Multidimensional food for thought...


In the late 1700s, freedom was a very important and popular topic on people’s minds, especially on the minds of the people living in the 13 colonies. Today that passion for freedom is burning strong again, causing many people to once again become interested in their freedom.

This is a wonderful thing, however, when people do not “innerstand” what freedom is, it can lead them down a dangerous path. To innerstand what freedom is on a deeper level, you need to investigate the word freedom meticulously by studying its origins and different definitions. Furthermore, you need to investigate the words that have a strong connection to freedom, such as liberty. You also need to study how word magic is used to hide the deeper meaning of words, allowing you to see their hidden meaning.


The Origins & Definitions of the Word Freedom

One of the origins of the word freedom is the Old English word freodom, meaning “power of self-determination, state of free will; emancipation from slavery, deliverance”. defines the word freedom using these exact words:

the state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint: He won his freedom after a retrial.


exemption from external control, interference, regulation, etc.

the power to determine action without restraint.


political or national independence.

Black’s Law Dictionary (5th edition) defines the word freedom using these exact words:

The state of being free; liberty; self-determination; absence of restraint; the opposite of slavery.

The power of acting, in the character of a moral personality, according to the dictates of the will, without other check, hindrance, or prohibition than such as may be imposed by just and necessary laws and the duties of social life.

According to Webster’s Complete Dictionary of the English Language (1886), the word freedom means “the state of being free; exemption from the power and control of another; liberty; independence; frankness; openness; liberality; separation; unrestrictedness.” Based on the definition in this paragraph and all the previous definitions, the word freedom strongly expresses “the state of being free from the power and control of another.”

Here is an excerpt from that explains what freedom is in more detail:

In vibrant contrast to ‘liberty,’ ‘freedom’ does not connote a social position or status. Freedom is not a legal concept. Its origins belong to the field of natural law studies, specifically those concerning order and disorder in person-to-person or convivial relations. The aforementioned differs widely from order and disorder in social structures or organizations where individuals are occupants of socially defined positions.


Freedom derives from its etymological roots in the word ‘free’, an old Indian word ‘priya,’ meaning friend. Its Latin forms included ‘privus’ meaning exceptional or standing apart. Altogether these meanings in proper context refer to someone or something having no burdens of any type; no external imposed obligations or interferences. Freedom defines a state in which one is capable of doing according to his or her wishes without any external obligations.


8111096867?profile=originalWhat Is Liberty?

A word that has a strong connection to freedom is liberty. The word liberty is defined by using these exact words:

freedom from arbitrary or despotic government or control.

freedom from external or foreign rule; independence.

freedom from control, interference, obligation, restriction, hampering conditions, etc.; power or right of doing, thinking, speaking, etc., according to choice.

permission granted to a sailor, especially in the navy, to go ashore.

Black’s Law Dictionary (5th edition) defines the word liberty using these exact words:

Freedom; exemption from extraneous control. Freedom from all restraints except such as are justly imposed by law. Freedom from restraint, under conditions essential to the equal enjoyment of the same right by others; freedom regulated by law. The absence of arbitrary restraint, not immunity from reasonable regulations and prohibitions imposed in the interests of the community.

It is interesting to know that in Black’s Law Dictionary (5th edition), three short paragraphs are used to define the word Freedom, taking up less than 20 percent of the page. As for the word liberty, over 10 paragraphs are used to define it, taking up more than one page. When you study the definitions of freedom and liberty in Black’s Law Dictionary (5th edition) deeply enough, you may notice that the word liberty has many definitions and a strong connection to artificial laws. When a word has many definitions, it can easily be used to trick you to agree to give up your natural rights to the State. This art of using words and definitions to trick you to do something is known as word magic.

In one of the definitions of liberty, it says “permission granted to a sailor, especially in the navy, to go ashore.” A sailor is defined by Black’s Law Dictionary (5th edition) as “seamen; mariners.” The word seamen is defined by the same law dictionary using these exact words:

Sailors; mariners; persons whose business is navigating ships, or who are connected with the ship as such and in some capacity assist in its conduct, maintenance or service. … One whose occupation is to navigate vessels upon the sea including all those on board whose labor contributes to the accomplishment of the main object in which the vessel is engaged.

The word liberty has a strong connection to the ancient Roman goddess Libertas. In fact, the word for liberty in Latin is Libertas. defines Libertas as “the ancient Roman personification of liberty”. In Roman mythology, the name Libertas was used to represent the goddess of freedom. This goddess was the female personification of liberty and personal freedom. Libertas was the Roman version of the ancient Egyptian goddess Isis. This Egyptian goddess was sometimes called the goddess of marriage and protector of sailors at sea. In other words, she was the protector of sailors/seamen.

Below is an excerpt from NaturalLawMatters that describes liberty in more details:

From the etymological source, ‘liberty’ denotes the legal status of a full member in a tribe or society. Membership may be an inherited status, alternatively one that is acquired through adoption or as an official favour. The word liberty is from the Latin word ‘libertas,’ which means a ‘descendent,’ being one who enjoys the same social position enjoyed by their predecessors. In todays political society, it typically is an attribute of citizenship, which is a construction of government. Liberty refers to permissions shared by people of a community or a state as they apply to its government.


In general, liberty is a fundamental attribute that provides one the ability to do what he or she wants. The real issue is, who exactly is to provide this attribute. It surely is not a natural gift, a natural right to do as one wants. For any given government controlled society it is necessary to examine its legal codes to ascertain the extent of one’s liberty. Liberty in one society may be very different from that in another.

The Art of Word Magic & Its Connection to Freedom & Christmas

Word magic is the art of using word play, definition and magic (magick) to transfer and/or hide information. All words have magic power because they were created based on sacred sound and sacred geometry, allowing them to direct and control energy to produce certain desired effects. One of the most powerful word magic spells is the name.

The Name Spell is one of the most powerful spells for deceiving and controlling you, which is why it is so effective for tricking you to believe that you and your name are one and the same. Your name is made up of letters which are symbols that represent ideas or objects. Because of this, in law, your name is not living and breathing. On the other hand, you (the living man or woman) are breathing and made of flesh and blood. As a result of that, you and your name are NOT one and the same. This short example shows you how the power of word magic can easily trick you to live in an artificial reality. Once you innerstand that you and your name are different, you should feel the Name Spell slowly losing its effect on you, causing you to wake up and remember who you truly are.

Below are some examples of how word magic is used to hide certain important information. These examples will show you the connection between word magic, freedom and Christmas.


When you separate the word freedom into two words, it transforms into the words free and dom. One of the origins of the word free is the Old English word freo, meaning “exempt from; not in bondage, acting of one’s own will”. Another one of its origins is the Old English word freogan, which means “to free, liberate, manumit”. As for the word dom, it comes from the Old English word dom, which means “statute, judgment”. Based on the definitions in this paragraph, the word freedom means “to be free or exempt from statute and judgment“. Today, there is no country in the world that has true freedom because the laws in every country are based on statue and/or judgment made by man.


The word Christmas is made up of two words which are Christ and Mass. The word Christ comes from the Greek word khristos, meaning “the anointed”. As for the word Mass, it is defined as “public celebration of the Eucharist in the Roman Catholic Church and some Protestant churches.” Based on these definitions, the word Christmas means “a religious celebration for the anointed.” Be aware that the word mass has a strong connection to magic rituals that acknowledge and worship the dead.

Christmas is the modern day version of the ancient Roman holiday called Saturnalia, an orgiastic festival that honored the god Saturn. One of the symbols of the god Saturn is the cube. When you unfold a 3D cube in a specific way and put it on a flat surface, it transforms into a cross. This is the cross that is used to symbolize Christianity. It is also the cross that the biblical character Jesus Christ died on. Hence, the word Christ-Mass/Christmas. In its original sense, Christmas is a pagan holiday for worshiping the god Saturn.

( ( ( WordSound&Power555 ) ) ) 


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  • ~As Humanity continues it’s swan dive down the Rabbit Hole, our ‘Language’ is evolving quicker than we fully real’eyes’, immersing our subconscious in linguistic/technological pitfalls we need to become aware of… Conscious of, so we can better discern what to integrate, & what to navigate around. ~TemetNosce247


    Technology Is Consciousness

    by Daniel Pinchbeck

    We can think about technology as an extension of our biological evolution. We evolved to be able to move through space, manipulate matter and explore the world around us. We use technology to extend our innate abilities in all directions. We augment our ability to move through space and transform matter by building cars, planes, bulldozers, rocket ships and so on. We enhance our thinking capacities through computers, media networks, search engines and the like. As human beings, we continuously seek to explore, to learn, to go further. That is part of our nature.

    Even language is a kind of technology. Language originally developed so that human groups could coordinate their actions and intentions. As accidental by-products, the birth of language – the word, or the logos, which was ‘in the beginning’, according to the Bible – gave birth to conceptual thought, poetry, philosophy, culture, complex societies. As a tool-using and tool-making species, we constantly experiment and invent new technologies. These reveal new aspects of our being to us, and lead us to create, and iterate, the next set of tools. Technology and consciousness are so intimately related that they could be considered synonymous.

    We currently hover on the brink of manifesting extraordinary as well as frightening possibilities, through science and technology, that may radically transform our species’ capacities. For instance, soon we may be able to extend the human lifespan indefinitely, making people ‘a-mortal’, if not immortal. Scientists are uncovering the mechanisms that cause us to age and learning how to alter them.

    As Nature magazine notes, ‘Chromosomes have caps of repetitive DNA called telomeres at their ends. Every time cells divide, their telomeres shorten, which eventually prompts them to stop dividing and die.’ In studies, mice were engineered to lack the telomere enzyme. They aged rapidly. When the telomere enzyme was replaced, they bounced back and de-aged, regaining youth and vitality. This suggests ‘the possibility that normal human aging could be slowed by reawakening the enzyme in cells where it has stopped working’.

    Scientists caution that ageing has complex causes. Even if we alter our telomeres, we would still die of cancer and other diseases, eventually.

    Yet it is possible that breakthroughs in medicine and biotechnology will be able to address these conditions. We can currently print organs and body parts using 3D printers. Stem cell transplants may allow us to regrow damaged tissue. Our techniques for genetic engineering are also advancing incredibly rapidly…


    From where we are now, it feels, subjectively, like we have accelerated over the last decades. Things used to move in slow motion, now they are lifting off towards hyper-speed. We live in a science-fiction world that is getting incrementally trippier, with or without drugs. Every indicator suggests the situation will become more intense in the years ahead.

    I believe there is an occult or esoteric reality, and this hidden dimension must be acknowledged. We must seek to know it, as much as we possibly can, permeate it with thought, and integrate what we understand into our lives. When we acknowledge the occult dimension, this also must influence our life’s purpose and mission. Occultists tell us that the hidden reality expresses itself through symbols, signs, as well as the procession and pageant of historical events. If this is true, we will learn to interpret our world differently. If reincarnation is an occult fact, then we must change our ideas about the meaning and purpose of any individual life.

    According to hermetic philosophy, whatever appears to us as ‘out there’ is, just as much, ‘in here’. The physical universe, the material world, is a projection of the psyche, reflecting our current state of being. If the world is changing so rapidly, this means our inner being is also developing and transforming. Our technology – the technosphere – appears to be a ladder we must build and then climb, to reach what some have called the noosphere, the next level of consciousness…

    *Entire article @

  • AsWithin... SoWithout


     ( ( ( OneLoveRevolution247 ) )

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