<a href="" title="NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | 
Obama Out / Cabal Surrender / 
Currency Revaluation In Progress”>May 5, 2016 / Keenan Team | GroupK / 0 Comments

Neil Keenan and Group K have been working for the last 72 hours on formatting the release of some incredibly important information relating to recent developments of historical importance.

In the coming day we will provide a full preface to this post, along with edited video. In the interim, we have uploaded unedited video regarding this breaking news. This interim measure is not in any way ideal – but these developments are too important and must be publicized ASAP.

We are intending that the edited video and preface including facts and figures will be uploaded and online by 7pm Eastern Standard Time on May the 5th.

Neil Keenan and The Keenan Team

Video Part One

Video Part Two

Video Part Three

Video Part Four

Coup in U.S.: Army Has Overthrown Obama! – Double Secret Martial Law Activated. Obama has been overthrown by Gen Dunford, Amy takes over. FED shut down. According to this guest, we are under ‘double secret martial law’.

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  • Andromedan:  Saw more stuff on the Before It's News site.  Believe that it's true.  (Oh, I HOPE.  Actually, been hearing about this General Duford thing for some time now).

  • The funds are preliminary and to be targeted to human need causes, such as charity works and infrastructure projects...

    Only responsible recipients will receive these world trust funds, which are massive and have been accruing interest, for centuries..They will not be delivered to persons who gamble at casinos in Las Vegas, nor on the stock market...

    AFTER such funding, which we could describe as emergency funding, the new precious metals system, based upon four precious metals, gold-silver-platinum-palladium, will come online...You will find that the dollar will grow in value, ten fold...AND that is precisely why it is co-ordinated internationally, so that Europe, will quickly follow suit, and thence, the wider world...To prevent an imbalance...

    The floating exchange rates mechanism will be replaced by a new fixed exchange rates mechanism, as well...

  • The reason I put this post is to remind and speed up to get things moving...Obama and family should not be in the Whitehouse and should never have been as they are more suitable in a mud hut in Africa

  • There is probably a lot happening behind the scenes which should come to surface in the near future ...light always win now it's just a question of time
  • I suspect that my comments went straight over your head, as again you misunderstand me...An alliance is forming, between east and west, BUT the anglo-amerikan USA inc is not a part of that alliance, but the fly in the ointment to it....The east is allied with US Earth Allies of CONSTITUTIONAL alliances.....These allies are white knights in the military, intel, science, politics, economics, etc...They are secretly opposed to the USA inc and seek it's reform to a restored republic, under common law....

    So you will see NESARA in a reformed USA inc, allied to GESARA, across the world, including all those BRICS nations and many have started within the AIIB....

    So it is the perpetual debt society that is going forever, under an international agreement of NESARA/GESARA...This opens the door to many further events, including disclosure....and free energy....

    • Drekx Omega:  What is GESARA?

      • NESARA = National Security and Reformation Act (USA)

        GESARA = Global Security and Reformation Act

        • Agarther:  Thanks

        • you guys stop with this NESARA "bulls crap " !........there really is no evidence of such program , nor there is any proof of it based on some new agers claiming it to be true. ............if anything , a lot of amerikans and other folks around planet earth , are not ready mentaly and phisicly  to receive vast ammounts of money. half of those recepiants of such founds will either put it all in their noses and vains , the other large percentage will have no idea what to do with it pass Las Vegas Casinos..............humanity is not ready for this , nor will be ready in any near future................

          • Michael, there is no need for RUDENESS on this forum...Words such as "bulls crap," really are not building bridges in our mutual understanding...only walls, between those who know about the NESARA subject and those who might seek further insights (or others not, as the case may be.)

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