

Breathing Into The Path Forward By Patricia Cota-Robles
Precious Hearts, in all of my many decades of consciously communicating with our Father-Mother God and the awesome Beings of Light who have selflessly served the evolutions of Earth since our fall from Grace, I have never experienced the level of Elation and Joy that is now pouring forth from the Heavenly Realms.
In my quiet time, as I bask in this Elation and Joy, our Father-Mother God have revealed to me that this joy-filled  response is a miniscule reflection of the Celebrations occurring throughout the whole of Creation.
Over millions of years, through the unified efforts of the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth and the embodied Lightworkers on this Planet, Beloved Mother Earth and ALL her Life have at long last God Victoriously reclaimed our rightful place in the Universe.
This is a word of encouragement from the Company of Heaven. These selfless Messengers from our Father-Mother God are very aware of how impossible it is for much of Humanity to believe this information when they have nothing to compare it to but outer appearances.
People see very dedicated Lightworkers who have been invoking the Light of God for decades and yet outer world appearances often do not reflect their Heart-based efforts. In fact, in many instances things seem to be getting even worse which I know is incredibly disheartening.
Our Father-Mother God have assured us that things are not getting worse. On the contrary, they say that we are succeeding beyond the greatest expectations of Heaven.
The reason things seem to not be progressing is because of our limited perception and the fact that we are not seeing the full picture of what is actually occurring on Earth. 
One of the most important things for us to remember is that we are multidimensional Beings functioning in several Realms of Consciousness simultaneously.
Our invocations and our prayers and meditations are instantaneously formed in the Realms of Cause where everything begins. Then, as we focus our attention on them, they are Breathed through our various levels of Consciousness into our Heart Flame and projected into the physical plane of Earth on our Holy Breath.
Even though we think of the physical plane as being very real, our Father-Mother God have revealed that it is actually the LEAST REAL of all of the Realms of Consciousness we abide in, and it is the very last Dimension to reflect the changes we are Cocreating.
Unfortunately, when we invoke the Light of God without seeing results as fast as we would like, our fear-based ego convinces us that our invocations and meditations are not working and that our prayers are not being answered. That, however, is never the case.
Our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven respond instantaneously to our invocations and meditations each and every time we participate in these activities of Light. Our prayers are always heard and they are always answered, regardless of whether or not we perceive that response through our limited perception.
The moment we invoke the Light of God, in any way, a matrix for the thought form we want to Co-create begins forming in the Realms of Cause. Each time we repeat our invocations or our prayers and meditations our matrix grows and becomes more powerful.
Once something is formed in the Realms of Cause, nothing can prevent it from eventually manifesting in the physical plane of Earth. The only variable is how long that will take and that is up to you and me and the rest of Awakening Humanity.
The Earth is subject to the Laws of Physics and there is a factor that we learn about in Quantum Mechanics that determines when the changes we are invoking and praying for will manifest in the physical world of form.
That factor is called the CRITICAL MASS. Everything is comprised of atomic and subatomic particles and waves of Divinely Intelligent energy that is vibrating at various frequencies.
The negative things manifesting in our lives are the result of the grossly mutated energy that we misqualified in the past through thoughts, feelings, words and actions that were not based in Love.
The positive things manifesting in our lives are the result of positive and harmonious thoughts, feelings, words and actions we expressed in the past that were based in Love.
In order to change the negative things that are happening into positive things, we need to raise the vibration of the mutated energy that is manifesting in negative ways and Transmute it back into its original frequency of Light. This unstoppable shift occurs when the negative energy reaches a Critical Mass of its higher frequency of Light.
The fastest and most powerful frequency of Light available for Transmuting negativity back into Light is the Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection.
This particular Gift from our Father-Mother God is designed to help each of us reach a Critical Mass of positive energy faster than any other frequency of Light.
There are millions of people using the Violet Flame, so why are we not seeing more tangible results in the physical plane? It is because we often give up before we invoke enough Light to reach the Critical Mass of whatever it is we are striving to Cocreate.
A very common scenario is that when we Awaken and become aware of how powerful our Creative Faculties of Thought and Feeling are, our I AM Presence inspires us to change our behavior.
We are prompted to control our thoughts and to Transmute the negative things manifesting in our life. We decide to think positively and to control our emotions, and we focus our attention on what we want to manifest in our life.
Sometimes, after what seems like a valiant effort we continue to experience some of the same old problems. That is when we often become discouraged and lose trust in our ability to change our life.
Video Link: The Solar Healing Frequencies Have Been Ignited - The Emerald & Violet Flames - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzcq9dzO6ec
When this happens, we usually give up and stop trying to improve our situation. We no longer invoke the Violet Flame and we stop doing our affirmations.
This causes us to regress into our old, negative behavior patterns. We start dwelling on our fears, problems and challenges instead of using our thoughts and feelings to empower our goals, our hopes and our dreams. As a result of that relapse things in our life get worse and our situation appears to be even more hopeless.
This phenomenon occurs because we stopped invoking the Light before we reached a Critical Mass of whatever it is that we were trying to Co-create.
So what do we have to do to reach the unstoppable shift of Critical Mass? We have to “keep on keeping on” even when it seems as though we are not making progress, because that is never the case.
There are many variables that determine when something reaches Critical Mass, but to make things easy the Beings of Light said for us to think of Critical Mass as 51 percent of the energy, vibration and Consciousness of whatever it is that we want to Cocreate.
When an electron is increasing in vibration and 51 percent of its vibration reaches the higher frequency, an unstoppable shift occurs and the remaining 49 percent of the electron is instantly absorbed into the new vibration and the entire electron Ascends into the higher frequency.
So, for example, if we are striving to Cocreate Prosperity, 51 percent of our energy, vibration and Consciousness from all time frames and dimensions, both known and unknown, must be vibrating with a frequency of Prosperity Consciousness instead of poverty Consciousness.
When we reach that Critical Mass of 51 percent Prosperity Consciousness an unstoppable shift occurs and nothing can prevent Prosperity from manifesting in our life.
This is true for every single thing we are striving to Cocreate in our life. If something that we have been working toward has not manifested in our life yet, it just means that we have not reached Critical Mass and we must “keep on keeping on” with our efforts. If we don’t, what we are trying to Cocreate will be delayed until we do the work to reach a Critical Mass of that positive energy.
I know it is very daunting when we realize that we have to reach a Critical Mass of our energy from all time frames and dimensions, both known and unknown, but miracles have taken place over the past several years and reaching a Critical Mass for our positive goals is far easier than it has ever been before.
For one thing, our manipulative human ego has lost much of its ability to control us, and our I AM Presence is once again taking command of our life.
Another critical factor is that the Light of God is exponentially expanding on Earth every single day. Light is infinitely more powerful than the fragmented and distorted patterns of our human miscreations.
The Beings of Light have revealed that one person invoking the Light through their I AM Presence and the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity can Transmute centuries’ worth of misqualified energy in a very short period of time.
In addition to those miracles, because of the need of the hour, our Father-Mother God have granted the Company of Heaven a sacred Cosmic Dispensation that allows the Legions of Light to amplify our efforts a thousand times a thousand fold every single time we add to the Light of the World. We are being told from On High that this is a Gift of Divine Grace unprecedented in any System of Worlds.
Even though it is impossible for us to know when we will reach that magical moment of Critical Mass, it could be with the very next Breath we take.
So the Company of Heaven is encouraging us to invoke the Light of God with the enthusiasm that our goals could be reached with the very next Breath we take.
In addition to that, we need to maintain the Heart commitment that in this Eternal Moment of NOW we are going to “keep on keeping on” no matter how long it takes.
Contrary to outer appearances, the Company of Heaven has revealed that the number of people on Earth who are dedicated to adding to the Light of the World is LEGION. Not only that, every single person’s Lightwork is being amplified “a thousand times a thousand fold” by the Company of Heaven every day.
The painful things still surfacing in the outer world reflect the remaining residue from the 49 percent of the Critical Mass that still needs to be Transmuted back into its original perfection.
As we invoke the Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection to complete this remaining task, it will be much easier for us to perceive and experience the profound Truth of the miracles that we have Cocreated on this Blessed Planet.
Dear One, keep your Heart and Mind Open and pay attention. Soon you will clearly KNOW that “The Light of God is ALWAYS Victorious and YOU are that Light.”
God Bless You,
Patricia Cota-Robles

Era of Peace
Era of Peace - P.O. Box 17446 - Tucson, AZ  85731
Phone: 520-885-7909, Fax: 520-347-5440
This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included.
Video Link: The Unity Consciousness Activation Has Begun - https://youtu.be/8SI6u9_6QYE?si=LpN6N_mwKMYFlR2M

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