BROADCAST 0X8X1XI Nov 21, 2012 thru Kibo
Thus saith The Lord God (Papa Source)
You all exist as part of My consciousness
My thought of you in all things
As I experience all things.
An experience of experiences
In a universe of universes
And more
Far beyond your comprehension.
Know that there are universes, galaxies, systems, planets, civilizations
Far older and grander than yours
Ye ones are not the center of the universe
Nor are you the center of reality
Nor the center of My full attention
For I give My full attention to all as one.
You live on a small planet that spins and orbits on the edge of your local system
Which is on the edge of your constellation system
Which is on the edge of your major system
Which is on the edge of your universe
Which is on the edge of your superuniverse
Which is the last of seven superuniverses
Yet you think
That what you think about things
Means more than what the rest of your universe thinks AND KNOWS.
For truly you know little of nothing
Of the works of your surroundings
Yet presume yourselves to be important to the whole of creation….but why?
What is your singular distinction in all of creation
That ye should feel so favored?
Know ye not that ye are known far and wide
As the planet that murdered God?
He bestowed Himself upon you to show you the way of the Father Source and Center of All
And you nailed Him to wood and watched Him give His Spirit back to The Father
Asking forgiveness for you in your ignorance….and that is what you celebrate
You celebrate the sacrifice of the cross
And ignore the decision of the cup
Where the God and Creator of your universe
Gave and submitted His Will
To the Father of all things
You, who claim to be His followers, yet cannot seem to find His footsteps
Can you say that you have done the same?
He gave you the way of peace
Of love and light
And life eternal
You insist on acting like the ignorant children of old
Ye follow the scriptures designed for you
Corrupted by the tribe of Satan
Minions of the Anunnaki
[who came to the light, unlike their former minions]
I, even I
And the same Son of God that you murdered
Have sent to you Uriel
To declare MY Will for peace
The Will of My Christ Son, for peace
And still you clamor for war
Thinking that it will please Me
And bring about My Will
And claim that prophecy
Given to thee as warnings
That ye may be able to change
Are written in stone and cannot be changed
And so you think My Will is for you to blindly accept what you are told from without, from your preachers and priests and rabbis and imams. You have no faith in or within yourselves and so you hold faith in men and refuse to believe that you and I are with and within each other as one.
It is better to believe in Me than to believe in men or nobles, or popes or politicians. Yet you stubbornly limit yourselves to being physical beings blindly stumbling through your attempts to understand spiritual experiences. When, in reality, you are spiritual beings of My consciousness, having a perception of physical experience for the purpose of training and learning to achieve the perfection I have promised you and the Christhood that comes with it.
You insist that Uriel must be a demon because he comes in the last days and speaks not of Glory to Me or to the one you call Jesus. Know ye not His true name? Esu Immanuel in Christ Michael of Nebadon. Yet if our Archangel came to you by His true name, ye would reject him even more than you do now. Know that in doing My Will and delivering the message that I willed to be delivered, he does indeed, glorify Me.
You ask, ‘Why this one?” Why not? Who are you to say who is who and what is what? You would prefer that I sent him to you? Believe me, I have tried. But your hearts and minds are closed and limited and will accept nothing less than your own programmed, processed beliefs. I understand why you do what you do concerning these times, but know that, in this day and age, your understanding should have increased and expanded to include the greater reality of which you are a part. You act as if you are the only civilization in existence that knows of God and serves Him and anything else is suspected of being demonic when quite the opposite seems to be true to the many thousands of truly civilized worlds and civilizations that have found the glory of God within themselves and have acted accordingly to live in love and light, in obedience with My Will and the Will of their Universe Sovereign and Creator. They have evolved far beyond your understanding from your small limited perceptions of life, eternal and infinite and so they have come here in service to aid you in your struggle to be free from the great evil that lives among you and controls the illusory matrix that, laughingly, you call civilization….and you call them demons, as well….
You kill each other in My name and expect Me to choose a side, whatever is your side, against all others, when such evil is against My Will.
Ye have yet to learn how to love each other as yourselves…can you truly say you love Me?
The anti-christ that you fear, yet anticipate and have been taught to desire in coming so that you may see the final days fulfilled, has been among you all this time. You think that it is just one person, when it is simply a figurehead for a people that own and control you and every aspect of your lives except the Divine Life of God Within You. There, they cannot touch you, but few have found this station of rest and replenishing….instead you have foolishly done as you have been taught to do….refrain from evolving spiritually and ridiculing and attacking all those that have. So be it.
Ye have been told that the sword has been held high and now it is on the way down. Ye laugh at our delaying, without thinking that it has all been for your sakes, that you may yet see and hear within and finally see and hear the true reality that surrounds you…..all have been called yet all too few have answered the call and fewer still have done the work needed to be chosen. I care not for what you think of yourselves in your arrogance, thinking that your affiliation with this religion or that group will save you. You are all spirit and your present, physical circumstances are but covering for your real selves while you struggle to work out the declining cycles of your karmic accounts. Black has been white, Palestinians have been Zionists and vice versa. Rich and poor have been poor and rich. Masters have been slaves and slaves have been masters. You have, in every way, been each other, but without the inner wisdom of divine communication, without an open, inner mind and heart, you will always concentrate upon your separation and differences instead of what unifies you in ME.
I unify all things in Myself as one. I AM HERE AND NOW. Do not look for me way back then, as you do in justifying yourselves for refusing to evolve your understanding of circumstances and events among people of an even more limited understanding that you. Do not overly concern yourselves with the future except to take each moment in What I Am and work together with ME as WE create the future together. If you cannot make such a leap of consciousness in faith and goodwill as to better effect Our relationship and more, interactive co-creation, then please try your best to act and be in love, with ME, as I love you infinitely and eternally, and with yourself and each other, that this world may finally see and realize peace and abundance, for in the future, only those that can be and do, act in and know this way, will be My Faith Children on Earth/Gaia, grown up and graduated, and given stewardship of this world ascended.
Heed the voice, the mind and the heart of The Father Within you and know that therein, is also the voice of The Son and The Holy Spirit, in the Trinity as you know it.
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Uriel-Wrap up
By AA Uriel thru Hazel
Nov 19, 2012 - 10:13:10 PM
Wrap up time
AA Uriel thru Hazel Nov 18.
I have chosen to direct this message to the one who has placed herself at my disposal. She has offered to be the bearer of this my directive. I have come before now to alert one whom I have chosen to bring forth a short yet searing imagery that would depict what your world has to envision in a pronounced moment that will conclude a restless phase in your earth’s history. I chose to make that announcement to one who has not yet before been a bearer of messages so that others could see it through a fresh pair of eyes.
Many continue to dwell in denial of the truth and continue to carry the torch of the old and worn out teachings. This will not serve them for they will have to confront the very lies that have been spewed to them for ages and which they repeat ad nauseum.
The truth seldom sits comfortably. There remain many in ignorance of what is to transpire. The truth is too overwhelming and farfetched. They cannot consider a new world for to do so will upset their painted picture of what they know. But so shall it be. For the time is at hand now. Tremors will be felt on your earth plane as the earth kicks off her olden shoes in preparation for new wear. This is the primary time which precedes major activity on your earth. It has been foretold by the Father what is to be expected. Your linear time is moving very quickly now.
Your earth is being positioned for the final moment in the grand cycle which will terminate her revolution. This cycle will culminate in a darkened hue over lighting your sun that her rays may be regressed into her form but for a short time. You call it an eclipse but we refer to it as a ‘solar closure’ albeit a temporary one for a specific purpose. She will cease to smile but for a time as the rancid elements of your earth are ejected. So it is in indeed true how the story goes; for many of you think that this is a tale. This story I am here to tell you will have a real ending and all shall witness it. It is best that you seek now your own validation from the angels of the Divine so that you could prepare yourselves accordingly. Denial based on historical information will not serve you. Heed my words; there will be an ending to the charade and the Father has chosen the method to ease the pain of the earth before she makes her ascent.
The globe will enjoy days of darkness and when the light comes on again a new feeling will be had by all. This is not doomsday as some have prophesied. This is in fact the day of deliverance; Divine deliverance. No aliens are coming to steal you or your planet, but your star brothers will come to your rescue; your star brothers of pure light. Do not be fooled by the naysayers and the fear mongers- seek the truth and only the truth and you shall be given. Cleanse your mind from your beliefs and programming; for what is going to happen will happen and we the guides of the earth do not wish to see you flounder in confusion.
So I Uriel come to announce that indeed I am real- quite real and very present as a Divine energy working with your earth and humanity. It will behoove you to at the very least to consider what I say and seek confirmation from your inner divine.
Uriel come to say that this is wrap up time, so join us in serving the truth and let go of the lies as the time for its death is upon you,
Peace be with you.
I AM Uriel of the ONE light.
Candace: yesterday in my work with CM I mentioned a GLP thread in which one there received a stunning vision with AA Uriel and he took quite a beating. He is the one refered to in this piece above.
I have come before now to alert one whom I have chosen to bring forth a short yet searing imagery that would depict what your world has to envision in a pronounced moment that will conclude a restless phase in your earth’s history. I chose to make that announcement to one who has not yet before been a bearer of messages so that others could see it through a fresh pair of eyes.
The GLP thread is: