By Barbara Marciniak
Compiled from more than four hundred hours of channeling by Barbara Marciniak, Bringers of the Dawn imparts to us the wisdom of the Pleiadians, a group of enlightened beings who have come to Earth to help us discover how to reach a new stage of evolution. Startling, intense, intelligent, and controversial, these teachings offer essential reading for anyone questioning his or her existence on this planet and the direction of our collective conscious--and consciousness.
Chapter 1:
Ambassadors through Time
Chapter 2:
On Prime Creator's Journey
Chapter 3:
Who Your Gods Are
Chapter 4:
Memories in the Free-Will Zone
Chapter 5:
Who Carries the Chord of Light ?
Chapter 6:
Unlocking the History
Chapter 7:
The Multidimensional Merge
Chapter 8:
Outside the Ultimate Tyranny
Chapter 9:
Profound New Boundaries
Chapter 10:
A New Paradigm of Light
Chapter 11:
The Name of the Game
Chapter 12:
It's an Awesome Task to Carry Light
Chapter 13:
Whose Purpose Are You ?
Chapter 14:
Emotions-The Secret in the Chronicles of Time
Chapter 15:
Earth's Initiation Through Integrity
Chapter 16:
Heretics Ahead of Time
Chapter 17:
The Language of Light
Chapter 18:
Symphonies of Consciousness
Chapter 19:
Igniting the Internal Flame
Chapter 20:
Sexuality - A Bridge to Higher Levels of Consciousness
Chapter 21:
Your Commitment to Evolve in 3-D
Chapter 22:
The Galactic Tidal Wave of Light
You need to be a member of Ashtar Command - Spiritual Community to add comments!
Another good book from Barbara Marciniak is "Family of Light", written in 1999 and published in 2000. VERY GOOD READ. PERFECT TO FOLLOW 'BRINGERS OF THE DAWN'!
Namaste in Love & Action
" Earth: Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library"
" Family of Light: Pleiadian Tales and Lessons in Living"
" Path of Empowerment: New Pleiadian Wisdom for a World in Chaos"
To share! Thank you.
Well that must have been a nice dream.
Take care.
"...Professor John Mack's book is therefore an additional influence on mass stultification as is also the book by the American Barbara Marciniak. In her delusional state she perceives herself as a trance medium, and claims -- against all better judgment -- that she receives messages from the Pleiadians. During the 252nd Contact, February 14, 1995, Ptaah stated the following in this regard:
Ptaah: ". . . It pertains to a certain person called Barbara Marciniak who, in her delusions, perceives herself as a trance medium, while she is, truthfully, nothing more than an obscure person and fantast (WV) of the same category as Fred Bell. She is engaged in shady wheeling and dealing regarding (WV) other people on Earth as well as herself by purporting to have contacts with an energy collective from the Pleiadian star cluster. The truth is that in this cluster there exist only very young, blue and extremely hot celestial bodies which are completely incapable of supporting any type of life form -- be it in coarse material, semi-material or spiritual form. All claims made by this obscure person and fantast (WV) are simply her own inventions and fantasies and there is not the tiniest shred of truth in them -- except, possibly, for a few items she has plagiarized from your written material. She reproduced many contact conversations you and I held and, without obtaining your permission, she usually produced these documents from material which had been stolen from you. Regarding the fact that there exists no intelligent or any other type of life on the Pleiades -- hence, neither an energy collective nor any similar terrestrially-invented foolishness -- we have received a related confirmation from the Arahat Athersata..."
I'll be glad to hear about another version apart from these ones. Barbara's and Meier's.