Breaking News!

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May
March 11 2014 -  12:00 AM
High Falls, New York

Hello, all Beloved Earth Dwellers, it is I, Ashtar.  I have very good news to tell you about our successful Double Trouble display over the Ukraine.  You will appreciate the irony embedded in the Truth which is now being revealed around the world.  We are whooping and hollering on the ships, as you might say.

Many of you have seen the video of the "cigar shaped UFO" over the Crimea - the territory where Putin gathered his ships and ground troops to try to "keep peace" by applying military force.  The video was seen all over Russia as well as the rest of the world, and was claimed by the Russian press to be a UFO.  You may have noticed it was then that Putin pulled the Russian troops back "to barracks."  He decided that the sight of a 3,000 foot long UFO flying surveillance over the trouble spot was not something he wanted to challenge.

All might have died down, met as it was by the cold shoulder of the cabal-controlled media, if it weren't for the following release from the Turner Radio Network.  I quote it here in its entirety for comic relief.

March 8, 2014 -- (TRN) -- The United States has deployed a spectacular new military asset in the skies over the Ukraine. The craft made its presence known on March 6, in broad daylight, and it so baffled media and local residents, they called it a "UFO." Since the craft has now been publicly seen, TRN is pleased to be able to report the development and deployment of the new "Sky Dreadnought." Video of the craft over Ukraine and further details, below.

The Sky Dreadnought is the most advanced military weapons system in the history of human existence. Nothing on the face of the earth can even come close to comparing. The ship, a long, cigar-shaped craft, is almost 3,000 feet long, about the length of three aircraft carriers.

It flies by virtue of a gravity-manipulation system, allowing it to operate at any altitude - even into space - and return, without need of jet engines, propellers, massive fuel tanks or rocket engines. All this is achieved by the manipulation of earth's gravity, which, for all intents and purposes, affords unlimited motion possibilities.

Since the craft manipulates gravity, there are ZERO gravitational effects upon the crew or systems inside the craft. Instead of the craft moving despite gravity, gravity itself moves *with* the craft. This means the craft can maneuver at previously impossible angles and speeds without the crew suffering any "G-forces."

While it's maximum speed is classified, TRN can report the Sky Dreadnought can easily travel in excess of ten thousand miles per hour inside earth's atmosphere, or stop and hover --- all of it totally silently. Not only can it achieve these amazing speeds, it can do so almost instantaneously, making the craft totally untouchable by any weapons system on earth.

The exterior of the craft is coated with trillions of nanites, so technologically advanced, it cannot be tracked by radar, cannot be locked-onto by fire control radar of any type, cannot be tracked by infra-red or other heat-seeking weapons. These nanites are not only part of the anti-radar features of the craft, they are also part of the defensive "light-bending" visual stealth, communications and weapons systems.

For defensive purposes, the nanites can be used to view and transfer images seen on one side of the craft, to the other side, meaning the craft can seem to "disappear" to the naked eye.

For communications, other nanites direct all electromagnetic emissions to the sky, making it impossible for ground or air-based radio-tracking or communication interception.

As to weaponry, the Sky Dreadnought does not use any conventional weapons. All of its weapons are a type of pulse-plasma beams which, when seen by the naked eye, appear to be blueish-white, focused bolts of lighting. The weapons were first used on an experimental basis in the second Iraq war, where prototypes were tank-mounted, and were seen melting cars, trucks and buses to the shock and horror of the Iraqi troops who witnessed their use. The weapons operate 360 degrees vertically and 360 degrees horizontally without any blind spots. Nothing can escape the crafts' weapons and no man-made object on earth can withstand being hit by the beams. Metals turn molten and melt in seconds; concrete is reduced to powder instantly. Human bodies shrivel to burnt/melted hulks the size of infants, in less than one second.

If attacked, the systems on board the craft can engage a staggering number of threats simultaneously; literally thousands of attacking targets can be wiped out of existence before they even get close to the craft. While the range of its plasma weapons is classified, TRN can report the craft has the ability to attack any target from horizon to horizon, no matter the altitude of the craft! Given this ability, there isn't a weapon on earth that can be be launched at or used against the Dreadnought without the attack being detected and destroyed.

Making the craft all the more amazing is that once its weapons are used, the area in which they were used is completely safe to enter. No long-term radiation or other health hazard exists. This being the case, the craft can go in, utterly flatten an entire country, and the area it conquers will be ready for re-population and re-development by the United States immediately after the confrontation.

Believe it or not, the craft is based at an undersea base in an ocean. The craft can operate underwater, but there are still some unresolved issues in using its weapons while it is submerged; the weapons work, but anything even close to the area they are used is also affected by the dispersion of the plasma, which has unintended consequences for innocent life forms in the area.

It took more than 25 years and literally trillions of dollars to develop this craft. Those claiming the Pentagon "cannot account for" trillions of dollars, can now figure out where that money went.


You've heard of the "United States of America?" Get ready for the United States of Earth.  [Ashtar:  Read, NESARA]  There will be a "new world order" and it will be American.

The presently existing nations of the world have proved themselves uneducated, petty and barbaric; they have lost the right to be sovereign independent states. As will be displayed shortly in Crimea, once Russia misbehaves too much and is utterly humiliated when battle begins, the "one-world-government" that's been in the works in the UN will suddenly turn out to be American; because the rest of the world will have no choice.

Five days ago, when this web site ran a story announcing the deployment of a U.S. aircraft carrier strike group toward the Black Sea over the Ukrainian situation, many were critical, claiming it to be a hoax. Yet days later, that carrier strike group appeared off the coast of Greece. The final paragraph in that story stated in-part: ". . . the U.S. is also deploying another weapons system, which has been successfully tested, which can knock the S-400 out of action. TRN is not revealing the nature of that system for obvious reasons." The new "Sky Dreadnought" is that weapon system.

Below is video, taken March 6, 2014, showing the Sky Dreadnought over the skies of Ukraine. It is reported by Ukraine media as a UFO. It is not a UFO, it is an American warship; and from today, the world will never be the same.        - TRN

 (The original video has been removed, but another source has put it out, with the following comment:

"Have you noticed every time a country is taken over by the Cabal, UFOs appear?")

Yes, indeed, Beloved Ones, there was a massive surveillance ship over the Ukraine, but it was not developed by the U.S. government in secret.  It belongs to the Sirius Star System Fleet, under the Ashtar Command.  I could not resist - I took the helm myself to carry out this mission, and what a pleasure it was!

Now, you may be wondering about the above "press release."  I must admit to having come up with the rather catchy name, the "Sky Dreadnought." Of course it is a bit of a play on words, since it is intended to sound terrifyingly dreadworthy, but the title can also be read as Dread Not.  We are rather proud of the science fiction bit of (group) writing which describes very accurately, if a bit dramatically, the actual capabilities of the ship, which Kathryn has described as "totally awesomely awesome."

We are especially pleased with the outcome of our efforts.  There will now rage a debate across the world about the true origins of this craft (thanks to our Turner boots on the ground.)   If it is truly "the most advanced military weapons system in the history of human existence," and it belongs to the U.S., the rest of the world is completely under the control of the United States, as the article says.  If it doesn't belong to the U.S. (and no one else has claimed it) then what???  It has to be a UFO!  

Does the military of every country in the world dare ignore the possibility that this is truly a game-changer?  That every weapon known to man is now completely and utterly obsolete, and that any form of military resistance is now completely unthinkable?  What if it does belong to the U.S.?  What if it doesn't?  

Can you picture the shouting and chest-pounding in the board rooms and war rooms of the cabal-sponsored military elite?  Can you imagine their red-faced frustration at learning they are completely impotent?  There is nothing their money can buy that can forcefully re-establish their power this time.  

(On the deck of the New Jerusalem you can hear the strains of the wonderful "March of the Tin Soldiers" from the Nutcracker.)

Their only recourse is to pretend that they are unaware or disbelieving about the presence of the great ship.  Of course it will be as easy to ignore as the proverbial elephant in the living room.  Given the stranglehold on the media, they might have succeeded eventually, because of the short memory of the public, but we have thought of that too.

You may also have heard about the airliner which vanished in Malaysia.  Flight 370 was just off the eastern coast over shallow water when it wavered in the air then suddenly dropped from 35,000 feet to 0 and disappeared.  At the same time, radar showed a "plane" which suddenly accelerated to 4 or 5 times the speed of any other craft, hovered in one place, then suddenly vanished from the radar screen, seconds before the airliner also disappeared.

I am very pleased to tell you all that the passengers and crew of the airliner are safe and happy in a secret location.  There were several ships in the area, and the maneuver was carried out effortlessly.  It is very serendipitous that the airplane carried a large number of Lightworkers from many countries who are delighted and very enthusiastic about the proposal we have made to them, that they be used as "hostages" to expedite the following demands:

Their release will be contingent upon an immediate global agreement that all countries now in possession of any weapons of mass destruction relinquish them to be evaporated forthwith.

1. NESARA law will be presented for signature to all the world's leaders -   representatives of every country on the U.N. charter - and will be immediately enacted.  We anticipate that President Barack Obama will be first signatory on the document.

2. There will be declared a Global Celebration of Peace for every person on the planet, regardless of race, religion or nationality, to be marked by one month of singing, dancing and public performances in every village, town, and city on Earth. All expenses are to be underwritten with the funds which would have been allocated for military expenditures.

3. All military personnel will be paid full salary for three months after they turn in all weapons and uniforms and return to rebuild their own families and communities.  After that, no expenditure by any individual or nation will be permitted for any military activity or equipment whatsoever.  This will free governing bodies to use their resources for infrastructure, water and sanitary systems, sustainable agriculture, and educational and social programs to elevate the conditions for all their citizens.

The people of Planet Earth can also look forward to the sharing of the technology behind the propulsion system for the marvelous space craft they will soon observe over all the major cities of the world.  We wish for them to become familiar and comfortable with our presence, which they will soon associate with freedom, good times, free energy, and global prosperity.

We promised you Disclosure, Dear Ones.  Well, here it is.  It may take a few days for the inevitability of this massive change to sink into the consciousness of all the citizens of the planet, but I assure you, it has already begun.  We will continue to display our presence to the world, now that the U.S. has been declared the supreme power over all.  It will cause increased confusion in the ranks of the elite, but we are certain the citizenry will adapt very quickly to the fact of permanent and lasting peace on Earth.

Here on the New Jerusalem, we rejoice with a gentler kind of drum beat.  We enjoy adding our own lyrics as we sing the child's song that ends like this:

"I played my drum for Him, pa rum pum pum pum

I played my best for Him, pa rum pum pum pum,

rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum,

Then He smiled at me, pa rum pum pum pum

Me and my drum."

Yes, we will all be marching to a different Drummer - the pulse of the Universe, the breath of our beloved Prime Creator, with our Star Brothers and Sisters at our side.  We will rejoice together in the sparkling Light of the New Golden Age.

I am your brother, in Love, Joy and Laughter, Ashtar.

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, March 11, 2014, 12 am, High Falls, NY

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  • I am very happy with these wonderful news. I am quite confident for the future. This is only the beginning!
  • Sky Dread NOT....Yes, it has a ring....Maybe CIA psyops and the brainwashing team, can simply call their mythical ship the "NAUGHT".....? as it's zero effective on the mass consciousness... ;-)

    • ..actually Drekx, it does have effect on some people. I can imagine that some if not many had believed this story. ..for example , my tenants in appartment here are from Ukraine and by chance I had a small discussion with them and they believe that US send this over there to scare off Russians, this news had reached a lot of folks who are easily persuaded in such propaganda.

      • It'll all be better after we have killed the internet. We're working on that problem. :)

      • Actually, you have demonstrated that propaganda reaches even Ukrainian tenants....But I was really speaking of the mass consciousnes of humanity, as a whole...Likewise, there are some aviation intellectuals who believe that all UFOs are secret US craft, but even experts may comprise a drop in the ocean of consciousness, in comparison to the mass....The mass consciousnes on earth has been recorded as increasingly inclind to accept and embrace the notion that ETs in UFOs are visiting us and that they are benign...This goes beyond just reasoning and is a strong intuitive thoughtform growing with each passing decade...

        However I do accept the veracity of what you have revealed..

        • I agree Drekx , .....................

  • The Breaking news Broke when it came under the light. :)

  • Hi Feather,  I have heard that there are many Chineese Lightworkers..they have been entrusted with mass amount of weatlth from what Ben Fulfold talks about, and they have a long history of tradition (spiritual understanding)

  • That video (

    wasn't filmed in Crimea, but in Korosten, way north.

    So good job there.

    • Yes, the disinfo was intended to make people believe that Russia "backed down" in Crimea, at the sight of the US military mythological ship (LOL) the "Dreadnaught".... ;-)

      GFL ships fly everywhere and certainly over Korosten... ;-) The GFL do not fly around using gunboat diplomacy, although I'm sure the US elites are green with envy that they don't possess such craft of mothership dimensions...only the small back-engineered zeta dinky toys...LOL

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