walk-ins are feeling frustrated, annoyed, or just plain worn-out, while teaching their charges and simultaneously defending them.Now, one part of the beauty of living as a walk-in is that there are many levels, many gradients of evolution which categorize the entirety of these forces. This is one manner that ensures that each Soul here on the Earth Star, can and does align peacefully with one or more of the forces, who is on the same evolutionary level in one sense, BUT is actually acting from a higher level in a Super Conscious way. I am trying here to explain this as simply as possible in human terms, however it is not always easy to do. Because a walk-in is replacing a person who can no longer cope with this world for one reason or another, that walk-in must assume all the responsibilities that the predecessor had, including tying up loose threads. This is known as, “Unfinished business,” so the walk-in is duty bound to bring all those things to a successful conclusion, hopefully as rapidly as theoretically possible, although that is not always simple to do. Time elements then are “tricky” in this sense. Many walk-ins learn very quickly to Create shortcuts in order to be able to finish what the other Soul began. THEN and only THEN, can that member of the force continue on to his or her own planetary mission. So it is when a force member is dealing with a person, ( person #1) who is still thinking that the walk-in is who they thought it was, that person #1, although noting many changes in their friend or relative, still believes that he is speaking with and working with the same old person. It is an illusion in this sense. For the walk-in is NOT the same as the person he or she is believed to be. BUT, because the belief holds that “People change,” that force member can continue on surreptitiously at times, to walk in human form, but to walk a very different kind of “Walk.”Yes, the more highly evolved walk-ins ALWAYS seek and align with their human counterparts who are also among the most evolved on the planet. This may not take place in some instances until AFTER the initial “unfinished business” is completed. So if a walk-in member must first finish other tasks before moving on in life, then the other tasks and all those peoples associated with that “former life” will no longer be participants in the member’s life when the pre-birth contracts and stated obligations have been fulfilled. THIS is how and why the movement of the walk-in forces HAD to take time, patience and the totality of their understanding in order for them to be here, there and everywhere… sometimes all at the same time. Now, I do understand that to the average person, this situation would seem untenable; the average man or woman would never even consider assuming the role of walk-in. That is why NO walk-in is “Average.” This is not to in any way imply that all walk-ins are highly evolved. As I stated before, they too have their own evolutionary process to undergo. However, they are each extraordinary and have always been willing to give up so much for the greater good. Things have become a bit complicated for some of those who are, “Born into money.” Lots of money. Sometimes there can be a faction among them in every generation who simply do not want to do more than they feel they have to. The life of wealth can slow down their personal progress.This too had been foreseen prior to any of their descents here. Although most who fall into this trap do eventually extricate themselves, rather shamefaced over the whole experience, some remain as they were and indulge in helping others in small ways with small amounts of money. Again and again I tell you ones, the life of a walk-in, particularly for the most evolved among them, is not simple or easy. At one time the ones who fell into the money trap were in greater numbers than today. Certainly walk-ins can weaken just as can ordinary mortal mankind. Again, it is all relative to the individual person and the status and degree of the Soul Self. Also, much is contingent upon whether or not the force member is here to assist in dispensing justice or to simply engage in a life where personal evolution is the main focus. If you are fortunate enough to know walk-ins personally, you will know they did not enter with, “Ego genes.“ Rather, their greatest difficulty was and still is learning to use discernment when trusting others. At “home” all can trust one another without any disappointments in one another. But of course, “Here” on the Earth Star, this is an impossibility. So the trust factor must always be one for these Beings to carefully scrutinize and be guarded about when deemed necessary. The walk-in members of this present here and now today time, are in a sense a “different breed.” You see, it is NOW a different story with a different reality.All right then, I have shared with you ones a brief background of the why and who that comprise the walk-in forces. Now I will take this a step further. I would be amiss in my obligations to you ones if I did not say and do all I can to prepare you for what is happening and what will continue to happen on a grand scale. The reason I have shared the previous information with all of you is so that you may more fully comprehend what you will soon be “Wide awake” about and see how the past is NOW impacting upon the future. As I have patiently, for the most part, explained repeatedly, “All time is simultaneous. The illusions of the past, the present and the future, all occur in simultaneous fashion.” No, this not a human theory; it is a Universal FACT! All of your perceived “Yesterdays” in this lifetime were simply co-mingled with your present “Today” and your future “Tomorrows.” THIS is why I have stated over and over again, that the past is what Creates the present and that the future is Created in every NOW present moment of your lives. They are all integrated, NOT segregated from one another. Ok, the evolution of today which is predicated upon mankind’s ability and capability to co-align with constant change in a forward momentum was the gestalt of your previous life experiences here. This is in a sense also true of the walk-in members’ coexistence with you as well. Had they not been who they are, had there not been any pre-birth contracts between them and Souls who no longer wanted to be here, had there not been a tremendous need for their services here as well as on other planets, the NESARA progression would have been greatly slowed down… to say the least.All that you have each throughout ALL your mortalities accomplished or experienced, even if it has been through your jaundiced perspectives, without any major accomplishments being acknowledged CONSCIOUSLY by each of you on a personal level, has in fact been a part of a “Grass roots movement.” You just have not realized this. Every time, even if you only briefly met with, or were unknowingly in close proximity with a walk-in member for but a few seconds in a busy public thoroughfare, a connection was established. One of the realities of today is that now all evolved walk-ins who are here on this planet, and this includes all the members of ancient civilizations who are gathering HERE and NOW, immediately send out a type of sensor beam when they are connecting to, or are already connected with, other walk-ins who are on the same level. This is also true when the members of the forces are linking with humans who are rapidly ascending to a vibration that may not be equal to the members’ own, but is close. The matrix of individual Soul Memory and the Soul Cluster Itself, is HERE and NOW, revitalizing the ancient unconscious memories of all good Souls who have been part of the once, “Silent Army of God.” In the greatest sense this means: All those of the Divine - Master Teachers, Spirit Guides, Walk-ins, ALL those you have been in touch with since the beginning of your individual Soul’s Journey, are once again standing ALONGSIDE of you in VAST numbers!This is a truly momentous occasion; nothing has ever before been seen of this magnitude and to this degree on the Earth Star planet! Now, where the walk-in forces are concerned… this time is, “For all the marbles.” NOW IS THE TIME when the most evolved of all the walk-ins are rapidly continuing to arrive here in enormous numbers. Although this began in a slower but earnest progression in the late 60’s, the end of the 80’s heralded a clearly unified field of vast proportions of evolved walk-in Masters and teachers. It was the beginning of a great evolution; quiet at first, then gaining strength, mobility and even greater numbers of the forces. Then in 07, the event all walk-ins had prepared themselves for, “For as long as they have been,” commenced with a loud rush, a type of “Whoosh,“ accompanied by the massive descent of huge numbers of the walk-in forces. Remember please what I explained about the past; how the great intersection of what you thought you knew then co-joined with what you think you know now. Here is more for your “Memory field;” the collective of the walk-in forces while busily beaming information to one another, are also more than ever before rejoining their former comrades. These are the ones who are not walk-ins but are also phenomenal teachers and warriors. I will give you an example: My Celestial daughter who is a Pleiadian walk-in and David of Arcturus, who is an Arcturian walk-in, are friends of Drunvalo Melchizedek, who is a Pleiadian walk-in, but they are also closely associated with Chako Virgo Priest and Dr. Shamman Ocala Climbing Eagle. Neither of these two women are walk-ins, but they are representative of the collective Consciousness of this Universe. Because all 5 of these people are well known publicly, I can use them as examples. I cannot release the names of others whose identities must still remain secret.20 years ago, this association with other highly evolved Souls would not have been possible, as my Celestial daughter knows full well. Now, both Chako and Shamman are excellent vessels for receiving information from their Sources. Although most of the time these two women are so busy that they forget they are surrounded by not only their evolved Spirit Guides and Ascended Masters, but by Star Keepers from other worlds as well. The point is; one does not have to be a walk-in to receive the same sanctions, the same love and guidance as those who are. So it is when Celestial and David are meeting with Shamman, miracles always take place. This is also true of their in-depth conversations with Chako. When Drunvalo is interacting with Celestial and David, the uplifting of the Spiritual Connection these three Souls share is phenomenal! There have always been certain catalysts that bring Souls together for both planetary Ascension as well as personal evolution. It may be a person, a place, or an event. So it is that HERE AND NOW the further grouping together of same-minded Souls is an additional expansion of the NESARA movement. This also means that all walk-ins who are here on the Earth Star planet are being led to one another in more open ways now than ever before. Each walk-in whose PRIMARY mission is focused on the soon-to-be climatic conclusion of the Golden Now, MUST continue to meet with their brethren, regardless of where they all are on this planet.Now, as Terra knows full well, a certain non-spatial connection had to be encoded within the minds of all walk-in forces. This is a different encoding than what they had previously used. In 07, in order to comply with the Divine Decree to Create a magnified force field that would be composed of all information recorded in the minds and Souls of the walk-ins, a new type of connection-one that intertwined with the mission of each walk-in and the inevitable “meeting of their minds” took place. Some of the walk-ins refer to this as “The Golden Cord.” Their numbers are so vast now on the planet that this type of cord enables each of them to encourage, defend and assist in all other manner, other walk-ins here. You see, these ones are fully engaged in a combat of a different kind. They are in the midst of the greatest “Mind War,” this planet has ever endured. It is as more and more Eartizens have chosen to depart from physical life, that the walk-in forces and those other beings also from ancient civilizations, have been able to place themselves in close juxtaposition to one another. Even if the human factor is unaware of this. In a practical sense each walk-in craves the communication that binds walk-ins together in such love and gentleness. Even the most gentle among them has had to learn to be assertive and aggressive as the situations dictate. At the very, very beginning of 09, the communication stimulus had arisen to such great heights that today, late in 09, all an evolved walk-in need do is to simply think one small word of a thought, and the ones receiving the message immediately know the completed thought, WITHOUT any actual completion of the thought process taking place. This will also show you how clearly these one can “See.”Now, although the walk-ins have multitudinous tasks to formulate and then complete here, at the forefront of their minds, hearts and Souls, is defeating the enemy through concentrated group mind-thought. This is where it can get a bit complicated. Although in the past decade it always required some time for the force members to reunite and “re-unionize” themselves, today little effort and less time is needed. However, it is today rather than in previous times, when the futile sense of desperation grasping the dark energies is at an all time high. It means that they too know this final great battle must be fought with the MIND. Ergo, those dark trailers that the unilluminated ones still emit are trying desperately to break the mind-link that walk-ins have erected among themselves. This link does indeed include the ancient Beings who are here to assist and defend Earthizens and walk-ins alike, whenever necessary If you remember that the mind receives what the heart and the Soul is sending to the mind, then you ones should have no difficulty in understanding why walk-ins are number “1” on the hit list. Although there are still other less evolved walk-ins here and yes, one can be less evolved and still be an old Soul, those ones deal better with the practical world than in defense of the realm at this time.Now, as the force members are continuously evolving through a process of ascending their thought-forms, as part of a group effort of encapsulating the magnetic currents and adding these eclectic flows to the matrix of the human race, which is accomplished by the spreading of the Greatest Love of all into the furthest reaches of the human heart and mind, fear in turn rapidly continues to loosen it's grip on the human races. These magnetic currents possessed by each walk-in are known by many Earthizens as “Auras.” Because it is difficult for most peoples to understand how vast an aura is in proportion to the mind, heart and Soul of the individual, it would be even more difficult to attempt to explain the phenomenal Light mass just one aura contains. It would be difficult to explain in understandable detail, how incredible the intentionally Created Collective mass of Light issuing forth on predestinated commands BY the collective walk-in forces, is surpassing all their previous efforts. I will give it a try though. Imagine if you will that you are standing outside on a totally moonless night; there are no lights visible anywhere around you. Suddenly the largest blinding light you have ever seen appeared “In your face.” THAT dear Souls, is the effect that just one aura can Create when it is guided by a much evolved Soul. There is yet another byproduct of this endeavor as well. So it is that by adding more and more strength and durability to the Golden Cord, this Cord itself projects massive quantities of Light of high frequency, high vibration, all over the planet and sends a type of Golden cocoon to the Earthizens, who are really working to Create a better life and a better way of living.Now, evolved walk-ins have the ability to simply concentrate energy into and through the Golden Cord, thereby causing the cord to become self-sustaining. This means that each time the cord releases energy packets to designated peoples and to specific locations, the cord itself can and does regenerate and renew its own strength When walk-ins add to the cord’s strength by intentionally sending amassed energy beams to the cord, the energy beams are immediately replaced by the walk-ins’ “Stabilizers.” In this manner, all energy is replaced with new even greater energies. You see? This is why here and now, all evolved walk-ins are seeking all other evolved walk-ins. I have in the past explained the importance of Beings affiliating with those who are on the same level of KNOWING. I also explained of the necessity of evolved Beings NOT associating with those who are MUCH LESS evolved, remember? You should. I was adamant about this. From the gridline that was established as the timeline for the acceleration of the walk-in forces to convene here and the expected Spiritual expansion of EACH walk-in, until the time that each of these Souls can INDIVIDUALLY use their Creative abilities exponentially in this last great war, the mind-thoughts and mind- patterns of these force members, is of extreme importance to the evolved continuity of the human races. The evolved walk-ins who are here are the “Cream of the crop.” That is not in any way meant to denigrate those who are less evolved. The primary objective of restoring Terra to her rightful place as the magnificent HEALTHY jewel she is, requires that only the most knowing be here “On the front lines.” These ones of course, must also be skillful strategists and incredible warriors, unwilling to be bested by anything that goes bump in the night.It should not be any surprise that these walk-in forces are integrated now with those Star Keepers also from other worlds, who remained behind when the Mother Ship landed. East has met and co-joined with west; north has met and co-joined with south and the compass that is the symbol for the human races is becoming whole, as was long ago prophesized. All those Children of God who are teachers and healers extraordinaire are working for and with the evolved walk-ins and the other Beings here on this planet… For the good of all! Do NOT expect these ones to “Do it all.” YOUR participation is needed and expected. Those who do not do what they can, when they can, to in one way or another be part of the difference, shall not survive. By mid-year in 2013, the evidence of what all these other Beings are accomplishing shall be visible, even to a blind man. The evolution of this planet will not slow down; rather, the acceleration of what was once known here as “Linear time,” will continue to express itself omni directionally.Those who cannot keep up with the pace will be those who are not evolving. It is as simple as that. It means that they will not be able to sustain their physical life force here. I told you at the beginning of this narrative that the past, those previous life experiences, provided an arc of learning for you as well as for the walk-in forces. I ask those among you who are not walk-ins, to not wonder why you chose not to be part of this force. Although yes, in some special cases some who are walk-ins were ASKED to live that life style because of their phenomenal abilities to not only Create great experiences and grand events, BUT they know how to LIVE their truths and to LIVE FOR their truths. The walk-in “Exclusivity” is not for everyone. If each Soul would but perform to the best of it’s ability, then it would mean that each Soul has melded with the intellect and is in a type of Sacred Communion relationship with Itself. Without that combination functioning as one complete entity, there is a division between body, mind, heart and Soul. Now, as this continuum moves inexorably forward, carrying with it all the good Souls who are choosing to ascend to be a greater version of themselves, many among you ones will overhear or have direct conversations with other individuals who will continue to lament the changes in their world. Do not expect that anything you could say in rebuttal will alter their perspective. When you hear how,” Nothing is changing in a good way, everyone is lost”… and my all time favorite,..”IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD.” Quietly walk away from the one who is wailing and think to yourself, “ I know everything has changed and is continuing to change for the better because, I’ve changed!I am signing off for now…Salude… Blue Star the Pleiadian"There is a valley where that which is Spiritual stands on one side and that which is religious stands on the other side. In the middle walks the Creator and the Creation. In time, all shall be as one... I shall meet you there." ...Blue Star...Celest is a highly evolved teacher, a healer, a warrior; she is a Pleiadian walk-in, a Time Walker and the daughter of Blue Star The Pleiadian. She is the receiver of "The Blue Star Transmissions." which have been available on the internet since December 12, 1997, as "Blue Star The Pleiadian-Blue Star Speaks" at *

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  • Hello my name is laura. I recently joined the ashtar coomand network. I am also a pleadian walk in who has been sent to nz from the uk. my walk in name is huna. I have been here on the earth plane for approx 12 yrs ago. It is the 2nd walk in experience I have encountered. I am so pleased to be able to connect with others like myself. it has been a lonely journey at times but i knew my mission was imminent and i had to be here to help mankind. it is wonderful to read your message and i feel important to connect with you. I am a channellor of solar my pleadian teacher and guide. Have always known i was different from others. My husband mike is also a walk in but unlike myself cannot recall when this actually occured. It is time now that we connect with others like ourselves. it is imminent that we work together to achieve what we came to do and to do this together is wonderful. I know we will achieve this as we have not come to fail but only to succeed in all we do for the good of the universe. all that you say in your message resonates so well with me i am so pleased to have connected with you and thank you for the message you have delivered. in much love and light Laura and Mike
  • I enjoyed this too - thanks : )
  • He makes some interesting points ... thanks for posting.
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