Click for 4-minute video showing the new stone (3 seconds of stone, 4 minutes of "putting it into context" by someone who looks, speaks and smells like a complete tard and probably is since none with an IQ over 70 would work for infowars volontarily).
AND NO PEOPLE, THIS IS NOT "fear porn" OR "negativity.
....although it may be lying bigtime since there's nothing that says it's not Alex Jones himself that put this stone there just to have something more to disinfo about, as the blatant media whore of the entertainment industry he is!
Since Malcolm refuse to have the comment fields active on his (dis?)info posts lately (out of fear of being proven wrong?) I'll have to copy the important ones and re-post them with the comment-fields active so that we can discuss the issues being raised.
I don't like those creepy things and I wish a big sinkhole would swallow them. Isn't there something illegal about their existence since those who put them there are allowed to do it in secret and remain unknown after recommending the "liquidation" of billions of human beings with an anonymously authored stone monument? Probably not. It just isn't right.
The stones doesn't actually say that billions of people should be killed.
They won't have to. The moment the oil disappears our food production capabilities will be reduced by 90% whereas only about 500 million people will have access to organically produced food. The rest will starve to death.
What these stones seem to suggest, is how we should build THE NEXT civilisation (when this current one have fallen, which it WILL. There's no question about it), so that we won't have to end up Then like we're going to end up Now.
With the current population on earth and if GMO gets totally banned and chemical agriculture be a thing of the past, you will be burying most of your neighbors within 50 years time.
90% of the earths population are living on borrowed energy, and when nature takes that energy back, those people are done for unless they find a way to repay life-force and body-mass energy without actually loosing it themselves (fractional reserve energy-trading). ;)
I realize that the stones don't say how the population is to be reduced, and , although the things you say about the oil-based food production system are true, I don't see the future as so certain to lead to famine for billions or even millions.
I believe the creeps responsible for the stones being there have other ideas about just how to get the population reduced to the level they advocate. Like war, chemtrails, haarp, fluoride, depleted uranium, fukushima, gulf oil spill, smart meters, e-bola, vaccines, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera, etc.......
Well, after about 100 years of SERIOUS pollution of most kinds you list above, we have a population that have grown with a 100% instead of shrinking. So, whatever their plan is, it's safe to say it has FAILED, miserably. ;)
If they keep developing their worthless plan there will soon be nothing left BUT a food shortage, due to the over-population they seem to have caused rather than prevented. :)
The movie, "Idiocracy"... our future? Stoopid, dumbed-down to the point where everybody is too dumb to do anything except breed more idiots? Idiots procreating idiots, the story of humanity so far? Would you like some big-ass fries with that burger?