Breaking NEWS !!

The entire planet will soon be evacuated!

Earth changes are coming!

The planet is ill.

Burdened by our collective negative behavior over many centuries, and especially by dark powers who intend to destroy the planet and who refuse to cooperate with the celestial hierarchy which oversees the entire universe.

Due to reasons of great danger you will be evacuated by small ships which will then take you to large “motherships”, some of which are as large as earth herself.

There will be 4 hours in daylight during which you can board.

After that, it will no longer be possible.
For those that do not choose to board ship,
know that there will be no super markets open anymore!.

Rescue staff will be on hand and will be able to communicate with you in your language.

Boarding is carried out by stepping into the light beam coming down from a ship.


You can take your pets with you.


Should family members be in a different place,
they should board at that place and not try to go home.

Children who are not with their parents and not with those who can be responsible will be picked up later also.

Families will be reunited on ship.

Do not worry about people in hospitals, homes, prisons or other institutions.

Provision has been made for them.

Be warned!!!

For more information on it, see links below.



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  • Everywhere I have read it says that the 3 days of darkness happens when the earth stops and reverses directions during the pole flippy thingy.  It also says that all man made stuff like plastic, cement, cars etc will fall back to dust...there goes my house, no need to fix my roof this week.  All synthetic fabrics will dissolve, too and leave us starkers.  One other small point...when the EMF dissolves, so does our we come out of this naked, homeless and without a clue what happened.......Drunvalo says that the only way to come through this is to activate our Merkaba....then we are naked and homeless, but we remember why..

    The other option seems to be the galactics.  But someone mentioned in the thread that Ashtar is dead and  someone has stolen his identity and is claiming to be him.....doesn´t sound like someone I would trust.   Not very good options....think I will need to consult the mushroom oracle for another possibility...  


    • Don´t be a victim of identity theft, like some your password against parallel universes..

  •  I know all about it...I saw the movie..

    • One of my favorite Sci-fi films, and the BEST robot!

  • oh its always "comming soon".....

  • Looks like a dustbin lid..


    Seraphin Message 260
    By Seraphin through Rosie
    Apr 16, 2016 - 7:28:54 AM

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    Seraphin Message 260: THE PURPOSE OF THESE MESSAGES:


    Some of you may ask why this scribe has been receiving my thoughts and posting my messages over the last few years. This is not a fanciful preoccupation, undertaken during leisure time. This is an essential introduction to new courses of behaviour and instructions on how to improve your perceptions of yourselves and your interactions.

    This is - and I will repeat this - ESSENTIAL DUE TO THE VERY DEPLORABLE STATE OF AFFAIRS ON YOUR PLANET, ALL OF WHICH HAVE RESULTED FROM NEGLIGENT BEHAVIOUR. It is not that we are harping on, pointing fingers and criticising. It is that we are attempting to PREVENT THE GLOBAL BOAT FROM CAPSIZING.

    And we say again: these messages are not PREVENTIVE MEASURES OR POLITE SUGGESTIONS WHICH YOU MIGHT READ ON SUNDAYS. THEY ARE POINTING YOU TOWARDS THE ONLY DIRECTION WHICH WILL SAVE YOU FROM SELF DESTRUCTION. THE ANSWER TO ALL OF YOUR SORROWS IS THE SPIRITUAL REVOLUTION IN YOURSELVES, hence the name of the project initiated with our scribe - a project which encourages understanding across all nations, all religions and all social circumstances. (See THE SPIRITUAL REVOLUTION PROJECT: link)

    Why do we send out these messages?  BECAUSE THE SITUATION IS CRITICAL. Your earth is burdened to a degree of no return. Yet she will return, and so will you if you enter fully into the change of heart we have been suggesting.

    Our purpose is to encourage you to always make decisions IN EARTH'S FAVOUR, even in (and especially in) the smallest of issues, which are in reality very important issues if seen from a cumulative aspect where billions of people are involved, for she has been your benevolent benefactress for many many thousands of years. To ignore this is encouraging your peril.

    Why do we send out this message? BECAUSE THE TIME OF FINAL CHOOSING IS READILY APPROACHING, AND BECAUSE THE EARTH HAS CHOSEN TO REJECT ALL NEGATIVITY LOADED UPON HER. This she will do by moving and shaking. This she will do by slowing down the pace of her rotation and stopping. This is what you call a "magnetic reversal".

    Before she comes to a standstill, and before the major disruptions of earth and water which accompany this scenario actually occur, you as the global population will be given the chance to be lifted off out of danger. This operation will be conducted by friendly galactic forces operating for your sole benefit. These messages are therefore an education program leading to this point. The main emphasis and learning scenario at the present time is LETTING GO. Your world is about to change, and the most critical question is: CAN YOU CHANGE WITH IT?

    The secondary purpose of these messages is to demonstrate that communication with off-planet beings (so-called "angels", of which there are myriad varieties) is possible, and that this is in fact a great benefit for personal development and - if well received and circulated - a great benefit for global development.

    So we warn you again: this has all been preparation for your coming decision: will you accept celestial help coming to you, or not? Will you seriously contemplate the dangers perpetrated by your behaviours of not? Whether on earth before or after the reversal, you can be sure that YOUR BEHAVIOUR COUNTS - that it is in fact essential for the rebuilding of the sick society into which you have degenerated.

    THE EARTH WILL ROTATE SLOWER AND EVENTUALLY STAND STILL. THEN IT WILL BE YOUR MOVE. Then it will be your choice whether to evacuate, thus managing to leave everything behind, or to choose to remain and perish. These are the alternatives. There is no middle way.

    We thank this scribe, for she does not like to put out such strong words, yet they are necessary at this time. DON'T SHOOT THE MESSENGER FOR THIS MESSAGE. Instead, look around you - at the violence, the lack of compassion, the deliberate destruction, the lack of beauty, the debased morals, the pollution, and ask yourselves HOW CAN THIS BE? Not until you have investigated and discovered the very root of this within yourselves will you also rediscover the divine purpose in yourselves which is to restore this earth to her former glory through your optimal behaviour. This period of renewal will follow your stay in the spaceships (even now, waiting for you) when you return to an earth freed of dark forces, spinning in a new direction.

    Yes, this is a chaotic and tumultuous phase, and there is no way of avoiding these consequences of humanity's behaviour. The law of cause and effect has caught up with you. To change this situation is the purpose of our frequent messages, and to turn you towards a life which is blessed through your intrinsic knowledge of your ability to create paradise in alignment with the sacred laws. All this shall you learn, should you choose to return to earth for this purpose.

    So you see: all this, as all else, pivots on YOUR CHOICE. Your choice now is whether to spread this message (and previous ones) far and wide, or not. Your choice is to take over responsibility, to assist those who feel helpless and stranded, to calm those afflicted by fear, and to help everyone board the ships when they arrive. There will be no overlooking this. We ask you to be in readiness and we thank you for your attention throughout this message.

    • Personally I think its bullshit, however lets say for the sake of argument, I was prepared to give it the benifit of the doubt, when exactly is the Earth going to come to a standstill and when do the UFOs arrive? Is the Earth slowing down right now in this very moment? How long does it take until it stops completely? Surely, the Earth would grind to a halt in a matter of minuites, seconds even, if its so critical as the article states.

  • You can leave this place.  No ship is necessary.

    The anchor is your physical body, your ego will diminish along with your vital signs.

    More so, why would you want to keep your body? Being this our temporal form of manifestation for the current experience.

    A conscious decision is enough to set your personal demise. This creation, yourself, is exclusive to Earth. A temporal singularity of information, experience and memory, which translates to polarity. Personality.

    Your perception, ever changing frequency of sound, upon conscience.

    Singularity doesn't last forever. There's no division on frequency. It's the memory stored on your ego that makes you believe so. A device we all developed for such experience.

    Outside you'll experience what's like to be endless perception.

    The personal being ceases to exist.

    As this endless wave of perception, it'll be clear there's nothing out of control in this experience. Because the bad and good, is a form of polarity and perception, born from the unison.

    "You should take life more lightly, and ride the wave, instead of making it subject to polarity" She tells me everytime I freak out.

    • What this means is you should lighten up your polarity. Your personal charge, which relates to memories, which is information, either acquired by experience or any other mean.

      The information you're ingesting, isn't necessarily helping the conscience to develop freely inside of you, therefore you are subject to polarity. Personality.

      So, from your ego, you try to take control over conscience, so much that you can't even move anymore.

      This translates to stagnancy.

      Your information is subjecting the wave, your conscience, in a harmful way, and this is the result.

      Clean up all that information and start again. The polarity should become balanced, otherwise you'll experience a lacking sense of self. Which is the opposite pole, selflessness.

      Personality is key for this experience.

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