
  • Israel's ruling political class seem to be in constant fear of all and sundry.....complete paranoia and always expecting to be victimised by one "enemy" or the other....And if there is no real enemy, they invent one....

    The population of Israel seem to be under a lot of stress from constant war readiness....


    Another factor is that apparently, religious Jews were once exempt from military service in the IDF, until recently....and are now being potentially forced to sign up and serve in Israel's perpetual wars against their they're not too happy about that....


  • From Jim Stone. freelance journalist:

    March 24 2014

    Be Prepared, the Sampson Option is on the table.

    Flight 370 - they got what they wanted

    ALL of Israel's diplomatic workers have gone on strike everywhere and will therefore be returning home. This is an indication that whatever is about to happen is not going to be localized to a specific region, and there will be no political negotiations anywhere while it is happening.

    Let's just hope this is the most odd of coincidences, but I would bet that they got what they wanted from flight 370 - they cracked the Chinese engineers and have breached Chinese data security. Having flight 370 vanish when it did is all too coincidental with this Israeli diplomatic strike, and I would bet that the Sampson option which was always on the stove has been pushed to a full boil.

    Just days before this diplomatic strike, Israel was preparing for a full scale strike on Iran. Though they have done this repeatedly in the past, it has never coincided with a mysterious disappearance of a jet, and full diplomatic strike.

    While all eyes have been on Russia’s actions in Ukraine, Israel has been preparing and given the IDF orders to to continue readying for a possible independent strike on Iran. But as anyone knows from history, especially those aware of what happened during the Yom Kippur war, Israel acts about as independently as a three year old with a hand full of stones, always depending upon an American daddy to do all the dirty work. Israel truthfully cannot defend itself in a real conventional battle, and history proves it.

    The Sampson option

    The sampson option is Israel's Nuclear Blackmail option brought to full reality. The Sampson option states that Israel will nuke the world to oblivion and destroy everything before accepting significant losses on the Israeli mainland. And it's an arrogant policy, which means that Israel will destroy all nations with a nuclear attack even if the nations being attacked by Israel never attacked Israel and only stated that Israel was guilty of war crimes, or voted for sanctions via the U.N. This means that Germany, France, and many other similar nations will be nuked if the Sampson option is ever put into effect, Israel is the friend of NO ONE, don't just count on the Arab world going down.

    The calling of all diplomats home to Israel from all corners of the globe is a strong indicator that the Sampson option is indeed on the table.

    Isrbmbmodel.jpgThis image to the left was taken at the Negev Nuclear Research Center near the desert town of Dimona (Israel's nuclear weapons producing facility) by Mordechai Vanunu, a defector from the Israeli nuclear weapons program. Vanunu blew the lid off of the Israeli nuclear weapons program with over 60 clear photographs covering all aspects of weapons production. The picture to the left is a mock up of a highly efficient implosion nuke which uses plutonium, that was in a walk through area of the Dimona facility (obviously a real weapon core cannot be out in the open to be photographed). In 1987 Israel had 180 such weapons already made, and that was 25 years ago. Older weapons such as Magna BSP's owl are also abundant, but these cannot be loaded onto ICBM's because they are too large, heavy, and don't pack enough punch. Since it is estimated that Israel has only 500 really good nuclear weapons that can be loaded onto ICBM's, obviously lesser versions are used for jobs like Fukushima and accomplishing nuclear blackmail.

    But 500 nukes are enough to do a lot of dirty work, and who knows how many American nukes Israel has at it's disposal? for all we know, with the NSA hacking everything, Israel could probably even launch Russian and Chinese nukes now. A nuclear world war 3 could likely be fought on behalf of China and Russia without them even wanting it or knowing it will happen.

    If Israel strikes Iran, the US and NATO, under agreements would be forced to defend Israel in case of retaliation, and once again enter Russia who sides with Iran, battle lines have been drawn and all it will take is one spark before all out world war is being fought. Israel's sampson option, hatched in arrogance and the delusion that their little patch of earth is worth more than the entire world, will definitely drive world war 3 to the farthest extent faster than anyone could imagine, and with the Jews valuing their lives 1,000 times more than ours, don't put the most arrogant and obscene destruction of non Jewish people and assets beneath Israel with the sampson option, we really are worth nothing to them.

    Many people quote the million non jews not worth a Jewish finger nail zealotry of the extremists, official policy is that their lives are worth more than ours 1,000:1

    The events happening, from the Malaysia Flight 370 disappearance to the closing of the Israeli embassies under the guise of a “strike,” to Ukraine, Russia, US, EU tensions almost seem to have been planned, organized and scripted to lead the entire global community in a massive nuclear World War III. And IF Israel really does have a hack on the world's nuclear arsenals, it could all happen without any participation of those who "launched", with Israel's 500 or so implosion nukes remaining in the end to enforce world tyranny and /or finish the job.

    Welcome -
  • Feather Winger:  Well, that's what they SAY, but do you really BELIEVE that?

  • Very odd.  I wonder what's going on.

  • Have you noticed that Israel has closed its embassies after the Flight 370 incident??  

    Israeli Mossad and upper echelons of criminal elements within the U.S. military complex were possibly involved in 9/11, and it's believed that the jets involved in the crashes WERE POSSIBLY REMOTE CONTROLLED BY A JET SEEN CIRCLING THE WTC BUILDINGS DURING 9/11.

    This remote control "test" may be the "advanced technology" that I saw with the horoscope with

    Flight 370!!!!!!! 

    Remote Control and the 9/11/01 Attack

    Imagining that teams of hijackers could successfully take over four jetliners then flawlessly fly three of them into relatively small targets, even though none had ever flown a jet, requires enormous leaps of faith. In contrast, robotically flying the jetliners into their targets could have been accomplished using the flight control computers that were standard equipment on the targeted planes.

    All modern jetliners have sophisticated flight control computers, which allow the planes to be flown with at least the precision of a skilled human pilot. The 757s and 767s used in the 9/11/01 attack were developed in the 1970s and employ similar avionics. Both contain integrated flight management computer systems (FMCS) which provide automatic guidance and control of the aircraft "from immediately after takeoff to final approach and landing." 1

    Researcher Don Paul was among the first to describes the possible use of remote and programmed control in the execution of the 9/11/01 attack, in his 2002 book Facing Our Fascist State:

    e x c e r p t
    title: Facing Our Fascist State
    authors: Don Paul

    Home Run and Global Hawk

    If the supposed pilots are impossible or unlikely prospects for flying a Boeing 757 or 767 through sharp turns and complex maneuvers, how COULD those airliners otherwise have been flown?

    In an interview with the German newspaper Tagesspeigel on January 13, 2002, Andreas von Buelow, Minister of Technology for the united Germany in the early 1990s, a person who first worked in West Germany's Secretary of Defense 30 years ago, told about a technology by which airliners can be commanded through remote control.

    The former Minister of Technology said: '"The Americans had developed a method in the 1970s, whereby they could rescue hijacked planes by intervening into the computer piloting."'

    Andreas von Buelow said that this technology was named Home Run.

    The German went on to give his Tagesspeigel interviewer his overall perspective of the 9/11/01 attacks: '"I can state: the planning of the attacks was technically and organizationally a master achievement. To hijack four huge airplanes within a few minutes and within one hour, to drive them into their targets, with complicated flight maneuvers! This is unthinkable, without years-long support from secret apparatuses of the state and industry ... I have real difficulties, however, to imagine that all this all sprang out of the mind of an evil man in his cave"'

    Another technology devised by the U.S. military for remote control of huge airplanes is named Global Hawk. On April 24, 2001, four months before "'9/11,'" Britain's International Television News reported: "A robot plane has made aviation history by becoming the first unmanned aircraft to fly across the Pacific Ocean."

    Britain's ITN continued: "The Global Hawk, a jet-powered aircraft with a wingspan equivalent to a Boeing 737, flew from Edwards Air Force Base in California and landed late on Monday at the Royal Australian Air Force base at Edinburgh, in South Australia state... It flies along a pre-programmed flight path, but a pilot monitors the aircraft during its flight via a sensor suite which provides infra-red and visual images."

    According to the Australian Global Hawk manager Rod Smith: '"The aircraft essentially flies itself, right from takeoff, right through to landing, and even taxiing off the runway."'

    Now, who or what would you trust for aerial missions as demanding as those of "'9/11'" (or trust to fly an airliner from one airfield in California to another in Australia): The Arab students who are described above, or the Global Hawk or Home Run technologies?

    See this English translation of Von Buelow's interview with Tagesspiegel.

    The 'Home Run' theory skeptically mentioned by Von Buelow is certainly intriguing: it both contradicts the official account's presumption that officials had no way to abort the attack, and provides a made-to-order means by which the same officials could have covertly piloted the planes their targets. But in the years since Fascist State no evidence of it has emerged. If Home Run is a hoax, as suggested by the 9-11 Research analysis of it, it actually adds weight to the theories of the crime involving remote or programmed control of the jetliners: hoaxes presented as alternative theories of the 9/11 attack are most often advanced to conceal realities of the crime behind similar sets of observations. 


    9-11 Review: Remote Control and the 9-11-01 Attack
    remote control of aircraft on 9/11,Global Hawk,757,767
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